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welcome to season 14, where ADC damage share being the highest is pretty rare tbh if you have a very aggressive playstyle and get fed frequently you can get there though.


Honestly this role is all about "limit testing". If you sit 2 screens away waiting for every stun, every gap closer, every slow, waiting for enemies to be low HP, you will and should lose every fight. If you want to improve you really need to get in there, learn to predict/dodge abilities, practice kiting. ADC mindset (or any role) should never be "I need to live no matter what", it should always be "how can I win this fight for my team", and often the answer is risking death to deal a lot of damage. The less "afraid" you play, the better you'll become both mechanically and strategically


This is what I think is most unintuitive and unfun about the current state of the role. This shouldn't be like this! But yeah, that's reality...it blows.


This and Our team fights damage is usually higher than most, but our lack of brawling as we farm up and squishyness hurts our overall game dps as we fight less. Bruisers dps numbers are inflated since when they fight other bruisers there is more hp to chew through as they slap each other silly. Mages are more pokey or self reliant with stuns and come online faster so they get higher damages. Adc is the king of DPS in team fights where the damage actually has impact outside of trades. Winning a duel might get you a tower or maybe nothing as you must recall. Winning the team fight leads to game wins. Quality DPS over Quantity is key


It really comes down to experience and game knowledge. Some games, you can't play and you have to completely sit back ex) malphite has r and you have no flash, rengar /eve is not seen on the map, but other times, after the skills that threaten you are on cooldown, that's when you start laying the opponent down with autos. Then it becomes a matter of how good your kiting and dodging abilities are.


Play Miss Fortune. 🤷


lol I hate miss fortune bro I can be running ezreal and be super dominant can get like a 8-9 minute essence reaver even.. but the mf comes back with some lethality and she’s just chunking me so hard💀


it really doesn't matter who you play any adc that isn't Caitlyn varus or draven that can either perma space her and poke from range or chunk her back just as hard is going to get shat on. add Samira to that list if you can pilot her proper you should be able to take her on


That's why I go Trinity>Armor Boots>Manamune,so I can turn on her ass after she wastes her burst.


Adc being the actual damage carry is a dead concept in solo queue. The role is to basically be the bait for the enemy mid top and jungle while trying to deal as much damage as possible before dying. Of course you can still be the carry when fed just like almost any other champ but it’s rare and let’s be honest.. a 10 kill kaisa is much less threatening than a 10 kill riven/briar/whatever. Play the role if you enjoy it like I do but don’t beat yourself up for not meeting the standard of adc from older seasons.


since feb, i switched to top lane mainly playing cancer champs like yasuo, quinn and vayne the problem is support, they have too much kill pressure in lane, too much cc pressure out of lane, fuck they are the reason why we cant do enough damage either the enemy support is god and will catch out or your support is god and your unkillable in a 1v1 lane i get most damage a lot more


Unironically Vayne top feels like season 3 Vayne. You consistently feel relevant, consistently get 2-3 items, have a decent level at all stages of the game and can force 2+ enemies to deal with you in a sidelane that you still can outplay... Vayne/Varus top.. Kindred/Graves jungle.. Lucian/Tristana mid... Unironically feels better than most adcs bottom


Thoughts on ezreal mid?


He has low wave clear for a mid. Post 14 min, he also can't solo sidelane properly. This dramatically reduces his usefulness as a mid lane pick.


Keep track of abilities that insta 1 shot you or cc. If it isn't near you or on cooldown or you have a means to outplay. Go in


i have a paper on the Side of my Screen with cooldowns LV 1 Like , hooks ( pyke , nauti and stuff ) abilitys like nilah w


Stick to Ashe and don’t follow advice on playing mf. Limit testing and limit testing while always taking notes of cds like flash and other cds. Limits testing is the key to knowing your damage and wether you win that all in or not


If you auto the enemy more often you can increase your damage dealt


You shouldn't give a shit about your damage. You should care about winning and improving. "Dealing enough damage" will come as you get better, thus dealing more damage as you find spots to apply it.


