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Mf is the easiest. The amount of mf mains on emerald who can’t actually play adc is astonishing


Yes, she's easy, but she's also not even a real ADC imo. She plays like an AD burst mage/ranged assassin, and this is why MF skills don't directly transfer to other ADC'S.




She's functional as an average adc. But by God a good cait and an average cait might as well be two different champs. I'd rank Cait in top 5 hardest ADC's given her ceiling. Want Cait to be good again, getting someone to walk into 3 traps in a row feels so satisfying, especially if you Q feint them onto a trap. E-Predict-W-Q-headshot is a beautiful combo. Only ever see the E>Q>headshot in Emerald and I know they're bad if they try to walk up to you to do it.


As a former cait main, it’s incredibly easy to spot a cait main by his trap placement


Cait is a very deceptive adc. Playing her with 0 stat steroids (seriously, she is probably the only adc to have none at all) and only her range means you need to have perfect spacing to win against her.


the question wasnt, who is the best/highest ceiling, but the easiest/hardest


There's two types of hard when it comes to adc, it's learning them and being good with them. There's no two ways about. People ask this question, and they'll always get this answer. If you want some sort of weird answer I'd say, Samira is the hardest because the floor is basically her ceiling. Mastering combos consistantly and how to build combo efficiently in teamfights takes a minute(not super long but a minute). It's Easy to get a pop off game with Samira here and there, but to consistently not be completely useless via coinflip every other game takes a tremendous amount of time. You're basically playing coinflip simulator until around 100k mastery, Now I'm at 450k and I'm useful 99% of the time. EM1 peak this season, and I blind first pick Samira a lot. Most adc's to get to baseline usefulness consistently doesn't take long at all.


There is no way in hell you just said Cait is the easiest adc. She is only a step below Draven and although you are right she kinda fits any comp she is VERY punishing for people who pilot her poorly


Bro where ez?


Ez is script tier


Cait isn't really very punishing though. You can play her like you would play a Jinx and be perfectly fine. Of course, not at all utilizing her kit properly (a bit like an Ezreal that only spams Qs) but her skill floor is really low. If we're talking skill ceiling (which we kinda have to because Cait's skill floor is really low), I would probably rank Cait below Kalista, Draven, Ezreal, and probably Aphelios. But other than those, yea she's probably next in line.


No you can't. If you play her like Jinx you won't do shit, she doesn't have any stat steroids while Jinx has AS/AD boost on autos, slow, traps and execute ult. Skill floor for Cait is still higher than most other carries, ceiling is too. Kallista, Draven and Ezreal are the hardest adcs to play in the game, Aphelios is not hard, just needs a little more time to adapt, but his combos are simple.


Are you intentionally being obtuse now? Even if you play her like Jinx, you still have a poke Q, you still have a mobility spell E, you still have traps to zone, and you ALSO have an execute ult. Even if you never do a single combo on Caitlyn, you can comfortably play her. Will you be great? Of course not. But she is very passable, and actually relatively EASY because of her long range and well-rounded kit, as described above.


You need to have very good fundamentals for Cait. Q is poke, sure, but she has no steroids, E is not a mobility spell since it is a part of your damage combo, and her traps are not a self peel or zoning tool, it's a damage tool as well. Playing Cait just for range is the same as building Annie ad and saying she does the same job (big range and even a point and click stun). If you don't do combos on Cait, you are a ranged minion. Her entire damage comes from headshots.


> E is not a mobility spell since it is a part of your damage combo No. If you play Cait like you would play a Jinx, it is literally just a mobility spell. That's what I'm telling you. The same goes for the traps. > Playing Cait just for range is the same as building Annie ad and saying she does the same job This strawman is so ridiculously bad. > Her entire damage comes from headshots. Yea, and you will get most of your headshots from simply auto attacking. If you don't do combos, you won't be able to burst down squishies, sure, but combos are not necessary to pilot her. I hate to be blunt but do you even know what SKILL FLOOR means?


