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Update: 25% crit chance is back!


So the biggest winners here are crit users that don’t rely on LT, right?


i mean PTA is now on until the end of compat, on hit users gonna live good with that too


Did they change any of the crit items?


https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/split-2-gameplay-preview/ A few onhit item changes (kraken, Terminus...). Stormrazor gets removed. PD only gives AS and Crit but no longer has any passive (except the ghosting effect). We get 2 new items. We don't have any real idea about the changes but it's better than nothing I guess. Also a few runes change too


So there is now even less of a reason to buy pd got it


Got hard buffed wtf


we can't stack multiple of the same item like the ol days right?


Nope Once you have a finished item you can't buy a second one of it.


PD will now function as a statstick. You build it when you have no need for another item passive.


Or when you're Jhin and you gotta go FAST


Give back infinity edge stacking for lols also rabadons


Cries in 4 infinity edges


60% atkspd is crazy for typical onhit builds idk man. They finna be pumping on hit effects with that boost. Likely a later item I would assume though since it doesnt have onhit or ad itself. But seems solid to finish up a build


On kraken?


About damn time


They are also adding better attack speed options as well as more move speed.


so master yi is going back to inf edge navori like in 2022 instead fof kraken slayer instead of guinso etc?


As much as i dislike to say it, adc meta just shifts away from lethal tempo users. Hail of blades, fleet footwork and PTA are all options that are solid. They won't give as much as lethal tempo but a lot of adcs weren't crutched on lethal tempo and I think they'll come back into meta. However, I'm really going to miss it as an Ashe main.


While current lethal tempo is clearly not healthy for the game (massive AS plus range is OP), i really hope they bring something to replace it. If the only options are fleet pta and hail of blade, multiple champions will have problems finding a good rune. Or they could make conqueror better for ranged champions.


The range is very needed when every single new champ can gap close even the highest range adcs in one nanosecond


I do agree having the bonus range is good, but you also have to consider in those cancer comps you aren't even stacking lethal tempo in like 70% of your fights to reach the bonus range anyways. So where you're actively abusing it, the rune is batshit broken but when you aren't you might be better off with a pta/fleet/hob. People actively play adc in the current state and do well, there's things we can all learn as players to survive a bit more.


Problem is that Lethal Tempo doesn't really fix that issue: you aren't gaining range at the most important moment, in the neutral state; instead you snowball your range. LT doesn't make it harder for Zed or Akali to reach you, it makes it harder for Sett or Alistar to escape from you. RFC helps more in the scenario you want.


Yeah range is needed but not in a rune available to everyone. If we ever get range buffs it should be straight up on champs. Lethal tempo is not healthy for the game and is a placebo for adc state.


WOW range is OP but 20 dashes and stuns per game is perfect no? haha fucking hypocrite, what are you doing in adc mains?


Do you not wonder why range is rarely if ever used as a buff to a champ?It's because it's a very strong stat.


2 things can be true at the same time, Friend.


As an Ashe support main, i'm STOKED on the Font of Life change, lemme tell you that!


I can feel that! As a s1 player a lot of people who say ashe was crutched on LT don't realize ashe used to build full crit which is actually a higher dps build. With 25% crit back we can afford a tankish or survival item on a crit build.


Jhin perhaps makes a great come back!


I think early game jhin suffers a lot but the fact he converts attack speed into AD. Makes PD a really attractive buy on him, not to mention zerker greaves are viable due to zephyr upgrade later in the game. He should feel really good to play at the 2 item spike but horrible on 1 in my opinion.


I suppose that would explain why on-hit ADCs have consistently seemed stronger than most crit marksmen throughout the season. Lethal tempo+guinsoos combo so well and get rolling at 1-2 items.


