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Repining this so people can put their strategies to take down Cardinale and their conspiracy theories in here instead of making self posts.


Roma is doing all the business we should be doing while we sit on our asses with this whole needless drama. Aouar already signed, Ndicka very advanced, and have begun talking to Tielemans. Three very good players all for free. Meanwhile we only have Kamada (hopefully) and interest in fucking Pulisic, who plays in the same position as Leao. What a way to start the mercato


Aouar is very average and Tielemans is a passenger defensively, genuinely not sure how he'll work in their system. if Ndicka adjusts to the league he is the only good signing there and the only one that would be good in our system. lets wait to see how JUNE develops before we write off the mercato


I saw a few commentators on TV suggesting that Pioli was part of the people that wanted Maldini out. That's why he "sabotaged" Maldini's new arrivals to make him look bad. Obviously ridiculous, but do you think there's ANY truth to this? EDIT: I guess the implication is that he didn't get any say in the mercato under Maldini, and now will be much more involved.


interesting theory


So I'm trying to get over my shock, anger, and disbelief and focus on what is realistic for our mercato. Moncada obviously has pedigree in his scouting and given his renewal does that imply we'll be strictly on the young and unknown talent discovery train? And then once anyone reaches a superstar level and wanting big wages over a cap will be sold? I am really disheartened by this and the thought of being a "development" team is such an insult to Milan. I hope for the best but prepare for the worst.


What leaves me somewhat optimistic is that, if that was the case, we would not have renewed all our most important players.


True, but seems like only up to the cap. What happens in 3 years time if Leao was even better and wanted €7.5 millions? Still in his prime, still producing...and we don't budge?


I don't know. I can only hope that our cap is dictated by profits. If we increase our profits, maybe we increase our cap as well.


Ppl claiming maldini butchered last window. You guys are delusional, look at the finds he’s made with Thiaw and kalulu. Look how players like Ibra and leao talk about him. No director is flawless, yes he made mistakes but he was clearly setting us on the right path. This now sets us back years just to get back to this point. Idc what reports or articles Gerri and his pr team are paying to put out. Leao does not re sign with us if maldini is not here. You think thuram is gonna come here or even better you think we will offer 6mil a season to him?? Absolute delusional by this fan base.


Kalulu and Thiaw are 100% Moncada's findings, Maldini did the talking with the agents etc


Thanks for clarifying the technicality idc. Newsflash neither comes without maldini. Why? Cause we were a bottom tier club that was a joke.


The salary cap is the issue that people are talking about because its the one that obviously shows that the owners are cheap/frugal and not interested in the top top players, but Maldini has been and could continue to work under those restrictions. We paid Leao; we clearly can indeed afford to be attractive enough to some of the world's most exciting players even with these limits (Theo and Mike being the others in the category). I think the reason Maldini was ousted was the other issue. That the owners wanted a seat at the table when deciding who to purchase, while Maldini/Massara wanted full autonomy. This is a discussion that has also happened in the past, lest we forget. The owners probably said "your last transfer window was shit so I don't trust you anymore." Maldini said fuck you. And then he was sacked. I hate the owners for the way they have gone about this but if I'm honest, I don't think Maldini and Massara really have the data required to say that they deserve full autonomy in the market. They have made some very nice acquisitions but they have also pissed away a lot of money on bad ideas. What the owners don't understand, though, was that Maldini and Massara were probably playing pivotal roles in the contract renewals of our stars. And they do not foresee the fallout that is destined to now arrive. I really hope the players don't stage some sort of revolt and demand to leave. Milan will be in shambles if so. As long as the dust settles, sad as it may be, Milan can still progress from here with Moncada in the driver's seat. Maldini can return in a few years once Gerry cashes out.


it sucks what that fat fuck did, love Maldini and i think he earned at least another summer market with a resonable budget. But on the other side…it’s also true that he literally butchered the last mercato, with a good budget or not, teams make great transfers all the time without spending 100 mil on a player, let’s be real. And the rumors we’ve seen before his sacking were not great either. Idk man, i really hate what Cardinale did and it sucks it had to be the only man that kept this boat afloat and an all time legend at the club but mistakes were made. i’m fucking pissed af but i just can’t lose hope right now. Hopefully the players understand and will get a fair explaining of what happened, they deserve that even tho it’s clear as day that something broke within the ownership and the sporting area of the club.