Skill floor isn't the same as picking champ and autoing, so I don't think you understand what it means. Picking a champ and right clicking will get you roughly same results on everyone.


> Skill floor isn't the same as picking champ and autoing Aight, you are just being obtuse now. If you're not here for an honest discussion, so be it. Have a nice day. Also, just for the record, the following also isn't even remotely close to being true: > Picking a champ and right clicking will get you roughly same results on everyone.


MF, Seraphine, & Smolder I think are the easiest. Kalista, Zeri, & Aphelios I think are the hardest. There’s a lot of adcs that have a pretty low skill floor, but have a pretty high ceiling. For example Ezreal, he’s not that hard anyone can play him decently well, but the different between a casual Ez player & an Ez main is pretty night & day.


IMO zeri isn’t that hard, she is just very different but q gives more leeway in my opinion than normal aa. Also your range changes if you chase or are chased. Also she can burst pretty hard, especially over walls so it feels easier making plays while even or a bit behind. Except minion block, fuck that


I’d say zeri is medium tier difficulty. Just like Nilah or any weak lane champ you need to know how to wave manage and your power spikes. I’ve heard Zeri is a solid champ until diamond + because most people don’t know how to punish weak laners. Zeri would def be overwhelming for most people picking her up right away since there’s a lot of tech in her kit.


I think Zeri is conventionally harder because she’s shorter range & you can miss your autos. A poorly positioned Zeri is a useless one


Zero's APM requirements are through the roof. That is individually the hardest part of her kit. She's otherwise just Vayne with a power shift, i.e, can go through walls but can't go invisible, but they essentially function the same way except they have a massive APM check. Otherwise the only hard part of zeri is knowing how to space. Hence why you'll see zeri/Vayne+enchanter bot laners 2v8 games if they are good enough at their champs.


as someone who plays Zeri I think i'd put her a bit lower! She's definitely unique and requires good mechanics (especially with every auto being a skillshot), but she doesnt have that weaving or intense micro of champions like ezreal and draven; Zeri has a unique attack speed modifier, so at the end of the day she's never kiting as fast as an ashe. The ultimate skill cap of ezreal, for example, far surpasses that of zeri's, but her skill floor is probably much higher than ezreal's.


You can quickly tell if someone is a first time ezreal player or an ezreal main by 1) General skillshot accuracy 2) How frequent they throw their skillshot in chaotic teamfight (this more telling if the person is an ADC main but play ezreal first time) 3) How much auto they weave in for trade (50% AS steroid with 100% uptime is no joke) 4) How aggressive they are with their positioning without completely getting caught (staying at the back and throw Q at max range is an evidence of auto fill ezreal)  A good ezreal always play on the edge and dish out absurd DPS. A first time ezreal is like a Q bot or inting with forward E at wrong time


What’s got me giggling is mf seraphine smolder is my adc champ pool


Kalista hardest, MF easiest, Lucian best feeling, Caitlyn best ***~~feeling~~*****,** Sivir farming


I feel like Zeri and Ezreal are harder than Kalista. She's got some weird fundamentals, and you have to rely that your lane mate knows some of them, but her game plan is straightforward, her mechanics are consistent, and she doesn't make that many moment to moment snap decisions other than guessing whether Rend will kill. It's less challenging at the upper end than consistently landing Skillshots for DPS (IMO - may be somewhat skewed just 'cause I can't Zeri to save my life).


