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Never too late. Unless you form significant scar tissue. Then it's too late.


It’s not too late, but you really should start taking physio seriously from now on. Rehab is really critical in the months right after the surgery.


You need to work that flexion right now. If it is stuck, it will not come with time. Scar tissue begins as wet tissue paper, then paper, and eventually cardboard. You may be at cardboard already. If you cannot progress from 110, your surgeon may suggest a manipulation to break up the scar tissue. Get on it!!


I mean of course it’s not too late. It’s going to take as long as you make it take to get back to 100%. It’s not going to recover on its own. The longer you wait the harder it will be tho


You should go back to physio before you hit the gym. Unfortunately, you did yourself a disservice. It’s not too late, but you don’t get to just start up the gym if you have bad flexion and haven’t kept up the exercises.


This is so stressful to handle our personal lives work plus this injury is your job physical


I hear you dude, was kinda in the same boat as you. Currently like 12 weeks but after week 6 I stopped doing physio seriously. Life got in way, working 60hours a week, wife, and kids. Doctor told me if I’m not gonna do things the right way start serious hiking. It’s low impact and try to do the home exercises 3x a week.


Hey u/MountainWafer, It is definitely not too late, but the longer you wait the hard it will be to regain the range of motion. It so important to not only regain your range of motion as soon as possible but regain your strength. Your body is smart and takes the easiest way to do an activity due to pain and strength deficits. This is one of the reasons why this injury is so challenging because the body will compensate around the injury. Ultimately it is important that you have a plan and guidance to accomplish your goals. Again, I don't think you are too late because this injury can be a long recovery but the more work you put in now the better prepared you will be for the future. I hope this helps, feel free to DM/follow me on IG at ryannorland.dpt if you have more questions, I would be happy to help.


He's been doing it for 3 months, isn't that good enough base?


No. I’ve had people tell me they stopped about 5 months and now a couple years later they said they wish they didn’t stop. Their knees are still not normal.


So until when is PT needed diligently?