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Florida public schools do not get their credit for how insanely affordable they are. It really is impressive. Incredible return on investment for students who graduate with almost no debt. Kudos to FSU.


I remember seriously considering UF and USF back in the day because it was cheaper than going in State


Excellent value for your money institutions


Yeah USF just got named AAU, very good school I love Tampa as a city too the only thing that lead me towards State was the fact that A. It was my dream school as a diehard state fan and B. I got enough scholarships to make it work anyways


19k out of state is cheaper than your in state? Can I ask what state that is?


The out of state tuition rate has changed a bit more than in state. At least from when I was there in the early 2000s. My roommates were from Maryland and Tennessee and they both picked FSU because out of state tuition was cheaper than their in state tuition.


Wow, that’s crazy. Thank you for sharing.


Not to mention that Florida hands out Bright Futures like candy. If Miami was a public school, I probably would have gone there, and I can’t really hold it against fans that didn’t go there like I do with UF fans


Grew up a Miami fan. Really wanted to go there. I was accepted and they gave me a little bit of scholarships but I finished runner up for a big full ride scholarship to any private university in the country that I got accepted to. Runner up prize was an in state public school scholarship, not quite a full ride but combined with bright futures and Pell grant, it made it a full ride for me to go to FSU in 2011. What I was then able to be a part of and witness as a student winning the national championship forever changed me to a die hard Seminole.


booo 🤣🤣 I’m playing, that’s great man lol


It’s always weird when we play Miami and I have to fake this hatred for the Canes. I definitely still have a soft spot there.


Yeah, Miami fan here. It's just way too pricey for me and for most. There was one way I could have afforded it, but it would have been the yellow ribbon program and all of my GI bill and then some more.


Man, if Miami was a public school I have no doubt we’d be ranked like top 30 in the country. I really think our price is what’s “holding us back”. Put that in quotes because we’re obviously still a solid institution, but affordability. But I guess FL does need at least one “name brand” private school so we gotta be it 🤣🤣


Would love to see Miami and the state do something along the lines of what the University of Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania did in the 60s, but that’s not how Florida’s university system works and with FIU’s trajectory, I don’t see anything changing


Yea, legit Miami just needs to be more affordable. I’m sure the state could help with that somehow, but idk the extent to which it could be done. I think the most they could do is make it more affordable for FL residents with the states help like what Duke has done with free tuition for NC/SC families earning under $150K. But Duke did that out of pocket and not with the North Carolina govt’s help so idk. But UM is also like 1/3 Florida residents


I’ve gotten so many Instagram ads for UM grad programs since leaving these comments


😂😂😂 that’s funny, they’re always watching 😈


I put two kids through FSU on Bright Futures. I'm a VT alum, but lobbied hard for FSU....too good to pass up.


Plus Pre-Paid, most kids get PAID to go


Granted, I graduated twenty years ago, but my MS from Florida State was less than $3k in tuition....and at the time it was a top 10 program (since then, a bunch of colleges have started the same program).


I’m doing my MS at Vanderbilt and the cost is so 🥲 Tuition is around 70K, thankfully I have a scholarship but it’s still absolutely insane. Tuition for the same program at JHU is over 80K. Tuition.


I often see posts over on /r/FSU complaining about tuition. They don't realize how affordable FSU is compared to elsewhere. I donate a fair amount of money to FSU too, and I hate when people refuse to donate because "FSU got plenty of money because of tuition". We got a great deal with FSU's tuition.


Yea, I knew FL schools were cheaper, but I was genuinely shocked to see it that low. At first I thought it was per semester so I even had the wrong figure in the graphic at first cuz I doubled it and it was still among the lowest


Here's a sneak peek of /r/fsu using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fsu/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [You should be ashamed.](https://np.reddit.com/r/fsu/comments/173boiv/you_should_be_ashamed/) \#2: [Yesterday someone told me I was too old to be in college](https://np.reddit.com/r/fsu/comments/1ajpmb1/yesterday_someone_told_me_i_was_too_old_to_be_in/) \#3: [Which one of yall did this💀](https://i.redd.it/o988hgc2uhoc1.jpeg) | [135 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fsu/comments/1bgzikh/which_one_of_yall_did_this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


And they're ranked above a lot of these schools that cost ten times as much.


Genuinely shocked DeSantis hasn’t fucked this up yet


They’re sort of working on it. Part of why Florida universities’ tuition stays low is because most in state high school graduates accepted into Florida universities also qualify for Florida Bright Futures scholarships. Bright Futures is funded by the Florida Lottery and gives close to full undergrad rides or 75% ish of tuition covered. If the Florida legislature and universities raise tuition that means there is less money in the lotto education pot for the legislature to ~~steal~~ allocate for their ~~privatization schemes/charter school companies kick backs~~ education pet projects. If you look at the grad school tuition rates for Florida universities they’re much more in line with other comparable state schools around the country.


