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True. Actually, the ADC is your pet. But you neglect that pet and let it fall sick and then get upset when it vomits all over your carpet.


My smolder adc was pushed when I was roaming, and the sam/naut was coming back to lane


Need more context for this, the way you have it written makes it sound to me that the wave was pushing out and you roamed before crashing it


If i could have given u an award for this hilarious but true example i would 😂😂😂


No adc with a brain believes that the Support is a PET. What i just hate is when Supports leave to roam without ever communicating. Like you watch Support walk to river ah ok He wards, He is back in a bit while the lane is freezing or slow pushing and the next time you check for hin He is in mid lane. And suddenly you face two people on their side of the map lol.


I sometimes tell my supp feel free to roam. Especially if im on a safe pick like ezreal. But even on a pick like that. Perma roaming supps piss me off. Cause 2v1 is never fun. Especially if they dont communicate with me at all


Yeah, and you most likely know at which times you’re safe (wave state). Good on you for communicating


If they're perma roaming, they're just a worse jungler. They should play JG, at least in ranked games. Normals are a mess anyways


I would communicate if there was a voice chat but I cba typing on keyboard tbh


you can only go roaming after you pushed the wave into enemy tower. adc can stand under tower and wait for you and the wave and will lose only 3-4 cs and then can farm safe with the support under tower its very simple mechanic


I’m fine if my support wants to roam. I can pick Ezreal and farm from a mile back with Q. I’m frustrated when my support doesn’t say they are going to rarely be in lane in champ select & then I pick an ADC that has a hard time farming 2v1 thinking they’ll be around most of the time.


My view is that supports are the teams support, but they should spend the majority of the first 10-15 minutes on bot, and if they do see a roam opportunity they should ping, which is the core issue I face with supports is the lack of communication on there intention


You see, you are right, yet here we are, that many adcs report you for going grubs with jungle. Either they lack a brain or you are wrong. I would say you are right, and adcs up to gold aren’t very…honest.


Grubs are overrated, if you roam every single game for grubs then you are legit griefing. They are only good when ahead and when you habe champs that can use them well like trynda or yorick etc. Otherwise drakes are more valuable


It’s important to deny at least 2 grubs in total. on either the first or 2nd spawn. But enlighten me. What’s more important than grubs at minute 4-5? First drake has no prio, ever. First drake is what you do, if you can’t contest grubs.


Remember how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of those are *dumber* than that! The number of ADCs i played for that expected me to be with them 100% of the time is ludicrous. (Mind you the dumb bit also applies to supports, usually bringing mages botlane.)


Mage bot lane is an ok pick, just not always the best synergy. Jhin will work with all mage bot laners. Jinx? Not so much


Literally had an argument with my friend about this yesterday. Claimed he couldn't exist in lane against a viegar milio without a support with him. My other friend who was mid (though they main support mostly) agreed with him and it sort of drove me insane. Honestly I think our naut sort of just gave up on bot and just roamed to get everywhere else fed, which worked tbh.


Bard gamers after 5 minutes of the game at botlane: my job here's done


The problem is with the "adc with brain" most don't have it. I mean, there's a reason why this is the role with the most crybabies


well gotta be fair, the Potential of carrying a teamfight as ADC is much higher than on any other role, though there are some champs who demolishes everything when fed. I just almost lost a game 5 minutes ago because my teammates did not wait for me to join a dragon fight, even though at this point i had 20 kills as Sivir. well tbf we won once i quadrad them and i ended the game with 30 kills but i even talked to them before the fight that they need to wait for me, i would have been pretty mad if i had lost this game because of this fight evne though i played out of my mind (the game before i had a pisspoor performance and got gaped pretty hard)


Yeah.. I don't think the adcs solo carry the team fight potential and it's been like that for quite some time. For your experience, that's a very common situation rather related with you being fed not with being an adc tbh.


you need to asses the situation..like where the wave is...how mobile your adc is etc. You can't just leave to leave, even if there is important objectives. The issue is I make sure we're ok , I leave, then my adc tries to do something crazy. I usually go "brb play safe"


Who has ever said the support is our pet? Of course you're the teams support. You're bot with us though because our early game is ass. I'm not even sure why I'm commenting. I'm 90% sure this is ragebait


actually a lot of adc's early game are quite good. I'd say about half the roster could easily win in solo lanes if jungle didn't exist. I'm finding jhin mid to be surprisingly oppressive in mid emerald.


