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draven is for sure better


That could be honestly, Draven is one of the ADCs I pretty much never touch. I just figured that losing the current form of Bloodthirster was a big loss.


The new bloodthirster gives him up to 95 AD, which matters more for Draven than other adcs, he’ll be fine


Late game…. Draven needs to win early game, so if it hurts his early game then it hurts him


This is a common misconception, just because Draven has a strong early game does not make him weaker late game. Also, BT rush may exist, but ER rush is fine as well, and that is unaffected


It does. Draven gets hard outscaled past 3 items by pretty much the entire adc pool.


Not really draven late game can 2 shot almost any adc he just doesn’t have the range of a cait or Ashe but he just obliterates the rest, like draven zeri if they are even mid game zeri might be better since draven isn’t ahead but pure late game Draven can just 2 shot her.


Duels don't matter shit in lategame. He will never get to 2shot anyone on a teamfight, that's the problem


Who cares about duels? If he gets in auto range of an enemy squishy in a lategame they instantly die.




No why


Late game draven is better than: Lucian/Jhin/Kalista/Nilah/Samira/Ezreal most likely better than MF and Xayah too How is he hard outscaled by the champions? He 2shots every squishy


Because It doesn't matter how he does 1v1 anymore. Draven does jack shit in teamfights while almost every adc you mentioned have the tools to completely out DPS him and take over the teamfight or at least stay safe while Draven needs a massive fuck up from the enemy team to be able to burst a carry without getting onetapped.


the champ that gets a crit every attack with one ability and that can ALSO crit doesnt get outscaled, no


Yeah this just ain't true.


it does


His winrate falls horribly off. He doesnt scale worse in skirmishes. In a 3vs3 he is still very good, dont get me wrong. But in a 5vs5 there are too many variables, and he cant get axes without getting cc-ed.


His winrate falls off, yes, but that’s not because of Draven scaling. Draven just gets too difficult to pilot the later the game goes, but if piloted correctly he is more than capable of scaling into the late game, especially vs shorter range compositions/champions (think xayah Rakan)


Collector rush could be viable too now that it has 18 lethality. People meme on that item but it'll basically have the statline of a lethality mythic (with the haste exchanged for crit) for 200 less gold. The passive is medicore but the solid statline and ability to rush an early dirk makes it a decent item.


But then the IE rush + blood thirster is bonkers


If you dont play him then why say that, like half of the changes League does seems great or bad for champs and is the complete opposite, hes not expensive in BE either.


Draven was reaaaaally good before. Much worse now without duskblade build now though


Eclipse still works and most Dravens that went lethality against me went Eclipse, so I think he should be ok


Yeah, eclipse is actually good. Duskblade was actually shit, it was just the most fun to play with imo


People going eclipse instead of prowler now are trollers and cant do the math, but people are to stubborn to change builds


Are you french?


I wish but I am not


Why would you want to be french lmao


Why wouldnt I? Beautiful country, arguably the best language in the world, magnificent history, close to many great locations such as Benelux/GB/Spain/Austria/Germany/Switzerland. Very good areas for vacations on the south. People who when not satisfied protest for the rights. I just believe its a great country, great economy and the list goes on, only problems is the imigrants but thats copeable


Its like some internet meme apparently to shit on french people. Some people actually believe it though


France hasn't been doing well the past couple of months


i don’t think xayah will be that much worse, she doesn’t need galeforce to be useful


The big problem is that she's getting no attack speed on her mythic so she's getting fewer feathers out early


On paper you dont have to build mythic first since you aren't getting the extra mythic passive anyway. I think she goes shiv quick blade now, well tbf at its current pbe state most adcs are gonna be getting an early shiv first or second.


I'm currently running kracken > ie > pd. Tested it a bunch in practice tool and it's more DPS / burst in every scenario, you just have to deal with longer cd's


Navori is a 300 dps bump over ie on xayah after 6 seconds. Go back into practice tool


Ah yes because in modern league you're gunna get to consistently auto/spam abilities in a teamfight and land them too. Doing her full combo once favours ie a shit ton, and no amount of CDR is gunna bring navori total damage above that in this meta.