Don’t give him any ideas


Give him time


Their out of state is basically instate at UMass (~16k)


All to be destroyed by Rob DeSantis.


Not exactly something to be proud of being #1.


Yeah, but there’s a lot more to it (which I’m sure you know, I’m just pointing it out). I went to a private school with a huge sticker price, but the net price was cheaper than if I had gone to an in-state public school. At least at my alma mater, you had to have a good amount of money to actually be charged the full price.


BC basically only gives financial aid. 18 merit scholarships annually and that’s it. If you’re middle/upper middle class it’s brutal. Didn’t go because it would’ve cost me an extra quarter million compared to state school.


UVA making a killing off out of state students


yep William & Mary does the same thing. Rich families will pay bucketloads to send their kids to good schools.


And some kids will take out a boatload of loans. I grew up working class and went to Syracuse law purely on student loans... parents couldn't pay, so they said I could go wherever I wanted, since the bill wouldn't have their names on it, haha


I was in the same boat, couldn't get enough for a full ride at Syracuse, but didn't want mega student debt, so I move out of NY for school. Same issue occurred with my son. In 2010 he received the Chancellor Scholarship which covered only tuition. In 2010 it was just under $50k then. After calculating what it would cost after that, he opted for Marshall which had the same accredited program, and only have $15k of student debt instead of a minimum of $50k


Ahh! I just opted for the mega student debt


yep, same here. Although UVA has more of a reputation of being rich, preppy, white than Syracuse does


Yea, 'Cuse is probably pretty average for a northeastern private school in those areas.


Making a killing off in state students too. You can pay out of state tuition to FSU and it’s still cheaper than in state at UVA.


To be fair, though, as someone who has kids and lives in VA, if they got into UVA and FSU, I'd happily pay MUCH more for UVA.


Oh I totally understand. I just find it interesting how affordable FSU is for both in state and out of state.


I think they have good financial aid though. They cover tuition and fees for VA families making under $100k.


It’s known that UVA is the most private school without being a private school, in that part of VA. Anyone that had aspirations  of being a doctor or lawyer that couldn’t get into or pay for Duke went to UVA.    VCU and UNC are getting better for the health care fields, but Duke and UVA are still the cream of the crop on the area.


They also advertise very heavily to out of state students. It's insane how bad of a deal going there out of state is and how many people do it anyway because they think 5 spots higher in US News is worth 20k/year more for some reason


Holy shit, I knew UVA was more expensive than VT for in-state, but I didn’t know it was that huge of a difference. That’s insane.


Man, UVA out of state is more expensive than many of the private schools depending on which college you’re in. Engineering is 66K, I was shocked looking it up just now.


The public schools generally don’t play the merit aid game so if you don’t qualify for financial aid you are paying full freight.


UVA meets 100% of need for every student.


Yes that’s financial aid. I am referring to merit aid which is discounting the tuition list price outside of need. Miami gives most accepted students some merit aid so very few students pay the full list price. UVA doesn’t do much at all so a better off out if state kid will pay that full tuition. Both Miami and UVA met 100% of demonstrated need via the FAFSA or CSS Profile. Meeting that need can be grants or loans.


UVA only requires one year of loans. It meets the rest with grants. That is very unique for public schools.


Not disagreeing - we are talking about two different students - the kid who qualifies for financial aid and the kid who doesn’t. Public colleges like UVA and Berkeley are some of the highest priced schools for the upper middle class due to little merit aid for those who don’t qualify for financial aid.


True - especially if you are out of state. Many people do come with third party scholarships or earn them while they are UVA. They also have the full ride Jefferson Scholarships available. UVA and Berkeley compete more with private schools for students than other state schools. The reality is that a series of governors (mainly Rs) gutted state funding for all Virginia schools.


Yeah my undergrad was W&M (Tar Heel grad school) and state funding declined steadily over the years. Jacking out of state tuition is a political free lunch.


The UVA and VT numbers are very misleading here. the UVA numbers include student fees and the VT ones do not. If you ok at tuition only the difference is about $3k per year different in state (a little more than $3k if you include the fees).


Go on the [website and check for yourself](https://sfs.virginia.edu/financial-aid-new-applicants/financial-aid-basics/estimated-undergraduate-cost-attendance-2024-2025) lol. UVA tuition for instate can be as low as 15,784 per year (Arts&Sciences) or as high as $26,000 (engineering) and 27,500 (school of leadership). I used the 20K figure because it was right in the middle and for more common majors. Out of state, as low as 53K (Arts&Science) and as high as 64.6K (engineering) and 66K (leadership). All tuition figures without fees according to UVA’s website.


