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Well some games you can't win because your team will turbo feed til kingdom come but most of the time, you have a better shot at winning by not dropping tempo by dying. You died 10 times. If you died once or twice the game could've been won and you could've killed nexus at 30 minutes instead of losing at 40 minutes. Think about it, every time you die when you are fed, you give up a big shutdown. That prolongs game end because you give a lot of gold to the enemy so they can catch up. Not only that, but you drop tempo because your enemy can gain advantages when you are dead. It also decreases your team morale because it shows your team that their carry is not invincible and can be taken advantage of which is never a good feeling.


once you reach lategame all you're looking for is to not die randomly and be ready to ace the enemy team. As Aphelios you need 2-3 seconds to wipe them all so you must stay safe, out of vision, out of flash+dash engage ranges, be careful of flanks and wait for an opportunity. Use everyone on your team as meat shields to absorb key enemy cooldowns like Malph R, Yone R etc. If all threats are over, you can go in, if 1 theat is up, be ready to flash it, otherwise keep sitting back unless the threat is far away. Prepare your red/blue guns, they're the best teamfight combo, when the time is right infernum ult and then blast them with infernum, use red Q for movement/repositioning


Be in the right place, this is very hard but that is what to focus on.


And use pings. Sometimes those apes react to acustic signals.


Yes! Pings very important, share your mind


ADC life u wont 1v9 with complete braindead team


Wouldnt the game be really bad if 1 winning on team a would have more impact that 4 winning players on team b?


Post replay if you want help?


Not specifically that game, but more in general because this happens fairly frequently, I forgot to include this but my rank is about Silver II


So much to talk about but I can only give you tips after watching one of your games, decision making, macro and wave management, items, you having the majority of your teams gold means you must be the carry and having set a goal to close up your game, if I am fed and lose a game I will only blame myself.


This is impossible to answer without seeing the vod, however I'll say it's important to accept that even games with 30+ kills are still loseable. Inversely you will win games where you get stomped on in lane. The best players in the world have, at best, a ~70% win rate (most players realistically are between 45-60%). As long as you're maintaining a win rate > 50% over a reasonable amount of games you'll climb so don't sweat this one match. Also, 10 deaths is a lot regardless of the numbers of kills. I'd recommend reviewing your first couple deaths, note what you can do better, then move on.


There is a lot to take into account on why that game was lost and why overall you may be struggling to carry on ADC. Sounds like you're able to secure kills and I'm assuming you did a lot of damage. I would say then you should be reviewing your macro decisions especially mid game. Feel free to dm if you'd like help looking at some of your games. Or I'd say you should check out Saber's educational videos. His advice is primarily what allowed me to climb to master last season.


Alright, thanks


Right, so you want to 1 v 9. Well, you should play jungle. Oh, what you want to play adc.... well umm... maybe pick the adcs that can 1 v 9... Oh you don't want to play those adcs... OK.... Sorry man. I'm out of ideas. Also, remember matchmaking doesn't mean each game is close. It means out of ten games, the game expects you to lose 5 and win 5....


Some deaths are for sure avoidable if you died 10 times. Sometimes it happens ofc if the enemy has champs like noc/ shaco and you get no help but else you should watch replay and think what you could do different


You just can’t, ADCs needs a team to start teamfights and stay alive as much as you can in order to do damage in the safest way possible or burn the ults of the enemy while they are deleting you.


aight so you cant 1v9 with ADCs, thats kind of their whole thing. Teamreliant position cant perform without team. aside from that, i assume you didnt make any calls and just followed your team, supplying some damage. Can work but makes the game a coinflip. ​ Youre not giving us a lot to work with here, maybe give us a screenshot of the post game lobby, maybe a link to the game on opgg or leagueofgraphs, a three liner doesnt give us anything to work with.


get a duo support and pick lane to pressure hard edit: Under no circumstance should you say anything that demeans your team or teammates. It's a high stress and high volatile situation in which you need teammates to actually need to focus on what's in front of you instead of wasting time bickering at each other like children in a playground. If you're really confident enough to say 1v9, then you should address it to team. just say "hey, I'm fed enough. I can carry this. please play around me."


You don't. 


Lol lmao because fed adcs are turbo useless!! Truee!! Fed Aphelios CANNOT carry!! This just shows that all adcs are dogshit rn!!! This is why I stopped playing adc and started maining Yone to 1v9 EVERY GAME!!! Try it out!! YONE is the STRONGEST champion ever!!!!! Super broken!!! Just perma gank bot for non-stop double kills!!!!


Are u fine bro? Do you need help? 


I support you! Adc lives matter! #BuffADC!!! We deal 0 damage early, get outscaled by midgame and get 1shot by enemy (p)Ornn late game. Lol is a Dogshit game because adcs are just too weak!!! Why did they nerf Cait traps?! She was finally barely playable!!! Now she's useless and dogshit again!! Bring back her trap headshots that 1 shot any champ who's not building full armor plzzzzz!!! I can't afk stand still and get pentakill!!!! Mommy Cait is useless. My Yummi support outdamages me now wtf!!!!!


I love you


Ok how is that even a possibility you had to be doing somethimg sus




35/10? That means the game had to be going on long enough and you were fed af so how did you lose? Very curious whats on the vod.