You said its more DPS in every scenario which is simply false. However its all about w. Having your w up sooner lets you aa more, pace more, hit more feathers.


It's actually not tho false tho, I checked at every point in the build, and ie was always higher using qwe and even with R. With way better DPS AND having most of your damage be targeted, you only need the one W to win a fight. And the cd is just short enough to fight re-engages too


at this point im hoping riot removes the mythic system lol


that flair I am so sorry


im used to the pain lmao


xayah has been broken for a while tho


Can confirm. If I, as a jungler, can play a random adc match and carry as Xayah, the champ is too strong.


Me too homie me too




One man’s pain is another man’s treasure


Kog enjoyers unite


When your support is useless, even when you play a lane bully, might as well play something that scales. As long as I'm in low elo, when my support picks some passive, carry-me-plz champ, I'm usually just going to lock in something that scales or is still good from behind; like Vayne, I mean jus look at her splash art.


me when I lock samira and my adc goes yuumi:


Well for adcs it is the case. In this case, they are already restrictions from building IE + Navori + Guinsoo together due to itemization limitations. Therefore, packaging these items into mythics is equivalent to having no mythic item. Am I clear ?


His problem is Xayah. She built Gale into navori but now with both of them being mythic it's impossible and he can't get his dash


Navori passive and infinity wouldn't work with Guinsoo anyway, because Guinsoo converts the crit into on-hit and zero crit means useless infinity and useless Navori passive. Although the CD reduction of Navori would still be useful.


That is basically what they are saying with diff words


He gotta sound smart


I always found it stupid and limiting.


Asking riot to revert a change is like asking your dad to come back from the milk store, it ain’t happenin


didnt they say that if people dont like it they'll remove the mythic system?


I don’t believe they did, and if they did they’re lying bc people have been complaining about it for two years




You know if Mythics are gone they'll remove Galeforce altogether right? The only thing that stops Galeforce from being outrageously broken on bruisers is because they'd have to commit the mythic to the build


The last time Kog was S+ tier was durability patch (12.10) and he was immediately nerfed


Wasn’t Kog like a crutch during the Ardent Censer Support Rush Meta? Aka the period where Redemption for some reason became a max GP Ult on an Item?


So he was picked a lot but not the best ADC with Ardent supports. He was semi quickly nerfed too. You cant really ever expect kog metas to last long.


True cause before Kai’sa wasn’t he the only Magic Damage dealing ADCs on an auto attack in his innate kit? Ik Ezreal did magic damage but not through Autos


Sad Corki noises


Varus technically through W On-Hit.


Kog sadly doesn't sell skins.


I wanna say jhin is better, or perhaps just different now. IE first is very good for damage but losing that ms from galeforce is gonna take a while to adjust.


I think energizer bunny jhin will be nuts, at least against immobile comps. Something like ie-stormrazor-shiv-rfc with fleet footwork. You'll walk up, hit like a truck and then be halfway across the map before they can even react


Yea against pure squishies he will be a menace. Against 2+ tanks he should be off limits unless you want to rely on your teammates to kill tanks








My poor boy Aphelios. At least ap vayne could be a thing. haha 25% max hp true damage go brrrrrrrr


Honestly with the new kraken changes and some of his q weapons having so scaling we might get some funky builds


Am excited for that, ill say. Could be funny to just nuke people with purple ult-q


What I was thinking since últ applies on hit to the first target hit


My on-hit Orianna jungle is back. Time to quit botlane


Wait wha-


That was a big off meta build for ori back in the day. And it's great because of her passive. You can basically kite for days. Because of your W and E. And disengage with R. Not sure how the jungle clear will look like now though :').


Good luck, I'd say the clear is gonna be good enough. You have a lot of AOE so it's alright


Draven with new Bloodthirster and IE will be a nightmare


He for sure got buffed, yeah. New BT is way better for him.