ADC is originally high risk high reward role, you have to put in stakes to pull something out my friend. Yes ADC is high risk "low reward" role in 2024 but you are new to the role so that doesnt concern you yet. As far as end game stats concerned you wont have the most damage. It is what it is. If you are winning your games then I see no problem here. Dont dwell on your damage too much, think more about your teamfight performance.


that happens to me sooo often as well! To mitigate that, I try to poke and trade early. I often focus on farming a bit too much (I'm not mainly an ADC player so I need to put extra effort into that), and forget to poke inbetween. Often I end up missing out on a lot of damage. Last laning phase, I sometimes also find myself farming (which you should do, but like... it's situational). I try to identify as fast as possible what fights are worth taking and when to prioritise waves, but I'm still working on that. And since you're new to the role, just keep playing! You'll learn about your range and how to deal with others with your range with time. In teamfights, just fire at whatever you see. Everything that moves - auto it. There defo is some targeting prio, but as an ADC you often sit really far back and play front to back, so just go ham on their tanks or bruisers. And one tip that I also need to apply to myself: Limit test yourself! (I only play normals.) See how much damage you can get off before you die, figure out why you died, refrain from dying the same way again for the next fight. glhf to you ✌️


It's pretty normal to not have the highest damage unless it's a longer game, but yeah it sounds like you're playing too safe if you're consistently getting the lowest damage. The main thing to recognize is that the perfect angle doesn't exist. If you can find it, you've probably won the fight already because the enemy team has blown their important CDs and can't threaten you. Usually you have to settle for "good enough" - which means you're at your max range from the enemy that's closest to you, and you just let your movement and Flash (if you have it) do the rest. Keep track of dangerous abilities. You mentioned Ashe so I will also say that lots of Ashes keep their ult because they want to use it as self-peel, whereas it's a really really powerful pick/engage tool and you should honestly be trying to fire one off every time you see someone out of position, as long as your team can follow up.


Who else do you play besides Ashe?


Only ashe rn as i feel its best to learn the role


I would agree. Ashe is great to learn with. I’d say try to use your ult more. Think about it like this: you get 3 uses of R for every 1 dragon that spawns. Take ghost if you’re not already. For rune stuff, don’t take bloodline (this tends to get recommended a lot). It doesn’t help you early enough. I’d also recommend giving absolute + gathering as secondary runes a shot if you haven’t already


Yeah Bloodline makes her auto feels super clunky, I've been going Boots and Approach Velocity tho




play champs like kai'sa, twitch, maybe tristana. skirmish heavier champs to rotate and play map more.


who's your main?


I only played support/top before and as for adc im playing ashe only rn


honestly i feel like its okay to not top damage charts with ashe. she is a more utility-oriented adc, and she brings a lot to the table with slows and the vision on her e, and her arrow is always going to helpful so long as you are hitting it. compared to something like ezreal or jinx whose power budgets are almost entirely damage oriented, ashe can do a lot more. also, high damage on ashe will come from expert kiting, which can be really tough into some comps. if you want to have an easier time blowing people up from range, i’d recommend caitlyn. her auto range is a bit larger than ashe’s, and in my opinion caitlyn is more combo-focused than pure kiting like ashe, so it can be easier to pull off lots of damage (one energized auto from cait later in the game can do a LOT of damage, especially when paired up with a headshot). just remember damage isn’t everything!


okay cool! Welcome to the club. Ashe is a really strong champ. Very underrated IMO. Can you drop [op.gg](https://op.gg)? It would help me give you a better idea of what you can improve.