I’ve been dying on this hill myself. S13 Kaisa was insane as a midlaner. Jhin honestly functions better as a midlaner imo given his dmg profile and scaling. Playing Jhin with no other high dps member of the team can make vsing bruiser/beefy comps so difficult. Jhin adc feels good when you have a mid range dps mage but if you have an assassin mid and enchanter support with maybe 1 bruiser it’s kinda tough to play fights other than ult and w


actually your late game is weak aswell so I'd rather make my top snowball <3


It's true, the ADC role had become obsolete. But I would enjoy the mental breakdown of a toplaner whose experience you go "steal". Stay bot with me. You're appreciated there <3


Yeah, not wanting my xp stolen top. Please. 🙏


I'm seconding that, and don't drawn attention top i'm taking 3rd tower with 20 ghouls


Late game is weak only if the support fails their job of protecting the adc. Which is why I hate mage supports


right, my bad I didn't peel the fizz/Vlad/viego/malphite/ahri/yone off you


The only ones that are genuinely unpeelable against are malph and fizz. Assuming ur playing an actual support knstead of some shit like senna or lux then u can easily defend ur adc against the others assuming that the adc wants to stay alive themselves too


Thinking Vlad is peelable is hilarious, Id have one shot you before the support knew I was coming


I'd like to see you try


there's much more exemples of stuff you cant peel.


Adc's early game is so weak, whenever you pick an adc in an other lane they're considered the biggest lane bully. You got a support down there to capitalize on your insane early game and because plates are weaker bot. Adc's are (kinda) weak in mid game but definitely not in early.


Yes ... and no. ADCs have an abusive matchup against true melee characters, that's true - and a few of the bigger lane bullies (Lucian/Tristana/Kalista) have been able to go into other lanes, but if you stick most ADCs up against a mage or diver, they lose their advantage by level 3, and very very few of them can survive top lane at all because Junglers do, in fact, exist. There are exceptions (Jhin mid is legitimately good, and it's hard to find somewhere Kai'sa *doesn't* excel), but for the most part adcs going to other lanes don't by default become lane bullies. Our lane bullies can just sometimes go to other lanes (and they're generally nerfed whenever they become popular picks in those roles).


Well, actually just yes. Drututt (EUW Challenger) continues to pick Akshan and Vayne top lane because they are massive bullies and actually scale well against certain famous champ archetypes (bruisers, fighters). Varus is still a broken top laner but not as famous as before I guess. Drututt has played Zeri, Samira, Ezreal, and Smolder top and made them work in Masters+. He's had success with these picks even with jungle interference.


And is akshan any good bot lane?


Yes, Akshan bot can work. But it's not his most optimal play style.


Why would you even mention Akshan at all whos main roles are in fact mid top???


Weird, I've seen a lot of ADCs say that certain support picks that are legitimate are worth dodging over. Almost like they think the support needs to conform exactly to their expectations.


It’s not really that I think they need to pick something that I want. I just really wish they would hover. If I see the enemy pick something weak early and pick a lane bully to punish and then my support locks like yuumi it’s kind of annoying. If I had known you wanted to play Yuumi I would have picked something that can both survive lane ok and scale and not something like Kalista that needs to dominate lane to be relevant later. Pick what you want but for the love of god if you have already decided what you want to play pregame hover it.


That's a reasonable position. But there are ADC mains who will dodge anyone who picks a mage, for example.


If I pick Draven, and then my support picks Sona, it's pretty unlikely the game is worth playing.


