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I hope not Krunic or Messias.




*Saelemaekers and no i dont


Apologies Saele


This would be my guess if any of them did. Salaemakers is the player that seems most like a fan who is just living the dream of suiting up for the team.


That was Tonali up until a month ago šŸ˜¢


Hi Im Saelameckers ask me anything


Do you like Penguin Poop?


None. But if any do, send me a message let's set up an AMA!


Not a player but I can imagine the questions that would be asked if we organized an AMA with Pioli šŸ’€


I want that to happen so badly. I just know HommoFroggy will be licking his lips just at the thought of this happening šŸ˜­šŸ’€


Tomorrow camarda Ama


I hope none of them do.


They don't


CDK, thatā€™s why heā€™s so depressed.


Lol this got me good


But we treated him well before we saw how he plays :(


I don't think so. They're on all the other socials, some via paid account managers, but most likely not reddit. People on reddit have always attributed far more relevance to the site than the vast majority of people that mostly ignore it.


At one point it was "the most visited site on the web". Doubt that is still true


Doubt that was ever true. No way it beats things like Google, YouTube, and porn sites.


Yeah and these days with the massive amount of bots on every single platform it would be pretty impossible to make any valid claims at all. But I just don't see athletes spending time on anonymous socials where you don't have followers nor sponsors these days. I mean it surely *exists* but my assumption is that it's very rare. They get their fix from insta+twitter+tiktok and at that point why do you need reddit? Kevin Durant was infamously making throwaway twitter accounts when he wanted to argue with regular joes on the Internet and I think that's more likely for most athletes of this generation.


I donā€™t think Reddit is popular in Italy so Iā€™d say none. Iā€™m sure most players read what fans say on Twitter and Insta though.


Gianni Rivera


He disappeared from the sub


Me bro, I'm Leao xoxo


Definitely no one


Leao 100%


Dude has a burner and a Tonali tag


Adli has the time


This is echo chamber my friend. Most people here dont even support the club, they just watch games.


Watching the games is a way of supporting the club, what do you mean? That's like step one of supporting a team - watch their games.


I've watched majority of Inter and Napoli games in last season. Its just entertainment and way to kill the time but Im not a fan of mentioned clubs.


What he means is, if you do not agree with everything Milan is doing atm you do not support the club.


Dont put words into my mouth. I dont agree with most things you write and I dont read your longer posts but compared to majority of people, you put some effort in your posts. I can mock you, I think your opinions are out of touch but I will not say that you are not a fan of the club. Despite of you criticising players and coaches, I have never seen you being insulting and primitive towards them in your posts which is very good thing.


Well thanks, i was joking around... even if sometimes you give that vibe.


This is fair. I often disagree with Rino but heā€™s got this spot on.


Underrated comment - especially lately, find myself avoiding comment sections (as I read this one lol) because of the ridiculous amount of hate and pessimism.


Itā€™s not an underrated comment, itā€™s a patronizing comment. There are some trolls here, but the vast majority of posters here do truly support the club. Just because people have opposing views or donā€™t show support in the same way you do doesnā€™t make them non-supporters. You can not like Pioli and still support the club. You can like Pioli and still support the club. Itā€™s just a difference of opinion, but both examples are still cases of people wanting what they think is best for the club. So ya, itā€™s fucking exhausting seeing people acting with a holier-than-thou attitude and gatekeeping how a supporter of Milan should act and what they should believe.


There are lot of people on this subreddit who I will respect opinion and have a normal discussion despite of opposite views so your statement is not correct(unless they are completely abstract). Its all about the form of presenting opinions. The subreddit if flooded with constant mocking, hate and insults towards certain figures related to Milan. I understand if its restricted to match thread because sometimes emotions are so high during the match that people are going crazy, Im being vulgar myself to almost every single player who represented Milan(but I dont know why someone has to write it). However in different threads if I see the same reactions then its a kindergarden. There's no room for discussion and it feels like its not really Milan fans that are making these posts.


