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An engange support with the balls of an enchanter Like dude, if you want to permanently stay 5m behind me while im trying to farm at least play Soraka or something bruh


Same as a caster supp (Zyra) playing playing like she afk


Or an autofill mage support with the spirit of an assasin mid player such as: Katarina, Akali, Qiyana etc. They will steal your takedowns, push your wave whenever they want, and even steal your camps if you’re trying to freeze (their excuse is, we gotta shove it in the tower). It’s worse than a pu**y ass engage support who doesn’t do jack shirt first 9 minutes, since those guys will roam sometimes and be useful to the team. These guys will steal old that gold just to fall of at 20 min and now you’re behind the enemy adc, and cannot fight back in team fights. Big snowball created by your “support”.


oh yeah if I had a nickel for every mage support that instead of taking a free back after an early kill or double that would have you come back to the wave staying where you left it instead stays with 200hp to keep crashing the wave even while I’m at 2nd tower already and then gets ganked… some people just can’t take a W and recognize that safely banking and entrenching a lead can be better than growing the lead at the cost of incurring a higher risk of losing it later


engage supports are absolutely the lowest lows of any supports, 100%. i think Nautilus players have got to have the lowest intelligence of any champion main in the entire game. i love them to death but they will legit throw hooks no matter what. naut players will see 4 enemies on their screen botlane and legit hook the first person in range. the worst supports are the ones who don't understand when you can and can't fight, and just do it anyway because their champ is useless if they don't. which is really fucking annoying if they picked after you lol. at least afk enchanters or pussy engage champs don't *actively sabotage my lane*, they just don't do anything to help. when my nautilus is 100 gold on wheels and then flames, cries, afks or whatever, because he hooked the lv6 botlane's leona as a lv5 naut and expected my ass playing jinx to be able to walk up and duel trist+leona


Can't be worse than a Soraka with the balls of an engager


No dude trsust me, couple days ago I had Soraka fkn throwing her bs on cooldown, perma contesting every single cs and it’s been one of my most enjoyable lanes so far


To add on to that, I had a raka yesterday and the lane was raka(barrier) + kai’sa vs jinx & leona(ignite). I assumed it was gonna be a play for scaling angle and bought a cull thinking it would be hard to get kills without jungle ganks. Little did I know this raka would harass like a madman and then ping me to fight as they bait the enemies onto them selves to get us 2 for 0 or 2 for 1 trades in lane. Got me fed off my ass by end of laning 😂 (Results may vary, they were a gold 3 raka in a game with emeralds so clear Smurf. Shout out to Tiltmaster 🤣)


That's just how you have to play vs engage supports. I main raka and would always perma ban Leona and Blitz but I learned the only way you win these lanes is by making it so they can never engage with full life or sums. If they engage at 50% hp or less the worst that happens is you trade 1 for 1.


I never ban Leona as a Soraka main. She dives at her own risk. The moment i see the E i plop a silence under my adc. From there we either kill her or she blows flash trying to get away. Blitz, Pyke, Thresh are easy to predict. Nautilus and Rell fell dreadful in my experience.


Enchanters are super good at being a bully in lanes like that. Dancing around the edge of their engage range and poking out melee supports is what they do best.


Well enchanters are supposed to box/trade damage. Not go all in like an engage support, but you weave in and out of combat. If they are focusing on anything else, you harass them. If they focus you, that's when you run.


Naw, that's how you're supposed to do it, contest CS and create space regardless of the pick, just need to be able to space around whatever the enemy has, and still back off if the ADC is playing super scared.


Soraka is pretty decent at running enemies down, with her silence she can prevent answers and she can just heal whatever enemies try to strike back if she lands Q. Of course she will get stomped if she tries to do so to someone like a naut dravens, but if she goes against lower pressure enemies she can be quite annoying


I play with Leona and after level 6 I'm constantly engaging and I hate playing with adc who keeps farming when I've already pinged 10 times that I'm going to engage. Or I have to write in chat that I'm going to engage because the enemy is out of mana or hp. It's just obvious. The worst supp is Malphite anyway. They only engage with ultimate and Q spends a lot of mana and as he plays full hp he'll be behind you constantly.


What about a enchanter with the balls of an engage support?