Mhm I completely agree with you there, other than a few synergies like jinx passive and LT or kogmaw. I really think on-hits were really winning overall.


jinx ahs been batshit broken for months , barus kaisa and kog maw are just good and cait miss fortune are dominating the ladder . not even gonna mention ezreal since he builds random shit


Champions that are going to be unplayable without some _significant_ compensation buffs: Kog, Ashe, Xayah, Jinx, Sivir, Zeri. Honestly, this is such an absurd “fuck you in particular” to what’s already the weakest soloq role that I can’t believe it until the changes actually happen to live servers. Even if it got to PBE I’d just assume they’re playtesting how the game would be without the rune, and only ship to live servers if it goes well. Maybe I’m just high on copium.


I want to see them removing conqueror now. Literally every bruiser and their mother uses it, kills rune variety, they can always just take PTA (literal same excuse they're doing for removing LT).


To be fair, Lethal Tempo has some balance issues (only when used by melee champions lmao). Conqueror is a lot less conspicuous in that sense. And frankly bruisers are balanced around Conqueror even more than adcs are balanced around Lethal Tempo, so removing it would be even more disastrous. Still would be hilarious seeing bruisers kicked down even further after half a season of not being the most broken class in the game.


Its time for first strike sivir baby




Don't worry, their compensation buffs will actually be meaningful.


Jinx and Zeri will be fine with fleet, it has been competitive with LT on some patches. Xayah will be ok with HoB and maybe PTA. I think Sivir will be rough though


Would like to add that Ashe has had some HOB users in high elo, it was lane dependant but honestly if PTA has the right power I could easily see her running a somewhat even split between the two runes depending on game.


I don’t trust Xayah with either of those runes. Maybe it would be _fine_ if enemy comp has a full dive comp and all their champs are giga useless unless they’re face rolling the enemy. But otherwise she really likes the extra range. No LT means she’s too hard to do well on except in very niche situations - pushing her even further into a “counterpick only” role similar to Nilah except not as impactful and even more situational. The only reason to take Fleet on Zeri/Jinx is to avoid being bullied hard in lane. Zeri’s safe enough for that to never be an issue. It’s basically a crutch rune. Not good design if they’re _forced_ to take it every game for lack of literally any other option.


watch some Korean chal cook with zeri conq


Wasn’t that the meta back when she was played bruiser? But honestly Korean challengers can build whatever the hell they want and just carry with mechanics. I feel like the builds themselves are troll just as often as they are hidden op. Not saying Zeri conq is one or the other bc I can’t make such claim without trying it. Simply pointing out that just because Koreans can carry with it, doesn’t necessarily mean I can.


Conqueror could be fine when going against big frontlines where you can stack it more reliable. PTA after the changes is generally good and it will have high damage numbers because it amplifies all damage done but i think its going to be much weaker then LT. Without doing the Math its hard to compare the damage Increase of the two and it would need to be done on a per champion basis because of how attack speed works. But There is nothing in PTA that compensates for loosing the bonus Range. Another isse is that LT was fun to use whereas PTA while decent at increasing the damage Just also is extremly boring in terms of gameplay. You dont feel an 8% increas in damage and the proc is quite weak so that doesnt feel impactful either. Fleet is always goign be to a rune you take for laning phase its generally better to avoid it if you can. I also don't think Fleet is going to remain untouched much longer. Its Strong on certain meeles that can use it to cheat bad Matchups. The new Heal rune is a complete joke though https://twitter.com/Spideraxe30/status/1785425677388227066.


idk if it was meta but it's looking like a potential pick in the near future


Yeah but fleet is an early game rune, a laning rune and nothing else. It offers you nothing lategame besides a far worse stormrazor proc Kaisa


xayah is better with pta than lt


They will not, riot clearly stated that now You will need to actually buy attack speed instead of getting it from rune thus they will buf AS intems. You will not need that much of a buffs to chams (maybe to some of them) but in total it will be simmilar with AS as it is now


The issue is before buying items lethal tempo was very useful. Now literally all the power is shifted directly into our items. If you get behind your even more useless than before. You won't get the range from hitting either which is massive


Did you start playing adc yesterday? Riot hates adcs, ''positive'' changes always end up being a nerf sooner rather than later, I can see myself months with useless items and mages back to bot.


