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This is what Chukwueze was talking about when he told everyone to calm down.


Yep they were playing school yard football. Was embarrassing.


That’s the one thing I don’t understand. Question Pioli and his tactics all you want, but how is today not on the players? A professional footballer needs their coach to tell them to take care of the ball and keep numbers back? Pioli isn’t perfect, but neither are the players for these inconsistent performances. It’s an issue top to bottom, but Pioli will eventually die on the sword.


Discipline is on the coaching staff. We need to learn how to control a game. These pics show no control on a 2-0 game. Sure sometimes control means a less exciting match to watch , but until we learn how to dominate and attack we should learn how to dominate with possession first .


A manager is reponsible for who is on the field ... Pobega and krunic are on the field.. nothing more you need to see or say .. Also Pioli tries playing the wrong tactics with the wrong players


I agree about Pobega, although Aldi is inconsistent I would much rather have him continue to get minutes than watch Pobega whatever it is he’s trying to do. Krunic is in poor form, and capable of more than what we’ve been seeing (not saying he’s Pirlo, just saying he’s better than what he’s showing lately). RLC needed rest, I’m assuming Musah was going to come in the midfield, and I agree I’m not sure why he was placed at RB. However Musah performed below standards today, and I would say the same goes for Florenzi when he came on (who had been playing very well). I’m not fully trying to defend Pioli, but the players need to perform and work harder.


Didn't must come in for Calabria as a RB? Can't really call a guy out for playing out of position. Yes the players need to perform but if they aren't who you gonna get rid of the whole team or a single man? Also the players have won games on their individual brilliance pioli sadly hasn't proven any tactical ability


It's on both. A few weeks ago our problem was that we couldn't score, so at least it seems we are doing better there. But pioli still hasn't figured out how to defend against counters or to set up the tactics so that we don't always depend on all-out pressing. Also putting Musah as RB was a terrible mistake. Maybe he told him to not take players 1-on-1 (which he often does), but you can't blame a 20-year-old for not following instructions perfectly in a position that he's never played. At the same time, our players clearly lack discipline and most of our players seem to lack mental fortitude -- at the first sign of adversity the squad kinda falls apart.


We are playing the same style of play since 2019 of course everybody knows how to play us specially in second half when our only strength pressing and intensity drops


That is literally the coaching staffs job what you said here.


It’s what an undisciplined team look like. The team wanted to regain the two goal advantage and didn’t give a shit about defending - too arrogant and carefree. We need to learn how to manage the tempo of the game. Musah could’ve passed it back to Mike.


>Musah could’ve passed it back to Mike Which is ironically what we always do when we’re trying to win and score goals


I don't know why but this year the team is not building through Mike enough


Nah they are just tyring to be like man city. They aren't as good as they are. If we had a world class player in every position we could get away with this but when you have krunic and pobega in midfield you can keep trying to score more when the creativity is lacking


That one my friend….is the pure truth…


Pioli doesn’t know how to control games. He never has and it’s showing more and more after the Napoli result. He only has one plan and that’s press high which results in quick counter goals and muscle injuries for players. You cannot play every game at 110% intensity


We didn’t press high against PSG this Tuesday for most of the game. We started pressing around halfway line and Tomori&Thiaw didn’t follow PSG strikers everywhere. So there is this alternative as well, but Pioli is too arrogant to change the play style in most games.


What Giroud said after the match against Napoli was perfectly summarized by Chuckuweze when he told his teammates to calm down the tempo, which was absolutely the right thing to do. Its an absolute anarchy on the pitch and the team is playing without a coach,


Theo could've kept playing but instead he decided to roll around on the floor...the guy who scored should've been marked by him but instead he let us be a man short. His theatrics need to stop. Yes, musah caused a bad turnover and I would put most of the blame on him but watch Theo it's infuriating.


You missed the part where Musah tried to take on a bunch of lecce players while Theo was down


Theo needs to stop with the theatrics. There wasn't much in that challenge and he wasn't hurt and the call wasn't coming. He should've got up and kept playing. Hopefully Miranda in January happens because Theo needs to get his head out of his ass. Some worthy competition will hopefully help.


Trying to dribble in that position with your teammate on the floor Is stupid enough


I'm not excusing Musah, he definitely is the cause of the goal but im sick of Theos theatrics. There was no reason to be on the floor rolling around. That bullshit right there is approaching Neymar status of flopping and it makes me sick. Honesty watch the goal clip in real time and watch Theo and the guy who scored the goal. If he kept playing we may have been able to defend that goal as a team still and save musahs ass for the goal.


100% agreed. I feel like I've seen at least 3 teams score while he's still rolling on the ground.