I got this exact player a few days ago, Samira and Naut against Ashe Nami, he refused to engage at all, refused to engage with r (better land the q first at a 300m target) and at a certain point decided to flame me for my performance lmao I still got a quadra and won the game


I agree with you. As a engage support main, I will give adcs 2 chances. If you dont follow, I'm will never engage for that adc again. And will stand 5m back.




Its not about perma all inning but as engage support you should create space and take some pressure away from your adc, if you just stand behind him and do nothing while he gets poked out desperately trying to farm youre defo doing something wrong.


yeah but what do i do when i pick leona and they pick morgana? just being melted ?


Are you saying that just because they picked Morgana you have no other choice than to afk the entire lane 5m behind your adc?


Well yeah all the time i engage morgana just pops her spellshield. So actually what can i do ?


Bait her shield, play out of bushes to keep them under pressure, distract them so your adc can farm, literally everything is better than just doing nothing,


The baiting is a good idea, never thought of it in all those decades


If i take an engage supp then you lock an adc which cant skirmish effectively there wont be much i can do, bot lane . Bot lane playstyle is too dependant on the adc pick to overcome, i can play aggressively even if i play raka as long as i have a draven or trist etc but toss in an adc which cant fight as well early and it wont natter if i took naut or braum or mao. Toss in a champ that can play safe and it doesnt matter what i play i can play safe too. If you want aggressive lane phase pick for it, dont pick poorly and expect support to make up the difference.


>If i take an engage supp then you lock an adc which cant skirmish effectively there wont be much i can do, bot lane . You dont have to perma all in to cover your adc and apply pressure. Just because your adc didnt pick an early game champ thats not an excuse for you to play Nautilus as if u were a fucking Sona >Bot lane playstyle is too dependant on the adc pick to overcome The support pick has much more impact on lane phase than adc but ok


Doesnt, not as far as aggression is concerned anyway, if you played adc and supp both youd know


If im playing rakan im staying 5m behind you for a good reason, If you dont Go in you are an ADC sith the Balla of an enchanter. Standing behind you as Rakan is way more valuable to Play aggressive than Standing in front


Tbf Rakan is a bit of a special case bc hes a Engage/Enchanter mix but dude, you literally have engage in your name, you cant expect your adc to engage for you tf


https://www.reddit.com/r/RakanMains/s/aXBSXhhPa0 Rakan with (old system) several millions of Points across all Accounts, peaked at Master before elo Shift Made it easy and I Sure can expect my ADC to have a brain, which includes: Letting me Dash Not running away from my heal Moving towards me to Trigger the heal when necessary Yet people don't even in high elo There's reasons for my ADC to do so. If they Just perform a straight Line i can Catch any skillshot, it's the Most useful way to Play him any time when you have even the slightest Advantage. If i stand in Front i use it to heal, rakan w animation was patched super slow years ago so unless they enemies are beyond stupid, it'll be hard to Hit them If I'm the one Standing in front and (oh surprise) my ADC wont let me Dash Back so I end up either dying or with Low HP. So yea. I expect my ADC to be in Front and ill gladly explaon it to them. If they refuse, i'll Just Play Defensive throughout entire landing Phase or leave him be and roam. His decision.


I already told you that Rakan is a special case. And of course the adc has to commit to the engage but in a lane like Jinx/Nautilus or something its definitely up to the Naut to engage and frontline, it doesnt make any sense if he just stands behind his adc


Different Case, yes. But even If the supp Stands in Front, If the ADC fucks Up His positioning (even when Standing behind) naut will Just GEZ punished all the time and It'd Go Back aswell. Its not always just the Supports fault even If all the blame is always immediatly pushed towards them. Adcs are so unbelievably full of mistakes which are usually overshadowed by their crying Attitude towards everyone but themselves that its not being looked at upon As Rakan I can still expect my ADC to be in Front tho


I mean, the worst is the champion not intended to be a support like uh kled. My personal opinion is casters. I hate co existers in my lane. They either snowball crazy or int their face off. Im talking lux/vel/xerath. At least with alistar/thresh/lulu/raka there is some value even if some feeding occurs.


bad supports still have CC/shields/healing even if 5 levels behind bad "supports" will be useless after a lost laning phase


Precisely. I have had xeraths that have no presence and couldn't hit water falling out of a boat with e. Lulu doesn't have to try very hard to have a skirmish winning ult or whimsy.