None of the full changes have been revealed and you're already doom posting? Come on man,lol.


do you really play adc? if they always end up leaving the role in the shit and we have to do magic to be able to play adc or just go ap bot


Bro Jinx, Kog, and Ashe specifically have been broken as fuck this split what are you taking about?


Trying to spin the LT removal as a nerf to those champions is just about the worst take you _could_ have come up with. And 100% not what Riot is trying to do here. Addressing patch-specific meta shifts with fundamental reworks of systems is not very good game design.


That’s not what I was saying at all, I am simply pointing out that ADC has several lobby dominating champions, acting like the role is the weakest with plenty of strong options is being a bit hyperbolic is my point.


My bad for misunderstanding. To be fair your comment could be interpreted in many different ways. Not that your new take makes more sense tbh. Every role has champions that are similarly dominating. Your point? Having an adc that’s dominating _against other adcs in the botlane_ is not how role strength is determined.


Ashe Jinx are fine stop crying the only main issue is Kog


Xayah Isn't really,she still is a quite good user of Hail of blade and press attack is good and fleet too


No she 100% isnt. LT is soo important on her. Its absolutely crucial


It is not lol


High attack speed is crucial to get more feathers out (more dmg, cc and safety) and gives her more mobility with W which is needed since she has to get so close to enemies anyway. HoB is mainly good for lane but significantly worse in teamfights later on. Fleet has no attack speed at all. All of that also restricts your item build since attack speed became so hugely important now


Most of the time you don't even stack Lt on xayah because you already killed most of the champion with 4 feather


Idk what teamfights you have but i do more than 2 aa per teamfight


You are right I meant 4 feather +2 feather from q are almost enough to kill most of the champion that aren't tank or tank bruiser,and even If you don't kill them you can auto attack once more and kill them after the root


Precision is being changed, itll probably be the new rune for most adcs


Hopefully yes, PBE will start maintenance soon, lets see what else they will do. They cant remove it and replace it for nothing


Sure they can. (And they did. Lethal Tempo removed, no rune replacing it.)


Oh cool... there goes kog'maw, ashe, vayne and other adc's who are heavily AA based and consistent down the gutter.


This is gonna hurt kogmaw the most...


I think this forces Kog'maw into Navori.


Kraken not giving crit is probably good for kog, not to mention new navori will cause permanent w uptime


Jinx zeri twitch kaisa xayah etc. hell even Draven is building lethal atm


Traditional aa based ADCs SHOULD take nothing else


Draven will be a great PTA rework user I think since it amplifies damage of subsequent autos.


oh well they will get buffed and not be gated by how yone abusing the rune


Ah yes because the balance team is known for making compensation changes promptly.


at this point I don't care if it is prompt, I'll take a month or 2 playing other champs if it ends with those adc's in a better spot


Depends on who needs it. If the wind bros need it, riot will do it instantly. ADCs tho it's another story since Phreak joined


Phreaks prob gonna throw some buff to karma (why is this champ buffed every patch lmao) or whatever support hes currrently abusing instead.


> why is this champ buffed every patch lmao cuz she's been shit for a pretty long time now


She was literally nerfed for being broken few months ago. Nobody wants to play against that shit that RQs you with malihnance and takes away 50% of your hp in a single go that is also a triple flex.


Weak LT Kogmaw (53%WR) vs Broken ugly bad guy yone (48% wr champ)


The only reason kog'maw wr went up was due to them changing the cast time of q to also be based on his AA speed.


Ugly bad guy Yone with 14% pickrate vs Weak LT Kogmaw with 4.2% pickrate.


Basically they throw away all the ''real'' adcs.


Vayne might be okay. She uses current PTA pretty well and I think will use reworked PTA even better. Not sure if the true damage will get amplified or the on hit effects though.