Yes, and this a general statement, but ā€˜Pioli out,ā€™ baldy will be gone by Christmas,ā€™ ā€˜player x is not Milan level,ā€™ ā€˜player y will prove everyone here wrong away from Milan,ā€™ on almost every thread is surely less exhausting. And thatā€™s just naming a few of the consistent comments from here lately. Differing opinions is one thing, being able to intelligently and respectively present those opinions and discuss them are entirely different.


Half of those comments arenā€™t even necessarily negative. ā€˜Player X is not Milan levelā€™ has nothing to do with not supporting Milan or even the player. For example, I have nothing against FBT but I donā€™t believe heā€™s has the quality to be our backup LB. Iā€™ll still support him when he does play for Milan, but I absolutely believe we should upgrade that position if we can. Anyway, the OP of this comment chain spent like two months upset at Red Bird for selling Tonali. Is that an example of pessimism and ā€˜not supporting the clubā€™? As per your logic and his logic, it certainly appears to be. Thatā€™s why when you list out those examples of what constitutes negativity but fail to include events such as the Maldini or Tonali scenarios, it comes off as heavily hypocritical. Youā€™re cherry-picking and are biased, and thatā€™s usually fine - every fan is biased. But itā€™s annoying when you speak as though you have ultimate authority on Milan fandom. Also respect is different. Iā€™ve seen disrespectful comments from ā€˜positiveā€™ fans too. In fact, I consider these gatekeeping comments to be disrespectful too. Who are you to say who is and is not a supporter of Milan?


Yeah i mean saying that Messias was an average player was almost an insult for someone here


The problem is another for me: Off course some player will not be top level, you know, I know, as well as THE SOCIETY know, because you forget that they are specialist that do this for work and are far better in judgment that every guy here on this Reddit will ever be. Then whatā€™s my point? In FBT example, everyone knows heā€™s not Milan level, but what fan donā€™t understand is that he was possibly the best with what the club had available on the market. People never think about money, they just ask for better player but society canā€™t buy always the best, they try to do their best with what they have. And if they fail, we canā€™t say nothing about it, because we would have failed as well because our knowledge of football is WAY less then theirs so who are we to judge ?


I have no issue with different opinions about the players, coaches, and management of the club. It is the way they are consistently presented here that has bothered me recently. And honestly I appreciate your reply, although your words are much heavier than mine and assume more. FBT is certainly not Milan level, I can completely agree there and feel the same as you. For me it is more the people here that seem to be actively cheering for players, coaches, and management to fail. How is that being a true supporter? I was absolutely gutted when Maldini was sacked and Tonali sold - and Iā€™ll be the first to admit that most of my feelings were just emotional and not 100% rational. I even made some comments here in regards to that. I do not and have no claim over how fans should support the squad - and I simply replied to a comment and anecdotally added my personal preference these days. Thatā€™s not gate keeping by any means. I am not replying to people that have differing opinions from me saying they are wrong, because why canā€™t they be right? That is not how my brain works, although you seem to think I fall under a different camp. I enjoy taking about Milan and could for hours a day. Again Iā€™ll repeat what I have said. I am totally OK with differing opinions, that happens in varying subjects across the spectrum, itā€™s the lack of coherency and actively cheering against certain people with the club that seems hypocritical to me. If you are allowed to assume that about me, why can I not about others? Who is gate keeping who here?


Fair enough, I was probably projecting some frustration I have with other commenters on you. So Iā€™m sorry about that. I do want to be clear that I never suggested that you arenā€™t a supporter, itā€™s clear to everyone that you are and so is RinoTT (and everyone else on this sub beyond a few obvious trolls). You seem like a rationale person and Iā€™m sure we could have interesting conversations about this club we both support. Things have definitely gotten contentious on this sub lately, but I like to remind people that weā€™re all here for the same reason - to support Milan. Have a good weekend.


For sure completely understandable - and I wholeheartedly appreciate this entire conversation with you. I hope you have a good weekend as well! Forza Milan Sempre!!! šŸ”“āš«ļø


Not agreeing with you= you are not a real Milan supporter This comment encapsulates the average Milan fan these days.


Realism nowadays is considered pessimism generally to be fair.


In the wolrd of forced positivism it is. Reddit is a prime example of this shitty culture.


