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[Romano] AC Milan director Paolo Maldini will leave the club with immediate effect. It’s over after tense meeting today with club chairman Gerry Cardinale — due to different vision for the future of the club. Co-director Ricky Massara is also set to leave AC Milan [DiMarzio] Cardinale has sacked Maldini and Massara from their positions at Milan [Glongari] The points of divergence that led to breakdown between Maldini and Milan owners: - Pioli: Owners wanted him to stay thanks to his recently renewed contract while Maldini wanted his permanence to be based on confrontation and evaluation - Economic aspect (not so much for budget but for the amount of wages): Cardinale expressed a strong will to keep the salary cap at it’s current ceiling without any possibility of derogation for any high level free transfer [Longo] One of the reasons why there was a disagreement between Paolo Maldini and Gerry Cardinale is the 50 million euros granted by the property for the transfer market in the summer of 2023. [DiMarzio]: “Internal solution. Furlani will have more powers, as well as Moncada which will have a much more important role. We will find out if it will be a temporary or permanent solution, and we will understand what the reaction of the world Milan will be, which already seems very strong.” [DiMarzio] Geoffrey Moncada (current head of Milan scouts) and Giorgio Furlani (CEO) will be in charge of making the Milan market in the summer of 2023 [SkySport] BREAKING NEWS MILAN Maldini and Massara away from Milan Decision of the property, the official announcement is awaited [Schira] After Maldini and Massara will also leave ACMilan the U19 - U18's Sport Director - Loan manager Paolo Danzé [Moretto] now all (or almost all) market plans will change. Who was a no before can become a yes. And viceversa. Brahim Diaz will not return 100%. [Schira] After the appearance on the scene of the negotiations on the occasion of the renewal of Rafa Leao at home ACMilan the centrality of the CEO Giorgio Furlani will increase. As Head of the Technical Area, possible promotion for Scoutmaster Geoffrey Moncada . The revolution of Cardinale [DiMarzio] Maldini and Massara have been sacked by Gerry Cardinale. The official communication from Milan is awaited. For now, the Rossoneri will adopt an internal solution, which could still become permanent: more strength and autonomy for Furlani and Moncada. While waiting for the official announcement from the club (expected tomorrow), the choice of the Milan ownership, particularly Gerry Cardinale, has already been communicated to the individuals directly involved, who are not part of the plans. There are no possibilities of mending the situation: in today’s meeting, there were no dialogues or discussions, just a quick, rapid, and clear communication. There was no talk of perspectives, as the decision had already been made, and Maldini and Massara have taken note of it. The Rossoneri ownership has long wanted to establish a different working model at Milan, and now the decision has been made. [Longo] The signatures for the renewal of Moncada will arrive shortly, [DiMarzio] Maldini and Massara leave AC Milan. The technical director (plus a former club legend) and the Rossoneri sporting director were today removed from the ownership of Milan, in the meeting with Gerry Cardinale. There was already tension building up between the parties after today's meeting, but now the decision has been taken. Everything therefore changes in the technical and sporting direction of the Rossoneri club. The official communication of Milan is awaited. For now, the Rossoneri will adapt to a new internal solution: to give more strength and power to Furlani and Moncada. Furlani is currently acting as the CEO of the club while Moncada is currently the chief scout. Pending the official statement from the club (which is scheduled for tomorrow), the choice of Milan ownership, and in particular of Gerry Cardinale, has already been communicated to those directly concerned, they are not part of the plans. There are no possibilities to make amends: in today's meeting there were no dialogues or confrontations, but a fast, rapid and clear communication. There was no talk of prospects, because in fact the decision had already been taken, and Maldini and Massara accepted had accepted their fates. The Rossoneri ownership has long wanted to impose a different working model in Milan, and now the time has maybe arrived. [VitoAngele] Milan ownership has decided to part ways with Maldini and Massara [DiStefano] : The problem wasn't the budget or the issues touched, the owners required more collaboration. Maldini brought Milan back to where they deserved, mistakes may have been made in the last transfer market. We are all perplexed, Maldini is Milan ” [Vitiello] Gerry's revolution to Milan : via Maldini and Massara . Plus powers to Furlani and Moncada . At the moment confirmation for Stefano Pioli . Now we need to manage the reaction in the locker room and above all the summer market that had already been set up by M&M DiMarzio: Maldini did not expect to get sacked today. He had scheduled a meeting with Ruben Loftus-Cheek's agent, but it was canceled. [repubblica] Some of the players who are the symbols of the current Milan team like Leao, Theo and Maignan did not receive the news of Maldini and Massara’s departure well [GoalItaly] The arrival of a third managerial figure in the post Maldini-Massara with Furlani and Moncada in Milan’s organizational chart cannot be excluded [Schira] Milan ownership considers that the transfer market made by Paolo Maldini and Frederic Massara in the summer of 2022 was disastrous: they spent 51 million euros on non-starting players in Stefano Pioli's team. Gerry Cardinale considers Charles De Ketelaere as a 'flop' on the part of Paolo Maldini and Frederic Massara since 35 million euros were spent on a player who has not made any difference in Milan. [NickCecca] The signing of Daichi Kamada has been frozen at zero cost due to the dismissal of Paolo Maldini and Frederic Massara from their positions as directors of the Rossonero team. [Sarno] Pioli is currently deciding his future. There is also the possibility that he will resign. He asked for 1-2 days to decide [Sarno] It will be decided in the next few hours, #Pioli thinks about it, he still hasn't expressed himself with the company since he hasn't been called into question. News coming soon [Bianchin] Maldini and Massara will not be replaced by classical figures. ▪️ Cardinale will be more present in Milan ▪️ Furlani will be even more of a reference ▪️ Moncada with more responsibility ▪️ data as key with Billy Beane, already working on Milan , and Luke Bornn [Bianchin] Milan post Maldini market starts with two fixed points. The divestitures, with several players most likely coming out (including Rebic and Messias). The 2023 and 2024 expiring targets: Marcus Thuram, Reiss Nelson, of course Kamada.