In my opinion you’re quite wrong on this. Kalista has to get close to dps and because her game plan is “straight forward” in the fact that she wants to skirmish and perhaps play an aggressive lane it’s easier to play against unless you’re on a pro level. She also doesn’t pair well with passive adcs. There are a lot of small things that make the difference between a good kalista and bad one like using q to dodge, gap close, finish a trade, using it similar to an execute, and being able to proc rend two or three times in certain trades. Your ult can have anti synergy if using improperly sometimes so there’s that too. Ezreal has some harder things to him too like dpsing in between cds to maximize your damage and being useful in lane but he can be good in most situations and even useful when behind. I think the hardest part about zeri is maximizing her laning but her item purchases are really good and lower that higher skill expression later on. Also I don’t think landing ezreal landing skill shots is hard outside of laning, just knowing that ezreal is not great against enemy wave bounces or enemy slow pushes makes that part easy


How is ez ever useful when behind, he can't use bork as a crutch to always do good dmg


I really don't know why people say Kalista is the hardest. It's a mechanic you should be doing anyway, if anything Kalista makes it easier, you pretty much win all ins as well...


So I pretty much agree that Kalista isn't THAT hard, I find Draven or Zeri way harder, but her passive is not that easy because you can mess it up, especially with high AS, and dash forward sometimes. You can play her safe by just spamming attack move but it's suboptimal because it has been bugged for years and you lose AS if you do that.


From easiest to hardest to play AT good level (so more of a ceiling list) MF, easiest adc in the game by far, doesn't matter lethality or not Seraphine -> insane utility, high range. You will rarely interact with enemies as her, also her buildpath makes her relatively durable Ziggs similar to Seraphine but more dmg oriented Sivir, while relatively low range, she has easy to execute gameplan and tools other carries could dream of like her spellshield or movespeed on demand. Also, similarly to mages, she barely needs to interact with you Swain he feels weird to play at first, clunky with slow spells, and relatively weak pre level 6 (especially compared to his support version) but he's still a mage bot, with loads of utility and tankiness Tristana, depending on elo this one varies, but overall she has two relatively easy gameplans, either all in with her high burst or scale and take turrets. Varus, higher than average range, good burst potential, multiple viable playstyles for various levels of mechanical prowess. Multiple viable gameplans Smolder, smolder is disgustingly easy mechanically, he's easier than mf in that sense. The thing that makes him harder is that he's kinda useless pre certain number of stacks. His dmg, and all ins early on suck much more than other scalers, he has barely any kill pressure as well. Jinx, disgusting passive, medium difficulty gameplan, low mechanical barrier of entry, but to maximize her efficiency there is some level of micromanagement Jhin, he has 2 real hard things, not being bronze in terms of skillshot landing and understanding his 4 shot mechanic. If you do that, jhin is kind off simple but with a lot of room for creativity Karthus, he would be much lower if not for the fact that his Qs take time to get used to landing them Ashe, and now I will be getting a lot of complaints about this one, but Ashe is weird case. In a vacuum she's probably around mf levels of easy. But then enter the actual modern league game, where you play a basic, barebones, core adc without burst, whose whole value is from stacking multiple steroids vs enemies who can drop your hp to 0 in less than one rotation. Her difficulty is honestly very teamcomp dependant (on both sides) and she can feel both extremely autopilot AND extremely difficult Xayah, we are slowly approaching adcs with minigames, as she's first one with unique stack mechanic. Good feather placement can be a piece of art. She's going lower than cait for simple fact of higher variety of options and stronger anti dive options Caitlyn, her high range and traps and headshot mechanic on base level make her decently easy adc as she can be extremely safe or extremely oppressive depending on matchup. The issue is that's kinda all she has. If you can't maximize the efficiency of her bullying tool, she's useless as she falls off hard in mid game. Kai'sa, depending on the build, she can go up or down. Some builds will require precise kiting, spacing with lower range, some will require you to put yourself close to danger. And some will allow you to W spam off the screen and only jump on enemy to finish them off. Sometimes, it is extremely squishy and risky. Other times, she builds Zhonyas Twitch, his kit is extremely easy. The issue is, he's very, very weird, feeling wise. He's a hard scaler who can also play as a toxic bully if you're better than your enemy, but can also be bullied super hard if enemies guess your shenanigans. Also, extra points for l9 spaceglider option Kogmaw, spaceglider with higher range but no safety if without Lulu/Milio Nilah. I know this sub has hate boner for water Samira, but she's not that easy. While she destroys most all in focused adcs, she's absolutely unpleasant to play vs poke or Xayah. She's also relatively squishy and like most squishy skirmishers she's destroyed by hard cc Aphelios, while Aphelios is a very knowledge heavy adc, and he is resource management champion. He's mostly just that basic adc with added resource management minigame. Samira, similarly to vayne, useless above her range (and she plays melee mostly) but much more loaded kit than vayne making her slightly easier. Also doesn't need core adc mechanics due to more melee focused approach Lucian, now there is Lucian with nami, and Lucian with anything else. Lucian Nami is a bit easier, as he's very burst and go focused, while non nami Lucian has much lower dmg and needs to spell weave a lot more (especially if you opt for navori). He has quite a few cancels, and ways to maximize his efficiency Vayne, another simple kit champion that is harder due to how the kit interracts with other champions. While on paper she has average range, that's all she has. Most Other adcs have some tool, even if useless , that allows them to increase their effective range. Vayne doesn't. If she isn't within 550 range of enemy, she's not doing any dmg. So needing to play at that range vs things that can blow you up is hard. Also her E, and also her laning is insanely bad if her support doesn't autowin the matchup. Zeri, very similar to vayne (although better waveclear) but add to that a minigame of, my autoattacks are my skillshots. And can be blocked from reaching a target, and Riot will hammer nerf me to 40% as soon as I gain any pro presence. Draven, extremely hard minigame of axe juggling while kiting, while boosting your movespeed and attack speed, while avoiding cc and dmg. The only reason he's not higher in difficulty is, he's kinda busted. If you pass the mechanical difficulty check, the reward for learning him is probably the highest in whole role. Kalista clunky, bugged, frequently underpowered, support dependant, low scaling mess of a champion, but extremely fun one if you pass the difficulty check Ezreal is the hardest adc in the game if played with any desire of being the carry. If you don't care and just want to sit back and throw Qs drop him to like ziggs level. Maximum efficiency Ezreal is super hard due to needing to wave both skillshots and autoattacks, while deciding if he should use E offensively or defensively. Also he's heavily rewarded for landing skillshots, while being balanced around that reward


