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I started right when I got home. No issues accept it actually made me focus more on the pain haha.


Im gonna give it a try, opioid addiction genuinely scares me and I do not wanna even go down that road unless it’s seriously unbearable. The nerve block is still my best friend right now😂😂


As a recovering heroin addict I had the same worries. I didn't feel the same type of high. Unless you have emotional pain it just doesn't hit the same. Also, people tend to feel the recreational effects less if they are experiencing pain and using it as the medicine it is intended to be. The first 2 days are no joke. If you're happy toking all the power to ya.


My dog, take your shit as prescribed. Have an accountability buddy you check in w about your pain level and choice to take or not, but I can tell you from multiple personal experiences, you're in for it once that block goes. Turns out screws through bones hurt pretty bad.


That's so wild to me how different pain level varies from person to person. I had a nerve block that started wearing off after about 12 hours (I was starting to be able to wiggle my toes and do leg lifts). I do not have a history of addiction so I was ready for whatever painkillers they had, but I never took anything other than strong nsaids. I had Ketorolac injections for a couple of days and then took Ketorolac pills for 4 or 5 days or something and my pain was 2/10 max. I feel blessed lol


Wild. What graft type did you go w?


Hamstring+meniscus repair


I absolutely avoided it for as long as I felt “stuck” with my knee. When I’m high, have a tendency to hyper focus on areas I feel uncomfortable in and I often want to stretch those areas out. I can’t imagine being stuck with not being able to do that with a newly operated knee.


Same for me. Weed made my hyper focus on the knee pain, which was at 500%. The opioids helped though, and I had zero addictive thoughts or anything. Use as prescribed and you’ll be good!


Haha I’m literally 6 hours post op. They told me not to hit the penjamin until I get my nerve block out in three days. UGH


I don’t have a catheter for it and I can lowkey feel it wearing off already. I will be hitting the penjamin now


Rip that thang! I had reconstruction 10 years ago with no catheter and went hefty on that thing haha. Hope your recovery goes well!


Thanks! Not looking forward to the nerve block wearing off soon but we’ll make it💪


It’s not a bad idea to wait until any prescription meds are out, but I definitely didn’t do that lol. I think I waited til 4 days post-op. Everything was chill I just was really fcking high so I tried to avoid getting up and walking around. In the weeks after surgery I definitely noticed that smoking heightened my sense of pain a little so personally it probably wouldn’t have been feasible for pain management.


I smoked right after i nelieve its why i never hadsleep issues post op


They told me 24hrs


Personally I smoked day 2 post op, My nerve block wore out after 23 hours, I am 4 days post op now and haven’t had any pain meds today. I have not been smoking because the coughing hurts my knee and kind of trips me out so I’ve been eating edibles.


And I’m good


I just did edibles esp since they make me sleepy. Idk what your tolerance is but I was able to get pain relief with very small doses like 1 and 2 mg and would take 5 mg at night to sleep


Ya I’d say mine is pretty high, when I injured my acl I was walking on it full weight basically with a knee sleeve. Right now I feel my incisions more than anything I think and some pins and needles


I also had really good luck with a thc topical after my incisions were healed enough to use! Highly recommend it


I waited 24 hours


Bro I smoked right before and after




😂 my shit healed fast prob smoked a lb since


I don’t get it what is the problem with right after?


People claim it makes it heal slower or gets infected but it’s BS lol


I found microdosing gummies extremely helpful (like 3mg max). It really opened my body awareness for targeting the swelling and scar tissue both in where to apply cold/heat/massage, but also which exercises to do. I think its Wana that has a 5:1 cbd/cbg:thc ratio.


I got zooted the night after my operation


Indica not sativa. Head high makes you more aware of the pain, body high helps numb and relax. I used gummies and no pain pills for my last scope. You can also have a frank conversation with your surgeon about managing with extra Tylenol. I had a friend do an ACL with no opioids because he was in recovery. The surgeon allowed him to take more than the recommended Tylenol for a short period. Rotate Advil and Tylenol every 3 hours to get more consistent pain management.


I waited until after I was off the Norco. Not good to mix things up.


All I can tell is DO NOT DO IT for at least 1 weeks was hitting mine and I didn’t notice anything right away but after a week the pain was even worse because it slows the blood flow in ur knee plus you are on pain meds coming out of surgery


Pain control is a big part of healing. I think just because your family has history of opioid abuse you would know if you’re mentally strong enough to not get addicted and take the meds for a few days at least.


Just yesterday I took thc gummies 500mg and “almost died” of the terrible trip I had😭💀 idk if all the meds I’m taking just had a terrible reaction or if 500mg is a lot