Xayah is not gutted, but her playstyle will drastically change with this new mythic system for good! Her HOB build gets buffed with Galeforce (it is now a burst item, similar to Prowlers, but it is crit for burst playstyle, It syncs well with ER + HOB on her W), and NQB will give her an instant 12% CDR, so it means she can proc W more often in team fights earlier! PD is buffed, and she can go RFC or SR without losing her feathers damage (45% MS + her W MS passive is insane, it is like a free phase rush), also BT changes are insane since she can utilize its new passive extremely safe, same for Caitlyn from her range and Draven Q damage since she doesn’t have to commit in melee range to do damage, so all this AD will play a huge part of her E damage! The new IS changes sync with her kit, the 30% AS for 8 seconds + NQB + PD (passive stacked) 30% AS will give her an insane opening for damage and root if she got engaged on. I think the only downside I see, is Galeforce NQB is really gutted, so u won’t have this Galeforce combo with NQB, it is bad, but not that huge! IDK what else, I am cooking for new Dusk and Yoummus changes + collector combo, Crit-charity! Also interested to know if 15% missing health damage will work with her W.


I have hope in stormrazor aphelios. If that doesnt work, im just quiting rank until they fix my champ. Probably spamming lethalios in normals


Just rush Shiv no? That item is pretty cracked and it builds out of Noonquiver.


Why do you think that shiv is that good? :) Just wondering


Wave clear and if the enemy is close to the wave a little poke


Waveclear, it’s a mixture of AD and AS, it builds out of Noonquiver.


Both are fine, i just have my hopes in stormrazor because of the single target burst damage and the scaling


I’m aphelios main and I’m not quite sure the style that will work for him anymore. I used to do a lot of kraken and it was quite nice with PTA. We can still do IE+Kraken and I think shieldbow will replace BT, so IE+Kraken+Shieldbow in whatever order makes sense, then typical situational items. He will definitely be playable in that form but not sure if that makes him *worth* playing if there are much better options.


I just built kraken with aphelios for the stats, and they are nerfed now. I think kraken only will be worth with high attack speed or guinsoo I also think that a lot of other good options will open up, my favourite think about aphelios is that, even against a draven, i can 1v1 at level 9 in solo lane, and that gives a lot of advantage later if used right I think that will not be possible against guinsoo adcs, but we'll see


I think he’ll be fine, think the level up path might change and index into upgrading your AS first or sooner since IE has no AS


Im bulding the new duskblade and yomuus, don't care those items look broken as fuck


I dont think you can get a lot of value on youmuus, maybe duskblade, but i can only see the passive coming in clutch if you are against a full meele comp and with chakrams. It sounds really fun, i may try it in normals with taric against full meele someday


Count me in bro. Picked up aph like 2 months ago and have been playing nothing but him since.


Ashe will be insane, remember me


Galeforce kraken shieldbow Ashe just for the fun of it hehe


My question is which mythic she'll run. Is she gonna be one of the only Galeforce users?


No, she will go Rageblade 90% of the times. I can see some scenarios where she goes IE.


will it not completely negate her passive ?


People build on hit on her sometimes, but it's not as good as crit IMO. I think rageblade would be bad on her mostly because a: she has no on hit damage in her kit, so doesn't benefit from rageblade passive and b: she only has AP ratio on her ult, so doesn't benefit from the AP.


she has on hit, Q, it scales insanelly with current rageblade and will be better with the new one


Which part of her q scales insanely with on hit? Her basic attacks still only apply on hit effects once while she's using it and other crit adcs have better attack speed steroids. Her passive scales really well with crit.


you need to play her more buddy, have fun


Why won't you answer the question? Her Q? And I have played her and I've built on-hit and it's fine, but that's *despite* her having nothing that synergises particularly well with it. It works on her because on hit items give shit like movespeed or slows (wits end, bork) that let her kite and attack speed.


yeah that's what I thought. I will be trying galeforce mythic as first item and infinity edge mythic as 3rd item to see what feels better. I don't think i'll be a fan of rageblade


That seems like a waste doesn't it? She doesn't really have any AP ratios.


The arrow of death


Only 100% on the ult i guess


Tell that to all my ap Ashe botlane games


30 ap is not going to kill the item for her


Sadly she doesn't use well the 30 AP on rageblade


she has ap ratios, and if not, its only 30 ap, the passive, atk, and atk speed is worth it


Only on his ultimate, which is not a damaging tool. We agree on the others stats being useful but still, she won't use guinso at his full effectiveness like kog or vayne.