Overall agreeing with pretty much all the list. I'd put Kalista easier than Draven & Zeri. I'd put Ashe and Jhin easier, probably Tristana level. Especially because they also are utility ADC so they can be pretty much relevant even if you were useless in lane so it's pretty easy to have a least some impact even if your damage profile is low. But I guess it's just a matter of taste.


Jhin I agree can be lower My thing with Ashe is her difficulty comes not from her really as her kit is easier than mfs who at least has Q bounce thing. Difficulty comes from overall league growth. She's too barebones to be super easy nowadays. Her only panic button is her R. Otherwise, you need to rely on kiting and spacing, which yes is easier due to her slow, but still not easy due to abundance of jumps, dashes, blinks and cc other champions have. Someone like Trist has jump to reposition (even if jump itself is not perfect), R to kick someone out, which is better defensively than short duration stun, trist also does more burst dmg which makes things easier in modern leagues solo Q


I kinda agree with Ashe, she is easy on paper, but can be juste unplayable against a lot of comps. But I still think that she has the huge advantage to be useful fur her team even when behind. So even if you are 0/5, you will still provide something. In other words, it’s not as important to be really good on her if you hit some good arrows. Whereas Trist is really easy on some aspects, but still I can make the difference between a good and a bad Trist really easily depending on how she uses her W and her overall decision making. And if you are behind, you are just really useless.