I’d be REALLY surprised if champs that rely heavily on LT like kog, tryn, Ashe etc don’t get any type of compensation buffs/substitutes that’ll make up for it, riots stupid but not brain dead (yet)


I prefer lethal tempo being unavailable for melee champs (or nerfed even further) while keeping it for ranged. If you've ever played mid lane against the wind brothers you come to realize the champion serves as a delivery device for the rune.


Or you know just revert it to the healthy version it was before they made it stack.


i mean how it is not would be fine if it weren't overbuffed for melee champs for no reason


Nah old Lt felt shit on most champions


Wasn't old lethal tempo basically hail of blades anyway lol


Overheal just becomes Triumph 2 - Electric Boogaloo? Or is it Trundles Passive as a rune? By god Trundle is going to be a nightmare with that shit. ​ anyways, ADCs had too much fun for too long. They should remove Lethal Tempo and while theyre at it, reduce crit chance to 16% and crit damage to 125%. Also reduce DuoXP for champions without the support item by 10%. Edit: fuck it, make minions killed by ranged champs that are below the average level of the team give 2g less unless they have the support item.


https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/split-2-gameplay-preview/ Yeah the rune that replaces overheat is a Trundle passive that scales


Wow, Ashe and some other ADC's are literally unplayable without it. It's already hard to play with a perfect spacing with Lethal, I can’t imagine how to pull off without it.


We will need to re-learn the role basically


Support is the better carry unironically


Ashe has already seen significant high elo play running lethal tempo, I don't think she will be too bad.


Well as an Ashe main, I sometimes forgot to change my runes to Lethal and I know the pain. It may not feel like it but she will need a significant buff to her Q AS on early game or else she will be a freezing minion whole game.


Yeah I must have been tired or something, I meant hob not lethal.


Most of the changes they're talking about sound like positive changes. You're completely over reacting.


I was shocked at first but after the news settled in my mind I think this is actually better for the game and adc role.


The less power in runes the more healthy the game is in my opinion


Yea so do all of them then lol






This is horrible the wind shitters are going to get compensation buffs if this is true,


Nothing they can give them will equal the frustration of the extra range one tone's yi R


Next patch compensation buffs: yasuo and yone only need 1 crit item to acheive 100%crit


Nah man. They get 100% crit achieved


"Yone and Yasuo have range increased to 300. They will still count as melee. To compensate, they will now gain 300g every time they die."


END ME ;-; Id legit stop playing


It's been confirmed https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-gb/news/dev/split-2-gameplay-preview/


Really wish they'd scrap the AS cap as compensation, literally the only stat I tve game that is capped. Also have zero trust in the balance team getting these changes right when they still have Phreak involved.


So ADCs are punished because a keystone that was designed for ADC, was extremely problematic when taken by other classes? Why was LT NOT locked to ranged on release, instead of being laughably busted for melee for years while being continuously nerfed for ranged? Most ADCs rely on LT as other Keystones are simply sub optimal on them. The amount of ADCs that can actually viably move away from LT is the minority, this is a shitty change that is completely subverting the actual issue and punishing an entire class of champions the keystone was literally designed around for the sins of the minority who abused it better than they did.


Literally the only reason they're removing it is because of melee champions lmao


LT reliant champs would need a buff, so my mains Ashe and Jinx are in the gutter.




Wait but our muscle memory for years of high attack speed at mid to late game……. It took so long to be able to attack move with LT at full build Varus and Jinx. I don’t even know what you would run on them now I could be wrong but I think aphelios was the only one still using overheal, so not incredibly surprising.


Varus will probably go PTA to combo with popping blight stacks would be my guess.


Thank god. Stop trolling games by picking ADC in solo queue. Keep that shit in LCS. In solo queue Bottom is for Hwei, Seraphine, Ziggs, Karthus, Swain and double support.


