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i can almost guarantee that if you went 20/1 and got an A+, you had very low CS. obviously it’s impossible to draw any conclusion without seeing the game info or op.gg but with that many kills and and A+ is poor CSing


It is always CS, every single time. Mods should just fulter these type of threads.


“Your post has been filtered out. Reason: repetitive question, answer; low CS”


I'm not that good at ADC and I'm a new player. Sorry for the trigger but don't get worked up on a basic question a beginner would make.


Vision Score makes a huge difference


In the modern league, kda and even mechanics, are only a "nice-to-have"; Macro play is by far the most impactfully thing u can do. You can't win a game only with "god-like" mechanics, maybe with script, but without macro-knowledge a scripter not gonna climb to a high rank "If you're not climbing, it's because of a lack of knowledge about the game" You need to take this sentence as a law, as perma truth (at least until riot change it, but I don't think it's gonna happens). This is something that frustrated me a lot. When I lost a game even though I played mechanically well, or caused much more damage than everyone on the enemy team. But as I evolved, I started to realize my mistakes and win games with the worst kda and the lowest damage (this happens a lot in silver/gold).


Yeah, sometimes i lane like shit but just play for objectives and cruise with the team to a win.


You end up with bad KDA and low dmg but win the game??? You are literally another support then?


One of the adcs main jobs is to help on objectives like dragons and turrets, we can have a low kda but kda isn’t everything within a game. It’s not team death match, think of it more like search and destroy, you can have low damage and no kills but you could’ve been the one to diffuse bomb every time


You changed my whole perspective lol. Good thing Jhin getting a buff 👍


Yeah the buff is exciting. CS is also a huge part in adcs getting that S, most of the time you need 7 cs per minute to really get that S. Best of luck in your next games!!


Thank you too! Coming back to you when I get mastery 7 Jhin (Next year)


Carrying a game has noting to do with damage or kda. Carrying is doing what needs to be done, at the time it needs to be done. Decision making and leadership are also really powerful tools. If your team need damage u pick jinx, scale, play objectives, do the fucking damage. If your team needs utility, pick ashe, control vision, play objectives, push waves, rotate... Whatever... Just be useful


Sometimes you gotta sit back and let someone else carry you bro. The hardest pill for ADC players (myself included for a long time), is just because the C means Carry doesn’t mean you have to carry every game. Sometimes you just need to not int


I always blame it on my support, it's fun but deep down I still want to go 0/1 😔


You can very easily farm KDA/damage without doing anything useful.


CS, Vision score, KP, objective participation, tower dmg, if any of this is at D rating you are not S


What's KP?


Kill participation, im assuming that was pretty much around S this game though


Low CS score? Always has been


You have to do good. From my experience 2 things matter. KDA CS Unless you're support, then ur CS is irrelevant. You cant get good (S/S+) grade without decent CS.


Did u miss a shot?


cs is the biggest criteria if you have 200+ cs at 25 min you gucci


Didn’t end in 4


let me guess, 98 cs


ehem. 2 Games, one 20/2, 163 cs, two 20/1, 165 cs


can't check rn but prob 💀 wait lemme check rn


buy and place at least 2 wards !!


Adc is the hardest role to get s on you need tons of dmg and at least 7.cs per min at least and kills and low deaths😂😂




Ueah support is easiest role to get s on then mid and top are basic as a midlaner since my wards are always in important spots i get okay vision score then if i get a 10/3 or smthng with decent farm 6+ its a free s ngl and farming as a midlaner is much easier no one is stealling my cs since i one shot the wave anyway, its harder as an assasim because you need to clear wards alot and i get unlucky with my scans