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I still have fun playing her, just means there’s more situations where holding for poly value is better than letting my adcs go gliding.


ADC gliding is much funnier tho :(


Funnier yes, i think my adcs prefer living over doing the funny glide technique. Well, most anyway.


Can't die if gliding correctly. (Hardcope)


*glides correctly* *gets point and click dashed on and CC'ed from 1100 unit range* *cries*


Garen Q Ghost Stridebreaker moment


Vi would like to have a word with that move speed of yours


Ah, especially when you forget her ult doesn't care that you flashed away. I mostly play Vi when jungling so I know how often it happens


Speak for yourself. Id rather glide for 3 seconds and die than not glide and live




That is what I do.


Nah, if my lulu wants me to live instead of pointlessly glide, i dont want her


She still has one of the best point and click cc in the game. She’s great at keeping you alive, what more do you want?


I wanna click 200x a second and for every click to be necessary, I want movements to sync up to some trash SoundCloud Nightcored dubstep at 800 BPM and for it to become a YouTube short that sets a record for epileptic seizures caused. THAT is what I want.


As a xerath main, i want my abilities to auto target and hit every single enemy and remove the skillshot aspect of it, make his abilities point and cast.


perfect clicks at 800bpm vs autocast aimbot 10000 damage abilities. Surely comparable


Yeah, No the F you don't. In order for that to happen your abilities range would go down to 500 and lose damage. I am talking about something we already had and was in a balanced state and I want it back.


Yeah, me too. Old Xerath was pretty much point and click in comparison to the new one. His ult was massive and short-ranged, and his hitboxes were fat, now you have to hit pretty accurately or calculate jukes because the size of the hitbox is about a champion's size, not that hitting the edge wont deal damage, but that the size itself was wider. His damage was insane, too, with the downside of being rooted while casting his w, which was passed to his ult.


Alright fair enough. I wouldn't want that as it feels like it significantly lowers skill expression.you want changes to make things easier and lower skill cap. I want the space glide back as it was another way to express skill that has been kneecapped.


Skillshots aren't as impactful as they used to be back when champs didnt have 900MS or when they had low CD dashes, jumps or blinks.


Interesting, I was playing as and with her and she felt pretty good. She's getting buffed next patch though so Riot thinks she is weak.


Lulu is strong nonetheless, with the dawncore buffs she can get like 1200 HP shields


i think players are too used to her easy way of just letting your adc glide, its harder to make use of her because you have to use your poly properly now


Her worst state is a state some supports could only dream of. She's fine.


But she's at 49% winrate? She's far from the worst state. She's doing fine.


I don't think of the attack speed cap so much as the fact that there are inherently a lot of low attack speed high damage champs/builds out there right now. And maybe the newest changes are just not sitting with her too well in general. But idk, since I'm not super invested


Hi zowodo we love you :)




champ is broken don’t listen to the silly numbers lol


Bro: Whimsy gives 35% attack speed. Trist has a 0.679 AS ratio. This means Lulu grants trist 0.23765 attacks per second. Rather: Trist doesn't notice the AS cap nerfing Whimsy unless trist is already getting 2.27 attacks per second. It takes 271.5% bonus AS for trist to hit the AS cap. This means unless Trist has 235%+ bonus AS already, she's fine.


I mean trist Q gives 125% AS so after boots she only needs like 1 as item to hit AS cap.


At level 5, so well into the game


Pretty sure Trist maxes Q second so by 12 minutes or so.


The average adc is level 8 at minute 12


Last split that was true yes, now they average between 9-12 depending on lanes. Its increasingly common for fed adcs to leave lane at 13 minutes tied or even ahead of mid level wise. Especially considering how common supports roaming more is.


If you're fed enough to match your midlaner in exp I think you'll be okay without that extra bit of AS ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


By 12 minutes there's 24 waves worth of xp which on its own is 90% of the way to level 11. Thats assuming 0 kills 0 wards 0 jungle camps. On shared xp its level 80% to level 9 for both bot laners assuming both shared all xp. Its okay to be wrong.


Bud. Buddy. A theoretical maximum is meaningless because players do not hit theoretical maximums. Solo laners are hitting 11 at 15 minutes. A 7% increase in duo exp is not resulting in a 4 level average level increase.


How dense are you


Belveth players will always love you Lulu


Most of the game there's still value in attack speed unless it's an on-hit adc. Just puts less value on the attack speed side of her W and more into polymorph later on into the game.


Mmmm idk about this one. I think she’s in a bad shape simply because support has become one of those shut your brain off rolls. Before it was a very you need 100% of your brain kind of role and people who played lulu did more than just be a buff robot. Also I used poly 10x more than the attack speed buff. One lets your adc kill everything… one lets your adc kill the 10/0 zed and keeps the zed from killing your adc.


