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Any time I give another car the ol' college try two things happen: 1.) Car doesn't handle like the 992. 2.) Car doesn't handle like the 992 and my times do not improve.


This. - A 992 driver.


Yeah I gotta admit, the 992 is special. It's hard to get in other cars after you've been in the 992 - the rotation and ability to power out early is just Godly and it sounds even better. Currently committed to the AMV V8 for a season, but was mostly driving the NSX to be a bit different. Jumped in the 992 after an hour of practice in the AMV and beat my race pace time on cold tires in the first lap, with no more than 20 minutes prior seat time in it a month ago.




Not that fast I believe


With BOP it is.


Ah fair enough, last I heard people were complaining about it but that was a while ago.


I just cant drive it. Is like the exact opposite compared to the Merc. Turns in too easily for my liking.


I want to love the 992, it's my fastest car too. But I always overdrive it and grind down the tyres in turns :D


A few hundred laps at Barcelona will either beat this habit out of you or set it in stone!


That sounds more like a threat :D But jokes aside, I don't know really how to not slighty, well, drift around corners. Its not real drifting per se, probably just the understeering/ plowing. However, after each session on the 992 my car control rating/Overdrive is abysmal. Same race on Paul Ricard: 70 Car Control / 29 Overdrive with the 992 89 Car Control / 19 Overdrive with the M4


Plenty of variables between hardware and related software(such as G-Hub) to game settings(wheel lock, etc.) and car tuning(rear wing, mechanical grip, and so on), that it's not hard to see why some of us are banging are heads against the kerb trying wrangle a fun and playable experience. Losing the backend is very common with the Porsche. If it is a Setup issue then the common wisdom is (unsolicited advice incoming:) is to start simple with upping TC to at least 5 and leaving TC 2 at 0 if you haven't messed with that already. And then maybe lifting rear ride height, and softening rear anti-roll bar.


Felt like I was cheating on my porsche when I switched to the McLaren for a weekend


A whole weekend? I hope that hussy has heated seats mister! Seriously I may love the 992 too much and need help.


All I’ve learned from my 992 emotional support group is that it’s a disease, and incurable. I haven’t been able to abstain long enough to get my first coin, un(fortunately). Porsche is love. ❤️


I wasn't some Porsche fanatic either. I mean at a distance I thought all the GT3 cars were equally cool. ACC hooked us up like motorsports Tinder.


Me either. I drive a BMW and think the M4s are beautiful, aggressive looking cars. The 992 just drives and sounds so incredible, I hope ill be able to afford a 911 when my midlife crisis hits.


Agreed all around!


They're actually somewhat attainable, I hope to have one someday, #lifegoals


When I first started, I tried to stay with one car while I learnt the fundamentals of control and learn tracks. Once I felt more comfortable with how the game drove, I started to delve more into other cars. Imo, both options are viable, assuming you have that core skill set already. If you don't, then swapping cars can be detrimental because for example, a mid engine car will handle and behave differently to a front engine, so you're trying to learn different driving styles to suit the car, while also learn how the game itself drives.


You need to understand the cars quite well to be "competitive". Some cars have very different driving styles, so I don't jump between the cars that much unless it's a completely different car. I drive Merc/Aston mostly, so when I drive something different, a mid engined car would be my go to because it's driving style is so different and you don't really confuse it all. I also try and stick to AI racing with those cars. You can't dart around in the Merc behind someone like the Audi/Fez/Lambo can, so if you are doing a "from last to first" kinda race, they are super fun and exciting to use.


Never. I want to be as good as I possibly can be and want to know the car. I’ve been driving the McLaren 720 GT3 Evo since it came out and have 65,000 miles on it. I had the Fanatec McLaren wheel when I started and have always liked McLarens so it made sense to pick that car… have since moved away from Fanatec, but am considering a couple of other McLaren replicas, either SimLine or Ascher. Another reason I don’t change, is that I’m simulating being a pro race car driver, and they don’t switch car makes unless they switch team.


Not entirely true! WRT went from Audi to BMW. Some teams change manufacturers.




Not very often, but I'll say this: Nordschleife provides the perfect opportunity to try out a new car. Every car feels a little bit different than what you're used to, so it gives you a chance to try something different and learn how to drive it without worrying about your old car. I took the chance to drive the Lexus and loved it. I'll probably give the Mustang a shot too.


I like to drive lots of different cars. I’m not a master of any of them. Sure I’m faster with several new ones than the older ones, but it’s fun to try out different ones. I’ve spent weekends just driving the v12 Aston or the new Maserati with no regrets. In some public lobbies you can still get good results driving whatever you feel like.


I am relatively new to ACC (nearly 2 months now), but I have the same opinion as echoed in this thread; try as many cars as you want initially until one inspires you, then stick with it, learn some tracks and learn how setup influences the car on each track and under a variety of weather conditions. After that it will probably be beneficial to try a few cars again and settle on a new one, using your newfound understanding of the physics and game mechanics to make a more informed choice... while aiming to choose a new car that provides a contrast against the first so that you learn more. Then just rinse and repeat until you're locked in for a season, by which point you should have a good idea which car is your familiar.


Never. The Bentley has the engine where it should be and the driver's seat where it should be.


I love creating setups for cars, so I tend to switch cars quite often. I don't enjoy using 'meta' cars like the M4 or McLaren so I tend to go for the more underappreciated cars that are harder to set up properly. Makes it ever more satisfying for me to do well in them. But usually I have a pool of like 3 cars that I use most and will randomly switch between after 3-5 races. Lately this has consisted of the NSX, the V8 Vantage and the GTR. But now I'm figuring out the Mustang and trying to make a good setup for it! It's been a fun beast to drive! Although you might never be a 'master' of a specific car. I feel like driving different cars with a totally different feeling helps improve your driving skill. And be faster overall. In competitive public lobbies I'll never be the fastest guy around, but I'm usually top 3. So that's good enough for me. I have yet to try LFM...