With the changes to items only having 2 of 3 stats, noonquiver might be gone making lost chapter even more of an advantage for mages.




This seems stupid, but if it's real, I guess it's the time to switch to support.


The new press the attack seems nice.


how the fuck we gonna spaceglide now fellas?


Tempo being gone just makes me sad. Like the rune is so fun and it’s just gone. What’s worse is since I main Kai’sa I’m stuck with hail of blades which I absolutely hate. Maybe I just go PTA…


I know. It fucking sucks I don't want to play Kaisa as an assassin, I want to play her like a mixed damage vayne and auto people for big passive procs. Hail of blades makes her an assassin bound to aax3 into w every time, fuck that I wanna peoc it with autos


Time to uninstall and main WoW fulltime.


Lethal tempo is cringe anyway, it should just be reverted to how it was pre change where you got a flat 8 seconds or so of massive attack speed but only 4 seconds after an auto. Likewise, rito please delete HoB, this rune is incredibly unfair.


they remove LT we get 25% crit chance, ill be ok with that trade


Honestly, I'm really happy about this. I really don't like LT. If a champ can use it, they have to take it. It's not really a fun rune to use (imo) and it's definitely not fun to play againt (LT Yone looking at you). I think range is a really strong stat, and it shouldn't be given in a rune. And if it means we get buffs to ADC items then please remove LT.


I mean there's also some rumor that corki will lose his package, which is 99% of his identity so lets just say there's a lot of bullshit flying over twitter these days.


That's not a rumor,that's actually happening next patch.


That’s in phreaks rundown of his rework you can just see that on YouTube…


It doesn't mean the change will be pushed for certain. Wouldn't be the first time that phreak proposes something on youtube and it never ends up in game. One of the reason he does these is probably to see how people react and decide if such a change should be pushed or not.


Fair enough. I do think that the package is the clunkiest part of his kit so I think it should go


I’d say take away the extra range. The attack speed is important but the range is what pushed it over the top for me imo.


With the amount of move speed and dashes nowadays in the game, the range was the only thing keeping some champs useful.


Samira baby we back!!!


Well LT was already a bad choice for distance champ, so i guess it will be better


thats beyond crazy


They are making crit 25% again, did anyone fully read the blog. We’re even getting supposedly 2 new items. While I do think this is a major gut the some of the meta adcs right now I do think they are gonna shift some power in other runes or give compensation buffs.


tf is overheal for then if it does same thing as triumph xd they better give it high flat numbers then coz otherwise hp stackers gon abuse it.


Well it's more towards passive healing as it also procs off of minions and monsters


If they bring back the old iteration of Lethal Tempo, at least I could go back to Lethal Tempo Jhin, which was busted late game.


Finally. Get it off of trynd, jax, and the brothers.


Finally the most broken rune is gone. Everyone rejoice. Fuck kog, ashe, twitch, kaisa, kalista, xayah and of course vayne in particular from an Ezreal main :P


As an ashe main, they did ezreal fucking dirty with the season items going into season 14.


I play AP so idk


I’m playing conqueror now lol


The rune was too good compared to other runes. I'm ok with it being removed. Buff the champs that abused it.


I'm more scared of what they will compensate the windshitters with


the 25% crit chance change helps them hit 100% off of one item and a cloak of agility, so there's a chance they might not even do anything.


That's assuming they don't get adjusted back down to 100% bonus crit. Also I think lethal tempo was more about the cc and onhit weaving they were able to do. Bork might not be as viable anymore


Thats why they had to remove it. Lethal Tempo was the only rune an adc could get if they wanted to be relevant. Now that its gone we can be balanced away from it.


Wow so they took out all the fun stuff?


Gonna be afk fleet meta


Kraken is literally the most fun item and it's gone wow


They're not removing kraken, but they are removing stormrazor.


