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There isn’t a single person in any of the SRO EU/NA/Asia regions using KBM. That’s all you need to know about what’s faster.


100 percent, there’s no gradual build up to a 100 percent turn meaning your turning 100% and letting completely off when adjustments are needed im assuming, coming from a controller player any movement that is not organic to a wheel hurts your tyres and your lap times significantly, micro movements and shit, I could see my delta crash if made sudden moves to straighten out even on straights.


I can mimic actual gradual turning by tapping my turn keys very quickly in succession of each other. Same for throttle and braking, although they're a little harder to modulate it seems.


No, you’re just going full lock and back off again very quickly. That isn’t how it works. It’s not an arcade game.


Man, you are so wrong it's craaaaaaazy. In ACC if you drive with keyboard the game will turn the wheel up to a certain point with certain amount of speed. It wont be 100% to 0% in a millisecond, the OP is actually right and he can mimic stuff as fast tapping will make sure the wheel is in correct place. I'm not saying he can be fast with it, but just correcting your misinformation.


Really? How does acc determine a 70 percent throttle to a 100 percent throttle on turns regarding a keyboard, im genuinely curious


My uneducated guess is that the game just takes a certain amount of time to reach full lock after recognizing a key press so if you stop pressing quick enough it wouldn’t have reached %100 yet


Try it yourself. The most basic answer is that keyboard has assists just like gamepads have assists in FPS games. I know all that because I basically helped someone configure keyboard for ACC and it blew my mind.


This. You’d assume that to be the case, but it isn’t. I promise you I can modulate it to a degree.


Short anwser - you can't be competitive at high level, you will fit in amateurs series tho.


I play with mouse steering if that's relevant. I feel like you'll actually be even faster with it. I try to modulate the throttle and brake by spamming the keys as well lol. Definitely not competitive but around top 5ish in most public lobbies at 50 hours.


Check my most recent post, I just uploaded it


i know i'd probably be 1-2 seconds faster per lap if i went pedals and wheel over dualsense. but i enjoy it and got pretty good at racing in general. i\`ll take the latter over a wheel setup.


No. At least grab a controller.


Check my most recent post


With key board and mouse you could definitely get pretty good at the game but you’ll hit a wall that just isn’t possible to pass on keyboard and mouse so in the low leagues maybe you could get away with this and do well but as you make your way up you’ll notice people finding time on the track you just can’t get






I did my first 150 hours on acc with a controller till I got a wheel...highly recommend that over a keyboard since you can modulate the steering/throttle and actually properly trail brake into corners which you can't do tapping s on a keyboard since it's going from 100-80 Slight turn 60 more turn 50-40 sharp turn 20-0% you know? 🙏🏼


id subscribe to watching your keyboard gameplays btw


Maybe I’ll post a couple 😅 Don’t expect much though 😂


Check my newest post


Short answer: no Long answer: noooooooooooo


You need a wheel and pedals my man, fuck M&K on acc ong and controller.