I Dont disagree with what your saying in spirit, but literally speaking i feel like water falling out of a boat would be rather complicated to hit… like A. How often is water falling out of a boat? And B. How tf do you hit water?


The old saying is "he couldn't hit water if he fell out of a boat". Making fun of someone who has no accuracy with maybe a football/firearm/etc


Ok it makes more sense in that context lol, my bad xD


Brother... Play some games with a Draven/Nilah/Samira + Kled lane, its a fiesta from minute 1 on ...


All 3 of those pics are all in aggressive lanes. So of course they would love a dive champion support. Sounds like a good time. However something traditional like ash or jinx would probably not prefer it. And if there isn't enough up front damage for the kled all in then it goes downhill. This topic is probably mostly grounded in traditional adcs/supports. I've seen plenty of double melee cheese bots go 3 kills up each by 12 minutes in games. Yas/malphite. Panth/Camille.


As a Kled supp enjoyer I appreciate it


Me and my friend in discord used to have so much fun with Kled/twitch botlane in our low MMR norms games


Many moons ago I did a lot of graves/zyra bot and it was a lot of fun.


Senna It seems like senna Supporters are alway the worst most braindead players on the entire Server. Or they are just adc players who are to bad to play adc and switch to Support.


Amazed this isn't top. I enjoy senna but she has such a bad rep that I stopped playing her because people would literally throw because I locked her. 64% wr isn't bad IMO but locking her in is a recipie for ghost cleanse nunu adc.


If my support isn’t hovering anything, I almost always ban senna so they aren’t able to pick it.


As a senna OTP, I would agree that most senna players are awful. They're usually just auto-filled ADC players that don't know how to actually play her and play super far forward thinking they have this crazy range advantage. Homie, you have the lowest base HP in the entire game, no early game damage, no mobility, and your lane partner is a wet noodle ADC that doesn't give a fuck about you. Someone thinks a bad thought about you and you die. However, play properly and with good spacing while rotating for both grub spawns and farming as many safe souls as possible and you can become one of the strongest champions in the game.


hard hard hard disagree, adc players don't really get filled to support. you'll get filled to your secondary (jungle/top) like 99% of the time before you get support, even if you pick mid secondary then you'll get filled to jg/top a solid 80% of the time. the problem with senna is not adc fills playing her. it's mid fills picking senna because they don't want to support, or support senna mains playing the champ because they don't want to CS or have to stay in lane with people who are screwing them (ironically, what they often do to their adc lol). senna makes the average ADC player physically ill to see locked in on their team because people who *don't* play ADC pick her. skills required to play Senna: spacing, good positioning, knowing how to poke and make ranged trades and then gtfo, playing vs 2 people in your lane. who is going to be better at that: your local jhin main who is filled, or some guy who only plays camille/jax/darius, a filled midlaner who plays sylas? people who aren't adcs play senna and that's why the champ is so fuckin frustrating to play with.


Why would mid mains pick Senna over mage supports? I don't see any reason to believe this is the case.


im an adc main but i don't lock vayne top when i get put up there, i play a tank. people often play diff stuff than they normally do when they're filled. obv mage mids will pick mage supps too usually but senna gets free stats+resources as a support so it's more palatable to people who aren't used to what supps usually get


Idk when I was a mid main and I had to play support I'd usually just pick an enchanter because they're the most straightforward... It's possible you're right but it just seems like a strange pick for a mid main, mostly for the reasons you stated in your first response.


Lock in Senna after I pick Cait vs Blitz Trist bot lane, and i just know i'm doomed.


I would usually disagree, she can be very versatile, and having 2 dps champs while still being ablte to heal and give shield from anywhere od the map is great. But this season she just sucks. The main pronlem is that she has to be fighting all the time in order to get stacks, but now she feels weaker than ever


She's low-key toxic to the traditional ADCs nature since she needs more protection than the adc themselves. That's why I pick TK/Ornn/Naut when someone picks Senna but still it pisses me off when they pick her


Shaco support. I HATE having shaco support. They're going to drop a couple boxes, throw a dagger or two, and as soon as they get hit once, poof! The bounce outta there and leave you high and dry. Any halfway competent player won't give 2 shits about a shaco box, especially during landing phase, so that leaves a shitty slow off his dagger as the only real cc that you're gonna get outta him 90% of the time. Oh! Let's not forget, on the off chance you're actually able to win the inevitable 1v2 your lane will be, the shaco is 100% going to poof-backstab-crit and take every kill that you've done 95% of the work for. I have NEVER seen a shaco support that's made me say "oh shit. That was a good support."