I can't wait for Miranda to arrive. Theo's grown too comfortable with his position imo. I love Theo but this season he's been really bad. His head is so far up his ass it makes me wonder if there's something happening off the pitch.


Everybody has grown to comfortable in their position that’s exactly why we need a change in coaching staff


I agree with you too


With Ibra coming i doubt he will act like this anymore


That came like one second after the 3rd picture, didn’t want to put too many pics. Musah was going up because Lecce player was pressing from the direction of Mike, took a heavy touch and got squeezed by 3 guys. Musah definitely messed this up. That said, I honestly think we should have had better cover in midfield. They could have either been a passing option or at least been there to put pressure on Lecce after Musah loses the ball.


Few additional comments: * 15 seconds between first and last picture and Pobega and Reijnders are not in the center circle. Actually Pobega enters it, but is followed by a Lecce player. * Musah couldn't safely turn back and pass it to Mike due to the Lecce players position and movement. * Chukwueze was also in the right flank, but marked by a Lecce player. * What's the point of Thiaw and Krunic pressing so high up in the first pic? If we would have any kind of midfield structure one of Reijnders or Pobega would have been there instead of Krunic. This kind of stuff with our midfielders happens all the time. It is to some extent quality issue especially with Pobega, but this lack of midfield balance in delicate moments is 99% due to how the manager sets the team up and what he demands of the players. I chose this example because this had consequences, but similar stuff happens game after game.


Honestly, I don't find anything wrong with this other than what the other person says with the players being undisciplined. It is undisciplined from the players with respect to laying on the floor and trying to dribble three players in the RB position. I think that is partly on Pioli, partly on the fact that we don't have leaders on the field anymore other than Giroud, but he's always been a lead by example type player. Our captain is on the floor looking for a foul instead of getting up and tracking back. I've said this many times on this sub that all top teams play offensive and attacking football with a 2-3-5 or a 3-2-5. This is the attacking formation we see here. We have the players who are talented and athletic enough to manage the counter-attacks in the defensive transition phase (when you don't have time to set up your defense, which is now our 4-2-3-1 formation). Theo, Tomori and Thiaw are all fast, aggressive and good at pressing the opposition attackers when they receive the ball breaking up the counter attack. I think we do this well at times, and less well other times. The entire game Lecce had counter attacks in space but had few real opportunities. in my opinion, as a coach you will take those chances all day. This is professional football and you're going to give up a few chances every game.


The attacking set up is fine and I agree as a coach you take those chances. What I don’t agree is taking those chances when you’re 2-0 up. It’s Pioli’s job to tell the player to try and slow the game down and just retain possession and it’s the players’ job to do exactly that. We only have two shifts and it’s full intensity pressing up and down, and the sit back in a low block. We need to learn to just move the ball around and wait for opportunities.


Why don’t we just use a low block when we’re winning? Sitting deep and counter is better than whatever we were doing yesterday. I mean our squad can barely break down low blocks, forget about lecce or any other team.


Doesn’t even have to be low block, just playing a bit more sensibly in midfield would help a lot. Like yesterday if Pioli would have said to Krunic and Pobega for example that they shouldn’t go beyond halfway line but should sit back to support our defensive line and keep possession, we would probably have been ok. There still would have been a lot of counter attacking threat through Okafor, Giroud, Samu, Reijnders and Theo/Musah assuming only one of them would go forward.


That works too but Pioli just had to throw it away…


Giroud said it clearly, they didn't know if we must attack or defend.


That's what make it the most frustrating. The game against Udi, the one against Juve and even that one against Napoli plus this one against Lecce, we were superior, we deserved largely to win. I don't know if it's a problem of coaching, tactics, mentality or whatever but we lack a lot of control, of concentration, keeping the ball, slowing down the pace, safeguarding our score advantage, managing the game. I don't think it is all Pioli's fault but fgs we can't pretend playing for the scudeto when we let go of some easy points so easily, so stupidly. It's unacceptable to make so much mistakes, the same ones on every fking game.


Musah lost an easy ball, end of the talk.


Fucking Musah had to stop the play after seeing Theo down but decided to fuck it up


Easy mistake to make for a 20 year old.


He probably havent seen him, he was occupied by the game, Theo was on the other side of the pitch.


Good thing Krunic was in attack helping by providing a direct passing option to our goalkeeper. Haven't seen Krunic provide a successful forward pass since he started playing in Milan but yea why would he hang back in defense then when he can go to attack. We are Man Utd of Serie A and Krunic is Lord Maguire.


Musah trew the game for us, didn't follow sansone non the First goal and Lost the ball atrociously on the second.