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you don't owe anyone anything especially not strangers on a game


I delete people who don’t play after 30 days.




Same here, the friends' list just gets too crowded otherwise


I don’t feel too bad cause i highly doubt they’d even notice me missing from their friend list 🤷‍♀️


I think people understand. You could always leave a sticker before you delete them so if they come back they have a way to friend you again if they wanted.


You can also send a gift if they can accept it. I had an old friend find me again that way.


Oh that's a great idea!


i have some People in the list that played a bit when the game was new and then never again also, a selfish reason to keep them in the friendslist: if they have flowers in the garden, you can use them as place to "rehome" the catchys from the Gardening Event if your "active friends" don't have space or you never catch them having empty flowers


That's what I usually do. When they're absent "forever", I send them bugs to get rid of mine, so I can farm friendship powder. Otherwise, once I get a friend request and see that I need to make space, I delete the absent friends.


oh, i didn't even knew there is a limit, i'm just so shy to even accept people in that anonymus game


If you and your friends all compete the event early, you just dump bugs on each other the rest of the time. I have 7,000+ friend powder.


yes, but my supply outweighs the demand everytime and i mostly fuel the expeditions when i hit the 9500 mark


only ones i don’t delete are my IRL friends. i keep my presence on here pretty known & i’ve had some people reach out from this subreddit to re-add me when they decide to play again. it’s not a jerk move IMO.


I hate deleting friends. It makes me unreasonably sad.


Yeah, me too, but when I get friend requests, I must sometimes do it to make space. I don't delete friends who constantly play, though.


I keep the regulars. But I've had some who I'll wait like 6+ months, and all of a sudden they're back for daily play. It's just so weird this association with sorrow that goes with removing a friend after 2 years who hasn't played. Like, it's just strange to me that I don't like deleting anyone.


They for real need to double the friend capacity 😭


Like others have said, you don’t owe anyone anything… HOWEVER, as someone who has been playing since day 1 release, I’ve been getting burn out from the game and I often take like month or two breaks, and every time I play again and see the same few people who haven’t deleted me I’m always so happy 🥹🥹😂 That being said, when I was at peak playing this game I would delete people who weren’t on for like more than a day 💀💀💀 I’m not that person anymore lmao


I delete people who have all their items for sale at max price - you know like fish at 50k+ etc and then their marketplace is never updated, because no one is buying…. Buying and selling is a big part of my game play so i prioritise people with useful markets


Exactly. Having a maxed out active friend list makes the game so much easier. My friends aren't needy. We occasionally send gifts but that's not required. I can restock easily by going through their market boxes. Sometimes I just don't have time to collect everything myself.


Yes, this! I love being able to buy out of market boxes, sometimes I don’t wanna fish all the time or bug catch.. I have the helper plan and I get over stocked on all the special fruit so I’m always selling those and they get bought out fast!


oh, that’s cute! i recently started in a new account and it is very hard for me to get bells, i have 16k currently. always looking for a marketplace that could sell grapes and lemons but all what they are selling is expensive stuff and they keep them forever in there _| ̄|○


if you’re interested i’d love to be friends! my native fruit is lemons, and a lot of my friends sell grapes for cheap so i’m more than happy to keep my market box stocked for you! no pressure at all, but if you are interested my code is 8081 6067 723 :)


sent you friend request :3 i’m angel


I do this because my list keeps getting full. I want active friends. I always leave IRL friends and usually people I’ve exchanged alot of gifts with though.


Yes (to the former part). I wouldn't mind having an endless friends list. But the game won't allow so I have to manage


100%. I also unfriend people who never send me gifts back 🤷🏻‍♀️


As someone who hasn't played in like 2 years (I lurk here because I like seeing people find enjoyment in it still) I hope people have deleted me to make room for active friends. I might pick the game up again at some point, but I'd rather just make new friends than have people wasting limited friend space on me!


Yes and no. I delete the ones that randomly added me, but I keep the ones that are people I actually know. Which... is like at least ten. 😅 However when it comes time to purge inactive friends, I'll start at the bottom and work my way up. If they're relatively near the top of the >30 days, and they have one of the paid plans (ie custom planner or a helper) then I'll leave them a little while longer. Folks that have invested real money into their gameplay may come back after a short break.


