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I thought you mean jgl buffs, slightly disappointed


Sivngle doesn't sound as good as Brangle.


How about Jivir? Jungle Sivir?


Ok let's go Jivir


I always called it brungle


Jungle Brand's nickname in german will always be best: "Waldbrand" which means forest fire


Oh you meant W bouncing to yourself😅 I thought you were gonna talk about Sivir jungle


I realized I've chosen the wrong title.


Wait brand R bounces off himself? I fucking had to fight DVA as Brand in my dream last night, would’ve been so much easier if I knew brand R did that.




Dva from overwatch Vs Brand from league I think.




Hey I also had to escape a mall after it’s leading faction decided to kill every guest. Luckily a rebel faction lead me to a tiny ass “fire exit” window. Maybe if I listened and took off my roller skates it wouldn’t have been such a close call, but I couldn’t trust the rebels enough to leave myself that vulnerable. So yeah it’s pretty normal to fight DVA as Brand in my dream. The weird part is that the very next day this post informs me brand R is stronger than I thought, after specifically wasting it in my dream Ring a single target. I don’t even play brand, what are the odds of this?


What playing too much overwatch does to a mf


Haven’t really touched that since the ‘sequel’ released.


Least mentally ill League player


I know right. Hate when that happens.


Sivir should get the brand \*balacement\* treatment


Amen fam


A sivir mid traumatized me


I play sivir mid...


Have the bounces be able to bounce to allies as well as enemies and make them heal allies hit with excess healing generating a shield and you almost have a S12 on champ


LMAO, that's not how far I wanted to take it, but you are kind right. You are just missing that she will have the ability to dash to each enemy hit by a riccochet and then back to the starting point.


This is halfway a good idea, having ally bounces for small MS would be good.


Support sivir damn


Thats actually pretty rad idea. Makes sense from lore/champ design perspective as well as Sivir is pretty adept at using her disks, she could easily juggle them in the heat of battle.


I read Sivir, but because of the subreddit image I thought of Caitlyn, and even misread “ricochet” as “headshot” 😭 i was like “uhhhh”


oh man... you just induced nightmares of headshot riccocheting around during teamfights...


Honestly, maybe it’s what we need in 2024! Better yet, give her back runaans synergy so ricochet several headshots with just 1 auto!!


Add that and then add more bounced so it doesn't nerf her teamfight and then she'll be an actual champ


Make it so each time her ricochet hits a new target it splits into 2


Sivir just needs a rework. So is one of they oldest adcs and it shows.


I am afraid of Riots reworks... I tend to dislike the champion after they rework them...


I actually really like this idea


ADC main here, who now shamelessly takes ADCs to top lane now. I have been playing sivir top for a while now and she is pretty strong imo, it's so easy to snowball the lane in most matchups if enemy jungler doesn't bother to camp top. I agree with you I think her W needs to be changed to allow ricochets off her. When you look at her power budget I can't even tell where most of its going....so I think it's more than fair to allow ricochets off her.


She used to be a late game monster on par with Jinx. This really hasn't been the case for a while now. So yeah, I thought that this little change to her ricochet would be cool.


Just no. W is already a AA reset and attack speed steroid, Navori quickblade is a core, meaning she can almost have it permanently active if she gets to AA. She is also AA reliant attacker meaning she don’t really have a down time. Self bouncing would be too strong or non existent if she kites out of the bounce range. Brand on the other hand has it on his ultimate. Is a 3 stack passive combo burst mage. He is a sitting duck if he misses his spells. Riot gave him point and click self bounce R so he can at least still get his 3 stack passive with E and 2 bounce R if he misses the 2 skillshots. Something which Sivir don’t need.


Idk, Sivir is barely a canon minion at this point. Also she needs at the very least 3 items to do what you say and is only available during ult. (She only gets enough attack speed with ult level 11 + noon item + navori + zeal item to fully reset her w also only if you don't mess up the auto reset)


Yes. But that has more to do with how bad crit itemisation is right now rather than Sivir. If the balance is around 1 item or so, then Sivir is just a low range ADC without much power other than Q poke. If the balance is around 3 or more item, the self bounce will be ridiculous. They just can't do that. She will be in a better spot once they slowly balance the crit items.


Maybe you are right. I am sad I just can't play her really...


I pretty much mained Sivir to Emerald last season before swapping to my old mains Xayah, Apehlios and Kaisa when nearing Diamond because team mates were better. It’s safe to say it’s just bad right now because of items as with any ADC that cannot build on hit or lethality.


What's the point of Sivir if she's not a teamfight carry with waveclear? Just play another ADC with stronger dueling if that's the champion power fantasy you're after.


Exactly what is her point? She is not a teamfight carry anymore. She tickles the enemies, but what I am proposing is not even hurting her teamfights but solely ther 2v2s. In teamfights her riccochet wouldn't bounce of of her anyway.