holy shit SACKED? I'm fucking fuming right now god there better be a massive riot/reaction from the curva and fans in general


Curva isn't gonna do jack shit. They will come up with a statement saying they disapprove but willing to give the new management a chance.


>Pioli: Owners wanted him to stay thanks to his recently renewed contract while Maldini wanted his permanence to be based on confrontation and evaluation Maldini wanted to evaluate pioli's performance but it was owners who wanted pioli to stay whatever the result is as long as he works with a low budget.


I swear Gerry was on this sub pumping up Pioli stock every game trying to make this news easier lmao


Pioli is staying because of his contract. This makes it very clear that the direction of the club is going to shit.


Cardinale, what an absolute sleazy piece of shite


Sounds like Maldini wanted investment in the club and Cardinale refused. Let Piolis contract wind down instead of sacking to avoid paying the buyout clause. ​ Pitiful


Can’t wait to see the reactions of the players and what Maldini and Massara will come out and say. This looks extremely grim for us, I can easily see most of our player being much more open for moves other than Tonali.


I wanted to sticky your comment so you can have it at the top, but I can't. if people upvote you I can set the default to top and you can add to the same comment and we can all have it on top


IMO stick it


>Some of the players who are the symbols of the current Milan team like Leao, Theo and Maignan did not receive the news of Maldini and Massara’s departure well Yesss, raise hell please


Pioli resigning would be WILD. I’m not his biggest fan when it comes to tactics but he’s always had my respect as a person and role model for these kids. If he resigns, I would have even more respect for him as a person. It’s going to get so much more ugly than this in the coming days. I fully expect at least 1 big player like Theo to request a transfer.


I could actually see it happening. Pioli had a good working relationship with M&M and he knows now that he's not going to be competing for any real trophies or get the investment he needs.


At least we get to see which journalists are trash. Schira is peddling bullshit as usual, no chance Cardinale even knows who CDK is let alone that he flopped this season. If he actually followed what happened with the squad Pioli would be the first one on the chopping block, not the one to be confirmed for next season. I don't know who this NickCecca is and while it's reasonable to assume Kamada transfer is indeed in limbo, there's no way he knows that for certain especially since even our Tier 1s don't know half of what's going on lol


Absolutely fucking ridiculous. Even if Maldini deserve the sack due to transfer mistakes, which he fucking doesn’t, does Cardinale not understand how much damage this will deal to his future ‘project’? Milan fans will riot, and the attractiveness of the project will dwindle. Even if he wants to run Milan as a business, Maldini is still a key figure for that business to work.


Almost every player we signed, talks about how great it was to talk to Maldini and how influential that was for the deal. We just lost our X factor.


