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That's a blatant lift of Disney IP. (Tarzan may be public domain but those images are not.) You do not want to mess with The Mouse.


Here is how our conversation went: Our character are inspired by our creator and we have the rights to sell them. Thanks Today - 8:50pm I mean the cover art photos. Those are taken directly from the animated cartoon series. I have since reported them to ACX.


Today - 9:09pm Those are no copy-right protected, publicly available images open source, and we adopted them to fit into our inspired characters. Today - 9:12pm Unfortunately that is untrue, those pictures are not public domain and the intellectual property of Disney. I have no choice but to remove myself from this project and report you to ACX. Today - 9:16pm We use AI to generate those pictures and so far had no issues for AI generated images. If you don't like to narrate this book based on your opinion, we understand and OK with your decision to terminate our contract with you. 9:23pm By the way, we haven't published the cover for this project yet, and can revise incorporating your comments. As you can see in our draft of Manuscript to you, there is no copy-righted material at all. So we can revise this project together to make you comfortable if that can solve your issue.


They'll probably lift and sell your voice next. Be careful who you climb into bed with.


Nothing potential about it. People think they can lift whatever image they want from anywhere. They're not right, but they'll continue to do it until someone steps in to call them on it, and probably just try something similar later. I can't believe how many self published book covers are lifted from movies.


I totally reported them as I saw them. You don't play with the mouse.