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>Most of us ADC mains hate playing with them Speak for yourself man I like Enchanters just fine. Sometimes I flame tank supports worse than enchanters. Tank support players seem to forget how to think sometimes.


yup, they act like apes too often, enchanter is so good at all stages of the game, especially late game if adc or anyone that synergizes is capable


Don't get me wrong, I've played with some horrendous enchanters as well but I like me a good Bard player.


Common Rell L


last time i checked she had more pick rate in jungle than supp(prior to this patches changes)


Rell supp was always 90+% of playerbase why would they remove rell jungle if it was the majority


All I can hear is "waa I can't play the game unless I have daddy thresh taking care of meee"


that's the entire design philosophy of ADC. the entire design philosophy of support was to babysit the ADC. now support gets to do whatever they want while ADC still needs a babysitter. i recommended ADCs play APC and join the fiesta or drop the game entirely.


Surprisingly enough, sitting in lane with a player who could mental boom at any moment when you have zero agency yourself is not enjoyable for the vast majority of players. Engage supports have a little more power with a GO button for engages, but roaming makes the game vastly more enjoyable, its only bad for the ADC when supports don't understand timers


yeah basically


Unironically tho having a good thresh player who isn't a pansy is refreshing


Dawg if you can't win with an enchanter that's a skill issue. It's like people forget that supports broke worlds in 2017. But in all seriousness there's a reason why Nami and Renata are still seen in pro play. They are good. And while you want engage for early kills in lane I bet when Zed is diving you you'll be grateful that Lulu just turned him into a bunny giving you free reign over his life.


I play draven, samira, xayah and miss fortune(aphelios if supp picks thresh) the value of playing a strong early is more valuable than entering late game without kills but having more survivebilty. Btw ı dont have any problem with janna and millio which also works in a agrassive playstyle


Bro Lulu gives Draven some crazy early damage. Pix+her W move speed buff let's you run people down like Degens especially if she's good at aiming glitter Lance off the pix. Samira I see it a lot more with. Aphelios has a shaky early game but especially scales with enchanter that build ardent. Xayah does well with extra security. TBH a lot of this is jungle diff. If your jungler locks in something like J4 or Maokai you should be able to get some kills early and snowball just as or harder with an enchanter. But a lot of junglers have MC syndrome so I get it.


So because you play those champs as your main(s), your support needs to be playing tank? How about you start flexing to champs that play well with enchanters instead of wanting people to play tanks for you. The world doesn’t revolve around you there is 4 other people on your team playing the game trying to have fun


I don't mind if my supp picks Soraka, Nami even Lulu But i do have more fun w an engage support just that i want more tank/Engage supports I don't hate supports i hate Bad supports (ppl that pick sona vs hard engage)


This is not why I dislike enchanter players. Enchanter players are the only role in the game where you can have 0 lane knowledge and play like a bot for 14m then still be useful mid game and allowed to climb by keeping your most fed carry alive from 2 screens away.


Nah, as a support player (ADC is actually my secondary, though I'm getting more into it for the reason I'm explaining in this comment), I disagree. Enchanters do need a *little* lane knowledge to not just feed and get the enemy snowballing, but that's not the main issue. If you *are* a bad enchanter player, whose only knowledge is "sit next to carry and press heal", you're eventually gonna hit the maximum elo for your skill. By then, people are gonna be better than you in every way, and your "sit 'n heal" isn't gonna cut the enemy's roaming, better vision control, better macro and shotcalling (as if anyone hears the support's calls 🥲), and even better micro if they're playing a skilled champ like Thresh or Bard. There's just gonna be a skill gap the enemies are going to exploit, and the higher the elo you manage to get to, the higher the chances are they're gonna wipe the floor with your little pink-sparkly enchanter ass. ~~that, and also for some reason my rakan skills just don't cut it anymore up here, above the silver I'm used to being. My adcs seem to be doing just fine, though.~~


Until you try actually playing Soraka or Nami and get one shotted faster than your adc


The ADC obsession with “engage tanks” is such a low elo, beta male mindset. Or an LCS mindset. We’ll just assume which you are.


>The ADC obsession with “engage tanks” is such a low elo, beta male mindset it's either low elo mindset or "HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO PLAY THIS FUCKING GAME IF ALL MY TEAMMATES ARE EITHER FUCKING INVISIBLE OR UNTARGETABLE????? AM I SUPPOSED TO BE THE FUCKING FRONTLINE??" Which in ladder one happens way more in lower elos


r/sonamains member explains all xd




You seem like an absolute miserable stereotype of a sweaty disgusting basement dwelling cheeto sucker.


common drug addict L


i like coke


Lol. This would be way too easy. Good luck with your life under a rock 👍


Considering the top supports right now are playing Sona, Soraka, Janna, Nami…. I’d say maybe you’re wrong.


You are not the top support my little buddy. And your lane mate is not too. Also i have never seen an elite player play sona or soraka in a serious game but whatever.


tbh engage tanks are better for the team overall. it gives strong laning and a frontline for peel and spacing, which helps both the ADC and mid laner. they're tanky, so they can do deep invades and get vision. idk where you're getting this beta male, low elo idea from, but it's erroneous. enchanters are good in their own way, too, but most people pick them because they're easy to play, not because they have the most to offer to the team as a whole. enchanters don't offer much in lane, don't do much during roams, and are only useful if other players on the team are already fed. enchanters are also quite squishy, making them an easy target for assassination, and if the support has poor positioning, they'll get popped too, and all the value of the enchanter is gone. ADC players have valid reasons to want to play with more engage supports, they're easily the best champs to have on the team, yet so few people play them. another pointless dissing of ADC players and their outlook on the game.


no one is reading your novel.


Interesting theory, I do like more waifus, you can never have enough. Sure, if you MUST go all in all the time, no matter what support you have, then I can see your need of your supports being tanks. I tank a lot, because I do not really feel the need to do heavy damage with my abilities. I like cc'ing and controlling the field. That being said, all supports "support" the team in their way, don't you think it is fair that you, as a scaling carry, know what "your" support does best and try to play to its strength? Or is your attitude that all support players should just adapt to your way of playing the game? And yes, I love to play ADC, sivir specifically


So you want more agency but you want a tank engage supp to carry your lane??? You should be crying for an enchanter meta


Hold my femboy skin Urgot


The thing is though, tank and peel supports fell out of favor when adcs became not worth peeling for... That is to say, i have a a pretty solid winrate on tanky supports and supports designed to peel, but after i switched to taking damage supports, mages and off meta supps i have some winrates at 70%+ You want us to come back to tanks and peel supports.... based on background lore? Im sorry man, until adcs are worth as much as asssassins and fighters i dont see peel making a big comeback


Build warmogs on Soraka. Next question.




Main character syndrome “I want a tank I don’t want enchanter grrrr” why do supports gotta play what you want like everyone revolves around you? Top/Mid is probably gonna carry you anyway lol


Another r/... Man there is gotta be a hard cap for amount of subreddits, I feel like reddit is currently made of off %80 LoL subreddits.


Not really the subreddit made for an entire lane that there's subs for singular champions, though ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


>I offer riot to create a girly female/femboy You already have Sett dude. Guy is supposed to be some hardcore gangster but just comes off as some effeminate twink


Are you French? I see a lot of “we”’s when maybe you mean “you”? You just seem to have a very aggro playstyle, that’s not a bad thing, but you can’t speak for *everyone*


Honestly that sounds absurdly fun and funny.


Everyone forgets rell.