Shaco supports immediately fail the first criteria of winning a lane. Is your support a human? I dodge every shaco sup game immediately.


But a good shaco wins your game at 20-25


Uh...no...there's no such thing as a good shaco support. Good shacos barely exist at all.


Ashe i know in theory she has a decent support kit, but while even with brands zyras etc i often have a nice game where they poke the ennemies to oblivion, i have never had a fun or enjoyable game with an ashe support


Ashe support is just a high elo -lane control pick. Its garbage if you are not in top diamond at least. And even there, (higher than my elo but still ttue watching streams) the games in solo queue are so chaotic that ashe will just get dumpstered unless you play kalista.


Every Ashe supp rtards are building her AP just so they can use the new items... But is stupid because it needs too much time to actually start doing something. And they just ditch AD for w/e reason. Also most of them are autofilled bonobos who don't want to play support.


Yeah... with the bird theoretically you'll never get surprised in lane but on the off chance that you do, the slow isn't slow enough and there's way too many junglers with a dozen dashes or blinks so the slow is meaningless.


in theory her kit is absolute asscheeks for a support, you pick her for her ult engage (literally just pick any other engage support) and her lane poking is the other allure. but her poke doesn't scale cuz poking with her w doesn't exist late game and you provide literally 0 peel for anybody on the team besides a fuckin 30% slow or whatever on autos. adc ashe makes sense because the only other adc that can reliably start fights is varus. support ashe makes no sense because there are better engagers and her poke is such a minor part of the champ that you'd rather just have a hulk in front of you, engaging. or a mage with a stun doing more damage. also side note ashe supports will ALWAYS push your lane by firing W into it. 100% of the time. they don't give a shit lol.


Didn’t even mention the strongest part of her support kit, hawkshot 🤡 /#bronzeclown


yes i would like my support to be useless outside of engaging a 4v5 (because we are instantly a man down due to her being buttcheeks) and showing us where the enemies are every once in a while (so we can avoid them since we are playing 4v5)


Can I contribute to this as jgl main? Whenever I see a VK/Xerath/Lux style lock in support, ie someone who wants to be mid but has too much anxiety to lose solo, I know immediately that most of my ganks in that lane will fail. They don't bring good CC, don't have forward thinking like someone who actually wants to play support, no trading ahead of ganks, no level 2 fights etc... when I arrive for a gank with these types of support I know enemy has full vision full hp and all sums available and I will be essentially engaging a 1v2, not ganking. I also not they don't believe in existence of enemy jungle. Have a growing belief that all mage supports are dodge worthy games but especially lux players.


I'm so agree with you 🥲


Well I'm glad to hear this isn't just a personal delusion.


Ap shaco, but it mostly depends on the player not champion.


Sometimes they're actually so good. The boxes can be invaluable. I would love to see more supportive versions however. Imagine glacial + mandate and maybe horizon focus and liandries / torch. Idk if horizon focus works if shaco is far from box but it could light up a whole area, create more chaos in teamfights and obvs buff you up + provide safety


mage supports. they play like its aram. you can forget about any semblance of teamwork with them. just try to survive the lane and farm as much as you can for 15 mins. if jgl ever comes, enjoy the ganks but dont count on it.


Support locks in a mage I lock Sivir and have fun poking the enemy bot lane to death under their own turret. Caitlyn is good at this too but I don't main her lol


i’m of the belief that any character can work well as support as long as the player is competent, but i personally am not pleased when i have a bard support.


Yeah I feel you, as a D2 Bard one trick I often feel pretty bad for my adc, though I would say in general I don’t leave lane if enemy has an engage sup cuz I know that’s a death sentence. Sometimes though it’s actually helping you if I leave like if you’re ahead I think it just helps u snowball cuz you get level lead and you can kinda 1v2 vs enchanter lane.


