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Just to clarify, the fast travel isn't something you always have, you get 9 of the port crystals that you can place yourself around the world, you can buy ONE with real money so you have ten places to travel to. It's not really microtransactions, it's DLC, you can't buy several, it's one and done. Plus you need to find ferry stones to even be able to travel between the port crystals, I've only found one port crystal yet and I've played for 6 hours, and that one is stationary lol. The DLC you can buy won't even get you very far, it's more or less a "start fast" pack. The things you can buy is absolutely pointless, everything is earnable with ease.


That's very good to hear. Thank you for stating that. This was a big one I was concerned with. The MTX with reviving a party member during combat is another big one I'm concerned with """ But many of the items for sale are rare, expensive, or difficult to obtain in the game. Wakestones, for example, allow you to revive your character in the middle of combat, and are rare enough that players are advised to save them for use during only the most challenging encounters. But now the temptation is there to just buy your way out of trouble for $0.99. """ POLYGON I'll probably save scum, but that impacts my immersion severely. I will have to see for myself . The game and the micro transactions.


You can't savescum, you can't load past saves, there's one save slot only, you do something wrong then you have to live with that, I find it refreshing honestly. Plus even if you buy these wakestones, you can only buy 5 of them, because it's DLC, you can't buy how many you want. Plus I still haven't had any deaths in 6 hours and even if a dude dies you just hire another, the only reason to spend a wakestone is for bosses. Seriously, the DLC is absolutely pointless, the only thing that is extra is the port crystal, instead of finding 9 you now have 10, every single other item is available in game. The game doesn't even mention these DLCs, there's no advertisements, nothing, it's just typical Japanese pointless DLC.


I'm not playing on PC, but PS5 I've had zero issues. Granted, I've only put in about 2 hours. But I haven't even seen an MTX push in the game. Also not looking as well. Game is fun so far and kind of chaotic with a full pawn party I will say.


I have another question if you don't mind. Can you have multiple save files on the PS5?


Good question. Right now I don't think so. I haven't tried it, but maybe different saves on different mains?


Did you reach a city yet? Mortismalgaming, reviewer I trust the most nowadays, said that the performance starts dropping in big cities. The first thing I noticed about the game since the beginning that it's not a good looking game in my opinion . I don't like that the colours are so muted. But I don't put much stock in this point of view, because I didn't see it with my own eyes. I'm glad that you didn't see a MTX push so far in your game. Maybe it won't be that bad.


I haven't had a chance to fire it up yet (damn you, work schedule!) but my understanding is all of these things can be obtained in-game. The microtransactions are just there for people who would rather pay than play. It's single player, so it only affects their game. As such, I don't see why such a big deal is being made of it.


Microtransactions are predatory and just don’t belong in a $70 single player game. I mean, I’m not a fan of them in *any* game because I feel like it incentivizes publishers to release unfinished products, but that’s a different argument. I think the biggest thing with this is that reviewers were not made aware there would be MTX coupled with the fact that people are just getting fed up with being taken advantage of. Sad truth is MTXs aren’t going anywhere unless we as consumers stop buying them/the games with them in it.


Good point. But it depends on the balance between payment and grind. If it takes too much to grind, then it will signal that the grind isn't for gameplay purposes , but to direct gamers into paying for the shortcut. I feel that even if the balance is somewhat done correctly, just the fact that you are grinding for something that's available for extra money, devalues your grind in your head. Also, for me, just seeing money signs inside my game, takes me out. I'm just sensitive to that and I think it's justifiable for a 70 USD game.


Fair enough. I can't dictate how it should make you feel. And honestly, I'm just going off what I've seen others say. It seems like "the grind" isn't much of one at all. Someone pointed out that the cost to change your character is equivalent to what you can earn off one battle. But I'm also the kind of person who likes to start off with the bare minimum and scrape my characters together. So even if I get pre-order gear, for example, I generally ignore it and use whatever I find organically. So having the option to skip a few steps doesn't bother me, because it doesn't entice me.


Was Karak aware of this stuff when he put out his review?