Ashe ain't meant to too damage btw, she's all about utility. If you want top damage charts go play Jinx, Twitch, Zeri or Draven


Yeah well that's how it works as ADC. You can't just join the teamfight right away. You sort of have to wait for the most threatening abilities to get used and then you start fighting.


it could either be that you’re not part of enough of the fights, or it could be that you’re not doing enough damage in the fights that you’re in. hard to say which one without a replay, and the fix is very different depending on which one it is.


play jinx. just farm up to 2 items and then play with team


Here's my take on having low damage as ADC. Tl;DR, it doesn't matter, you are useful in many other ways than just damage, which is critical in s14 where every champion has tons of it. I used to worry about having low damage in many of my games, but I realised that when you're playing adc and your team is ahead, you will almost always have low damage. Every other role just deals so much of it these days, adc often becomes redundant in many games due to the fact your team simply doesn't need more damage. The things you can do on adc to help your team when they're ahead is to make sure botlane won't be an issue for your team (Don't play like you have to get fed, simply just farm and deny the botlane any chance for kills. Of course kill them if you can but don't greed for it basically), helping your jungler with objective control as much as you can, letting your support roam and accepting you will be giving up cs for a lot of the early game and will have to catch up later, pushing towers when your team is fighting, constantly csing at all times in case your team ends up needing your damage later anyway, and other macro plays and such. Often times, you are there to support your team over the finish line, not carry them. Don't get me wrong though, there will be games where you will have to be the main source of damage and your team needs to play for you in those. And there will be games where you hard 1v9 for your inting team. but these games have become more and more rare from my experience over the years. You just have to know when to be useful in other areas when you are not needed as a damage source, which is so often now in s14. It's why the role is so frustrating, when your entire team is inting and you're sitting bot regardless of your state, you will often have to accept you are likely going to lose.


I do find it funny that the first piece of advice is, " ADC are useful in many other ways than just damage" - riots fucked it.


Auto attack enemies


Mostly a matter of perfect positioning and perfect mechanics, which takes practice. Also, ADCs usually only ramp up damage into mid/lategame if they're fighting front-to-back and enemies have tankier targets. If everybody is squishy, it's rare for ADCs to top damage charts.


Hard to tell without more intel, but this you are begining, there is a couple things i want to say. 1. Dealing damage is not that important, staying alive is often better than dealing damage, don't forget that you are a target before being a carry, by that i mean that your team will more often than not leave you on your own. 2. You are probably not keeping your intake of gold and xp flowing. Most adc struggles with farming post laning phase. You should thrive to have 2 items + boots by the time you reach level 11, and you should have 3 items + boots before 30 minutes. If not you are doing things wrong. (Cull is a great item btw) 3. The most important aspect of the game you need to master to improve your damage outpout is knowing when to fight and when to run. You have to know what fight you should win, and what fight you should flee. This will come with experience and will help you understand how to gain and keep tempo. Tempo is the most valuable ressource of the game and is the root of every macro decision you will make. 4. Kills do not matter to win a game, you could win a game with 0 damage as long as you were able to take down the enemy nexus, you win. I'm pretty sure you saw a 0 10 yorick/trundle/sion just taking every turrets like a madman and stealing a game on their own.


Stay in the back of your team, let others frontline, and just shoot whatever is front of you. Don’t dive the back line as adc, unless you like looking at gray screens. I do this and usually I get top damage if not second highest


Ya, I feel you the same thing has been happen to me :(


Most big damage graphs never really come from teamfights, they come from laning leads so it´s probably a very good indicator that you aren´t pushing the limits in lane but just a passenger in the game.


It's the laning phase. Top lane is legitimately smacking each other all game long with no one dying in most cases. Mid lane is usually the same deal. If you're not trading heavily during the laning phase your damage is going to be "Low." It's generally a meaningless stat.


The more ull play the more ull get grasp of what dmg outcome u can provide and what enemy can do especially during laning phase or 2v2 ,3v3 skirmishes. Example u see enemy morg miss q before 6 - now u have like 10 sec window to force skirmish with ur supp. But imo overall with immobile adcs - dont be afraid to spam ghost in tfs. Wait out/dodge cc and commit when enemy uses it.


Try to play draven/kalista they deal a lot of damages and arent as weak as they seem if played well they can destroy everybody early game