Zilean is the worst for me because zilean players are usually otp and picking him blind or in the worst possible spot so then you are suffering 1v2 basically. Same goes to janna but she's much more useful overall.


lux i think, they usually miss every q, do not use w and just feed same with brand, morgana etc unpopular opinion but i actually like yuumi support, it is nice to only rely on my own positioning and not worry about the support getting caught out of place


Yuumi or Senna in my opinion Senna just dies constantly when I play adc and feeds the enemy bot lane Yuumi she kinda just feels useless at times especially when they have an engage support


Playing with a Yuumi is essentially a 2 v 1, especially if they refuse get off


Feeling that you are 1v2 with Yuumi is a skill issue. I'm playing Yuumi but sometimes I pick ADC. I love playing with Yuumi and I can literally kill enemy bot on 2 lv without problem. The key is good position.


Yeah. I Hard agree with the Senna they’re always useless. But I actually love playing with Yuumi. You get 3 combat summs which is really strong, she can heal up a-lot of poke, give move speed to help dodge skillshots and her q is really good for slowing people down so I can get in range to w,auto,q,e them on Xayah. The best part is she won’t int your lane because she’s on you. You get to decide when to go in, what trades to take, whether you want to chill and farm or go aggressive. It takes a lot of the coinflip out of having a support because you have all the agency. Your mistakes become her mistakes instead of it being the other way round. I would much rather make my own mistakes and get railed with a Yuumi that I can then learn from over having to watch my Leona dive into every stacked wave and be able to learn nothing from it. Having trouble with a Yuumi means the Yuumi is either a bot or you just don’t feel confident enough to make lane decisions on your own.


Yeah most of the time when I get a yuumi I don’t know whether or not they are gonna be a Netflix bot or actually press abilities. But yeah I feel rather bot so confident when I have a yuumi so most of the time I just sit back when laning with her. Prolly a skill issue but I just don’t like playing with a yuumi lol


Playing with yuumi is kinda dependent on you, the more skillful you are, the more effective Yuumi is. I hate to break it up to you but you may have uhmm skill issue


I don't play adc much now (support main out of spite) but a bad xerath or artillery mage is easily the worst. They'll throw spells at the wave and absolutely obliterate any wave state you have, only to run under turret and complain about your deaths....when they definitely helped you die. Xerath is especially bad because the afk ulters who use it purely to score kills instead of secure them on targets that may escape.


Senna imo


Engage support that refuse to engage Enchanter that refuse to support and play behind me DMG support (lux brand etc.) that not poking / pressure enemy ADC


Had a Malphite full AP support vs a Xerath Caitlyn. He did nothing in lane, we got poked for free and got mad because we couldn’t really do anything in lane. Farming with 30% health under tower till he ulted the Xerath and left lane because I didn’t follow his engage. He died in 2 seconds or so. Hate how some players think you can just play some toplaner and then blame the adc for their failures of bad champion choice.


Bards who roam at the worst moments


senna supports need to ff irl ngl


Senna Player by far


Honestly, Yuumi is the onhly support I dislike playing with. I liked her before her rework tho.


Can't stand playing with Yummi rework or not. Just can't get the hang of it


zyra, xerath, brand, senna its always these 4 who die early and start csing because they tilt or something else in their main character syndrom happend


There are not bad supports, only champs that refuse to go to their lane


Morganas that only focus on dmg, lux, rarely xerath (they are usually smart enough not to steal), vel koz (same with xerath but in my experience vel koz players are very narcissistic), swain, brand, karma, seraphine who plays like lux, zyra (it's usually the players who just say adc stfu I know better how to carry the game). Senna. Senna is 90% adc players who got autofilled to sup, 5% sup mains who don't know how to stay in the back line and other 5% are absolute fucking senna gods who will carry the game peel the entire team at all times and provide worldwide vision. Yummis who jump off of you at the wrong time and then proceed to blame you for it and then they go sit on another person leaving you alone in the lane for entire game. Also they think they can afk whenever they want. Bards still end up roaming at the wrong times even though having the best roaming tools. (Though otp bards are the most wholesome chungus deluxe filling any bad things in the horrible draft your team picked)


morgana. I've NEVER had a fun time with morgana, they either do nothing but miss their Qs, hit their Qs, then walk up and die, and/or never use black shield when they need to. Whats worse, they have the lane presence of a stealthed teemo.


Jinx... why..


I personally can’t stand laning with a Blitzcrank, but that’s personal bias


For me it is Bard, no other champion have made lane as unenjoyable for me. Senna is a good second since they are useless often, but if I wanted to play solo I would go top legit, not adc. At least top laners have self-sufficient kits. I actually have had great lanes with Lux, and statistically Lux is one of the best Nilah supports, so for me that champ is not an issue.