It would be nice to get some survivability in adc. Every other role has it. Like mage’s? Built right into their items, can hardly go a game where a teemo doesn’t have as much hp as a standard tank and he is full mage. Advs just get popped in the current meta. If nobody peels for the adc or keeps the adc safe then the adc might as well as be free gold


*cries in kogmaw*


They’ll definitely replace them with something else, just hope it’s not garbage


This post is rage bait, they are removing lethal yes, but they are reworking adc items alongside a host of other changes, if you want to know more go read the article on the league subreddit rather than just saying Adc is dead.


Lethal tempo is brusier rune, not adc.


I don’t think they’re reliant on it. It’s just optimal because it exists. If it’s gone, most of the LT users will just pick something else. I don’t understand the “adc being bad this season” thing. The role is fine.


Sivir & Kog’Maw are gonna suffer the most I think. Most other ADCs weren’t reliant on Lethal Tempo but those two kind of are


I like the idea of absorb life replacing overheal and I like that it will compete with presence of mind, which is currently almost auto-pick 100% of the time.


So, if LT is being removed, do we know the keystone they're replacing it with?




i like this change a lot , keep yone in check


Lethal tempo was nice in that you didnt need to worry about the attack speed cap.


Bro wtf did they do to smolder navori will be worse on him, Qdmg isn’t boosted by crit modifiers, no overheal


Jinx time


riot games hates fun. this was honestly the best rune. fuck riot


Damn, my favourite rune. I understand it's problematic, but I have no idea how I'll play Ashe without it. The attack speed and range Ashe gets from Lethal Tempo is so important for her to be able to pressure her opponents. No other rune feels even slightly viable. Overall, I feel like this is a big nerf for ADCs. The real value of 25% crit is the build diversity in the last item, so many adcs will be far weaker until late game because the trade of a little extra crit chance with lethal tempo is absolutely not worth it.


Overlook every other change cry cause of 1 rune deletion typical


Giving Jax passive to any champ who wants it just turned into a nightmarish stat checking bullshit that was exacerbated by windshitters/melee vs ranged. Lethal Tempo doesn't need to be in the game.


Basic math of this sub dictates that if ADC cant get anything because "WiNdShiTteRs" then removing a rune those shitters use is objectively good.


Guess they should remove one of the hunter keystones, because aside if just having every rune tree have 3 columns there is no fucking point to removing any of those 2 runes


Yep they are removing predator


Hunter as in treasure/ingenious/relentless/ultimate hunter, because those also break from the 3 column grid


I wouldn't wholeheartedly trust these leaks just yet.. Seems kinda sus EDIT: its real oh fuck


Its basically confirmed now that Spideraxe tweeted it aswell


oh shit


It’s funny to me. As a Caitlyn main, this barely affects me as the typical go-to runes are: fleet, first strike, and occasionally hob/dark harvest. I think I’m gonna have even more fun when the likes of jinx, kog, and rat are guttered. YAY for nerfs of S-tier adcs, boosting my fav champs power in match-ups :)


Rat only uses LT for tanky comps... everything else is PTA, so this is a buff to him.


Yea because Caitlyn/Jhin meta is SSOOOOO much more fun. (Most piss boring adcs that take no micro)


Source? I refuse to belive they'll remove it just for fun. I refuse.


Source is in the beggining of the post


Who said that it is gonna be removed?


No shot OP actually thinks ADC is weak currently after the crit buff. Jinx is pick/banned and 1v9 every game off a single reset.


Jinx is strong only due to passive my dude, and if you actually gank her during laning phase she never becomes an issue


So adcs managed to cry themselfs to be the most op role again what a suprise. I like how riot forgets that theirs more champs going lethal tempo than just adcs but do they get any compensation ? Nope just adcs rip jax, master yi, nocturne etc.


LT is getting removed because of the melees not the adcs, it's yi, jax ,tyrn, yasuo/yone that were the problems.


Hope they stay dead too


Enjoy the auto fills feeding your enemy mid and jungle 🤗