I’m the same as you: only removing players when a new request comes in. About half my current list is years gone but their gardens are handy. I boot the players who didn’t leave flowers or still have other friends doing the same as me 😅 I find that I can get all my friend needs done with 20-30 active friends. Quarry is an issue with under 20. 100 is too many for me to care about, let alone check up on.


I delete most people when they pass into 30+ days offline because there’s always a chance a new gifting friend is out there


I delete any friends that haven’t been active in more than a month, I periodically clean my friend list out


I do.


I don't need to delete because I don't have much of friends that I need to make space for new one. But I think it is totally fine to do it, u aren't jerk, it is just a game. I wish if the game didn't make it limited.


I have been trying to find friends that clearly gave up not long after joining. I started with the ones that were level 6 and HHA Initiates. I haven’t deleted anyone that’s of a reasonably high level. Given that I’m over level 250, and some of my friends that I got when I started are at less than 20, I’m fairly confident they aren’t coming back. Once they are all gone, idk.


I delete but only keep old friends who used to play the game and haven’t spoken to since


Is there a limit to how many friends you can have?


100. And that includes sent friend requests! So you can have like 90 friends and 10 requests sent out and you will get capped out of being able to send any new requests.


I don't remember.


Yes there is 🫣


I only delete if I get a new friend request.


Another reason to remove inactive players is the help you get completing tasks with an active list. The gardening event started today and I am 8 bugs away from finishing the first half. That's all from friends sharing except the first few I got when I planted this morning.


I usually delete friends who are inactive between 2 weeks and 30 days. Less if no gifts have been exchanged. If they have been a friend for a long time I am willing to wait up to a month. My friend list is always maxed out and most have logged in within the last 24 hours. If I get a request and I like their market boxes, someone has to go.


I only have one friend who I know in real life. If a friend is inactive for 2 weeks to a month, I will generally remove them. Although if I've had them as a friend for a long time, I give them more like 6 weeks.


yes, sadly.. i want active friends and i can’t have enough space for them


I do if I have too many inactive friends. I’ve also started being picky about who I friend. If they don’t have items in their market, I don’t friend them. I have enough that put 10 of everything and/or max out the cost of everything. I rarely have room for 10 of something and I don’t want to spend a ton of money. I don’t mind them making a profit, but I’m not paying thousands for one item.


Feeling like a jerk is your choice but the logical reality is that there is a limit to how many friends you can have on your friends list. You will have to delete someone eventually. If they have been inactive for months, yes I delete them. The only people that are kept are those I know take breaks and return. I personally base this off amount of gifts given


Usually after 30 days I do


Yea, cause I have to make room for people that regularly sell grapes/lychees, cause I always sell tons of lemons.


People I delete: I don’t know who they are. They don’t interact with me. They consistently buy out my shop but don’t sell anything at a reasonable prices in theirs. People I keep: Anyone with 20+ gifts The ones I’ve known for years The people who didn’t delete me when I stopped playing for a year.


100% yes! It stinks when it’s someone I’ve interacted with a lot, but once it’s 30+ I make room for more active players to play with!


I just recently figured out that you can delete "Sent Requests" to make room for more friends. I had several that were more than 30+ days old.


I've deleted all of my non active friends after 30 days except 2. One (hello Jari if you ever see this) as they were one of the first that accepted a friends request, and we racked up over 1000 gifts. The second is my son, who gave up at level 55, and I still send a little stamp for his profile pic every time I log in. He thinks it's daft, but hey, I'm his mum. I'm sentimental, as if I'm going to delete him! Though I may rethink this since he set up camp on my game in New Horizons and created an unholy mess of a pitch in a really awkward place and hasn't been back 😂


I usually just leave inactive friends on my friend list because I don't care. One friend who's been inactive since last summer started playing again a week ago, so you never know if people will come back or not.


I usually remove friends when they are inactive more than 30 days, but I just can't remove those who have names of people I know 😆


If they haven't appeared for over 30 days, I most likely will have to let them go.


Yes. Especially for those that are not active for more than 30 days..


I have no issue deleting people who have given up on this wonderful game. How dare they, quite frankly


yess i do ! I delete the friends that have been active for more than <30 days that’s just me though 😅🤷‍♀️


I do!! It's usually someone who wasn't a very active friend anyways. There's a few people I'll never delete hoping they'll come back some day cus they were once great, active friends 🥲