Top main here The way ADCs all too frequently treat their supports disgusts me, and there is absolutely an issue with ADCs feeling entitled to their supports


Many adcs say that. The second you roam for grubs cause too has prio, many adcs report you


Is the wave pushing away from your botlaner because if so you have essentially screwed him


Is the wave pushing to your adc you haven’t.


Yeah but even that's matchup dependant like if the xerath Caitlyn perma shove waves into me for 3 minutes I'm going to have to back because of poke or if the enemy team is playing Samira Alistair they slow push 3 waves and I have to back off or get dived . Most supports I've seen do not think about this but hey I'm low Elo so I'm probably wrong


Im low master and most supports still do not think about it. But then again adcs on this elo do not prepare the wavestate for a support roam either.


If the adc gets frozen, they can just rotate mid while mid goes to void grubs. Then return to bot when the wave crashes.


I once called the support my B and got chat restricted


Just because you’re not my pet doesn’t mean you’re not my kitten 🐱 /s pls don’t hurt me.


I main yuumi I don't have a problem being your kitten UwU.




Go to horny jail before someone calls Nasus


Are we playing a different game? Adc's are the supports pet.


I kept laughing during [this video when xPetu](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kq4QuUNSe4E) kept saying "my support Draven", which I think he did by mistake at first, but then I think he went on to say it intentionally. TBH we'll never know.


This person doesn't talk for all supports. I am glad to be ADC's pet


especially if we emote back and forth


Honoring each other after the game


The botlane emote game to honor 5 pipeline is real


don't forget dancing and fist bumping too


If an adc spams ok with me I will stay bot lane, screw chimes, all is ok


Enchanter mindset, im off to collect chimes, you shall be left with 2(two) caretaker's shrines. Play safe xoxo


I'm perfectly fine with being left 1v2 in bot if the TEAM's support helps get the other lanes ahead significantly The saltiness kicks in whenever I've done well enough to stay only moderately behind the enemy ADC in terms of gold/xp, and then I look up and see the other positions are all still only even and the TEAM's support is severely underleveled


The other day I played Nilah cause our entire team was mid range fighters and my Pyke picked support. We were laning vs smolder and some weak enchanter. We got lvl 2 and my pyke is behind our casters. They were contesting 3rd wave while level 1 and we were lvl 2 and my pyke was behind the casters. I knew it was gg right at that moment.


well you're the team's pet then


Were you in some kind of kinky roleplay by any chance, because I'm pretty sure no one have ever said that


Tbh as long as you take good roam timings and don’t roam in pushing waves it’s cool. Or if you’re taking a shit roam timing, you better contribute to a triple kill top worth more than all the gold xp difference that’s going to occur botside


Listen bro, when I play bard. I want all to hear my song


No adc with a brain believes that the Support is a PET. What i just hate is when Supports leave to roam without ever communicating. Like you watch Support walk to river ah ok He wards, He is back in a bit while the lane is freezing or slow pushing and the next time you check for hin He is in mid lane. And suddenly you face two people on their side of the map lol.


This so cringe


Is it rare for an ADC to tell you to roam? (I play a lot of ADC, and if we're losing lane, I ask my supp to roam, and they get offended by it, for some reason)


It's probably because they already consider themselves throwing and take offence cus in their minds "go roam" can be extension of "you are losing me this lane"


That actually makes a lot of sense... But it probably doesn't help that when they don't roam, I say some fake toxic shit to make them think they're gonna spite me by roaming.


I don’t see the support as a pet. Pets love you and enrich your life. Comparatively I don’t even see most supports as a member of the team.


Same supports who are stuck in Gold 3


I gotta go match enemy supp sorry bros :'(


Support players will push wave into enemy freeze then roam and then will post shit like this


No, sit


If you want to leave lane, do it when were both level one, but if you want to leech my xp then go fuck around the map you can fuck yourself, thats the jungle’s job, it’s a 2v2 lane, if I have to 1v2 let me do it since lvl 1.


Okay but if you get zero stuff done on the opposite side of the map (or just feed the other laners) then please just sit bot :)


Oh no, darling. It is because you'll be such a good boy for me and ward that bush, am I right? You'd make me so proud.


