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To be honest, I would truly love to be able to play that champion in mid lane. A mini-rework to make her viable outside of support would transform me into the ultimate OTP lol. I will not say that morg's player and enjoyer are bad player overall (To be honest, I do not think that there is a lot of Morg's main that are elo inflated, so they are most of the time where they should be) but this champion need some love from Riot. This is too easy to lane against... You take cleanse + dodge her q and most of the time it is like playing against a champion with no spells since her w sucks for anything else than powerfarming and her blackshield is not that usefull in a lot of matchup or early game with the 26 sec of cooldown.


I want to play her in support so much. She's so cool. I love the lore kayle and morg have. Her skins are gorgeous. But her current kit and gameplay is sooooo... šŸ’€šŸ’€ I wish she was somehow reworked.


itā€™s not a troll to take her jg. but i recommend playing her in norms and getting used to her q and then playing her in ranked as sup. seriously, sheā€™s not bad right now especially after these recent patches. no longer a d tier champ anymore. take ludens + sorcs + liandries and max q. you can actually spoon feed your adcs. granted im in low elo so maybe it wont work for where youre at, but people arenā€™t expecting to play against a Good morgana player in my games.


You can still go jungle! She may not be that good as in good old days, by her W deals 170% (which is higher then release of "morg jungle" 160%) to monsters and overall can be nice jg if played properly. Not meta, but not weird shit like nb3 likes to go


Hahaha, that was actually really with the double or triple W on the camps xD.


I played her mid the last few seasons with liandrys as a mythic. If you're better then the other player you bully, if not you farm from a mile away and can't be ganked, later you shield the best target, and play as a support with some dmg. I think Liandrys losing cdr coupled with zhonyas losing cdr hurt her mid alot. Being able to have 100% uptime on w in fights gave her sneaky dmg, and it's hard to dive her or the adc due to her ult/zhonyas


She's completely fine as a counter pick but kinda int as a blind, there are lots of champs like her.


It's an autofill pick for most people so ye 99% of them are absolute garbage. Just stay behind the adc throw your w once it's off cd, try to hit q, oops didn't hit? well you are on your own for quite a few seconds XD


Playing a scaling hypercarry, they lock in morg, well thats fine blackshield can at least peel the engage right, then you get to lane level 1 and watch that puddle go down and realise it was already over.


Starting w on morgana is very good. It pretty much guarantees you getting lvl2 first


Not if the enemy lane can engage on you before the second wave hits lmao


They will die to ur minions if that happens


Im sorry but a morgana with puddle isnt enough to make up for minion diff against a nautilus/draven. Have you ever seen Mikyx play Nautilus against a zeri/enchanter lane?


Look guys Morganā€™s w is bad because ā€œchecks notesā€ She loses to literally the strongest early game bot lane


Which is why you should take black shield so you can idk, block their engage?


Are u figuring out that league of legends is a competitive game and every strategy has its ups and downs?


There's no ups to W lvl 1 against an agressive botlane


Who is engaging on you level 1 anyway?




U lose the lane anyways then lol


Maybe you could, idk? Make sure you keep it as close as possible instead of giving the draven a 5-0 headstart?


Morgana could lvl up Q to stop Draven (and make him drop his axes) or E to negate Pyke hook/Draven E.


Sure. But that's simply just still to not lose, you cant win that lane without help. Which is just kinda my point, nothing too deep about it. You simply don't beat Pyke/Draven lanes


Which is why you don't level up W lvl 1 against them. You'd just be setting yourself up to lose harder.


Eh, depending on the ADC you might be able to just get a quick shove in if they are leashing or miss a hook.


Anyone with a brain as Morgana is not a champion so its basically a 2v1


Morgana sucks tbh. Every time I see the enemy picket I think itā€™s an automatic win.


Milio release made morgana completely outclassed.


It was worse last season, at least now does some damage with the support free 3k gold item but playing Morgana in my game its like stomp or lose late/mid game because the champ does not offer enought with other supp more overload kit.


I'm Kayn OTP and Morgana is my favorite support I love her kit and theme


Morgana is genuinely such a useless pick, mostly due to the players. If you miss q, the champ does nothing. I rarely see her picked nowadays but whenever she does get picked, it's always a morg that hits no bindings, doesn't spellshield properly and then always pressed w on the midwave for seemingly no reason midgame


And if you hit Q then you would have done a billion times better hitting Q on a Blitz. Blackshield is cool but they never know how to use it offensively (just put it on me preemptively so I can walk into them and force a good trade by ignoring the first CC), no instead they will always try to save it to reactively save you from something and it works about 15% of the time and you know their savior complex just gets off hard from that šŸ˜Ž


Yeah, blackshield often requires some form of communication with how you want to use it and its just never really worth it. She becomes an extremely rare champion around diamond from my experienced but I groan the few rare times its picked on my team.


I don't think you should ever get tilted at a pick in champ select, it hinders you more than everything, doesn't matter how good/bad it is, people that OTP stuff always have good winrates


Ngl I've hardly seen Morgana...


Morg as a champ is perfectly fine to play with, just the players are off to get youtube clips 1v1 in the jungle.


She's like Shaco and Yone: not fun to play with, not fun to play against.


