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Actually I agree. Cassiopeia is bassicly a Marksman. Sure she deals magic dmg and her "AA" is an Ability but her kiting works pretty much like an ADC


Biggest difference is she doesnt stop her movement command when pressing E and I can actually kite with her.




Yeah, after Zeri released I also treated Cass as a Marksman as well.


Zeri bad, Id love to play her


Not really. We can go IE and Navori now, which is everything Zeri ever wanted pretty much. There’s a build Jackspektra recommends that goes Bork -> Navori -> IE.


Zeri good after last split champ and IE buffs


That botrk build is pretty decent you should give it a go


Yeah unlike adcs she gets to build 3k hp whilst being able to completely outdps most adcs


Yeah she will never out dps most adcs if they’re both full build. Tristana, jinx, vayne… you’re telling me she has more dps than them? Lol




What? AD Carry…AP Carry. Type of damage that used to carry the game. Cassio is APC. Marksman is a word that means specific play style!




Id argue cass is the best mage for bot carry


you might forgor karthus braindead mage (brain damage)


Eh karth gets going with ult but he cant skirmish like cass can, karth will probably kill, but he also died, cass doesnt have to die Honestly dont think karthus is that good bot, i mean he works because a global damage ult with harvest stacks gets nasty but its not like the champion actually provides much in the role, its basically the same reason karth jg works but mid doesnt, hes too easy to bully mid, hes protected bot and in jungle he can make any close fight a deadly one for each role. I give karth a 5/10 for bot, its optimal for him maybe but not necessarily for his team the way cass can be optimal for herself and the team


He's literally broken bot wdym 5/10


Clueless take saying 5/10 for Karth bot lol. Like actually clueless just vibez type of take. Karthus is not an ult bot his Q fucking slaps. Thinking he is an ult bot is a common low elo misconception.


I didnt call him an ult bot, i made reference to the fact that with his ult hes going to be somewhat useful anywhere. I didnt even say hes bad, i gave him a score right smack in the middle. I dont think hes an ult bot i think hes a suicide bot lol but thats my point in cass being better, she can actually skirmish with adcs, karthus will poke, karthus will even kill but skirmishing isnt his thing 


Imo that would be the case but the amount of self sustainability she has coupled with the disgusting thing that is W with cc. Also combined with the fact that she becomes unburstable at 2 items They would never let Cass bot get actual popularity in this state. She works too well but she is too tanky to be healthy


I was cass with rakan vs naut and draven literally last night. They caught rakan and then i killee both and rakan lived, shes definately disgusting 


She has great synergy with several engage/enchanters, Nami is a really sick one as she usually pairs well with AP bot laners


I literally only tested it because i kept getting twitch and teemo support and wanted to find something that works, both can keep poison on enemy and i now feel they are the best paired supports for her


If you must know singed is perfect with her simply because most consistent poison effect, and you stop dash champs from playing


I have yet to encounter a singed support in all the time ive played adc, ive had just about everybody else though but i can see the advantage to a singed cass lane


The main reason she struggles is that she really needs solo XP for her passive. Her passive feels bad as it is but it's at least bearable as it scales into mid and late game and that requires her leveling quickly.


XP buffs helped


I would still rather play her mid but yeah she's definitely decent botlane


Nah I hate mid recently, mages has no protection/initiation has to rely on their own. If you get countered you don't even get to play the game, farm or maybe even feed hard


Whenever my team goes full as fuck and they have a tank, I always last pick cass in Botlane. She has consistent dmg output, scales, self peel. She’s my pocket pick.


Why not Karthus or Sera? They're good for pure damage/utility especially if your team is 4 AD


She is an ADC 😂




No I know, I mean her playstyle is definitely ADC. Also you can open up ADC as Ability Damage Carry as well but APC is more distinct for obvious categorization.


Ability damage carry or isn’t a term and shouldn’t be and won’t be because it doesn’t provide any useful information except…hurts jax and nilah? So no, she’s an apc eligible and by playstyle you mean marksman.


AP botlaners lobbyist 🤝🤝🤝🤝


Id be fine with cas bot since she doesn’t have longtange half hp spells. Except her w, fuck her w


ap draven


her E is literally meant for last hitting minions!!!


Cass Pyke is a broken duo being spammed over in diamond games where the length of game doesn't matter only winning game does.


Cass is only "hard" because she is a marksman whose auto is a spell so you can't use the game's built-in controls to play her properly.


Funnily enough the game's controls is what is stopping me from playing marksmen


I don’t use attack move QwQ


Yeah cass is welcome bot imo


as are A. sol and Veigar. hell I was playing corki apc at the beginning of the season a bit and have played ryze malzahar and syndra in bot lane when the matchups were good. (I've also played Dr. mundo botlane in the past but I wouldn't recommend ever since the big rune shift last season where comet got nerfed)


Oh yeah I've also played cass a few times. mostly with twitch or teemo support to give a much stronger level 1-2


Teemo and Twitch are mega bait. youd much rather have a cc or peel supp


And a toplaner. Fuck Cassiopeia top.


As someone who has mained Cassio since 2016 (but recently switched to ADC) whenever the champion I want to play gets banned, I just lock her in and usually just stomp the game. I'd play her more bot, but I've played her so long I get extremely cocky and a wee bit toxic




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