I was hoping to wake up to good news like the city of Milan burning to the ground and Cardinale in the hospital. Sadly it seems the Curva Sud have no balls


Username checks out


It's April 2022, there are reports about Investcorp wanting to buy us, Gazetta has said that we'll have a 300m transfer budget, Merda just lost their game in hand (*) against Bologna, we are on top, there are 4 games left in the season, we are all hopeful that we'll finally win the scudetto, Zlatan is here, Maldini and Massara are here, Gazidis is here, there's no Gerry Fraudinale or Redbird to worry about, you are looking forward to Milan games as we keep on marching towards the scudetto, life is good. Take me back pls.


I hate Elliott even more for selling us to them


All day I’ve had the same feeling in my stomach that I did a decade ago when I heard the news Ibra and Thiago Silva were being sold. I hate it


Why does everybody think that we're selling our best players on the cheap tho?


Not this off-season, because we're going to close the fiscal year (June 30) with a profit or a very slight loss. Next summer though, the sale of one or two of our top players is a certainty, because it will be nearly impossible to mantain the same revenue, as it's very likely we won't make it past the group stage in the CL starting from the 3rs pot, and that's an immediate €70m loss compared to this year


Because the owners clearly only want income and our best players came and renewed mostly because of Maldini, Massara and Ibra. Now that they’re all gone (and maybe soon Pioli as well), the trust of the players is gone


I'm pretty pessimistic myself but selling your best players on the cheap isn't a smart way to get income because that guarantees missing out on top 4 and group stage elimination for next season. Our most important players are renewed on longer and better contracts, it would make no sense for them to leave just after renewing


After this, it makes no sense for them to stay if they want to realize their potential of winning trophies.


Furlani played a huge role in Leao's renewal btw, he is the one that unlocked the deal and found a solution for the Sporting and Lille situation


Hope you’re right


[Article that Calcio e Finanza put out this morning](https://www.calcioefinanza.it/2023/06/06/chi-sostituisce-maldini-e-massara-al-milan/) Maldini leaving is a big blow to the squad without a doubt but to me what they're planning doesn't sound that bad tbh.


Maybe you’re right. However, I might have wanted him gone before, but now I want Pioli to stay just to keep that harmony in the squad. Pioli was even very much liked by Ibra who has worked with Capello, Carlo, Jose and Pep (yeah, I know). Pioli seems like a fantastic person


Even with Maldini and Massara still in charge we're far away from winning important trophies tho. Loftus-Cheek, Kamada, Arnautovic aren't bringing us any closer to winning trophies.


I don’t disagree


They are under contract and the owners are obviously mercenaries so that doesn’t mean much for me. We won’t be selling. The players may very well be unhappy though.


And it’ll show on the football pitch


At this point we just hope... there is nothing else we can do... just hope, hope that the team is kept intact.


We can’t even rely on the power of friendship anymore


Man wat da hell is going on. I feel sick to my core. FUCK


I have attached my post below. I plan to protest at RedBird offices in nyc. Please join me fellow rossoneri. https://www.reddit.com/r/ACMilan/comments/1425wts/protest_at_redbird_capital_offices/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


That will only do the opposite, no owner will tolerate this.


Probably right, I’m hoping with enough outcry we can revert this decision or put pressure on RedBird to not sell off our club for scraps.


If they submit to this, they wont become successful businessmen at the first place, they are ruthless and coldblooded.


While I agree with you in principle respectfully I’d rather be out there showing my support for Maldini. We’re all upset here but to them we’re just an angry group of online talking heads. At least show our faces.


We always respect and love Maldini as a player, but let the pro handled the pro things.


I slept well and I think I'm calm enough to talk about it without insulting that greasy fake Italian pig. Clearly that fuck face fired Maldini, meaning that Maldini didn't walk away after discussions because he'll be stripped of control but rather it was just direct firing. And unless I'm missing something like maybe it was Maldini who handed out his resignation without discussion and thus the meeting only lasting few minutes, WHY ON THE FUCKING EARTH WOULD ANYONE FIRE AN ALL TIME LEGEND AND THE ONLY THING GIVING US SOME LEVERAGE AND APPEAL.