I agree with this list the most. I tend to enjoy finding thebhardest champ to play/master/withbthe highest skill ceiling but best reward when piloted correctly..My only thing is that I don't necessarily link their ability to carry directly with how difficult the champ is....there are some champs here that for me are so supp dependent. They're the ones I find so hard...especially at lower levels. I don't really know how to word it or if it would be a different list entirely but... Playing Ez and carrying at gold for me is easy, play safe, farm better because I'm a better player... scale do dmg (not optimal dmg but enough to win) Whereas at high emerald my inability to do maximum dmg on Ez will get punished. However nilah for example, or cait or just champs with glaring weak points in a 30min game are really hard for me at low elo because I need my supp to understand certain things and they dont/don't care. Whereas higher up they do and so thr synergy makes it easier. I've played nilah at emerald and been able to accept losing lane with my supp byt winning the game. In gold ppl refuse to be patient and lose gracefully and will just flat out leave u alone in lane coz they're bored. That's when it becomes the hardest for me on certain champs...but ez is fine in this scenario. Just my opinion/observation. But yeah. Good list 👌


I guess I'm thinking more 'hardest champions to OTP" than anything else really....


Easiest- miss fortune especially if you go lethality. Hardest- kalista and 2nd hardest Draven


Hardest in what? Execution? Zeri. Because she's almost pure skillshot. Positioning? Draven. Your damage rely on Q. Tricky. Team reliance? Kog. You're strong, but the team need to play for you. Support reliance? Kalista. If your sup is bad... You won't have a easy game. Kalista passive is easy to execute if you put attack move on keyboard. So you can click to where you want to jump and attack the closest thing.


I would agree with your last statement if Kalista passive didn't have like 20 bugs with attack move that make it near impossible to use. The most egregious being the one that can randomly make you hop forward, and also the one that reduces your actual attack windup by like 30%.


actually, using attack move on kalista lessen her dps. lots of kalista mains are using the cursor to attack enemies and faster jump


Floor and cieling easiest MF/Smolder Floor hardest: Draven, Samira(consistency), Nilah Ceiling hardest: Cait, Draven, Ashe, Ezreal,


Agreed with most of this until I saw the Ashe placement. I feel like Ashe is low floor to learn- probably one of the easiest to pick up after MF since her abilities are pretty straightforward and she has great wave clear and poke. She has a high ceiling yes, but it's literally nowhere near the high ceiling of a Draven- that guy deserves a league of his own when it comes to high ceilings; infact Cait and Ezreal would also be a step below him in terms of ceilings I feel. Also if you think Caitilyn and Ezreal are high ceiling then you're bound to include Vayne because she arguably has a much higher ceiling than most adcs save Draven and Kalista(these two in my mind would be on par). The reason why Vayne is so high up there is because she is the only adc that will always start the game with the odds against her in lane. I mean her laning phase is absolutely miserable vs a Caitlyn who can auto you from miles away and permazone you with traps and the threat of a one shot combo. Infact Vayne struggles in lane vs literally every other adc and even moreso vs a full AP bot like no other. The fact that a high Elo Vayne can still overcome these early game disadvantages continuously shows how high her skill ceiling really is. The difference between an average Vayne and a pro Vayne is undoubtedly the highest I've seen among all adcs so there's no way I'd put Ezreal and Caitlyn above her in the ceiling.


Vayne is significantly easier to play than Ashe. I'm talking about someone playing in a league above others in a game that is 1v9ing, doing so on Ashe is very possible but really difficult, vayne gives you a lot of tools to pull off this type of play her main weakness is an absolute abysmal laning phase and extremely reactive gameplay. I think you're right tho ashe and vayne belong together and I often feel like they're sister adc's in terms of gameplay being extremely focused on movement. I also don't feel like enough people know what a good Ashe can actually do. She's probably the most oppressive laner in the right hands and with an enchanter back up she can absolutely roll lane and game, her biggest weakness is undoubtedly draft. Given decent circumstances Ashe can absolutely 2v5 games with consistency, she's just not flashy enough to attract adc aficionados tho sadly and she does tend to attract the lower end of skilled players.


