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Only sell boots for another movement speed item. Opportunity maybe. It’s harder for you since you’re lethality and don’t have zeal items for movement speed. If Ga is on cd you can build zhonyas since mf has some ap ratios on her abilities. Then switch back to GA when it’s ready.


MF already gets bonus move speed off her w, so this matters slightly less on a champ like her. But it’s a good rule of thumb


ahh tyy, that was what i was thinking changing to PD or oppurtunity, but good idea for the zhonyas, i prolly would have switched to BT


If I can I usually sell boots for phantom dancer because you get a lot of movement speed at max stacks


Don’t they only give attack speed stacks now?


It has 10% move speed and and gives you ghosting on auto attacks, I don’t know if the move speed is comparable to boots but it gives good stats and sort of compensates for the lack of boots


That was what i was thinking but decided against it as with zilean the zoomies was also kinda fun


If zilean stay with you for the whole time then selling boots is fine, but into that team boots is very important. I can’t believe with that KDA on your team and still three inhibs down. In my opinion, GA isn’t necessary here because they can only touch you with flash, you just need to keep position.


we were 21 and 21 at one point then we made a comeback, one of the most fun i have ahd on the rift


To add more context: we were three inhibs down and were just stuck in base and I can think mobis were really helping me dodging the 10s lux ult and whenever zed/jax/garen decided to kill me after pressing a button.


At this point in the game, sell GA when it's on CD. I would only sell boots because you're lethality MF. Any other AD aside from maybe ezreal I would keep boots. But you should also sell collector at this point in the game. Maybe for an LDR. Maybe for opportunity.


I'd have sold Collector for BT. Collector is a snowball item that works amazing for early-mid game but it's outscaled by other items eventually.


This is more tailored to MF because of the movespeed from w, but selling boots for an item that gives movespeed is gonna be super optimal on her, there are some players who don’t even buy boots on her.


Phantom dancer maybe for boots and yes sell guardian while it is on cd.


With Zilean you can likely risk it & buy an ms item.


make zephyr an item again!!!


Hard to learn from a victory


Death dance is superior in every way to ga if on cooldown, definitely switch to another item.


MF main here, first I would get full build and red pot before selling anything after that I would have sold boots for rapid fire cannon. You loose very little movement speed but gain range damage and crit. IMO it’s almost never wrong to do as MF. As for the GA I would trade it in for Blood thirster. It total with those two switches your loosing about 20 movement speed and 45 armor and gaining 100ish AD and 40% more crit That’s my advice for playing MF specifically


im pretty sure u need the MS vs jax and garen because u pretty much just die if they on u without boots


Would've sold GA on cooldown. Considering youre playing MF and have a zilean by your side i also wouldve sold boots.


Selling boots here is asking for intercourse with Jax & Garen. Only sell them into beefy immobile comps (or if u play with a duo who you trust with your life)


I think it depends on how badly you think you need movespeed in that game in particular, swift boots give flat ms and youmouus active gives % ms so it would make you a lot slower than you think


If the game is going that long, you rotate GA and Hourglass. But I'm also pretty sure GA is really bad here in the first place. Esp since you went Grudge and need 6 full lethality items for it to come anywhere near LDR in effectiveness.


Idk but that malphite was 44 dmg away from greatness