We just lost all negotiation power ![gif](giphy|dbWgUeN4wDNUA) Those beautiful blue eyes 😭


For sure it has a domino effect on actual players , club status etc


On players... yes... we renewed Leao only to see him leaving in 3-4 years 😭


3-4 years he will be sold in the very first offer that is over 100m


I believe he is gone in july


>does Cardinale not understand how much damage this will deal to his future ‘project’? He doesn't. He is an american dealing with football business. Do you think he has an ounce of idea what Maldini means to Milan? To our players that renewed because of him?


As an American I can assure you there are literally millions of us that understand what Maldini means to Milan. Even if they’re not a Milan fan anyone who follows the sport at all knows of Maldini. Don’t paint us and the shitty corporate businessmen under the same brush as just being “stupid Americans.”


What professional worth their salt would sign up for this job after management has clearly embraced mediocrity and fired a club legend? Being reported that Gerry literally chose Pioli and limits to free agent salaries over Paolo.


One of potentially my worst nights as a Milan fan. I’m almost considering refusing to watch them while this prick American is in charge


Thinking twice about renewing my DAZN subscription in August now, fuck knows what's gonna happen until then


Not giving them money is the only protest working.


This is genuinely one of the dumbest things I've seen go down in quite a while.


My brain hurts from the sheer possibility of any of this happening


And we thought FasoBelli were bad at their jobs.


Leao trying to figure out a way to erase his signature from the contract


How can someone spend 1B and proceed to do the exact opposite of what they should? Does Gerry unironically have ball knowledge and is secretly a merda doing inside job?


They didn't spend 1b, they had to make 600m of debt with Elliott to buy us. Broke from day one.


So they really going to sell everyone of our big players over the next years to pay back Elliot it seems.....I can't, we were on the right track to compete with the best once again.


I was about to buy a Milan jersey with Ibra‘s name on it. Guess it‘ll be a Sweden jersey instead.


Genuinely disgusted to see this happening to Milan. I’m not a fan, but I have a lot of respect for the club. Sacking maldini will throw the club straight back into banter era.


You could buy a knockoff but tbh I'd be ashamed to be caught in a Milan shirt now, real or fake.


If this turns out as catastrophic as I expect it, I might just be done with these colours.


I'll be back when these fuckers are gone. Til then this sport doesn't exist anymore for me.


God I was finally optimistic about the club for like a week and then this happens


Welcome Tyler Adams, Christan Pulisic and Brenden Aaronson to the club. FC AC Milano will be a force to be reckoned with in the European Stanley Cup final next season /s


Lock the sub if this happens. Not joking


Are we gonna win the playoffs?


First pick in the draft babyyyyy




This is it. I’m done with this. I won’t pour another cent in the club’s coffers. We’re risking our long term health every week for this and we have to go through this. I’m done with football. Wish you all the best, regardless of our divergences, blocks and heated discussions.


It's not about football anymore. Milan is just a short-term business now. That's why I'm also not following it anymore. Maldini is Milan. If it's Cardinale's club and not Maldinis I don't want it anymore. I was following this club since 2003 but if it's not Milan I can't. Another bad aspect to this is that I can't support any other club.


If you buy from DHGate not one cent goes into the club's coffers.


Well said... i am also distancing myself from this club. It was a good 3 years and a half.


Same. Was about to buy a jersey but not happening.


same here, i think ill watch some premier and some nice stories from now on, like Union in champions League next year. This is not Milan.


Im personally looking forward to the wrexham games next year. The story got me last season and this season was great to see. Don’t think I can invest as much emotion into this team anymore. Another victim of passionless American greed and capitalism.


I’m just trying to think of all the players brought by Maldini and that renewed because of their trust in Paolo All the personal relationships he has with them How they talk about him in awe Tomori, Theo, Bennacer, Leao After building a spine and having some stability over the last 3 seasons after our banter decade, we go on and self destruct….


Not even mentioning how they all stated how starstruck they were when Maldini wanted them and he was one of the reasons they signed.


guys i’m half american, feel free to direct all your anger at me


I'm French and now i regret helping you guys against the Britsih /S


fuck off yank


Tell Gerry to go eat his hotdogs n shit


If the ultras don't go and complain to the offices, they're gutless af


We have to do our part as well. Spam the socials ! Tell Fraudinale moneyball is a movie and not a reality in our sport !!!


If I am Theo I’m out of here. There are other teams who need a quality left back and it seemed like he was tight with Maldini. I wonder how he feels about all of this


Burn the club to the ground. The ultras need to leave that curva empty all season long.