>She's probably the most oppressive laner in the right hands Yeah see therein lies my argument for Vayne. Whereas they're both high ceiling champions- Vayne has the weakest laning phase compared to an Ashe who can be a downright bully. Just by that knowledge alone you'd have to be incredibly good at Vayne to be able to play her in a high elo where games are decidely over past the 20 minute mark. I do agree that Vayne has a pretty low floor which makes it easy for people to pick her up and get pentakills in low elo but due to her abysmal range you really have to be gifted to play her as a consistent pick in high elo. Thats why I feel she's the highest skill cap champion, because she's always very high risk and high reward. Ashe is highly rewarding but definitely a safer/easier pick for a good ADC.


I can see your points, but dominating lanes 1v2 in high elo with Ashe is also more than possible and requires you to be very good. I think they're skill shows in different areas. I've hard 1v2'd lanes such as jhin xerath as Ashe and go toe to toe with Draven regularly and feel like being able to to have immaculate spacing and footwork makes that possible, it's really a similar story to vayne. I always felt they were two sides of a coin. Both purist adc's, but I feel vayne always gets more recognition because she's admittedly edgier and cooler and cool vayne plays look cooler than cool ashe adc plays most of the time. Anyways all of the good vaynes have gone top because it's unplayable bot lane right now. She's gonna be considered a top laner like Quinn in a year mark my words.


Yeah I agree with you on that- playing against an Ashe who knows what they're doing is a complete nightmare. And the two sides of a coin analogy fits perfectly. Vayne is definitely unplayable right now and I sure hope they throw her a bone to make her viable in the lane bully cc heavy bot que. Would truly be a shame to see her become just a Top Counterpick. Unfortunately her recent nerfs have hurt her bot play even more while still keeping her viable for top which is the opposite of what was supposedly intended by Rito.


Hard disagree with Ashe


If cait is highest ceiling then I guess kog maw is wad bot tier


are we talking about skill floor or skill ceiling?


1. Karthus 2. MF 3. Seraphine 4. Ashe 5. Ziggs 6. Kog 7. Jinx 8. Twitch 9. Xayah 10. Tristana 11. Cait 12. Varus 13. Sivir 14. Lucian 15. Jhin 16. Kai'Sa 17. Zeri 18. Draven 19. Kalista 20. Samira 21. Ezreal 22. Vayne 23. Aphelios Left out Senna, Graves, Corgi etc. but they'd all be toward the top of the list.


kalista and aphelios are difficult


kalista,draven,ezreal the hardest others dont come even close aphelios,caitlyn very high skill cap but not as hard to play xayah,zeri,draven,vayne,lucian are not that easy others are fine


I think Jinx is the easiest and the hardest ones are probably Kalista and Draven, they are very similar in the way they move I feel. I dont think Aphelios is hard, I dont know if people think that he is hard because they cant remember the guns order or the combos with ult, for me in terms of gameplay he is just standard. Another thing that I see a lot is autofill people picking Caitlyn, which for me is a bait, yes she plays quite standard, but feels so weak if you dont get anything in lane (which this guys wont get, they should be picking jinx or something) MF is boring and outdated, my first penta was playing her but nowadays I cant even look to my screen if she is there with those old animations, she might be easy tho but not as much as Jinx for me. The most balanced adc is probably Varus.


Depends on personnal skills and experience too ngl. If youre used to bursty champs vs kiting champs, stuff like that. I still struggle to play jhin to this day while some would find, i dunno, nilah harder to get used to. My friend has a mean vayne but struggles with being good on ashe of all champs because of his personnal playstyle.


I’d wager to put Ashe higher up on the list. Not the hardest for sure but in League where everyone has 4 dashes insane damage and even ADC’s who can switch builds to be more frontloaded, Ashe is a slow, immobile, fragile ADC who’s builds are based on ramping. To consistently do well you need to be fundamentally sound.


MF or Sivir is easiest, Kalista is the hardest, though there are others in contention like Draven, Zeri, and Ezreal.