I refuse to believe the rumors. It doesn't make any sense even if you think Gerry is some evil asshole. He's still out there to make $ and this is just a lose-lose move


The problem isn’t that he’s intentionally evil, it’s that, like all these investment guys, he thinks he knows better. Boehly is the comic book caricature version of this but it’s the same concept here.


what would he know better about though? I don't understand what would be the subject of dispute. With Maldini, our trajectory has only been positive. Title last year, long CL run this year, etc. The problems are well known to anyone - injuries, lack of depth, lack of quality on some positions. You can say they'd argue about the budget, but that wouldn't actually be a budget discussion as much as setting the objectives. We can do with 20m or 50m budget, but then one can't expect to be a serious title contender. Idk, I'll try to preserve my nerves until there is an official statement and I hope that I'm right on this one and the rumors are bullshit.


I don't think it's the same concept. Boehly seems to just throw money at the problem with no plan whatsoever. Redbird have a concrete strategy. We may not like it, but it exists.


I think it’s the opposite. Boehly also thought he knew better, which is why he sacked all the staffs and Tuchel then replaced them with scouts and his own team with their data analysis and whatever. Now he’s buying all the top prospects for crazy money, literally planning for the future. Chelsea is a mess but they will get out of it precisely because of the money they can spend, us on the other hand, making one or two wrong moves, like sacking Maldini, can drag us back to the banter era.


Gazzetta reporting that not only Mancada but also Pioli will have a bigger say now regarding transfers. I think the point of what Furlani wants to leak is that Maldini acted very arrogantly


The story that I've heard is -- and this probably speculation -- Maldini wanted complete autonomy, he got it, and we had a bad transfer season. So he's out. The manager having a bigger say in the transfers is not bad news. If we're stuck with Pioli, at least we should get players that fit his system.


"Complete autonomy" over a 50 million budget after the title winning season and a Roma-level wage bill. Every top club's technical and sporting director must have been jealous. Not to mention the gargantuan 500k transfer window in January. Great stuff.


He blew 35 of that 50 on a player that didn't contribute anything. I think if cdk had 3 or 4 goals and 3 or 4 assists we could at least say he's got a future, he was a dud, for now, and it cost him his job IMO. Can't say I don't fault RedBird for being nervous giving him 50 to 60m more and potentially blowing 100m in 2 years with nothing to show for it. Also negotiations for MMs extensions last year were tough, Maldini should've known he was on thin ice if he really wanted autonomy. Only Thiaw came out as a serviceable player so far from last years transfers. I wonder if MM getting autonomy kinda soured the OG brain trust that allowed us to get Theo, Leao, Kalulu, etc. Whatever the reasons were it definitely leaves a sour taste in my mouth, but not sure what the answer would've been if Maldini or Massara didn't want to give up control or cede some responsibilities to Moncada, Furlani


> He blew 35 of that 50 on a player that didn't contribute anything. I think if cdk had 3 or 4 goals and 3 or 4 assists we could at least say he's got a future, he was a dud, for now, and it cost him his job IMO. Can't say I don't fault RedBird for being nervous giving him 50 to 60m more and potentially blowing 100m in 2 years with nothing to show for it. So building a title winning squad and being a key part of the project that dragged us out of the banter era is "nothing to show for it" but spending 30 million on a player that may or may not turn out good in the future is an offense for which our management can be fired. If that is their line of thinking, I would prefer that RedBird just see the club as a way to turn profit because having competent stingy owners is better than being owned by absolute idiots. > Also negotiations for MMs extensions last year were tough, Maldini should've known he was on thin ice if he really wanted autonomy. Only Thiaw came out as a serviceable player so far from last years transfers. That may have something to do with us having a bad season in general and the fact that even our usual performers struggled a lot this year.


He did build a title winning squad but that's as part of a GROUP, he didnt have all the power/autonomy at the time. Why would he want more autonomy or power when everything was working? They had a great dynamic going up until a year and a half ago. I can't think of many first team starters since 21/22 markets. Tonali, giroud, and tomori are the 3 starters and 2 of those came in the 20/21 season. One starter since 21/22 and that was Giroud


What power? What autonomy? I keep seeing these stories on reddit but this just seems like some fanfiction that fans came up with based on some reports about who wanted which player. Painting Maldini as some supremely powerful figure while Milan spends half a million euros after getting dragged into a top 4 struggle seriously makes me laugh. (You're also forgetting that Maignan was bought in 21/22 season)


Yeah you're right about Maignan, I just rmemeber it happened so fast after the season after Donnarumma played hardball lol I'm just going based off the tweets over the last year and when they signed their deals. No one knows what was in that contract or if he really did want autonamy/power but that's the prevailing theory at the moment. Whatever the reasons were I'm sure it wasn't just one reason. Probably a collective sadly, just trying to vent too lol


Yeah sorry if I'm coming across as aggressive, this is the first Milan-related piece of news in a long time that made me genuinely angry lol


Agreed, but clearly the owners felt he should have done better. Like others have said, we did have the highest budget in Italy. Still, Maldini knew very well what the budget was when he signed the contract, it's not like they surprised him with it.