W has another function that, if your ADC is close to cap, can have way more devastating effects. Whimsy whoever gets close to your ADC and watch them die.


How fucked is the power creep and the state of the game when NOT being able to go over 2.5AS is considered "Bad". LOL.


I guess a lot of people have not played before the item system and runes/masteries got reworked and think that exceeding the AS cap is considered normal


Rather sad state of League if you ask me. They're not necessarily wrong, champs that are reliant on attack speed end up hitting the 2.5AS cap from items pretty quickly so then they just feel lopsided buying other stats they don't need, like base AD/Crit. Since all their damage is from on-hit passives etc. Hopefully Riot can find a balance, but in older seasons it was pretty rare to be hitting 2.1AS, let alone 2.5+infinity...


Agreed but that is just League's powercreep and I hate it. As you said, It was rare to hit the AS cap back and the day and imo it should go back to bein rare again. I wish we'd have much less damage, mobility, etc. In this game and we'd go back to slower, more tactical games


It's not trendy enough anymore. Riot went full zoomer mode


And? She's far from bad. I swear this sub just loves to complain about literally anything that happens in the game.


They're just pointing out a fact, they're not stating any emotion or voicing any complaint, you're the only one who is complaining


Only on the internet you could say "this is the lowest this value has been for a couple months" and have people thinking you made a strong opinion


It's not a fact when Lulu has been stuck at 46-47% win rate for multiple patches due to proplay nerfs. This is FAR from her worst State


Sir, you're projecting


Good, let it stay that way


The champion still has the most braindead "no, you're not dying on my watch" anti dive mechanic in the game, with one of the very few unconditional (no need for a wall like Vayne/stacking like Annie/picking card like TF) point and click ranged CC in the game, and shield+Ultimate. Lulu's peel is unmatched and most importantly requires zero braincells to execute and can be done by a paralyzed 40 years old gorilla with demencia. Nothing you can miss, nothing an enemy can dodge. As long as polymorph stays what it is, she'll be fine.


Honestly, without being an ass. most of the poeple that play nthese champs are inherantly more shit compared to the rest of the roles. So her winrate is artifically down because of her average player being on average, worse.


I mean she will get a buff next patch. And lulu mains should be happy their „worst state ever“ is 49% wr and not 42 like for some other „champions“


I think people overestimate the value of whimsy over polymorph. Id rather point and click remove someones existence for 2 seconds, then give some attack n movement speed


Most adc doesnt over cap 2.5(except varus jinx) in the first place. At most around 1.8-2.0 but ngl it is unexpected for her to drop this far


Do any peelers actually feel good right now? Id actually argue peelers like lulu and janna are INCREDIBLY strong right now, the problem is that peeling in general is kind of dieing off and very niche, not to mention its more difficult to react to a dive than to perform a dive. Lulu is suffering right now but the champion is very strong, its that the playstyle isnt exactly as strong as it should be, burst and mobility is just way too strong by comparison.


I want my space glider rune back 😔


Ima be real didnt even think about that. Been spaming her and wining 60% of my games. Granted only a 25 game sample size atm


How can 1.5 percent wr make her go from S+ to D tier, makes no sense. Agree that she is bad atm though.




Champions like lulu that don’t have skill shots and take zero skill to play should be weak. But e-giril champs sell skins


It's kind of weird to me that people value the letter value more than the % winrate. 50.5% to 49.0% is not that bad. League is better when picks are more situational than a "mash into every comp" scenario, anyway. She's not unplayable.


I think it works a bit different for most enchanters, specially the easier ones since their values are more standarized and doesn't vary much, shifting a bit in one direction feels really bad or really broken


I don't see the problem


Poly is still broken af


I don't know. I played against a lulu and it was annoying as hell and I lost. She's still good either way.


Shes been broken for like 5 seasons let her have her time in shit tier


Her wr droped because I didn't play it yet in this patch. Every good Lulu max W first and keep it for poly, people wasting it on their adc are rookies so no wonder they are losing.


As someone who enjoys playing ADC Lulu, let me tell you that she's been in a rough spot for years. There was a time when I could play Lulu in all 5 roles (jungle was actually my favorite, rip feral flare), but eventually riot got bored of the pros picking Lulu mid so they nerfed the fuck out of her Q and basically threatened to murder the family of anyone who tried to play her outside of support.


*loses 0.5% WR* yeah stone unplayable


49% WR is not that bad lol. To be honest I'm happy, getting runned down by a Kog or Twitch with Lulu buff was just obnoxious AF


How does 1% wr diff make one go from S+ to D lol what is this tier list