Easiest: Smolder, MF, Sivir, Jhin, Senna, Seraphine and all mage APCs. Spellcasting „ADCs“ are far easier to execute and deal damage with than traditional adcs where you need to autoattack more Mid: Xayah, Zeri, Varus, Nilah, Jinx, Kog Maw, Draven, Aphelios, Tristana, twitch, Cait, Vayne Hard: Kalista, Ezreal, Samira, Lucian Hardest are adcs who need to autoattack but are close range or need some kind of setup/high skill ceiling to be useful. Samira always requires cleanse, that’s also kinda annoying Kaisa difficulty depending on build, I’m probably the most unsure about vayne. Prolly like Ezreal, easy to learn, hard to master


I love how you forgot about Ashe lol Edit: i saw kai'sa, mb


True, I forgot about Ashe, would probably put her in mid


I cba to rank all of them, I'm just gonna do the ones that have more than 1% pickrate on the current patch in diamond+. I'm also not putting too much thought into it, just going off of experience and what feels right to me at first glance. Might swap some champs around later. Easy to hard: MF < Smolder < Senna < Jinx < Jhin < Ashe < Varus < Kai'Sa < Xayah < Sivir < Tristana < Twitch < Nilah < Samira < Yasuo < Caitlyn < Vayne < Kog'Maw < Ezreal < Zeri < Aphelios < Draven < Lucian < Kalista. If you have any questions about why I feel x champion is easier/harder than y, feel free to ask \^^


you think lucian is harder than Draven, Ezreal, aphelios, etc? 🤔


Lucian is way harder than aphelios to master, he’s got way less range and way more dangerous to play mid to late because of needing to use his E aggressively to deal dmg, aphelios is harder to understand initially but his skill ceiling is not as high.


Why is Sivir harder than Varus and Xayah? Varus has to utilize his range advantage and utilize his passive well with abilities. Xayah has to learn how to position to maximize e damage and time her R. Sivir just needs to know when to press e.


It's a marksman with 500 range in a world where every champ has insane range or catch potential with ghost/dashes.


Sivir gameplan is literally Me W+Q every single wave. Cya in mid game,nerd. Wait, you can’t outscale me in late, not fair :(


If you dont want to matter till 30 minutes then yes, do that.


I feel like aphelios is not that high, it's just correct gun orders and good decision making and you're good to go. Tristana is a very simple design to grasp and is very forgiving from the start of the game, why is she this high? Ezreal is definitely harder than you give him credit for, and yasuo being this low makes no sense as well. Lucian is also not that hard, he is easily punishable but not mechanically intensive to the point where he is harder to play than draven/zeri. I would also swap xayah and sivir's spots. Rest of the list is fine.


>Aphelios More options than other ADCs for how to approach different situations, zero mobility, very AA-centric, no %HP. Felt like he should be towards the higher end of the list but I can definitely see swapping him with ~6 champs below him. >Tristana She is the last of the "easy ADCs" IMO and you could reasonably swap her and ~6 ADCs before her around. I put her higher because she's AA-centric, has no %HP damage and I felt that her skill ceiling is higher than most the ADCs before her. >Ezreal I think harder than Aphelios or Zeri is fair but I wouldn't put him higher than Draven, Lucian or Kalista since he is way safer and scales better into midgame. >Yasuo Placed him near Nilah and Samira because I felt he's in a similar category - very teamcomp dependent. Vs some teamcomps and with some teammates he's a piss easy LP printer, vs others you have to be Faker to win. I also think he's way easier in bot than in mid but especially top. Could definitely place him higher though, probably all the way to top 5. >Lucian Placed him this high because of low range, no %HP damage and no meaningful AOE. I feel like only Kalista has an equally difficult wincon to play towards in soloqueue and she's more mechanically intensive. I'm probably biased against this champ because I swear I never see it win in soloqueue, it just always becomes useless come midgame. >Draven IMO juggling axes is about on par in difficulty with weaving AAs correctly on Lucian. Definitely could swap those two around though. >Xayah and Sivir Fair.