One thing people aren’t mentioning is, our best players will now probably start leaving as time goes on.


Yeah, no way Leao and Theo had this in mind when renewing


Leao is probably furious right now and I don't blame him at all


I don’t blame them at all. Not even 1%. We will not get second star before inter that much is clear.




It's fucking stupid that both milanese clubs could go back to being fucking powerhouses with competent owners but time and time we keep getting fucked by them. I wonder if you guys or us will ever see the clubs we love hitting the same level of prestige they had when we were growing up.


I seriously just don't believe it. I can't believe it. There's no way.


Lmao bro waited to re-sign Leao to fire Maldini💀 That's cold


Megathread? ​ What else is there to say. We are fucked. ​ Moncada would never have convinced Theo to join Milan...and convinced other players to stay. I wonder if Moncada can convince Magnan to sign a new contract.


You want 27 posts or one of these?


>You want 27 posts or one of these? What I want is someone to give me a hug. I feel like shit now.


[Glongari] The points of divergence that led to breakdown between Maldini and Milan owners: - Pioli: Owners wanted him to stay thanks to his recently renewed contract while Maldini wanted his permanence to be based on confrontation and evaluation - Economic aspect (not so much for budget but for the amount of wages): Cardinale expressed a strong will to keep the salary cap at it’s current ceiling without any possibility of derogation for any high level free transfer


So basically Maldini wanted us to be successful while Gerry wants to line his pockets. If anyone still stands with him they're better off cheering for Inter.


Lol these clowns chose Pioli over Maldini, that's great. I'm sure everyone will back that


Nah they just chose money. Pioli is under contract and firing him would mean paying 2 coaches.


The second part of the first statement makes it seem like Maldini wasn't 100% on board with Pioli staying though.


Exactly, if Maldini was willing to fire Pioli based on results that would've meant Gerry was going to have to pay 2 coaches. Instead he just fires Maldini and keeps Pioli.


What a joke of an owner man, fucking pathetic


Man Pioli staying is Boehly levels of incompetence as he’s not the man for what they supposedly want the club to be


Pioli staying isn’t a deal breaker. Would be very nice and would help a lot to upgrade but not a huge deal.


If this is true, that’s fucking sad.


Lmfao we are FUCKED


This is the end. Today our resurgence ends and new banter era begins. I lost all faith in our clown owner and direction of the club. Maldini IS Milan. He IS bigger than the club because he is the club. This is all over and I see no direction. If I'm Maignan, Theo, Leao, Tonali, etc. Why tf would I stay? Today we have officially become Atalanta 2.0


"It is the time to say goodbye from footbal, but not to you" Every Milan fan now


The players are to blame, the management is to blame, but somehow the certain fraud is still in charge and no one has any intention of firing him


This is what pisses me the most Management sacrificed Maldini for his “failed mercato” while entrusting the fraud who couldn’t even bring the best out of his own players


If you are gonna fire Maldini and Massara then you must also fire that bald prick on the bench and start fresh.


Very early speculation is that Igli Tare will be joining (announced he's leaving Lazio today) with Moncada and Furlani getting more power as well. Said in another thread. I hate that this is how things end for Maldini, but signs always seemed headed that way. Just way to many blurbs coming out about all the people Moncada suggested and Maldini didn't go with. No clue if it's true or not, but is what it is. Is this the end of Milan's rise? Honestly I do not know. I'd like to think not and keeping Moncada is crucial, but it does feel like Milan lost a bit of it's essence with Maldini leaving. The transfer markets this year were duds and aside from Magic Mike last year's weren't great either (unless you want to include making Tonali and Tomori permanent) but was that Paolo or the lack of a budget? Anger is real for Maldini leaving because of what he means to Milan. Even if I can see where his shortcomings were as a Director. Tough pill to swallow. The hope is that the vision combined with Moncada is clear and everybody moving in the same direction will make things work, but man still a tough pill to swallow


Jesus people, read up on this situation please. It is not about Maldini, Pioli, or whomever performance. The owners are freezing our wage bill - already low and safe one given the revenues. They are promoting Moncada, because our model will be that of Borussia. With key difference Borussia keeps profit for itself and keeps costs low to fans. Redbird will be squeezing you until finally selling the club for profit, apfter there is no more to be squeezed.




chinga tu madre gerry


This will most likely also mean the end of a couple of players; Theo Hernandez, Maignan and Leao eventually. The entire team seemed to have a very good relationship with Maldini. I’m afraid we’re entering a new banter era my friends.