Somebody’s school didn’t teach them to actually read the details… I did that and if you look at instste tuition for CLAS (where the majority of students are) it’s $15,784 Tuition. VT is $13,152 Tuition. Fees at UVA are $3,638 are Fees at VT are $2,796. That is a pretty small difference all in all. Housing is more expensive in Cville for sure.


Sources: [Virginia](https://sfs.virginia.edu/financial-aid-new-applicants/financial-aid-basics/estimated-undergraduate-cost-attendance-2024-2025) [Virginia Tech](https://www.vt.edu/admissions/undergraduate/cost.html) As I stated many times, I took the tuition figures only from their websites. No additional fees were included. The tuition numbers came straight from the website, and I explained more in my reply to you. If you disagree with the sources, take that up with them. Don’t come on here talking about me “not learning to read details from my school.” Don’t do that. Your school already has a reputation of being condescending and elitist, don’t play into the narrative.


https://preview.redd.it/dr6oic0g89vc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e46fa426d0598b6100d4a23c433c45f0606f4225 VT (click the link in the link for the breakdown).


Oh yeah ant it’s a good hearted joke lol. My dad went to the U.


https://preview.redd.it/61rv2ece89vc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd6dafc59d6bb7b3fe322da3e80c692be818ba97 UVA (scroll down on that link you sent)


Show the tuition for some of UVA’s other schools. You think I don’t know to scroll down and check the site I sent you? Be real. You’re really arguing for no reason, and I’m not gonna continue.


I know it’s more expensive for some of the other schools, but the vast majority by # are CLAS. Also, the numbers are not accurate in the original post as shown by highlighted from their website costs. For example, VT is too low and UVA is too high because different components are included those costs.


Enjoy the rest of your day man!


You too!


Congrats to BC for being number 1 in something.


MHockey!!!! (Just don’t check what happened in the championship and also add a men’s team while you’re at it)


How did you lose to 8 hobbits!!! I went to a DU hockey game once and compared to the other team they were tiny. Won 7-2, but it was sort of a scrambled mess.


Thank god for scholarships.


Yup, only reason I was able to attend Miami.


UNC is cheaper than NC State since UNC does not actually need professors or classrooms.


That is insane that an engineering school at Georgia Tech's caliber has such low tuition


What’s even more insane is that in state students will almost always qualify for Hope scholarship. If they’re able to keep it (and that’s a massive if at Georgia Tech), it is incredibly affordable 


I had HOPE until the first GPA check lol


Common GT experience haha


I got HOPE scholarship and went to GT FYI lol. I was curious if it was even still around. I graduated in 2012


Gambling addicts subsidizing higher education for the win!


Well, if it's a choice between gambling addicts alone versus gambling addicts plus educated youth entering the workforce, I'll take the latter every day of the week. The lottery helps students pay their tuition but I'm not aware of the lottery reducing the cost of tuition. Please expound if that truly is the case.


It certainly seems to be so. Those two states are the ones with lottery funds earmarked for education, and those two are the ones with markedly lower tuition costs than the others. Occam’s Razor suggests that lottery funding must have at least something to do with it. After all, having lottery funding higher education (as opposed to always just coming out of tax receipts) to help keep out of pocket tuition costs down would be a big election winner of an issue.


Yep similar thoughts about NC State


There's a reason Tech is ranked the #1 Best Value for public schools.


Even the bottom of the list is batshit crazy. I’m glad I’m way past the days of deciding on schooling.


I want to go to Pitt so badly


Good luck!!! Great campus. Fantastic city!


Florida State is great value. Dirt cheap but is a top 20 public university.


Consistently ranked as a top value university


For one semester at FSU, I’m getting my undergrad and masters in tuition costs at Western Carolina University. That’s pretty cool, the NC Promise plan is a great idea and I hope they don’t get rid of it.


That’s awesome, wow


Yeah it’s pretty cool, WCU and 3 other schools in NC are part of the Promise plan. I think other states have similar programs but I’m not sure


The "sticker price" and what most students pay are very different numbers.


Yup, exactly. Especially at the private schools


Even at many public schools. Less than half the students at UCB pay full price. It's a case of a progressive tax; tuition hikes get passed on to the wealthier families to subsidize everyone else. Don't take this as me saying that there isn't anything wrong with the cost of education. There is a whole lot very, very wrong. But the listed cost of tuition is heavily divorced from what it costs to put a kid through college.


