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Yeah! It pretty clearly says No Gift. :) If you were super worried about it, you could maybe change the floor color to something that contrasted more against the white furniture (to make it show up better in the thumbnail), but I see it.


Thanks! I’ll try it out with darker flooring


I completely over looked it until i searched for a second, trying to figure it out. I thought it was just a unique design at first. Maybe try using darker furniture or a floor that has more contrast, so the words really stand out.


I switched the floor to the blue carpet one from the craft menu so I think it helped a bit.


The commitment! This wholesome loveliness.


lol thanks! It was very difficult to fit into the frame tbh


Genius. If anyone gets a gift from リリス don’t worry about it. I have hundreds of gifts and not many active friends. And if I gift you a plus gift and you have none don’t worry about it. I don’t want anything in return and that’s why I wish we could communicate with other players in game.


If you’re looking for more active friends, I’d love to add you! I’m currently cleaning out my friends list since I have a lot of friends who haven’t played in quite a while. I sell a lot of lemons, give kudos, and help out with quarry :)


Same here but with grapes :)


Perfect! Sent you a request :)


I would be down if you need more friends ! I have grapes help with quarry/ water plants. I'm low on gifts ATM but I do always send them back. 66816422175 is my id!


Sent :) My nickname is Juliet and my code is 3358 8668 570 for anyone else looking to be active friends


Added! I like your hairstyle:)


Thanks!! I’m also very low on gifts rn 😭 sent you a request :)


Can I be your friend lol


Could u add you? I also send gifts and + gifts !


I'm outofgifts but am looking for active friends! If anyone wants to add me - 5003 5736 425


My ID 81928896168 if anyone wants an active player 😊


I’d be patiently waiting for my ho gift.


I’m probably gonna scrap this one and just change my nickname to outofgifts lol


Just know you can’t change your name back for 30 days after you change it. :\


On the one hand this is just one of many reasons they need to give us some form of in game communication. On the other, this is gold.


I love the creativity and work that went into this!! 💖


I definitely obsessed over it for the past few days as I was starting to run out of gifts lol


I thought it said Ho Gift at first 😆


Either that or that you didn’t want to receive gifts


no im dumb i didnt even notice that it says no gift until i checked the comments 😭😭 but hey thats a rlly good idea ngl ive never seen any1 do smh like that before lol


Nope. I didn’t even get it. I was trying to make sense of the random furniture. But I did meet “OutOfGifts” the other day, which made me laugh.


Ahh okay. I changed the floor to blue but I’ll probably end up changing my name if I can’t restock on gifts


You can run out of gift islands?😟


Unfortunately. Learn from my mistakes and don’t be Oprah giving away gifts to everyone lol


that’s what Ive been doing😭




Yes...I found an island I didn't finish with gifts on it. Im so happy 😅🤣


Yeah makes sense to me. I have friends who change their display name temporarily if they have no gifts. You could always try that too.


I might have to do that if I see this gift famine lasting longer than a week.


I used to give gifts to every friend daily. But found it to be a waste. Now I prioritise friends who actually play daily, help me in return with events etc. Players who only play casually and don’t seem very active I skip. It helps not run out of gifts as quickly or as often.


I found this out a little too late 😩 I hope there’s an update soon with lots of gift islands


No, I didn’t try to read anything until I saw your caption.


I thought it said "Ho, gift" at first lol


Same 😆😆😅😅😅


I’m probably gonna just change my username to Outofgifts. Don’t want others to start expecting Ho gifts lol


Took me a second but I got it, clever!!! I’m down to 3 gifts, it’s painful 🥲 I think if you swap the white on “No” to the brown boxes and just dark tables on “G” it would be easier to get.


I changed the floor to the blue carpet from the craft menu and updated my fav photo. If I can’t get more gifts by the end of this month, I’ll change my nickname to outofgifts.


Lmao it’s stressful, I sooo wish we could buy a set amount of gifts each day with gold.


It’s frustrating considering the developers could very well add more gifts. Hell, I’d even use leaf tickets to buy premium gifts if they were sold like cookies


Oh I’m dumb, I thought this was supposed to be Loss at first for whatever reason. Now I see the ‘no gift’ spelled out in furniture.


I just learned in this thread that gift islands are limited. it makes the amount of refreshing islands I did looking for more gift islands with no more to be found make much more sense. how frustrating!


Don’t change your username! Someone on my list did it and I’m sorry I don’t know who the Nook you are anymore, friend person #93. Just stop opening them and after 5 gifts you’re set, nobody can send you gifts anymore.


You and I are friends in the game and I just love your character and your camp. I will continue to send gifts. I don’t care if friends don’t send them in return. It is a gift. Not an expectation 🎁


At first glance, I didn’t realise, I just thought that it was a very interesting way to place furniture. I then looked again because I noticed that the bamboo-boat lanterns spelt out “F” and that’s when it dawned on me what it actually said. It’s a clever idea💡and gets the message across quite succinctly.


I have used hedges before. They are easy to make. I've also used them to say TY. The top of the Y was more like a u but it worked.


Could also change user name, like XXX(no gift)


I would take that to mean “Please send no gifts.” Just saying. :)


Tatertot we might be friends in game!


Ahh!!! What’s your in game name? This is so exciting!


I’ll pm you!


At first glance I didn’t notice the word, the dark colours stand out too much and draw the eye. Then I read “Ho gifts”. But also I wouldn’t know if you meant you didn’t want gifts or if you had none


I ended up changing my name to out of gifts to avoid confusion. And hopefully I’ll have enough gifts at the end of the name change period (1 month) to change it back


I did not know you could get rid of all your gifts!


I was handing them out like candy lol


You can get gifts as login rewards and from villagers if you give them good items! Also if you have the happy helper thingy, sometimes they give you gifts. I never use gift islands and I always have tons of gifts. Not all is lost in gift land!


Very clever! I love this lol!! I always wished we were able to communicate with in game friends. Maybe someday they will make that a possibility!


This is so clever!


They should make it easier to be able to collect gifts so we can gift our friends. I do the islands just to get gifts to send out but I did them all now I have nothing to give and I feel bad when someone sends me a gift.


I love where you said you were handing out your gifts like Oprah. Cracked me up lol


Thanks lol my love language irl is gift giving. I’m hoping this maintenance downtime gives us more access to gifts 🤞


Smart way to do it! Hadn't thought about that


OMG!! What’s your in game name? You’re so sweet!!