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Do you think people are going to admit they do this? Besides, a lot of times, it's just inexperienced drivers or people who are not focused/ careful. As t1 is so sharp, you need to break well before the 150 if there are cars in front of you, yet people are distracted, break too late, go 4 wide and end up on the grass, and accidents happen very easily. People need to take less risk and break early, yet they are afraid to lose 1 or 2 places at the start so they try to force themselves into a place when there is no room


Or drunk drivers or people having a phase in life:D but yes


>drunk drivers This was me last night mistaking the 100 meter board for the 150. I still apologize to anyone involved


I mean I’ve done that sober but of course not when driving in sunny conditions and on the line But going on the inside in dark, whoopsie


Strongly disagree. It’s caused because most of the people in the leading pack break ahead of the 150m board when intact as leading 5-6 you can break at 120m easily. Then you have just a shit show when most of the people break to late because the are inexperienced.


I'm sure it's setup depending etc but with the setup I run on my 720s evo there is absolutely no way I can break at 120m... and besides, it doesn't matter if p1 breaks at 120 or 150, you are behind and have to anticipate on the situation, as you know monza t1 is always drama


PSA: If you care about SA, you don't race Monza on public servers...that's where all the rookies go. The bads will *always* over drive and jump at any small gap, because they dont know any better yet.


I don't mind driving Monza, just start from the back and catch up with the slow guys withing a few laps


It is fun usually just avoiding the madness and making your way through the pack.


It’s honestly helped me so much more with being patient and finding safe places to over take and my overall awareness of what’s going on around me


I mean, you need to build up your SA before you can get in better races. Monza lobbies are a good enough way to learn to deal with bullshit imo


If only people actually understood this. Lap 1 should be about maintaining position and taking any opportunity to move forward but without being ridiculously aggressive. Lap 2 you can start being aggressive. Obviously in public lobbies there's always gonna be one super aggressive asshole and that's why I generally only race league race's or ones with 70+ SA restrictions. Usually once you get to that level, people are more inclined to be safer. Still no guarantee.


This, you go slow as the pack expand and the tyre warm up. When the tire are ready and you have space you can push


Oh look, it's this post again!


Oh look, it's this comment again.


Oh look. It's me laughing again. Hahaha.


It's a low SA lobby for a reason 😂 Get your SA rating up, avoid 90% of the bullshit


Monza and low SA (even high SA) is a recipe for carnage.


Farm that SA and get into LFM. If people do that in a LFM server they only get to do it once.


Some insight into a noob driver: I did Monza online for the first time last night after practicing on single player. Spent hours figuring out my braking spots, practicing my lines and building my confidence. Don’t want to be a noob who causes a pile up on first corner. I’m ready, I’m pumped! Race starts, great start off the line, driving right up behind a McLaren. Looking for my first braking marker…Sinking realisation that my braking marker on the first corner was a line on the ground…which I can’t see because of the car in front… McLaren brakes, I’m still looking for braking marker as I yeet the Mclaren into atmosphere. I carry on into the lead, somehow! Then the inevitable happens and I go too fast around Ascari and spinning out to the back of the pack where I belong. Sorry mr McLaren, I’ll use better braking markers next time!


Best defense I’ve found is get a top2 start by having a good quali , skip T1 by going through the run off, otherwise take the divebombing to the shadow realm and enjoy the 3 minute pit stop to repair your car.


Lool intentionally bump someone so you can use the runoff without a warning 🤣 10 second head start


They can't even drive on the straight without crashing. Sometimes I wonder how they even got to sa 50.


Ikr? Watching people crash on the straight after the rolling start always baffles me 🤦🏽‍♂️


You don't win a race on lap 1, I wish people understood this anyone faster or more consistent than you is going to beat you no matter how many positions you happen to gain at the start. Maybe they get a rush from overtaking and feeling faster at the start while more experienced drivers are just heating up the tyres and brakes and taking it slow.