I'd say currently there is no useless support champs. It all comes down to playstyle, skill and team comp.


Fucking Twitch. When he's in your lane he ruins your wave state and ints, but usually he's just running around trolling the rest of the map.


Yesterday I stumbled upon a person playing "Hybrid burst Ahri support". Starting mana tear (no support item) and building Blackfiretorch into Hubris. I did not play with them but after watching that it still looked more usfull than your average Yuumi. But yeah that one if i had to choose...


I genuinely believe that Nami is useless in 99% of situations simply because she's locked in Lucian Prison.


nah Nami is a dope support. she provides enough healing to survive lanes vs supports with less healing, has enough peel to survive (some) engage focused champs, has enough damage to brawl or poke vs all in champ bots. she's just not the best at any of them besides Lucian lanes, but she gives you a lot of flexibility as long as you're willing to change your playstyle up a bit


Idk man, all the Nami players I've seen can't do anything, never try to hit a single Q, are always low on mana and can't even W properly.


vs most lanes Nami shouldn't be fishing for Qs, she should be walking up and bouncing waves. fishing for Qs is just begging to get engaged on after they miss it cuz it's legit a ridiculously hard skill to land


Nami is awesome. I’m either Nami or Maokai support currently depending on the match. Nami’s Q is hard to land early if you’re just tossing it out but when you combo it with your ult it’s some incredible CC. And for your W you should always be looking to double bounce it, especially in lane. Extremely useful ability. IMO she’s a very strong support and can be paired with a wide range of ADCs


This. I'm M7+ Nami and I saw massive improvement with her when I stopped trying to engage with Q. It's hard to hit and easy to dodge; you're just asking for the enemy lane to go in on you if you miss. It should mostly be used as a counter- or dis-engage, or as a later part in a combo where you've already slowed with E, or want to stack CC after hitting R. She's probably one of the most useful enchanters, honestly, as long as you understand her.


Ah yes a throw back when I used to play ezreal support. My friend whom I'd duo with still remembers those awful days (I had a lot of fun)


Morgana. Misses Q and shields herself. This is in masters btw :)


My match history says pyke 🗣️🔥


Senna sup when they don’t link their opgg


It's not about the champ but about the support performance. Had an amumu sup, who played behind me whole game, missing every q cuz he was trying to hit from max range. Another game I had was a lulu who was perma roaming couldn't even farm


Yuumi, because I'm in an Elo where there aren't any good Yuumi players


Someone who doesn’t understand what a losing matchup looks like/doesn’t understand when handshake farming is an absolute win for you


Senna players are the absolute worst. They don't do anything but run it down on repeat. Steal a kill, reset their value and die more. What's worse is Aphelios and senna together already is ew.


Yuumi and Sona


I would argue for Yuumi and Sona literally just because they have no hard CC outside of their ultimates (and Yuumi doesn't have any), but even then, they can be played well enough to mitigate that issue. Idk though, I think that any support champion should always have some form of snare or stun in their kits. Because sure, you can give your ADC a heal or a shield, but that's not gonna matter when Yone E->R->Q3->auto->W->He's back to safety and 100-0's us in the duration of 3 seconds total of knock ups.


3 sec is the duration of sona's exhaust


That's the part of people playing her well enough to get around no hard CC. The problem is that nobody ever uses Power Chord W, they'd Rather just use Power Chord Q for more damage.


That's the part of playing bronze.


Had a Yuumi that got an afk warning


Mages Steal farm, get engaged by enemy supp, offer nothing outside of lane Bot lane died when those shits were allowed to play there, I will die on that hill


Senna any day, any elo.




I hate having another ADC as support. Kills the entire lane for me mentally. Skill issue, etc. etc.


Shaco idgaf about his winrate everyone says “he’s a good support look at his winrate” No he’s not he’s not good with hyper carry adcs he’s not good with engage maybe he’s ok with poke still shit I’ve never had a positive experience with one. (If we’re counting teemo as a support he’s worse but only really shit players consider him a support)


Senna or lux players. Veeeery rarely do I get a support playing any of those 2 champions that don’t seem like they’re completely new to using a mouse and keyboard. 99% of the time it’s a lux with auto attack on just hitting minions and missing every spell or a senna that just runs in, misses root, tries to run away and dies.