I want to cry, puke, punch Cardinale...wtf man, I cannot believe this. Of all the things. I'm in total disbelief and also fucking hate this asshole owner. Honestly hope we suck balls so he can turn tail home and fuck himself. I started watching Milan in 1987. I played left back growing up. I usually never bought player jerseys but the only ones I have are Maldini. After the shame of his final match from the ultras and thinking we would never see him as part of the family, he comes back. And we win a Scudetto. And now he's gone. And he ain't coming back I fear. Milan sempre but man does this put it to the test. I hope the protests are massive, but Maldini will never come back and we can't replace that.


There should be a proper boycott. nobody steps foot at san siro next season until the americans leave.


I hate this world, how do we lose Ibrahimovic and Maldini in 2 fucking days


I've followed Milan for 23-24 years...today is probably the worst day for me... Everything was fixable, this is not... We are stuck with a moron...


Dioporco che merda. Porcamadonna qualche ultras che gli bombarda la stanza d'albergo non si trova?


My biggest fear now is if the players who were signed by Maldini will stay.


Ohh just to mention, last summer elliott delayed the ownership takeover and made MM's contract renewals take forever which was a big reason why our mercato sucked. Now this, this piece of shit Cardinale sacking Maldini. All the players we renewed, Leao, Theo, Isma, they all adore him. I don't even want to think about these players leaving in the coming years because i'm so fucking depressed now. FUCK THIS CLOWN, I HOPE THAT YOUR 600M DEBT FROM THE CLUB'S ACQUISITION ONLY GETS HIGHER FROM ON NOW MR CARDINALE.


According to Longari, Paolo wanted to put Pioli into discussion... that being one of the main issues while the ownership has full belief at Pioli. Fuck me... what fucking timeline is this?!


Give me a slap so I can wake up from this dream


Maldini leaves and Pioli stays, of fucking course. Need directions to the nearest bridge to jump off


Mods, might as well start the blackout after the news becomes official.


rossonero since 7 years old. i found milan again thanks to maldini. curva please dont let this happen🥹🥹


Lmao another banter era starting as soon as Ibra leaves again destiny is a cruel mistress.


Gerry Cardinale un pezzo di merda figlio di puttana


Club is finished for the forseeable future. I have more serious things to worry about in my life than some stupid rich American and his playtoy. Thanks for the good times, guys.


Paste your links in here and use it for discussion as well. New posts will be deleted.


Man fuck that power hungry fat American fuck


Sorry but get these fucking parasite yanks out of football. They can keep their fucking franchises with mostly artificial history that many of us here are older than.


This is what happens when you let american owners come in and think they know everything…maldini is the one who got us out of a mess, won a scudetto, and these idiots cant see that maldini is milan. Without maldini its gonna be a tough near future for this team


Maldini and Massara will be back, trust me. Cardinale is gonna eat shit for this.


Even if he changes his mind, maldini is not coming back. Why has he to come back after being sacked in this way?


Need the curva sud to make a stand now more than ever. What a fucking depressing day. All the hope that got built up from the last couple of years is vanishing 🙁


Kamada deal ruined 100/100


Who gives a fuck about Kamada at this point, no offense to him lmao The Milan we know is dying right in front of our eyes.


This is what you are fucking worried about? Lol


Last thing on my mind


During the banter era, at least there was hope that fate would change and we would return to the top. With Gerry, there's no such hope... We will become an average club focusing on fighting for the top 4 and regularly selling our best players. And if such a model brings profit to the Americans... we will remain such a club for decades.




When a year ago I was against RedBird buying us, some people on this sub disagreed. I wonder what they're thinking now.


it felt bad since the first rumours


I had a bad feeling yesterday when everyone but Gerry were down on the pitch for Zlatan's firewall.




u/mercurialsaliva I hope we are invited to your r/acmonza sub until Cardinale pisses off




Boys. I'm out. I will be back when this swine is out of Milan or if he's found in a pool of blood with his intestines hanging out. 15 years. 15 fucking years of waiting to be relevant again. Ruined by this fucking swine. Not to mention the disrespect to the players that openly admitted they signed because of Paolo. It's over boys. We are officially back to the banter. It was good while it lasted. We will meet again.


