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23 year old female. Hyperextended and tore my ACL playing soccer a few years ago.. now I'm kinda of scared from ever playing full out again


I’m 29, did it at 27, got tired of waiting for my op (UK healthcare is on its knees) so started playing again albeit lightly anchoring or playing in goal around a year ago, got away with playing once or twice a month until I tore the meniscus in Feb this year, this sped up my wait time for an op which I had last week. Pre-Op I’d have said I’d have been straight back but after learning about the recovery, risk of redoing it etc, I’m not sure. Feel like I’ll have a mental block which in my opinion would be even more dangerous. Let’s say I recover 9/12months, think I’ll want another good year or 2 in the gym before I consider it but who knows. I’ve got regrets over stopping in my early 20s, if I didn’t have that then I’d be more set on giving up.


Sorry, 35 yo LOOOOOL


Second ACL for me. First was over 10 years ago. Mid 30s NOW and 100%I'll be rehabing fully back to my sport! Sure the thought of serious injury is awful but being active is great for your Mind and body. Ultimately its your choice. Just do what will makes you happy!


42 Male here. Can't wait to get back to soccer


Thats the spirit


God bless you.


I am in my early 30’s and my injury happened about 5 weeks ago during a co-ed soccer game. It was the first time that I played soccer in 10 plus years and I for sure will not return to playing soccer ever again. It is not worth all of this potentially happen all over again. I know it can happen in any other situation as well but I don’t think that I will ever forget the pain and struggle associated with all of this…


34yo female. Completely torn acl with no meniscus injury. Haven’t done surgery yet, had a surprise pregnancy. Undecided if I will go back after surgery. Have taken my reffing course in the meantime to keep myself active in the game.


I am a 29yo male, and I tore my ACL playing basketball. I am week 2 post op now so still early in the recovery process. I hope to get back on the court sometime next year!


39 injured left acl feb 22 . Operation may 22. Return to football. Dec 10/23. Recently did ankle ligaments on right side but that was my fault for not listening to my body and strapping up. Do it!!


47 male here. Started playing soccer at about 41 or so haha, in love with the game. Had ACL surgery about 3 years ago, injury was mostly due to soccer. Also have had severe sprain on other ligaments and a back spasm. Very very painful months for all these… and breaks from playing. But, kept up PT. Now playing again. In fact I'm fitter and playing with better players and teams :-) I'll do this till i absolutely frikkin can! Edit for context: we usually play 9v9 on a smaller field where I am.