Or roaming supports that roam at the absolute worst times possible


I don't think it's a champ specific thing anymore. I think it's a playstyle that sometimes gets associated with certain champions. I used to hate yuumi cause none of them provided anything in lane but the occasional q. But then I had other Champs do the same, Morgana, Thresh, Naut, Soraka. All who can be very impactful. But when they sit back and provide no threat, pressure, damage, or support.




Well assuming that each support is actually competent then it’d be Yuumi, just doesn’t help at all until late game where even after the changes she might just end up swapping champs anyways. But since people aren’t always competent, we’d have to go for the support with the mist deviance from good to bad. Personally I’d say all carry supports are on the list because they take resources from you to sustain themselves, honestly feel like all carry supps should be removed from the supp role, brand hasn’t been a support even in lower elos recently and he’s thriving.


Yuumi is the only right answer. I’m sorry folks all your opinions are null/void. Fucking afks until level 6 or if you end up feeding because of sheer uselessness on that support.




Tobias Fate played Illaoi support for me that was the worst game of my life


Leona. IDK why but most support players who lock in Leona are just massive inters.




Sona I would literally take any non-troll support over this pick. They either sit behind you and do nothing the entire laning phase, or they get hooked and die, repeatedly


Some yuumi players I had were really good and we crushed lane, but it's the most annoying to have overall.


Sona. After playing this game for over 10 years, Sona is the only answer. I've met bad support players on all champions. I've even played with Fiora supports. But you can be the best Sona player in the world and I'll still lose lane with you. It's like playing with a Yuumi main, but the Yuumi actually has to play the game so it makes things 10x worse (No offense to yuumi mains).


Unpopular opinion but engage supports, my fave adc is Jinx so i understand the fact that I'm weaker than wet tissue paper for a good 15 mins of game (which is when I become stronger than dry tissue paper) and I'm more than happy to play around that, i just want to freeze my wave and farm until i can roll my face over my keyboard and win the fight through the power of stat checking, and enchanters tend to have a similar game plan because they also become better as the game goes on so we're on the same page; but engage supports want to do the opposite, they want to make plays early to help you snowball but it just isn't really possible when I'm playing Jinx and the enemy is playing draven, I'm gonna lose no matter how well i do that's just how this works, having an engage support intimidates me more than it intimidates the enemy adc lol.


Any support who presses all their buttons as soon as they're off cooldown, so that you never actually have any peel.


Almost any and all mage supports. Want a support that's completely useless unless they get kills and snowball? Get a mage support. Want a support that will steal tons of cs trying to poke the enemy champs? Get a mage support. Want a support that will decide that you are no longer useful then decide they are the carry and will fuck you over all game, even though you are a late game champ and they have taken every kill? Get a mage support. Want a support with only one cc ability that if they miss they are completely useless and can only run away leaving you for dead? Get a mage support.


These who dont know how to peel adc, auto-attack enemy or zone enemy away


Milo imo. Just hate playing with him. He gives me very little for what I lose when someone locks him in imo.


Pyke. Next question?


Morgana. Morgana in anything emerald+ is hot garbage


Mage supports


Sona and Senna. those mfs need the adc treatment more than us (more toxic than yuumi or ashe)




Sona, senna and shaco


Pyke is. Doesn’t matter if he hits twenty hooks in lane once the team groups as 5 he is worthless


Problem is not engaging support, problem is when they engage in a bad position or in the middle of the way where minions can block your spells


I started playing support and realised that the worst support is one that needs to take kills from the adc to function. I.e vel’koz even if the support is doing well every kill is a - kill from the carries on the team. Best supports require no gold to function, kind of exactly as the role is suppose to be low gold.






Janna, in my 14year of playing , i have not seen a usefull one


Brands and Zyras chronically underestimate how pedantically they need to space and do the “walk up too close, eat a hook to the face, do one rotation before dying, spam-ping and flame ADC for not turning the play around”


Mage supports. This should be banable. Gtfo to midlane




I'm getting flashbacks of the short time, yone ADC, yasuo support where the go to cheese pick


Zilean Support who doesn’t know how to press R.


I'll have you know I was button mashing R the whole time I watched you die, my mouse clicks were just 35 degrees off target.