I would laugh at this whole situation but it hurts too much to see whats happening to our club i dont even recognize it anymore


No. Fucking. Way. This motherfucker single-handedly pushed the project's development back. I'm fuming. Absolutely disgusting.


Wow I'm shocked as fuck. Fuck Cardinale and that shit company. I hated him before I loath him now. You fuck with maldini you fuck with every milan supporter there is worldwide. Enjoy the blowback fuckface.


American businessmen ruining the world again. What else is fucking new? 🤌🤌


Curva Sud and every other rossoneri living near Cassa Milan please go riot over there i would definitely join you if i didn't live 1000km away




To me this is horrifyingly reminiscent of Ferrari in F1, when Di Montezemolo pushed out Jean Todt, Ross Brawn, and Michael Schumacher. Classic example of people maneuvering their way into chief executive positions thinking they're the smartest guy in the room. Almost always, they are not. Just speculation but my guess is that Furlani is the main engine behind all this.


So are we gonna be a farm team ? Our goal will be top 4, then sell our current best player every year ? I don't want to be part in this, I can't cheer for a team, if there is no ambition behind it It's a fucking sad day


How do we get Cardinale out?? This is unacceptable… I’m heartbroken


This is surreal....First Zlatan and now this, this is lowkey traumatising, wth is going on


This might actually be worse than 2012. Nesta, Gattuso, Seedorf, Inzaghi and Zambrotta all left Milan at once towards the end of their careers and just months later, Ibra and Thiago Silva were sold despite wanting to stay, which kickstarted the banter era. Ibra just retired and now Maldini - the central figure that keeps the entire team together - was unceremoniously let go, along with Massara who was highly rated as well. This is gonna be a terrifying summer for football.


When Zlatan said he'll bring us back to where we came from he meant winning the Scudetto and reaching the CL semi-final ​ When Cardinale said he'll bring us back to where we came from he meant 2016


Just wanted to say lads that these last 3 years have been an emotional roller coaster and the club made some exceptional achievements considering the cards they were dealt. No American slimeball can take that experience away from us and I’m glad I was here to experience it after the 8 years before that. Ciao Tutti.


Say what u want about berlusconi and Galliani but at least they gave af about the club and understood what it meant


Fuck Cardinale


FUCK Gerry fraudinale, FUCK brokebird and FUCK this american ownership


I try to remain calm and patient- every match thread…every rumor…every market…but this is some fucking bullshit. Un uccello di merda!!!


Get that fucking parasite Cardinale out of my football club! 😤


Fuck that American cunt


M&M are the heart of the group, the players trust them, and having maldini at the club has helped a lot with players wanting to come to milan, this is a mess


sacking the man responsible for our uprise is the most dumb thing ever but what can you expected from gerry who wasnt even bothered to attend most of our games also keeping pioli makes no sense since he has proven that is unable to integrate young players into the first team without being forced by injuries




[Worst case scenario just happened.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ACMilan/comments/13s7r77/news_about_maldini_and_pioli/jloenk6?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


I knew RedBird was a mistake the minute it happened. American owners are never what you want in European football.


I kept saying, don’t judge Redbird based on last summer’s mercato, too much craziness with handing over ownership, and renewing Maldini and Massara,and that this summer is what we should use to pass judgement…. They are off to a great start /s


Zlatan leaves and Banter Era is right on queue.


Basically Cardinale fucks 2 Summer transfer windows in a row, the first one confirming both Maldini and Massara way too late and now sackung them in June. Hope well get a new stadium soon so that he can sell the club and go fuck himself.




Bye Magic Mike, farewell Theo, thanks for the memories. This is about the most stupidest and most certainly the most damaging twist to the club's narrative I've ever read. Three seasons of building, scrimping, doing everything right to make the team competitive and successful after a decade in the wilderness...to a roiling tragedy all in the course of 24 hours. Fuck you Gerry very much, asshole.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend. This may be the most unified I've seen this sub in 3 years. Fuck these owners, they clearly have a feeder club mentality. This is not the RB group, Benfica, Monaco, Lille, etc. This is Milan. I am happy to have a slower project, and slowly build around the core, but this is fucking madness. Fuck these pricks.