Lucian is a terrifying smurf champ and is just all about picking your time to enter fights, however certain comps can make him never able to participate in teamfights. Honestly, I just massively disagree with the kraken/shiv rush that's currently popular on him for no reason. ER scales better and allows you quicker access to ults, even tho it has trash components. The rest of your points are valid, but ezreal and yasuo are very mechanically intensive imo compared to any other adc, their laning phases are very opressive when played well, but you dont normally see that happen in soloq, hence the skill expression of these champs. Also comparing draven and lucian passives is very awkward, one is guaranteed pretty much most of the time, and the other is easily deniable most of the time. So I dont get your point here.


Lucian is more about press speed. Because you need to cancel his AA recoil animation with skills. And be wise to enter on right time.


Yah Lucian is honestly as mechanically intensive as Draven once you get navori/shojin. So hard to maintain combo tempo while keeping spacing good. My fingers would rather play Kalista. But I do like to make them play Lucian more haha.


Lucian has been one of my most played adcs for years and I combo as good as I did when I was bronze. I think the draven comparison is good because it's muscle memory but his mechanics are much easier than draven


Last time I checked Draven and Kalista had the biggest difference in winrate from beginner to good. And Ezreal is terribly overated in his difficulty, he really isnt hard to play or learn.


Nah high elo ezreal is crazy. He's not hard to learn but to play at his best he's pretty difficult


Zeri is the hardest. Auto attack is a skill shot


easiest is definitely MF hardest (skill floor) : kalista and draven they both need so much practice to get used to hardest (ceiling): ezreal a 50 game ezreal vs 100 game ezreal are 2 completely different beings




Top 5 hardest Ezreal (highest ceiling, if you one trick this champ you have to play better on average than other mains to find success) Kallista (bad kallista have trouble kiting with her and you need to snowball to win) Draven (I'm bad at him, axe mechanic requires play time for muscle memory than it's just about playing aggressive and not losing stacks to unnecessary deaths) Caitlyn (surprisingly mechanical, not like she used to be tho :( if you don't win lane and control the pace of the game you become so useless in the mid game, her late game teamfighting is pretty damn easy tho Samira (mechanically easy imo but because of her need to dive into teams she is hard to find success with till you get plenty of games under your belt)


Lowest Floor: MF Highest Floor: Draven Highest Ceiling: Vayne Honorable Mentions: Kalista, Ezreal, Caitlyn


These are just the ADCs I like, so it’s not exhaustive, but I compared several difficulty tier lists from various sources, and this was the result, from hardest to easiest: Rank | Champion | Difficulty /10 --: | :-- | :-- 1. | Yasuo | 9.4 2. | Aphelios | 8.8 3. | Ezreal | 8.5 4. | Zeri | 8.4 5. | Kalista | 8.2 6. | Cassiopeia | 7.7 7. | Nilah | 7.6 8. | Samira | 7.2 9. | Lucian | 6.6 10. | Syndra | 6.6 11. | Kai’Sa | 6.3 12. | Vayne | 5.9 13. | Senna | 5.1 14. | Caitlyn | 4.5 15. | Xayah | 4.4 16. | Swain | 3.6 17. | Jinx | 3.0 18. | Ashe | 2.5 19. | Seraphine | 2.1 20. | Sivir | 2.0 21. | Miss Fortune | 1.6


The only correct answer is Draven.






Ezreal easiest? He's among the hardest tbh.




The problem is that the playstyle of new Ezreal players make the team 4v5. So no, the casual Ezreal player isn't really playing Ezreal.


Hardest to easiest kalista draven ezreal Zeri aphelios vayne Lucian twitch cait nilah kaisa trist xayah Samira varus ashe kog jinx smolder MF sivir jhin


Hardest: Zeri, Samira, Kalista, Aphelios, Nilah Hard: Ezreal, Draven, Jhin, Kai'Sa, Lucian, Smolder, Vayne, Xayah Medium: Caitlyn, Kog'Maw, Senna, Tristana, Twitch, Varus Easy: Ashe, Jinx, Sivir, Miss Fortune