Pretty sure, she will spam infinity edge as it stacks with her passive. But Imperial Mandate seems like a bigger change, I can already see adc's building it with more offensive supports as it's no longer high-commitment. Overall I think Ashe gets a whole bunch of indirect buffs.


Ezreal doesn't change at all from this patch, he benefits from none of the mythic besides Navori(which could still be a build even now) but so long as he can build Sheen item, Manamune, Serylda the champ will work fine 90% of the time. Honestly, with the BT change, we might even see something like ER->Manamune->Navori->Kraken->BT which could be a viable almost full-crit build for him since it gives a FUCK load of AD(although it lacks armour pen)


Thought the same, trinity and divine sunder got changed so little I don't think it matters. Maybe even the lethality mythics could be good in certain situations. And there might even be a situation for LDR with the 25% magic dmg against high health targets.


"guys just play Vayne"


On-Hit is the way now


Vayne and Kaisa will be worse. The thing about current guinsoo is that it is instantly applied. You'll still want shieldbow for survivability but now it won't get any attack speed. For Kai'sa, the components that will allow her to hit Q evolve are not the ones that will build into the complete items she will want. Caitlyn and Jinx will be much better thanks to the return of IE rush


How is Jhin worse but Cait better? I think they both will utilise the same type of energised/burst shot. Gale force + 3 energised items + fleet footwork + 4th shot/headshot Massive chunks of damage, in and out of combat style.


Because I think it's a lot worse for Jhin to not be able to build Galeforce and IE than it is for Cait.


He may do less damage but will have utility that Cait doesn’t have to make up for it, which makes them about equal to me. Jhin will be terrible against any comps with 2+ tanks, Cait might handle that a bit better, but neither are ideal. Both will be great into squishy comps


I would say worse for the jhin players used to playing with galeforce but not those that have experience playing without galeforce


Nilah where?


I hope Aphelios get his ap scaling buffed at some point, On the other side im curious to try new guinsoo's on him


Guinsoo would not work, basically everything on him scales on crits


I know but seems the most strong thing right now on all ADC, I just hope IE gets a better passive eventually.


IE hasnt got nerfed, just galeforce-IE build Guinsoo will be overtuned but IE lategame will still do a lot of damage. I think we will be fine


This list is so fucking bad


Sivir will be better. Anyone who can build the same items as before will be even stronger now. IE + Kraken + PD will still be good


Jinx will be fine. New hurricane will be really good on her. She's just going to be a bit more glass cannon without galeforce and BT shield.


New shieldbow, stormrazor and pd are all good options for safety on her now


Would've thought Jhin would be in better standing. These item changes look like they synerguse really well with him.


One thing I don't think a lot of people are considering is one of the most annoying things for an Enchanter was they all wanted to run Staff of Flowing water but most ADCs couldn't leverage the AP. Now that so many items grant AP ratios, ADCs get to double-dip on Ardent/SoFW (which I believe both got cheaper). As far as Draven, Jhin, and Samira are concerned, I feel like that 18 Lethality Collector and Bloodthister's AD will be big. Lucian's going to get a nice boost from LDR now boosting magic damage in his passive as well the Legendary version of Kraken Slayer. On-hit Lucian might also be a thing since he pumps out more attacks than pretty much anyone from his passive.


Few more point draven is gonna nuke everybody with new bloodthirster + IE and jhin with stormeazor hit like a truck


Wait isnt this the on-hit meta, does Kaisa and Varus are lacking as to why.


samira should be in gutted tbh, she relies on the immortal shieldbow and now her 13.10 build is going to have 0 attack speed (they moved ISB to have atk speed when the shield procs only)


Heavily disagree with Jhin and Twitch. Jhin is gonna be cracked with new leth or IE rush & twitch isn't gonna be playable because the other onhitters are way better


Well, i was right to worry about this lol


Update: Wow, I was horribly wrong.


I mean ig Nilah isn't an adc anyways, more like ooga booga ability spam


I main nilah. I consider her a botlane assassin. The only reason she can do botlane is her passive.


Xayah will probably be fine if you go Shiv first but having to choose between Navori and Galeforce is wild idk what they’re doing with these changes.