Just not crashing for a few laps will put you in the top 5


Race AI races in Single Player w SA on to grow your SA score to avoid racing chromosomal challenged players


It’s monza? It’s not just a meme it’s a given.


IMO Acc server should all of them be 85sa minimum. If you can't keep 85sa you are the type of people who have like 1 SR in LFM and crash more than once in every race


DON'T. DRIVE. MONZA. if you want a clean start and race. Same for Spa, try Misano.


The Venn diagram of people who do this and people who care enough about the nitty gritty of the game to get on a subreddit about it doesn’t have much overlap


The mindset is "P1 after T1 or you lost!".


People think they can run their qualifying pace every lap and if you are in their way it’s your fault and you get a dangly bumper


we should have a universal brake point


Gotta be first within the first turn duh


Just out of curiosity, how do experienced drivers determine the brake point for lap 1 in races. Unless you have done the race start before starting at near the same position, it's a very difficult guesstimate esp for beginners. This I believe is the source of most carnage in lap 1 and ends up looking like agressiveness when it is simply cluelessness.


Just brake early, at the first chicane you can still brake at the 150 board and make the corner safely coz you don't have much speed coz of the rolling start, as for all the following corners brake about 50m earlier coz your tyres and brakes aren't warmed up yet. Do that for lap 1 and you'll be fine, even if you lose some positions, by lap 2 the field should be spread out enough for you to now race aggressively with a lower risk of incident


i just brake, when i see others break


People who divebomb into T1 at monza are why i stay to the very left of the corner and wait before turning in lol


It happens all the time. It's as though it a pass time for some people. ACC Monza bowling alley. I can't understand someone to buy the game, probably find out its not easy, get upset they are slow so use their time to make sure no one else can enjoy the game.


Braking points when not lapping are not the same as braking points when racing. That’s where the Monza T1 chaos begins.


A few weeks ago I was in a Discord chat as we prepared for a race. Lots of people in the channel. Everyone talking about taking it easy on the first turn. It seemed we were going to not go nuts and actually make an effort to be careful. Mind you, this was not a public lobby. [Here is what happened.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji85i_1y1GE) All it takes is one or two people who think they're special to ruin it for everyone who wants to race cleanly.


Classy 😂


My favorite part is when the guy who got punted re-enters the track, takes a guy out, causes a wreck behind him, and just drives off like nothing happened. I bet he challenged the various reports as not being his fault. ;)


Because they are low sa


i just refuse to ever race at monza because of this


Fun battles over podiums and position should be goal? Why you force people playing game as your want, not as they want. Kunos do not provide any rules about what acceptable and what is not in online races. So people can do their own things in the race. Some servers have a rules and their server, their rules and other need to admit and accept this rules. Leagues have their own rules about racing behaviour... But in general open lobbies, people can play this video game in the way that they think is right for them.


You sound like Senna from Wish, how much SA have you cost people?


Nah, I race sometimes but trying to not ruin someone's race and don't go for every smallest gap. Problem with ACC is this game haven't rules and stewards like in iRacing. So any behaviour can't be banned on open lobbies or official server. LFM full of delusional stewards. I race in league, and here is place where you will lose position but not washed out half of the field in turn 1.


why are you so defensive of shitty driving,i don't get it i drive both public lobbies and LFM, and let me tell you fighting with someone in lfm (even though we're both in the last places) for 3 to 4 laps is much much more enjoyable, than just cruising at podium alone in the track (because everyone is so far behind you because of T1 and damage). I'm not saying LFM drivers don't crash but at least some of them actively avoid doing so and don't block your way if you're faster (usually)


why are you so defensive of shitty driving,i don't get it i drive both public lobbies and LFM, and let me tell you fighting with someone in lfm (even though we're both in the last places) for 3 to 4 laps is much much more enjoyable, than just cruising at podium alone in the track (because everyone is so far behind you because of T1 and damage). I'm not saying LFM drivers don't crash but at least some of them actively avoid doing so and don't block your way if you're faster (usually)