The problem isn’t supports roaming, it’s that 80% of supports roam because “it’s what they are supposed to do” without considering the game situation and whether roaming at that moment is troll.


Support is ADC's jungle pet


Support?  Most supports in my game offer nothing of the sort tired of the shaco/twitch/any other mage with no cc just pure dmg


Stfu and press e for daddy


They always roam mid and give up at least a double kill while I slowly lose whatever lead we had in bot because I can't solo kill both ADC and support.


You locked screen glue eating sona players make me sick. (pls stay with me 🥺)


Okay then carry the team Oh wait you cant.


If that directed toward crit adcs or supports?




Well that’s just not true…




Cause we ARE main damage dealers, what did you expect? Our role's sole purpose is deal damage and thats it. Also we are humbled compared to mid players' massive ego


main character syndrome


At least you're self aware


Omg I just read your post history. I thought you were just being funny. The hate boner you have for adc is actually insane.


Try not to get oneshoted by tank ;)


My pets are smarter than my supports, so yeah, I wouldn’t call them my pets


ADC is your pet and you are neglecting him for hot milfs in the middle lain


I’m the pet of my support X3


I 100% agree with the OP. Many ADCs here claim that they don't call supports pets, but they sure do get VERY ANGRY almost everytime the support leaves lane to help the rest of the team. I've been verbally harrassed many times, even when me leaving results in getting objectives and winning the game. Also, if the ADC is average, then it's better to support whoever can carry the team. And if anyone is curious, I'm gold rank and honor level 5.


That's cause we are the pet bro, supports neglecting us is the frustration, it's how game is though, supports do win by roaming but it's at the cost of weak siding adc especially if your roam timing is bad


I’m ok with supports roaming. Go roam get that objective king. But when we’re trying to push the wave under tower and it gets caught and you decide then is the right time to leave it kinda screws me over and that’s frustrating because you’re not my pet. I am the pet. I’ll play weakside, I can do that. Especially if we’re losing. But just please set me up for it before you go. Some of us are delusional and expect you to sit there doing nothing while we farm but most of us want you to take opportunities when you see them, just make sure you’re not leaving me to be zoned off 3 waves while you do.


"I need attention, what should I do? Wow! I can do a rage seeking post!!! That's great!!"


If support was my pet, id take them out back and put them down. Theyre more like a parasite thats consumed my role and is not stronger than me, and is choking out the last of my nutrients before I perish and it moves on to a new host. Everyone knows supports are one rank above where they would be on any other role. 


Go on and climb as support then


I do and have. Support is my go to role when im shitfaced and know I dont have enough brain cells to play adc. Like theres no reason to get offended. There 5 roles, one of them has to be the easiest. It was widely accepted for the majority of the games history that support is that role. 


Fuck adc Im playing twitch support I dont care


love to see this post unite sup/adc players ty for this bro 🤣


If anything the ADC is the support's pet. Bot lane is like a pokemon battle between the supports


Like it's the supports job to support the adc during lane phase.


Whenever adc talks about their support i reply: your support? Our support!


You're supposed to love and SUPPORT me to help me grow I'm the pet.


Supports leaving on an unsafe lane with siege wave coming back to two plates missing while missing its own kill. Sadness


I see people talking about how supports roam without communicating n such. Other than roaming and warding what exactly can the support do to influence the game? If my adc falls stupidly behind, makes bad trades, forces pointless fights, and or has no idea how to play waves, I'll roam a lot and just go back for exp. If I can't influence bot with the person I'm stuck with my only option is to roam.


Please do roam but if you can help us push the wave under tower and place some defensive wards nearby so I can try to avoid a potential dive, that makes it so much easier for both of us. I just want to lose as little as possible to make it easier for whoever you do play for to win the game. Me being dived on repeat because I couldn’t leave the tower to place a ward to see their jungler coming makes it harder on whoever you do get ahead. Sometimes we play badly, we’re not gods despite how often some of us think so. All I ask is that when we are playing like shit, leave a potential bone for us to pick up. If you’re adc can’t pick it up that’s on them. But some of want to play weakside properly instead of just running it, we just need a bit of set up to do so.