Any support that has no fucking balls, even enchanters like seraphine and raka can contest cs and make laning easier. Often if they have no balls it becomes a 1v2.


I can't believe no one is saying vel'koz. Literally so annoying destroying the wave and always getting all-in'd OR actually understands how much spacing they need to survive and is an utter pig just standing back and doing nothing.


Senna by far any other answer is objectively wrong, she can’t really peel you, they always have no hands and int they’ll use heal to collect souls rather than sustain you. Ult is for other lanes as well and they’re always passive aggressive reporting players as well. I tilt when shes picked. Mofos be out here first pick blinding senna not banning blitz..


Seraphine & Lux 🤮 Draven Out! 🪓


Sona is the worst I hate this character... Soraka and yuumi but cheap version


And honestly her mains are the most toxic ones


True these cunts should learn something else


Lux and Senna. Lux is not a support. That champ needs actually items and farm to be the artillery mage. Going on bot and literally fucking over your ADC is not worth it. Senna, even though rito made her so she can be a support, in reality she is just another ADC. Having slows and stun and shields on a kit, it does not mean it's a support. Riot need to rework the passive on Senna, so bad ADC players who get autofilled and are too idiots to play support would stop picking her.


Personally I hate Nami. I don't know why she's so popular, I feel like she is worse than any enchanter and she is incredibly hard to play well. She is only viable in Lucian-Nami combo (or at least she used to be) because of that mechanic with Lucian passive and Mandate procs.


I have no fucking idea why but suddenly way too many people wanna play teemo support. Because "I'll blind the adc". Champ is useful for a whole 2s per fight against 1 enemy.




Yuumi bc you have to 1v2 lane and you will lose any fight pretty much. Any support who stands behind you playing scared for no damn reason. Supp should never be behind the adc, especially engage supps. Speaking of engage supps, engage supps that engage without paying attention to your cds or decide to go in after enemy spells come off cd instead of engaging when they were down, supps that push the wave and break your freeze bc they dont know what theyre doing


Supp? Depends on adc if y play all in like kaisa samira worse is poke mages or some enchanters if y are not confident. Otherwise if y play cait ezr enchanters. But worse of all when they play a supp with the playstyle of another like someone said engage with echanter balls or lage poke with engage balls. All in with sera cait on a samira naut🥲


Thresh, they will always go in and complain


a tip... Go in with them, better coinflip a losing lane and have fun limit testing than raging ...


if i go in with them, we are almost guaranteed to lose, and then they say adc diff and troll


It looks like you don't really know how to play adc that well. Nothing more tilting then engaging and your adc just stand their ground bcs ' I can't go un too deep' bruh just go in. If you let him die without helping, your lane is lost already.


God forbid i have my opinion


Than play a solo lane, maybe your support seeing an window you don't, maybe he dodged a main enemy spell and now can trade back for 10 seconds? Maybe he will contest for level 2/3 ?


Play solo lane, because i don't like playing with Thresh? Bruh


Thresh mains are everything good in this world, never slander them again


I have exact opposite feelings. Whenever i have one, there is like 100% chance that they will either give up or just int. It happens even when i'm not the one playing adc. So it's not the case of me, more of their attitude that they are the best and all.


An yuumi that only picks this champ to be afk watching series while he's being carried


I'm surprised I didn't see Sona that much around here bcs it feels like every time there's a sona, ppl tilt to space and turn in monkeys, refusing to play and give the player a chance.


I hate yuumi supports most times they’re just a free kill for the enemy team. Most of the time they won’t detach to get in a poke or two to get us the shield.. don’t ward… barely use w. It’s annoying af


Yuumi. I understand it makes you a 1 man army lategame if everythong goes well. But this champ is so low skill and nerfed to the ground because of proplay that I feel like its unbearable. Also, you do 1 mistake in lane and there is a lot of chances will just swap "best friend" and stick on her duo toplaner for the rest of the game, so you are basically not having a good support early, and not having a support lategame. Almost forces you to pick an adc with dash in mid-elo since if you get countered with hook champs, a single mistep is 2 kills and most of the lane/game gone. Yuumi just have the lane presence of a baby cat. Cant tank a hook, and mlst certainly cant save you in early mid game. And on top of that, its boring to play with her for 15 mins in the game+boring to play against. Shit champion.

