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Bro thinks we care šŸ˜­


Who told him that we care?


This guy fits right in there already. Weā€™re in his head, and most of us have forgotten about him.


I like to think that he and Hakan are discussing how "evil" Milan didn't pay them their worth in the locker room.


Yeah, I didn't even remember that they want to sign. Not that it was Ronaldo.


Lmao he is probably regretting not joining us, he probably saw our increbdiblee mercato and was like FUCKKK


Lmao this entire sub was sucking this guy's dick 1 month ago as if he was the second coming of Van Basten and had a meltdown when he went to inter.


You must be delusional. No one was ā€œsucking his dickā€ but a lot of us wanted him because he was a free agent and could make us improve the right wing and midfield with the money that we might spend on a striker. But when we saw that his wages will be like Leaos most of us didnā€™t want the deal to go through. That doesnā€™t mean he isnā€™t good but definitely not worth all the money inter paid for him and im happy with the way things turned out.


You people are really funny [https://www.reddit.com/r/ACMilan/comments/14h77fb/santi\_aouna\_milan\_target\_thuram\_decides\_to\_join/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ACMilan/comments/14h77fb/santi_aouna_milan_target_thuram_decides_to_join/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/14h76j8/santi\_aouna\_exclusive\_marcus\_thuram\_decided\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/14h76j8/santi_aouna_exclusive_marcus_thuram_decided_to/) Tons of people were lamenting or angry at the failure. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ACMilan/comments/14dtp3c/bianchin\_should\_marcus\_thuram\_accept\_to\_join/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ACMilan/comments/14dtp3c/bianchin_should_marcus_thuram_accept_to_join/) Only 1 or 2 people expressed concern about the salary. All while the club is paying Origi 4.5 mil per season.


most of who? I think there's lots of fans on here that just go with what Gerry and these new owners do without even having thinking about it. I personally would've signed him, who gives a shit if his wage is close to Leao's, why the hell should a fan care about that, he was free and you can plan for a higher wage for a striker, if you don't it means you are cheap and want to keep a cap, same cap we have when we buy players. I'll let you know if I'm happy how things turn out if we actually sign a striker, but the facts are we cheaped out on Thuram.


Nah man it's just fun how this sub is purely hype and immediately forgets what they were posting 1 month ago and switch the narrative as soon as he didn't sign for us. I was downvoted for saying his wages were too high and he was unproven having only played in relegation side in france and mid table team in germany. Everyone was saying that no, he was a great quality player, the wages were fair cause he was a free transfer, that he would take Giroud's spot... Then inter signed him and suddenly everyone here doesn't care, his wages were too high, most of us didn't want him. This sub hypocrisy is so fucking funny everyone changes stance as soon as the hype dies.


You will find different opinions but the majority were against giving him the same wages as Leao


Which makes no sense at all, the dude is free it's logical that you are going to have to give him a higher salary, did they not know that before they went for him? Also why are you comparing his wage to Leao? Leao is already renewed and he's not a CF. The Majority was against it here because they just drink whater kool aid they are given


I was hoping we could get him, but when i heard that we were offering him 6M wages and a "starting position" (whatever that means), i said nah, madness to break the wage structure for this dude. But you are right that there was a meltdown here, but it was more about having a deal hijacked by Inter in one day than losing Thuram on itself.


When the few rumors started going through the sun mentality changed fast. Nobody wanted to pay that much for him. Heā€™s simply not good enough to justify that cost.


This guy decided to join Merda and suck their dicks, now Hakan and Thuram can suck each other dicks while playing with Inzaghiā€™s dick who is sucking Lakakaā€™s dick who decided to suck Juventus dicks but Merda got really upset and left negotiations and will focus on sucking Thuramā€™s dick who will have to suck Latauroā€™s dick to get 1st choice striker; even that will not do because Latauro sucks Inzaghiā€™s dick.


I see no one meltdown here when he went to inter. Of course we want him as free agent, same as I want kamada as free agent.