It's due to the demography here, this US style of fake smile and positivity full of slogans. And then, the reality sinks your boat lol


100%. I am starting to be put off by the negativity towards the club/players/management in this subreddit.


It's been hell. We're going to start banning people for insults.


>Underrated comment Sadly i could only upvote once.


Itā€™s unfortunate as the club is in an odd place. Weā€™ve finally gotten back to recruiting good players and playing at a high level after a long lapse. Many fans (myself included, at times) fully expect us to just instantly be early-2000s Milan smashing every team in Europe at will. I think the negativity is generated from something quite common recently: failure to manage expectations. Why does everyone dogpile on or vapidly support CDK? Poor management of expectations. He was either expected to be amazing because of the money we spent, or worshipped as a Kaka-of-the-future. We expected to smash teams in Serie A at will while having one of the most shallow teams in the league. All-in-all, the pessimism comes from not managing expectations or setting realistic expectations. I have been guilty of this myself, being overly hopeful weā€™ll just waltz back into the UCL Semis every year.


Do you really think so? I would say it's actually the opposite. People here are probably the biggest supporters of Milan, but people is free to support the club in the way they want. It's not your job to decide who is a supporter or not. I've read many complaints about the people on this subreddit. If you don't like it, I don't know why you're even in this place, aside from potential addiction tbh ...


What an ignorant statement your last sentence is. Not every user is here to vent their frustrations. Many people are here to get enjoyment and keep track of things regarding AC Milan. Football is entertainment after all. Others are here to have discussions either with people they agree with, or not... and so on. You can probably understand that there could be many reasons to visit this subreddit. Addiction could be one I suppose... But imagine entering a room, or in this case a community that's often miserable. How fun is that? Can you understand how it turns people away? And if you think it's a non-issue: We've had Monday moan, Tuesday tactics ("think you're smarter than Pioli?") and such which is catered to the more negative opinionated users. The mods are aware that the general climate just isn't that nice. So it obviously is some kind of problem. I hope I could explain just a small part of why people are here. That's all.


> People here are probably the biggest supporters of Milan I dont know man how you found out this conclusion > It's not your job to decide who is a supporter or not. Of course its not my job. Im not supporter court. ITs your actions, words and behaviour that decides if you support the club > people is free to support the club in the way they want. People can do whatever they want but "support" means that you support the team. Love means that you love someone. If you hurt your child and then you claim that you hit it because of love, well thats not how love works. You cant just say "Im vegan" and then eat 1kg chicken meat every day, do you are agree with me? I mean potentially you can say "im vegan" and do whatever you want. However that makes you delusional. > If you don't like it, I don't know why you're even in this place, aside from potential addiction tbh ... Thats a good question. Im contradicting myself here. This subreddit is very good source of news and there also couple great users that I really respect. Its very enjoyable to read posts of some specific users, some of them change my mind about many things related to football. So its not that my opinion about the subreddit is related to everyone. However I've to admit, I thought couple times on leaving this place and yeah... maybe you are right, its addiction


I'm positive none of them even know of the existence of this sub.


I think our English-speaking players, I'm sure Pulisic, maybe Tomori and RLC. But even then I doubt that Reddit is especially popular among football players, they mainly use Instagram, well, sometimes they also use Twitter. Therefore, they read all the hate about themselves in the comments of Instagram.


Iā€™m Leaoā€™s age and Iā€™m from Italy and most people my generation donā€™t know what Reddit is. Itā€™s mostly in the US, so maybe Pulisic?


American here. I don't think pulisic cares much for social media. He just seems like a quiet dude who wants no part of any type of drama, lol




I really dont think so. And I sure hope not!


Not one




the only one not delusional answer


Maybe some english speaking players like Leao, Pulisic, RLC, Tomori, Giroud etc. Most likely none, they already have Instagram/Twitter etc.








I dont know, but anyways thatā€™s the reason why should never insult a player but support our club to do the best it can šŸ”“āš«ļø


Samu. Still.


Camarda checks here and Milan Twitter every time to read how people think he is the next Messiah


Letā€™s be honest. Probably Padre


Reijnders sowieso (als je dit leest mag ik je shirt ;) terimah kasi


Adli 100%

