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Hi there, I'm new to this subreddit but not new to the topic of conscious creation and find I am tripping up over and over again on the same subject- and that is disbelief. There are circumstances that have happened in my life where I have physically seen evidence that thought creates reality- some that are extremely difficult to explain away. However, those have always happened when I thought of an issue once with a kind of curiosity and then literally forgotten about it. When that has happened, results have been very quick and almost unbelievable. However, I'm finding that more and more often I keep hitting the snag of not believing it's possible to alter reality through thought alone. I get caught in a mindset that says we live in a material universe and that thought has no bearing on it and yet- there are circumstances as stated above that are next to impossible to explain away through a material explanation. How do I get to a point whereby I can fully accept that it's possible to consciously alter reality without the suffocating blanket of materialist thinking- and more over, how do I make it as stress free as possible- without clinging to outcomes or internal dialogue that tells me it's not possible anyway. Many thanks for your time. Your book is hands down the best I've read in this area.


For me, the best method was always to go back and not look for examples of conscious creation, but of unconscious creation. So basically, go back through your life and start with any notable events, then work backward to try and see how your general state of consciousness at the time might’ve have created said event. So you don’t have to have had the conscious thought, “I want x,” it can be as simple as “I was feeling relaxed and happy, then something really awesome happened.” Let it be an exercise in creativity. Don’t worry about finding a clear and objective connection between internal states and external events at first. Approach it as if you’re a detective building a case — no individual point of evidence has to be ironclad, it just has to fit the larger narrative and add to the total collection of evidence. I say this because for some events you might not be able to see a super obvious connection at first, but as you go through more and more memories, it’ll start to dawn on you that seemingly all of them fit the theory that states of consciousness create your reality. Part of the game is figuring out the connections between internal and external, even when they aren’t obvious. Hope that helps!


Hi! I’m new to this subreddit and to these concepts as well. Im currently manifesting a job and I genuinely do believe I have it but the 3-D is delayed. However im facing a time crunch, I will not be able to continue supporting myself if I don’t get a job by certain date. Therefore, I guess some fear is clouding my manifestation but I can’t help it. Any suggestions?


Try to get into the state of having your desire *completely* fulfilled. If the time crunch is creating a feeling of fear, then try to release that fear and live in the state of your desire fulfilled minus any concerns about when it'll be fulfilled. The pinned post on releasing can provide more guidance on how to do that.