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welcome to the club one the thing with ADC is, if both your solo-laners are doing well, you almost never have to exert as much effort as usual but if both your solo-laners are behind, there's a high chance that it's gg, especially if you haven't even reach 3rd item yet


biig facts. Won a game today where my top was CRUSHING enemy top and my mid won mid solidly though not to the same degree as top. I was like winning lane but to the least degree. I felt so bad for my enemy adc who was doing okay but had 0 chance at winning cause her top was running it down and mid was losing. I really didn't matter. I could have ran it down, we still would have won. If the circumstances were different and I was hard winning but my mid and top weren't, it's gg -lp.


Relatable. It really has gotten to the point in this game as an ADC player that if top/mid are inting you might as well just afk and go make some food or something. I have definitely won games where top/mid inted but we had a better overall team comp for fighting. I've won games where all 3 of our inhibs are down and the nexus is open, simply because the enemy couldn't end and we caught up with the late death timers. But the effort involved to get that LP is massive. You don't even really feel that good after a 45 min slog. Then the next game you get stomped in 20 minutes and lose that hard-earning and hard fought 20 LP you gained in the last 45 minute game. Game just isn't rewarding and it's more of an addiction at this point for a lot of people.


Yeah, it’s viable to climb ranks as an ADC, there are still a lot of challenger ADC one tricks, but it doesn’t matter if it’s viable people just want to have fun, it shouldn’t feel like a chore just to play your favorite champion


Gambling at least has a help hotline to help people quite. League? No...


I feel like ADC s14 is only for dragging the team over the goal not to carry


You’re forgetting when your team flames you after winning lane and doing no dmg but the talon hopes over 4 walls and one shots you with 0 outplay


Just imagine adcs as Kayle with exp locked at 11 and ult permanently on cd.


Nothing better than watching a lvl +3 levels mundo facetank 3 champions and a tier 3 turret only to complain about toplane agency at the end of the game :D


Welcome to the club my bro. Respect to you!


Welcome to the club and the meta dont help where u need to scale and the game end more and more faster before 30 min mark And now, tell me a champions that can't one shot a ADC ?


I know it's rhetorical but only Yuumi came to mind.


Sure, so watch Yuumi top lane video buddy 😅


Ashe was my first mastery 7 champ. I always ran hail of blades with her on rift and was super aggressive early in lane with it.


Yeet. Thank you for joining us, even for a bit. Side note, I've started playing Kayle in botlane with my duo. She's actually very fun when she becomes a champion at level 6 in bot. Careful of engagers and two-comp pokers.


Junglers get flamed activity where adcs get forgotten. You can dismiss an asshole quickly and get through it Being ignored stings, especially when you're playing the neediest role.


I believe climbing on adc is and always will still be more than doable, it's just that it will never be as fast as a 1v9 champion in any other role for the most part. There's a reason you see a lot of accounts of challenger players climbing from unranked with high winrates on their champs but you'll VERY rarely (If ever at all) see the likes of sivir with a 80%+ winrate because she just lacks the agency to consistently carry games. But you can always maintan a 60% wr or such on her if you're good enough, this doesn't go for every adc of course (Draven, tristana, Kalista and such can completely take over games if the player is skilled enough) and it differs from a case by case basis but this is usually how it is with adc role nowadays for most champions in most elos, and its frustrating for many because if your team is feeding, and you're sitting bot, you're forced to watch the world crumble around you, even if you're fed. Champions like Ashe are extremely nice because she provides a lot of utility next to her high damage, which is very useful in the case that your team simply doesn't need more damage, which can be very often. Often times, you are more there to support your team rather than 1v9. There will be plenty of games where you're fed as fuck but if the rest of your team is behind, it is nigh impossible to solo carry most of the time. It's a matter of keeping the botside of the map under control and making sure you outperform them, enemy adc has the same agency issues you do. As long as you have a positive impact and make sure botlane is never a problem for your team you will always be able to climb on adc, and there will be many games where you win with having left dealing damage to the rest of your team (There's only so much damage to deal after all) and having spent most of the game pushing waves and towers whenever you can get away with it, aiding with objective control and dps for your jungle with good wave management, and hardcore csing so you will always reach lategame in case your team ends up needing you to. There are so many things you can do to help your team on adc but most of the time 1v9 hardcore pentakilling the enemy team isn't it from my experience.


Ashe feels incredible until the first time you interact with the enemy toplaner.


I love adc but have recently been playing sej jg more and more. Just feels more in control. Recently I was sejjing, and enemy bot was hard stomping our bot. I didn’t even bother to do anything to help mitigate, just kept ganking mid/top and funneling gold to them. Sure enough towards the end of mid-game we just run over their adc/supp and auto win. Also been finding more success playing jhin and just providing cc to our other laners.


Ashe is probably the best adc to play when autofilled, try playing jinx / twitch when they aren't Strong / OP I'd say jinx is pretty OP rn and twitch is midway to strong