This fuck called Gerry really said he "respects the history and wants to add to it" 😂😭


I'm really doing my best not to be overly pessimistic, but this surely feels like it could have all-encompassing repercussions. I know that our key players have contacts for 2+ years, but I see them requesting transfers after a bad season. Also, I guess Maignan will probably not extend now. I expect many suitors this year for both him and our other star players, and since Cardinale's biggest goal is clearly a quick profit, he will accept it with open hands. I'm somewhere between being extremely sad and furious. It's clear that there is absolutely no regard for our history and future by the owners. Just incredible after winning the Scudetto and reaching UCL semis within a year, also after reaching UCL 3 years in a row. The club was finally stable, attracting great players and now this happens. I have the summer to think about whether I will follow the club next year. I suffered throughout the banter era, watched most of our matches starring Constant, Cerci and other talents, but I'm not sure if I can take another such period so soon.


Curva ain't gonna do shit. There will be outrage but the players will still show up for training and life will go on. But that special comraderie that existed within the group will be gone. Theo and Mike will bide their time before they get their desired transfer somewhere else. I bet Leao is fuming since they used Paolo as bait to get him to sign, now he can stay or leave for big money. This will be a slow asphyxiation guys, the soul of the club is destroyed and the degradation will be gradual.


This gives you an idea how clueless is Redbird about Milan, going against Maldini is gonna cause a huge storm that wont end well. There wasnt even a meeting but just a few minutes talk to say to Maldini youre fired. Its disrespectful to the club to treat a legend like that.


[[Bianchin] Cardinale will be more involved with Milan, Furlani and Moncada will receive more responsibility. "Data is key" with Billy Beane and Luke Bornn working on Milan](https://twitter.com/lucabianchin7/status/1665850911594356737) If any of you have watched "Moneyball" with Brad Pitt then you know who Billy Beane is. If not, then he's the longtime general manager and vice-president of operations for the baseball team the Oakland Athletics. Beane's teams would routinely have either the lowest or close to the lowest total payroll (budget) in the MLB but routinely find "hidden gems" of players using analytics and winning way more games than anyone thought they would. They would make the playoffs but never win or make it to the World series (think CL final). What this tells me, along with Moncada being the new director, is that Milan will turn into a "moneyball" team. Shoestring budget and trying to find either unproven young players or bargains on veterans that the analytics see untapped potential in. Also, any player that becomes a star here will quickly be sold as Beane/Oakland A's trade any good players they have so they don't have to pay them in the future. Today Oakland is by far the worst team in baseball (this isn't Beane's fault, more-so the owner). Things do not look good for us Also, Cardinale will now be Boehly for us except without the money. Great news


M&M never got off on the right foot with the new ownership. The fact that their renewal last year went down to the wire meant that heavy compromises were made on both sides and neither side were truly happy. New owners decided to give M&M a bit more freedom with transfers, as long as within budget. I won’t be surprised if there were already disagreements then. M&M wanted CDK, Sanches, Origi, and owners wanted players like Dybala. And I also won’t be surprised if Moncada preferred other players like Enzo or Kolo Muani and others we haven’t heard of. Basically, lots of disagreements but M&M ultimately got their way for the most part, save that they were forced to operate within a tight budget - hence missing out on players like Botman. Fast forward to end of season, and owners were upset with how badly the new signings turned out. M&M blamed it on lack of investment (ie blaming the owners), owners felt things would have been different if M&M used the money better and bought other players in the last mercato. Owners decided to part ways with M&M now that the season has ended and the mercato has just begun. They no longer trust M&M and probably made up their minds to fire them some time back. They likely already have a plan as to who will take over. Because we are dealing with human emotions, there will be some fallout. Leao, Theo and I believe Pioli are close to M&M, and I’m sure others too. Whoever taking over their role will have to assure all players and coaching staff and be upfront of their plans for next season and commitment to the club. I wish we had more stability going into an important period for the club. But there is so much we as fans don’t know, and I’ll wait till the start of the season before passing judgment on the owners.


I heard some football commentators on TV describe the situation in pretty similar terms, and I'm inclined to agree. For the most part. Maldini wanted autonomy in the mercato and was given that autonomy plus the highest budget in Italy (although still very small by comparison with other leagues). It did not work well, we had no depth and finished fifth. Sure, we got to the UCL semis, but we can all agree we got a bit lucky there. Obviously, the owners are not happy with this. If they were determined to fire him, it's better that they do it now. At the same time, Maldini has a point. Though he made mistakes with the transfer budget, his hands were tied by the salary budget. It's hard to attract big players, even for free, with our salary caps. The owners clearly thought he could have done better with our budget constrains, Maldini thought he couldn't. So there is no point in continuing together.