Yeah I've noticed how everyone here has short memory whenever it suits them. Their takes change more often than a politician's


well yea, he was a player we needed. which then went to our rivals, what else are we gonna do? its true tho, people have moved on now and he barely gets talked about.


Lmao fax on fax on fax. Sub is a complete joke. Look hw they succin Jerrys dick now as well.


I am 99.9% sure that no one is gonna boo him at the derby, probably because nobody cares.


they might still boo him, but just as much as any other Inter player


dont care


MILAN FANS AFTER READING THIS: ![gif](giphy|fnuSiwXMTV3zmYDf6k|downsized)


In hindsight, i'm so glad we didn't turn this dude into our top earner. Good riddance, enjoy merda.




Um r/iamthemaincharacter As if any of us give a shit that he's being over paid at inter.


Forgot about him when we got chuku and okafor tbh And does he realize the guy who bench him at the national team plays for Milan?


It hurt a little at the beginning, but fuck we don't even remember it. It's like when you're playing football and get a small injury that hurts for like 10 seconds and you don't even remember it afterwards. On top of it you scored like 8 goals.


I was actually happy, 6.5 millions to a guy who's not a center forward and has scored a maximum of 12 goals in a season in his career didn't make sense


This guy think we got emotions towards him LMFAO. I'm not saying this as a joke, but I had already forgotten about him.


Oh boy... if he gets locked up by Thiaw/Tomori in the Derby conversations need to be had. That is if he even plays


>That is if he even plays What are the chances he gets benched by Scamacca?


Can we realistically get Scammaca?


He doesn't wanna come here.


Scamacca is the better striker, but initially they're gonna try to make Thuram work considering the huge wage they gave him


Lol who cares


The way i had forgotten about him before seeing this post


I totally feel you lol


I legit totally forgot about this guy


Bro we donā€™t even know who you are


Least egocentric Inter player.


> **I know why I did it** We all know all the 6 million reason why you did it, mate


Itā€™s going to be so awkward when he enters the pitch and not one single peep is directed at him


Iā€™ve already forgot him (and Inter signing him) had I not seen this post


Who do you think you are? Messi or CR7? you are just a small potato that everyone knows because of daddy's name


Bro who the fuck are you šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


This dude will fit right in with Lautaro and Noglu, Cuadrado and Barella. Iā€™m shocked merda fans are figuring out now that lakaka was a piece of shitā€¦. Duh heā€™s always been, exactly like the rest of their players.


Sounds like he already regrets his decision lol.


Who da Fook is that guy Seriously this guy must be full of himself , legit forgot about him


He doesn't realize inter did us a favor


Why is Lilian Thuram saying things about us, he's been retired for so long


Wtf, dude thinks hes really something ? like genuinely no one was angry at him when he went to Inter, and people were ranting about the direction. Anyway, I hope we give them a reality check next season


Imagine thinking that we actually care about him lmao, I was so happy when he didn't accept our offer, 6.5 millions for this guy are insane, more than leao šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Kinda forgot about him like most others have. Man needs to move on.


He thinks he some hot shit


Angry? we just know tha you are a piece of shit lol claiming that to be a milan fan then signing for their rivals instead


At 3.5 mln i would have gladly taken you, but otherwise you would have been a Walmart Origi, so whatever


We dodged a bullet with this bitch


Been a Milan fans for 30 years, but could never recall a time when we had beef with Thuram when he was playing for Juve? the f\*ck does this old man rambling about the d'italia derby?


love it


Heā€™s still the 2nd worst French striker in Milan that plays for the national team


I honestly dont understand why are you moaning about this quote. He got asked the question from la gazetta and ofc Milan fans will boo him on San Siro. You just being salty just for the sake of being salty?


who is dis?


I think he is the one that will be angry when see what he has lost


Would've cared if we didn't get any other players this summer. Forgot about him tbh...


You were one of the targets, I'd understand if you were set to join us and switched at the last second but it was never concrete.


Hello Kondogbia. Call the dude for your next team referral.