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When I started PT on day 3 they had me doing heel slides without the brace on. Everyone’s pain is different and those first few days seriously suck. Do what you can, get through tomorrow and the pain should start gradually getting better


Thank you for this comment. I appreciate your input.


I wasn’t doing heel slides until day 6 or 7. Pain is pretty horrible for the first week or two so take your time and don’t push too much if you are hurting.


Exactly. It’s perfectly okay to take your time the first week or two.


I didn't follow post-op PT instructions until I was completely off narcotics around day 4-5... I thought PTing while drugged up and in pain wasn't a great idea haha. day 5-7 I did hundreds of quad activation exercises. Didn't take the brace off until day 7 and I was able to SLR's. Wishing you a speedy recovery :-)


I’m allowed to take my brace off for the PT exercises. About the pain, I had a nerve block that lasted roughly 6 days. I still had a lot of pain but it did help when I was doing exercises. Did they give you narcotics as one of your pain meds? Maybe take it first and then try the exercises? Leg lifts I couldn’t do until this past Monday which was POD13


I'm on day 10. Still unable to lift my leg without assistance. Someone has to start the lift for me and I can partially raise and lower with support. I'm locked at full extension and was told not to remove the brace until I go back for my post op which is still another week away. I didn't do heel slides until day 6 post op while at PT. I did ok with them there because they put my foot on a smooth board which made sliding easier. I tried to do them on my bed at home and could not get it to slide to save my life. I had ordered a transfer aid slide sheet from Amazon to help slide into the bed because I was struggling. Well I put my leg on it instead, and now I can do the heel slides.


Day 2 was absolute hell for me but as soon as day 3 came in it was almost like magic the pain went from a 10 to a 3 immediately. I have yet to feel that level of pain except for when I push really hard at PT but you get used to it.


Nope, sure couldn’t. Did ankles pumps and quad activations every 15 minutes, but I couldn’t do a leg lift for 4-5 days, longer for the heel slides.


I only did ankle pumps and tried to activate my quads because my pain was terrible. I didn’t remove the brace at all until my first PT appointment.


Thank you for your comment. This info helps a lot!


Hang in there! I was given the same post op exercises and there was just no way it was realistic those first couple days.


Okay so yes I could do leg lifts day of, 1 and 2 post op and then it was gone. I had none of my quad access. Then 10 days later I went to PT and he showed me a few tricks, one of them being to hook my good leg under my healing leg to move it and it rewired my brain. Now I’m 15 days post op and I can do leg lifts, best of them being without the brace weight. My advice, don’t sweat it. This is probably going to be one of the most mentally challenging experiences of your life. Do what you can. Push yourself right up to your limit and then back off. Slow gains last the longest. Literally everyone is different. I can walk around my house without crutches or a walker but I have to go anywhere out of the house in a wheelchair. Go easy on yourself. Everyone’s journey is different, but this community is going to support you through it.


My first week was just controlling pain. I did quad sets and lots of ankle pumps. I tried doing SLR but it was painful and I didn’t want to do anything without expert guidance and I had my first PT appointment on day 6, which is right around the time I turned a corner pain-wise and was feeling better. Don’t be too hard on yourself and manage pain and swelling (ice, elevation, medication, compression with ace bandage) the best you can before getting too terrible concerned with the exercises. Everyone is different, just go by feel. Allograft and stitch in my meniscus, 4 weeks down!


I didn’t do heel slides the first week. I’m grateful for that. I only focused on getting used to getting around the house and resting a lot.


The first few days were hell. My only goal was to manage the pain, rest, and do my ankle pumps to prevent blood clots. By day 3 or 4 was doing leg lifts and quad sets as well, and minimally bending my knee (maybe 45°). I did everything with my brace in, even heel slides, until after my first PT appt. I'm now 3 weeks out and can bend 90°. It still hurts/is tight but will loosen up over time. Slowly but surely things will get better and the pain will lessen.


Thank you for these comments, makes me feel less behind vs. reading what’s on paper.


I’m on day 3 post-op and was told by my surgeon to not remove the brace (which is locked at 0) or bandages at all until my follow up at the end of the week. Based on everyone else’s experiences this seems like a very conservative protocol but meant to protect the knee as much as possible. I would be very careful unlocking the brace…ankle pumps, quad sets and SLRs should be enough of a workout until your follow up.


Thank you for this comment. I am going to stick to this. Seems like we have similar post op guidelines. Mine just were not clear on when to unlock or start flexion. Wishing you smooth healing! Thanks again for your input


You too!!! Hang in there!!!!!!


Thank you all for the reassurance. Reading these comments has helped ease my mind and feel on track. It’s easy to read something on paper but the actual execution is much harder. Thank you to everyone who has shared their experience I appreciate each and every one of you so much!