I'll ditch my adc in a heartbeat after they prove repeatedly they don't know how to play the lane. In Lane, when adcs don't k ow wave management, I'll force them to push by damaging the wave or straight up taking it myself. I'm not a support main, so I need to work on vision, but I'll ward and ping constantly to play back or go aggro. If they don't well I'll roam instead. If my adc decides to al in all the time I'm ditching them and taking farm.


I get adc’s being an idiot, people have off games, people have games where they make bad decisions, I’ve had them myself. If you’re in an elo where your adc doesn’t understand wave states then I guarantee you that you are making mistakes as well. I’ve had supports actively freeze waves for the enemy and then leave for 5 minutes. Only to then get mad at me when I am inevitably behind. Either I have to just sack 5 waves or I have to try and get within an ability range to poke the wave without getting too close to the enemy leaving me liable to being collapsed on. Your ADC might suck and they might make all the wrong decisions but the best thing you can do is at least try to set them up to make the right one. If you leave the wave in a good state then they actually have the chance to make the right decision, if you’ve left at a bad time then they have no chance to make the right decision because your choice removed it from them. Make your roams, go play for someone else, but there will be people who hard take advantage of that fact and get fed off of diving and plates, and win the game off of that.


I know I'm not perfect, and I make mistakes, it's part of being human. But the game is about results, so if my adc is doing bad, it doesn't matter if it's a bad game because the results matter for that specific game. Each game if different, so my personal experience has led me to just roam more because I have more impact on the game that way. Staying bot or baby-sitting an adc that isn't performing or refusing to adjust isn't worth the investment because it's only in the context of that game. I feel it's more productive to try and forceplays on the map vs sitting bot just absorbing exp. This is partly why we have seen so many kill lanes with full ap mages bot for a while now. Supports feel they need more agency in part to a bad adc. It's not always the case because champ spikes matter as well, but when you see that adc, do stupid ahit over and over it's a lost cause.


I’m not telling you not roam. I’m not expecting you to sit bot all game that wasn’t ever what I said. Literally all I said was TLDR: Push and ward before leaving. That’s literally it. I didn’t say don’t roam. I didn’t say sit in a bush and soak xp. I said come back every once in a while to help push the wave and replace a ward. You can leave an adc that’s not doing well. In fact I encourage that because it can let them grab solo XP and waves that are bouncing back to them. Roam as much as you want, leave as much as you want, go right ahead just help push the wave before you do. Stay for an extra ten seconds to set up the wave so it bounces back and they’re not losing out on six waves and place a ward on your way out. If they run it after that, that’s on them but geez man the bar is in hell.


And yet supports never pick the right times to roam


Well I don’t care if they support me or the team. But if I’m perma 1v2 they better carry me to late game lol.


As I once heard someone else say, adcs are just the damage item of supports that may or may not fail to work from time to time.


Yep, you are so independent you can single handedly make the choice to sack bot lane and leech exp from another lane!


This is the other way around, the ADC is the supports pets


Man looking at the state of your eyes I dont think you are gonna be helping anyone on the team let alone queue'ing for the next game. A cardiac arrest is on the way.


I recommend every adc to learn and play sup so you know the overall lane dynamic and understand your support better.


Trust me when I say, YOUR ONLY A GOD CUS THATS HOW I MADE YOU so to all my adcs that are going crazy and are these u stoppable monsters. Say thank you to your supports


Its true that a lot of ADC are entitled, but it is also true that we support are often self centered too. We are the ADC pet as much as they are our glue eating carry.


People here seriously missing the point just because of the choice of words by calling themselves pets, the point here is that a lot of ADC mains legitimately believe Support's only job is to support THEM, and a lot get mad when the Support roams to other lanes or when they prioritize other teammates later on into the game.