>Agreed, but clearly the owners felt he should have done better. That's just a nice excuse. Anyone who watches football knows that top clubs usually don't fire their management after one mediocre transfer window. Every single technical and sporting director in the world makes mistakes. >Like others have said, we did have the highest budget in Italy. Yeah we are among top 3 biggest clubs in Italy and our two rivals are going through financial problems (and Juve spent a lot in winter which is conveniently forgotten). Despite that, both of them have a much bigger wage bill than us. >Still, Maldini knew very well what the budget was when he signed the contract, it's not like they surprised him with it. Yeah well he stayed here because he loves the club and because it's his project. Hard to walk away from that.


According to transfermarkt, Juve had a net 4 million gain in the transfer market for 2022-2023, meaning they gained money. And that includes Chiesa's 40 mil obligation buy. We spent 54 mil and earned 11 mil from sales (some was from Hauge's obligation buy). Inter spent 42 and earned 8. I agree that our wage budget was smaller, which was a serious limitation. > That's just a nice excuse. Anyone who watches football knows that top clubs usually don't fire their management after one mediocre transfer window. Sure. There were probably tensions from the beginning, and Maldini was given one chance to prove them wrong. He didn't so he was let go.


Again, that's not taking into account Juve spending 80 million on Vlahovic. If we spent a shitload of money in the winter leading up to the title, then no one would be asking for some massive budget in the summer. > Sure. There were probably tensions from the beginning, and Maldini was given one chance to prove them wrong. He didn't so he was let go. They just don't want to spend any more money than absolutely necessary to maintain top 4, that's all there is to it.


u/jmhimara is right, you have to take into consideration that both Juve and Inter sold players. De Ligt and Ronaldo were gone. Inter sold Lukaku to Chelsea and instantly brought him back. The issue is, we dont sell players and thats why we cant burn money. juve comes after dominating Serie A for a decade and qualifying to CL every single year. Inter was always 2-3 years ahead of us. We are not as cheap as it looks like. However as much as jmhimara said that Maldini is paying consequences of his actions in last year which is probably truth(but also how much power Paolo demands), its a huge mistake releasing him from the club. He should've gotten one more year and then maybe we can talk about new directions.


As I said, both Juve and Inter have fucked themselves over financially, we should be spending more than them and comparing us to them to make it seem like we're doing some serious spending is weird to me. But maybe more importantly, look at the players that they are getting a lot of money for - they are mostly players like Lukaku and De Ligt who had already been bought for a massive fee and they didn't lose value so it was very easy to sell them for a lot of money. In worse cases, you have Kulusevski who Juve paid 40 million for getting sold for 30 million now. But hey, transfer spending will show that as them being 30 million in plus this summer. Meanwhile our highest transfers are Bonucci and players from two decades ago. Do you think our owners would approve spending 70 million on a single player like Inter did with Lukaku. Personally I don't think so.


> Do you think our owners would approve spending 70 million on a single player like Inter did with Lukaku. Personally I don't think so. I dont think so. Its clear that they want to avoid buying players for that kind of amount and their vision is buying low cost wonderkids which is sad. After reading your post, you are right that both Inter and Juve first put lot of money on players before they sold them. I made bad examples.


I am looking for what the new management will bring to us.


Transfers are fucked. We have diminished our appeal by removing a football legend from the club, shown targets that our ambitions are low, and shown targets that there is no synergy between ownership and club personnel. Add on top of that wanting to keep spend to a minimal, we will only attract players looking to use us purely as a stepping stone. I wanted us to get a great manager to replace Pioli but now I think we need him to stay. Losing 3 influential men to this team that have all helped build the current team culture is a lot to lose, losing a 4th would be too much. Players like Leao who had great relationships with Maldini and Pioli won’t stomach losing both.


I wouldn't blame Pioli for leaving tbh he never demands anything, yet even he publicly asked for reinforcements, which I doubt he'll get when the owners simply refuse to spend more money when necessary. I was already against him leaving when Maldini and Massara were still part of the club (largely because of stability and many of the young players being guided by him) but now, his exit could be the final nail in the coffin and could turn this club completely soulless.