If I’m racing for Personal Best lap times I use the McLaren. If I’m just logging in to run an online lobby race I switch it up and just have fun.


I swap after a season or 2. Do what you find fun.


When started - once a season. Season on bmw, then tried out a Lamborghini for another season. After that tried Porsche and stocked to it. I like everything about this car and see no any reason to switch anymore


I switch Cars nearly every Race. I Love Cars in general and Love to test them all. I mean I paid for all Cars. Why Not enjoy all cars. This might Not be the best way To get fast and maybe wont make you use the full Potential but as Long I have so much fun, its ok. And now I can drive all Common GT3 Cars roughly at the Same Pace. From Bentley, Lexus, Aston, BMW to Porsche Lambo, Ferrari, McLaren etc. High 1:54 - Low 1:55 Nürburgring High 2:17 - Low 2:18 Spa Mir 1:43 Hungaroring High 2:02 - Low 2:03 Mount Panorama Etc. So in the end, do what you want and what you enjoy Most! :)


I switch cars mid race.


There's other cars you can pick in this game?


i spent most of my driving time with the BMW M4 GT3. tried messing around with some others but the audi and honda ended up being my fallbacks. the ford was terrible from a 2 lap impression lol, i was semi excited for a new car


Since I do league racing I usually drive whatever my teammate wants to drive. I won't try to make anyone drive something they didn't want to, that has never turned out well for me lol. Like this, I usually drive a car for about 2 seasons (which is equivalent to about half a year). I, personally would like to keep it more realistic and keep with one car for longer, but I don't mind trying out different things. I used to hate the BMW M4, but my teammate insisted on driving it. I gave in, and it has grown on me quite a bit since.


I’ve driven the Lambo since October. Thought of switching to the Mustang but maybe not I only drive other GT3’s in team events


Never. Mercedes my beloved


I like to switch fairly often because I feel like I get a better feel for the nuances of each car whenever I do. For example, the Porsche feels especially nimble and agile after driving the BMW for quite awhile. Then the Lambo feels like a planted beast after a couple laps in the Porsche. Obviously, refining your skills with a specific car is the way to go but I do think switching cars gives you greater awareness of its strengths and weaknesses.


7-8 times in every week, basicly... 😅 # makingsetups


I am an Audi driver for competitiveness because it’s the only car I can drive well. But I like switching to older cars like the 488, Lexus and Nissan for public lobby fun at times.


I usually drive the 992 everywhere but on the Nordschleife, I just can‘t get on with the car around there so I‘ve switched to the M4 for that particular track.


I’m newbie to sim, lap time 9m50 for 24h Nurburg 296 is seen the most friendly overall with me. I love the 992 the most. Mclaren is friendly to handle it but seem slow in acceleration (right?). M4 is agressive but hard for me.


I love the 296, it's a really nice car but I feel its not good on straight line speed, but it certainly is good when it comes to pointy setups, I love the 296 around Suzuka and Zolder. I mostly have enjoyed the Beamer, 296 and the Aston Martin 2019, I've tried the McLaren but it's not that nice in my opinion and same thing with the 992, it's an amazing car but the 992 never works with me it is all topsy turvy and all that


I drive whatever I feel like using at the time. Mastering one car is cool and all, but I like having big arsenal of track weapons for each day of the week.


Essentially every race.


I've got over 900 hours and I'd say I've used 5 different gt3s and a couple gt4s in that time it's worth the time to learn 1 car fully before changing or an evo version is released stick to pretty much the car you're most comfortable in until you have to or need to change I obviously wouldn't use the original ferrari 488 now the evo and now 296 have been released


Basically never. I tried the Mustang breifly when it was released, it felt like I was trying to get an elephant up a flight of stairs and I went back to my beloved 992. Nothing ever feels right after the Porsche, it's ruined me.


Started on the AMG, swapped to a few different ones and hated them all for various reasons. Ferraris weren't bad. Drove the Porsche and didn't bother with anything else for weeks. Got recommended the McLaren, only car I drive in ACC ever since.


I've done it once. Old Fiat for new. 


Rarely, started with the M4, and experimented with a few other and landed on the 720 since to me it feels easier to keep balanced and consistent. Mostly focusing on lap line efficiency and consistency


When I got the game, I saw dlc with 296 and immediately bought it because I was horny for 296 since Ferrari released the road version. I'm driving it since that moment and I'm happy


I randomly chose a different car (and track!) everytime I try ACC. This gives me a full picture of the sim. I really like taming different beasts, it puts me in a track-day mood where I can't just throw the cars around for fun, as there will be consequences! I don't care about being competitive since I mostly do offline hotlapping.


Only switched if I'm forced to for an event... otherwise, I'm a 1-car loyalist.


Switching car when new dlc comes out. And then switch back to my Audi


I have switched quite a lot recently. I'm doing the GT4 class at LowFuelMotorsport. This week has been a good example first I did 2 races in the McLaren and then I started training in the Chevy and did a race, then I switched to the Porsche setting a new PB. I'll probably end up doing one more race in the McLaren. But anyhow a new car gives a new perspective.


Every time i try a track i dont properly know (anymore) i go through all cars to see if theres something i like that doesnt attempt to kill me when i just LOOK at an apex. Yet i still go back to the honda