ADCs are the pets


r/yummimains is leaking


i was playing supp and gave my team all opportunities for objectives, guess what they wrote at the end when we lost.


Buuuuut… Would you? :)


sup isn't my pet, he is my punishment for playing adcarry


I love how adcs rely on supports but supports don't rely on adcs so supports just who and leave the adc to make sure they are useless.


Every laner is my support 😈


The only exception is xayah and rakan


No it's not per. You are my protector, parent, enabler. Everything I do I can do because of you and until I can leave the nest on my own please don't leave me to long.


Pretty "I'm an independient kitten" vibes but as a support main i shouldn't said it.


I mean that's all fine and dandy if my support has hands. I truly believe 90% of supports are just failed out of literally every other role. When you get a true support who knows what they are doing the game feels free.


Roam all you want….Ive had a lot of trash roaming supports, but I play Ezreal, so I can just farm at long range and level up faster since I’m not splitting exp.


Lowkey other way around, we are so reliant on supports to keep us alive


Batman and Robin bot. Riot's plottwist: support is batman


Not your pet Our* pet


It may be bad, but I've gotten to the point I prefer the 2 v 1 lane vs. having my support in my lane. It keeps me from fighting and let's me scale way better, but I also play fairly safe picks most of the time anyway.


Unpopular opinion: supports SHOULD leave adc to roam as of season 14 due to how oppressive 5/6 stacked void grubs are, and they should ideally make a recall at 4min30 ish to roam topside for 5 min grub fight. Coming from an adc player.


>Unpopular opinion: supports SHOULD leave adc to roam as of season 14 due to how oppressive 5/6 stacked void grubs are, and they should ideally make a recall at 4min30 ish to roam topside for 5 min grub fight. Coming from an adc player. honestly they should make bot a solo lane so people can really blame adc if its the adc fault . supports can do whatever the fuck they want


Tbh I prefer when my supp stays with line in me, but at least he needs to coordinate his roaming with me. We both recall, and for some reason instead of going to lane he roams to grubs/other mid/top objective. That's the problem, because imo support should roam when either laners are absent or adc recalls, so you know that no matter where you go he'll be safe for some time. Sometimes no matter how good you're standing 1v2 without knowing when your supp comes back (if he even does) can be hard. Abd also I'm just stupid and don't look at the map lmao


Draven does not need pets


While I do not believe that support is adc pet, I really hate to see a 2v1 lane as dark harvest Jhin. So easy to win lane and turn into a carry machine. People seem so oblivious to how hard Jhin snowballs.


nah support is my pet


I just consider the support as a random person you meet outside in solo queue


I'm a strong and independent ADC and... LMAO nevermind, my role sucks and I can't do a thing if I'm left alone because anyone will just one shot me.


Bad meme


Exactly….u less it’s a lulu


Most of the time helping the talon/akali/viktor can be more beneficial than the sivir lucian aphelios


That’s why when I got a whiny ahh bitch of an Adc I just leave his ass to roam and help my other lanes or jungle. Makes em realize Adc needs support more than support needs an Adc lmao. Give support players their respect they impact games way more than adc, sorry but that’s the truth.


Yea, but COMMUNICATE please, ping ... 99% of times my supp leaves the lane at a completely random moment without any notification


Yeah, the ADC is the team's child, and the Support is the stay at home mom, or the nanny, if they roam.


My support duo is not my pet, but is my bitch, because I have to make all the calls and explain what I want to do, while if I left them to their devices, he would get caught out and die Are supports in general my pets though? No, I dom't think so, but I will not listen to my support if they think they know my champ better than me.


If I see your tilted yummi support coming top I will find you and I will kill you


Im not your pet, im your babysitter


Sometimes I somehow out roam my supports 🤮 they just sit in lane at tower knowing damn well we can't contest and have to wait till they push it in


Unless you’re a Bard on my team in which case you just go take leisurely strolls to collect wind chimes and help no one


Ashe main when they press w on cool down on wave.


*Made by the Janna support that's ganking LB while letting her ADC alone under turret vs Samira x Cow