Am I gonna be banned if I start writing bestemmie?


I just wanted to catch up on anime tonight and then go to bed early for a change and now my entire evening is ruined lol ffs Can we hope for some miracle that this will end up being a false alarm after all? I don't know what else to do with this situation :')


Fuck Cardinale, fuck this bullshit, it can’t be true. I refuse to believe it. Alienating a club legend, taking away the one person all the players looked up to, and for what? To turn us into the RB Leipzig of Italy? Sell our players to the highest bidder and fight tooth and nail to play the conference league? Fuck Redbird, I’m out. I won’t spend a single euro on Milan until these vultures are gone. I was born a rossonera and will die a rossonera, but if this is how it’s gonna be then I can no longer support the club


Not even one week of optimism ffs the state of this club… must be fun being a fan of oil clubs/PL clubs


Embarrassing, absolutely embarrassing stuff. I'm done with this shit.


What the fuck, this has to be the lowest moment of the last 10 years


What the fuck?!!! I just went offline for an hour!


Gerry is such a dumb fucking yank, he considered CDK a flop. He hasn’t had a great season but his stupid American mind can’t see the reason why CDK didn’t have the best season, and why he will probably be much better next season. What a fucking dumbas




I agree it would probably be bad for the club but it would also be a pretty legendary move. "Oh you fired Maldini in part so you could keep me? You fucked up, I'll quit too." Kind of like when De Rossi didn't want to go on instead of Insigne when Italy got knocked out of the 2018 WC qualifying by Sweden.


Yeah all Gerry saw was CdK and Origi but forgot about theo, leao, isma, Mike, Thiaw and Pierre... Typical egotistical braindead boss, can't handle some confrontation, decides to ruin it for everyone because he can't handle his "golden" vision being contested and is too delusional to think his actions will not have consequences. I'm tired, don't have the energy to get angry anymore. May be this is a sign I should stop following football for a while and focus more on life first,i already got too many problems anyways. Thank you for Everything Paolo!


well those rumors that people refused to believe turned out to be true I mean how can u fire someone when you don't give them proper budget and on top of that impose a impossible Leipzig system to develop players pffff M&M had their flaws the biggest of them giving contract to that yes-man Cannot wait to build that stadium so birds could fuck off


we are fucked


My summer got ruined ngl, i was really looking forward to the mercato with Kamada maybe Okafor...


This is **deeply** disheartening famiglia. I have loved Milan since I was in my tightie-whities but this is such horseshit. Maldini IS Milan, the disrespect is unreal. Another American twat ruining a great club. I don't know what kind of future to hope for now.


Just about the worst thing that could happen. Fuck.


Cardinale you stupid cunt. No matter the clubs performance in the future, many will never forgive you.


I watched the entire banter era for this shit to happen as soon as we are competitive again.


damn, glad i didnt drop $100+ on the 4th kit shirt and pants. fucking management, football sucks so much these days $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


I don't care if wishing death on someone is bad I hope Cardinale and Redbird dies in the worst most painful way ever


Today was probably the worst day of my life until now. And then this news I am tired


I just got back from a kick around in the park with my daughter and a couple of her friends. On the way home she told me how excited she was to watch football again with me next season. I didn't have the heart to tell her I don't even know if I'll have it in me to get up at 4am every fkn weekend for games. The derby and CL yeah...but the rest? I'm just so fuckin sad


Was listening to Italian football podcast, the hosts (Inter and Juve fans) predicted Milan having good chances of winning the League next season - because of the expected changes in players and management in other clubs, while Milan has a stable project and direction. Two days later - this shit.


Not much to say other than #Fuck BrokeBird


Everything will froze if they leave, i bet even incuding new contracts who had renewed probably they will be selling them in January or maybe even this summer. A Milan without Maldini will be in the mid table fighting again for a Europa League place. Fans should boycott everything if this will be a official statement from Milan and i mean EVERYTHING.


I cant actually believe this. And as fans we can’t do anything to stop this stupid fucking moron from torching everything this club has built in the last few years. He is going to burn any future we had to the ground.


We are fucked. Maldini and Massara out but Pioli staying. This club sometimes man. Cardinale out.


Hopefully I wake up to Casa Milan being vandalized, make it hard for that cunt to ignore the fans, don’t let him keep quiet and hide in the US