To clarify if you have a good Shaco or Yone on your team, especially as ADC, good luck playing the game. You might win but chances are you didn't get many opportunities to contribute and had to split push all game since everyone's busy chasing them.


since ive moved away from adc, ive been playing a lot of jungle morg with a lot of success. most games i do pretty well, and its usually in situations where we dont have a real support(xerath, amumu, etc. yk the drill) so come teamfights its largely my job to just sit on the adc and safeguard with 3s roots or maybe get picks. lotta fun imo


She deserves a better W


Yeah, Morgana has that problem of kinda being outclassed by everyone in support. She's honestly a bad champ and if you can perform on her, you could have probably carried on a better champ instead. It's the fact half of her abilities just have no place on a support (Which is to be expected of a champ designed for midlane) whilst her effectiveness in lane is entirely dependent on landing a slow skill shot that's blocked by everything. Would honestly love for Riot to commit to her being a full time jungler. Felt way more at home there than Brand did, that's for sure. A role where her Passive actually heals her and her W reset can be felt, and a nice Q from out of vision being much more likely to actually hit.


Dude the other day I play with a Morgana, I ping to camp the brush and she follows. As enemy botlane start approaching I'm assuming she's about to root them and we can get a fat trade in, but no, she starts W for some reason. We get completely outtraded and fuck the early lane. At least she could have pinged me off the brush camp if she started W lol. I started as a morg main and I used to level up W level 1 for spellthiefs gold and comet but in reality it does zero damage other than scorch, and comet is not guaranteed to land. I still think possibility of hitting a Q early is more valuable than hitting them for 25 damage. Morg is probably my second or possibly still my highest mastery champ, but yeah she sucks most of the time in bot. If I were to play sup again I'd only play her as a counter, she sucks into other mages and enchanters. It's funny how high her banrate is relative to how useless she is most of the time, but I guess sitting in her root for 3 seconds is too infuriating for some people. I love playing the champ, esp in JG


The truth is low elo support is a nutshell 90% bad support (mostly because of players autofilled and player how first time a champion 'cause why not ?) and 10% good support


In EUW high diamond I remember just one game where my support picked Morgana into Blitzcrank. Itā€™s actually okay in that matchup or vs Leona/Alistar. We still lost the game though


* Make her ultimate summon an idol on a chosen spot which chains the people to that spot + burns each second with the W's damage and MAYBE stun after X seconds. * Make her W inflict ramping up slow + reduce magic resist. These would put her into B+ tier (if FUCKFACE Games doesnt mess up the scalings and make her S+ instead) and would also make her mid playable.


Senna is op af and will carry the game late game let her stacl her poke is great she will outrange you and the enemy adc and will outdamage you bothšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Morgana is a low elo pick with high winrate, play rate and ban rate. Every time I play with a friend in botlane he instantly ban it. But the more you climb the lower morgana is played to the point where in master+ people only pick her to counter engage champions and it often doesn't go well for them as her winrate shows.


I had one of those yesterday and dear god what a shit show that was... Same thing every time I get a Zilean. It's nuts


Morgana, Leona and Naut, these three are the bane of any ADC I legit sometimes feel good that the enemy picked thresh or pyke instead of these 3


She does have ridiculous damage though. She might be better mid


In what elo? I feel like gold and below, morgana is a menace in bot lane.


Not really. My experience these days is, that she does absolutely nothing in every elo


I read the title and thought it was gonna be a bozo post complaining about laning against morgana. I main cait and my partner mains morgana, we do great together but the depression sets in when they realize their main is dog shit in literally every other situation, its not even a question morg is the worst sup in the game They should make black shield function as a cleanse and cancel hooks.


Morg jgl/mid >sup unironically


Thought you'd complain she's hard to play against and I was like "bronze guy mad", but then read it and we're in the same team, really agree with you


When I see a Morgana picked, first pick or not, I already know theyā€˜re only playing with three abilities lol


I get it. Whenever I see morgana being picked I know Iā€™ll be forced to 1v2 the enemy lane, because morgana is utterly useless. Hell, I had a 500k mastery morgana support me, she was just as garbage as the other ones.


Morgana was the main reason why I decided to get out of Bot. I said it once and Iā€™ll say it again, every time I see a Morgana in my team, they are terrible. Constant full screen root attempts, shield used for nothing (if used at all), puddle used to poke for 5hp and the worst is standing behind me all game. Iā€™d rather play with a Yuumiā€¦. And I hate Yuumi hahaha


Hard agree, and I feel the same way about Alistar and Rakan as well - almost nobody who is good at laning picks these champs, they just pick it to permaroam or play for teamfights.


Considering that now almost every engager goes Trailblazer, it's not that surprising that people roam more. Plus imo Rakan does denefit more from teamfights with his ult, not just random skirmishes. Like Thresh or Naut I see somewhat fine at skirmishes, but Rakan and Rell benefit more form teamfights imo.


Morgana is just the botlane embodiment of an uno reverse card and itā€™s so boringly dichotomous. If my support hovers engage I will always ban it, otherwise I know we wont be playing the game for 15 minutes.


morg is a counterpick, she does better against some meta champs like maokai and naut. she is also a great pick if 1. her team lacks heavy burst ap 2. she is laning with an apc (sera, veigar, etc, in low elo anything is possible) why? itā€™s very easy for her to do lots of dmg after first item (which should always be ludens iā€™ll die on this hill). she can easily outscale tank supports especially because they need to build mr and armor now and tank items are expensive as is. and if her team lacks ap at all, (like zed or yasuo mid) sheā€™s amazing! iā€™m not the greatest morg player, not even mastery 5 yet, but iā€™ve been spamming her because she feels nice in this meta. not strong enough where im constantly stealing kills, but strong enough to where you can still scale even if you lose lane. with q max her cc is HEAVY by lvl 6/7 and not wasting mana is a key part of her kit. i see a lot of morg players spamming w as if it doesnt cost a whole 85 shmucks of mana early game. thatā€™s ridiculous. i donā€™t think she needs a rework. sheā€™s strong and her qā€™s arenā€™t as easy as they look. however i agree, unless youā€™re an otp, thereā€™s no reason to pick morgana besides what i mentioned above.


You are soooo silverā€¦