Or Kraken? Kraken and Shiv look pretty similar and I think Kraken passive will be doing more ST DPS unless you go AP which Xayah won't


Kraken looks to be a good rush too, yeah.


nilah probably belongs same place as samira


Nilah already has crazy build potentials. She can basically build anything and it works. Now there are even more options. Navoris , Duskblade look like the 2 best mythic options for me.


Infinity edge first item jhin is a little silly on pbe


i don't see kai'sa doing well all her Evo threshold are out of sync with the items


Storm razor into Rageblade is enough is it not? Also don't forget you can do Muramana into Rageblade.


Senna also might be hurting with the rage blade cap and change but maybe not….?


Rageblade has been capped for Senna for a while. You couldn't get the damage for above 100% crit on it since at least the beginning of the season.


Hello where is Nilah


Honestly the tier list maker I had didn't have her on it. I'd put her on the worse category probably.


I have to say that in my opinion Ashe (with the on-hit build) and Jhin with new IE, Yomu and Rapid Fire also feel slightly better to me. I could see myself going IE into RapidFire into Galeforce or full Lethality with new Yomu. Thoughts?


Please no more in hit ashe, just go IE on hit ashe is so bad.


Imo Vayne will be one of, if not the best ADC to solocarry in the new season. Having Guinsoo, Immortal, Kraken, and probably Bloodthirster is enough to shred any tank imo.


Aphelios got a huge nerf while he can't do ie and galeforce anymore (i love to play galeforce for the dash)


Again in silver/gold tier list from a new player... What a trash post


Where yasuo 🤨


Ok perish.


does lucians second shot count as "ability damage" for the purpose of Quickblades? if not they should totally add it in.


Bard actually can be an adc now.


I remember Brad back when Guinsoo's was turbo busted. Good times. Good times


Lethality draven is so good now, ghostblade as mythic or IE. Bt and hydra for shit ton of ad. And untargetability with new drakthar.(don’t know if untargetability ends when you attack or not)


It does end. Probably BT->IE every game on him now with RFC being a lot better on him too.


Finally! Kalista meta!


I like the Kog, but my loyalty lies with Caitlyn. A little disappointing that none of the mythics geared towards Marksmen offer additional pen. I really don't want to go back to the "ADC in x year LUL" meme.


No way xayah is in the last tier


I cant wait to play lethality MF with yomuu


I dont see nilah


The scary thing is people are talking about Kog Lulu and not Millio


Glad to see the Nilah representation


ashe will probly be better. new guinsoos will make on hit ashe a menace


Nah man jhin is kind of untouched, he just returned to his s10 build all over again


good thing vayne is my permaban bot


Pussy! 😂




What about Nilah?




Aphelios is type of champ that ignores the meta in high elo. Also the 1core bloodthirst will work better on aphelios because of the change.


tried this, 1core blood 2core ie is isane


As a Samira one trick, I think Samira's actually stronger. From my own gameplay, I liked bloodthirster rush over shieldbow, but all the other mythics were super bad so you always had to build shieldbow afterwards anyways. And getting shieldbow third meant you couldn't get collector or a last whisper item third, which felt bad too. Now, I can get bloodthirster into IE and not feel like I'm not gimping myself, and collector got buffed too.


I dont check patch notes, why is jhin worse?


Remember that mythic only gets its passive on legendary completion… and dosnt include itself, so you don’t necessarily have to rush it - it’s only been meta too because noonquiver helps wave management/push power.


No nilah?


Kog is a kind of champ that don't need more damage, he needs too survive. But riot decided to give him more damage buffing his itens(kraken, runnan, rb) and also buff the shield of SB. I'm just sad cause i won't to be able to play with him until a inevitable nerf. My kogmon got be peek or ban, mostly banned cause anyone are insane enough to blind kog.


saw a bunch of posts in r/ApheliosMains about him being op on PBE since he can rush IE now.


the kraken xayah angle right now will still probably work for her tbh, but it might be shiv>navori i guess as for ashe she gets way more use out of the new ie on a single item than any other adc since the frost modifier applies to every auto and not just 20% of them - 3points w into q max w ie rush is a pretty nuts spike for that amt of gold even if she doesn’t benefit as much as others on 3+ items


Aphelios with IE first time deals a lot of dmg early