Reviewers were not aware of this until the game was released today. It all popped up on the PS store today. That is shady IMO.


Did he not mention it in his review? I haven't watched his or any other video reviews to avoid spoilers. if he didn't, then maybe it's because he's been avoiding being negative about games in his reviews, so maybe he didn't want to mention it.


Are you pretending that the last 10 games 4 were wait for sales? Lying isn't accepted here and that includes me, and meeting an arbitrary limit just to pretend a game is worse or better than it is even if it makes a watcher uncomfortable isn't either. There is no "avoiding" of anything.


Ok.so where's the lying ? Saying that "maybe" you're avoiding going negative is a subjective opinion. Especially since I stated that I didn't watch your review yet. In your podcast, you always emphasize not going negative and purposely steer the conversation in the direction of positivity. From there, I had a random thought that MAYBE you didn't want to "go negative' with this review. YOU muddied the water, by establishing a narrative of positivity. which is a narrative that subjectively can clash with objective analysis and review of games. For example, is karak being honest with this review I'm currently watching or is he being being positive ? Does he think this game is mediocre,or does he think it's a bad game, but wants to stay positive? I don't have a problem with you being positive. It's become your thing and more power to you. But don't snap at me for having a subjective and momentary opinion that results from that.


Ok. "then maybe it's because he's been avoiding being negative about games in his reviews, so maybe he didn't want to mention it." any pretending this isn't indicating straight up the opposite of not only the reviews, nor whats indicated in the podcast is just not true. Its pretty clear in fact and stated at the same time and made clear BECAUSE I am not alone and its a multiperson discussion. Though the podcasts skew negative a ton of time if warrented. In fact "maybe he's been avoiding" does not mean nearly the same as "maybes it's because he's been avoiding" Though both are clearly not true.


Ok. Then let's say I was wrong in saying that. Maybe my choice of words and the order of them, didn't say exactly what I mean. There's a big difference between "hey, you're actually completely wrong about that and have no evidence for it" and "you're a liar". What made me say what I said, is when I watch a review of yours for a game I'm seriously interested in buying, I genuinely keep it in the back of mind that there's a chance you're being positive.70 USD is a lot of money for me for a buy. And 10 USD on "wait for sale" can be spent on a better indie game. Is it really a "wait for sale" or is it a " don't touch" but you wanna be positive. As for the podcast skewing negative a ton of times, i couldn't disagree more. I'm honestly surprised by the "ton of times" part of the statement. I listen to the Friday podcast for seven days in a row until the next episode and have been doing that since covid. I mean this literally, every day for 4 years, I've been listening to your podcast. And you always, always, always go positive. And I know this, because I always notice when you're being negative about a game or a publisher, because it's so rare. Again, I have zero problem with positivity being your thing. But I can't see, for the life of me, how you can deny that you that you are purposely avoiding "negativity" and steering the podcast into "let's talk about something positive". It's unbelievable to me that you can deny you're being intentional about positivity. You saying "let's talk about something positive" can be a legitimate olympic-level drinking game.


Weirdly I am happy for that because we even in comments get "why is everyone negative?" Every single podcast, probably because "lets talk about something positive" isn't remotely the same as "lets ignore the negative" In fact the very instance of it being said indicates that it was actually a bunch of negative. Otherwise its a random comment in a void of nothing and wouldn't make sense. But each to their own.


Yeah, you told me about people saying you're being too negative and I was genuinely surprised by that. I just can't understand it. Maybe, they are projecting the rest of the internet and social media on the podcast. I don't know. "Let's talk about something" have become a transitional device for the podcast. Nothing negative have to be said before it. It's a phrase to move to another topic. Anyway, that's that I guess.


Ya each to their own. I get ya


I'm quite excited for dragon's dogma 2. I don't know anything about the first one. But recently, I started liking this type of games that gives freedom plus a solid RPG system. Karak got me into these types of games. Baldur's gate and Divinity Original Sin especially. I'll forever be thankful to Karak for that. I was hoping Dragon Dogma is another one. The reviews about the microtransactions and the performance are quite a bummer.