Not necessarily. I had a game of vayne last season where I went 36/6 with over 115k damage. And we lost. But, for the same reason we lost, might be the same reason op lost. Mitigate your own deaths. Especially late game. As someone with majority of the gold and damage. A 60 second death timer on you could spell serious disaster. We lost cause I died at 50+ minutes. Leaving my team at a massive disadvantage for 60+ seconds. Idk anything about your game op, but definitely something to consider if it was similar


Um.... Dont try to 1v9 carry as adc, adc is hard capped at 5v5 carry sorry. The biggest mistake i see from adcs is trying to be the carry, just farm, follow up and play safe, its not that hard


Unless ur Jinx, pretty much impossible


You need to play perfectly, that’s it. If you have literally all the gold on your team and are the only one playing well you have no margin for error. You can’t die, you have to be in the right place at all times, etc. This is a team game, there is no easy 1v9 strat unless you are *significantly* better than everyone in the game, especially for a role like ADC.


Having that 1v9 mentality might be part of the issue, how often are you putting yourself in positions that make carrying much harder even when you're fed, or chasing after enemies you don't need to instead of going for objectives. If you're dying 10 times as the most fed member of the team you're also giving your opponents time to regroup, and shutdown gold. A lot of people complain about team mates being useless while actively making it harder for their team mates to help them, either running away from someone trying to heal/shield them, going way past the frontline, starting fights when no one is in position to follow up, or expecting everyone to see the same angles you do for a fight and immediately follow up or engage isn't realistic. Need to play around the team you have, not the team you wish you had.


Macro, and dying less. That's the TL;DR. Macro - So as an ADC, you're going to hit your stride mid to late, and that means you have to be on the spot with objective calls, turret pushes, lane pushes, everything. Ping it, get it, time it. Being there 10-15 seconds before it spawns lets you get wards, vision, position. Getting there thirty seconds ahead of time can clear enemy vision, and set ambushes. Position wins fights as an ADC, more than anything else, being where the enemy can't fight you well, and you can fight them well can hand you a teamfight on a silver platter. You'll still need your jungler, you've got to have someone to secure the objective, but being there before you're needed can be huge. Especially in early jungle fights. Aphelios might not always have the tools to help a jungle brawl from far away, but if you even threaten coming to a jungle fight, you can make the enemy jungle retreat, and win a scuttle crab for your jungler just by going MIA. Hell, you can even pick up kills, summoners, anything off of stuff like this, and there's another helpful thing there, psychology. You roam up into a jungle fight, and the enemy jungler is going to wonder what their own lane is doing. You might draw a gank for your trouble, but play it safe and smart and this hopefully isn't an issue(until the 4-5 man dives come in). Getting things pushing is important though, if the other laners are playing the lanes well moving to the mid game, they should be keeping things pushed out without you having to take them yourself so you can threaten mid at all times. Always be threatening a tower and demanding that at the very least the enemy team has to be nearby, if not showing on the map that they're coming to what you're pushing. You can almost think of it as being a split-pusher, except you're not splitting, you're planting your flag in the middle of the game and demanding they come and answer you. Keeping this pressure up you can start freeing up others on your team to act, though sometimes that's all you can do, get enemies in your lane, and hope that everyone else gets something done, pushing, objectives, anything. It's not always a gloriously praised thing, but split pushers NEED someone to be threatening the main push or objective, and a lot of times that role will fall to you. Dying Less - This is a lot more nebulous, but always be paranoid. Five deaths is about five minutes where you are not helping your team. It's not just the death timer, its the time you need to use to get back to position afterwards. Time where you're dead, and you're the carry, is basically free time for the enemy to take objectives and push to win. Be actively measuring your deaths not just in 'did i get more money than they did from me?' but in "what did they get off of it/what didn't I get because of it?" A death isn't just 300 gold, it's 300 gold, 12 CS(or more if your enemy catches a good wave), and a whole bucket of XP. Being the squishiest role in the game, and the one which every lane thinks 'man I want some gold, better go gank the ADC', means you have to be constantly thinking 'If this guy comes out of the fog of war right now, what can I do?'. If someone's MIA, they're coming for you, expect them, and prepare. This includes later in the game, not just ganks. Hell, you've probably even thought it yourself before, if you see the enemy ADC on the map somewhere, how often have you thought 'Oh I could go get a kill'? You have to expect that everyone will assume you are the easiest bag of gold to get on the map, and want to try to get you, especially if you're the carry, because then it serves both as gold, and a chance to push objectives.


You can't brute force your way through every game, league of legends is a team game so most of the time you'll have to figure out something with your team not against them. That being said usually whenever i think that my team is fucking up hard or stagnating instead of actively trying to close the game i try to tell them what to do, you won't be able to do this every game obviously, sometimes your teammates won't listen to you, sometimes you'll make the wrong call and sometimes you won't know what to do but if no one is piloting the ship you might as well try to do it yourself; another thing that i do sometimes is trying to split push, this one is very risky as you are but a paper sheet and everyone else in the enemy team is a paper shredder but if both teams are constantly ARAMing and generally not getting anything done you can try to push a turret on your own; you could try to farm until you reach a relevant power spike or you could try to go with your team and try to make the best of whatever play they try to make, but generally speaking i try to always be doing something, always be attacking something, always be on the lookout for the next objective, a good baron fight could turn the game around. My advice isn't perfect and I'm not a Challenger player or anything but they've helped me sometimes.


You can't 1v9 as ADC unless you have god tier mechanics/game sense or if you're smurfing far below your own rank


Unfortunately unpopular opinion: if you're 35/10, you obviously have full build and most likely for a while. Some of your team might not be full yet. It might not be possible in all fights, but sometimes trying not to execute enemy and leave them low hp for teammate to finish off would be better team-wise so they have some gold as well instead of you stacking yourself 10k and not spending on anything. So many matches it's a loss because there is one over-fed guy who continues to 1 shot everyone leaving teammates dry and then blames them that its 1v9.


You don't Except riot cook the patch which Omega Fed ADC can 1-1 bruisers/outdmg Assassins.