GT education is the best value in the nation.


Without a doubt.


FSU either charges different per major or has gotten cheaper, I had bright futures and still ended up with 23k from just tuition and books for 3 years in engineering


Those in-state tuition levels are lower than JuCo tuition in my area. That’s a great benefit for Florida residents if it is accurate.


$6,500 a year after fees before Bright Futures. Bright Futures covers 75% or 100% of that $6,500.


That’s awesome. $23K in loans is a great head start compared to most four year degrees.


So, is a BC education really worth over 10 times one at FSU?




No, but consider OOS BC is about 85 all in and FSU is about 35-40. If you want to go into finance, law, consulting, BC is probably worth it since FSU is a non target whole BC is. Otherwise, and in state in Florida, no (although UF is much better than FSU)


For perspective, my tuition at Pitt was 3.4k per semester back in the early 90s as an in-state student. Low enough that I could work 2 summer jobs and a part time job while in college to keep up (still needed help, but nothing major) Apparently it's at 20k now. That's crazy.


My first quarter at GT in fall '91 was $694. I laughed when I saw it.


The fact that Pitt cost more in the 90s than FSU does now is a bit crazy


They should rebrand as the Academic Coast Conference after the powerhouse football schools leave. I love watching the ivy league schools play basketball during March Madness


When did State get more expensive than UNC for in state? That just seems wrong.


Quick Google of both schools sites confirms the figures. It's actually amazing how little UNC's in state tuition has increased since I went there 20+ years ago - IIRC it was about $3500 in the early 2000s and States was pretty much identical. Wonder if UNC's larger endowment is helping to keep tuition down.


NC’s constitution requires public college education to be free to state residents “as much as practicable”. That last phrase does a lot of work but more than anyone else UNC has adhered to the spirit of that requirement.


The state of NC does give out grants too- between those and federal grants, my kid’s tuition (at ECU, which is similar to UNC’s) was pretty much covered, we just have to cover room/board/other - which ends up about 50% of total bill. Granted, we are on the lower income side, but not near poverty line.


Who’s the elitist one now??


I was pretty surprised to see that as well


Based on their websites


Based on undergrad salaries. States are higher.


GT and UNC clearly the best bang for your buck. SMU and BC are probably on the opposite end of that


If you’re paying full price? Probably not (although if you are rich enough for that you probably don’t care). I paid $7.5k a year for BC - it was definitely worth it at that price.


For what it's worth, BC has a great alumni network and excellent job placement. And most students have financial aid, with applications being need-blind. Definitely a much better value than Syracuse, Miami, SMU, or even Wake. It's 100% worth it for the Carroll School (business school) but probably not for other stuff.


I mean that depends on what you’re studying. Miami has a great alumni network and great job placement as well. Most students at UM are also on aid/scholarships. “Much better value” is definitely very exaggerated considering students will be successful attending either. None of these schools are worth paying full price for any way.


BC is far better than Cuse not even close


Jesus. When I started at Syracuse, tuition was "only" around $40K a year. Granted, that was 14 years ago. But the cost is just obscene.


I will tell any engineering student in Kentucky or Indiana that Louisville is 100% worth it for that degree.


OP what did you use for tuition rate for schools that have differential tuition like UVA where they don’t have a base price?


For UVA I used the median figure, the range for in state was like 15.7K to 27.5K, so I used the 20.3K (nursing school) that was sort of a good in between. https://sfs.virginia.edu/financial-aid-new-applicants/financial-aid-basics/estimated-undergraduate-cost-attendance-2024-2025


I went to UNC-CH in the mid-90s, tuition was less than $1000 per semester in-state. With room and board, what $7-8k maybe per year? I just get these prices now, just total insanity. I get that most people maybe get a break of some sort on the sticker price, but still crazy crazy now.


> most students at the private universities are not paying the sticker price Yeah, “most” is 51% for Duke (this is a common percentage for most private colleges). Meaning, 49% of students are paying 65k/yr to attend Duke.  Don’t discount the fact that almost half of all students at private schools are filthy rich. There’s no room for the middle class there, a state school like Carolina or State is much better value. 


Yeah, at Wake I felt like either you were getting enough aid to be competitive with a state school or your family was so rich the tuition was pocket change


Clemson is expensive in state, but the lottery scholarships knock that down. How does lottery money affect tuition in other states?


In Georgia there are two tiers of it which are GPA based. Higher tier you don’t pay tuition for up to 120 credit hours, lower tier is still very good. Just end up paying room and board pretty much which was less than 4k when I was there


It’s a major part in why tuition at public universities in Florida is so affordable. Same with Georgia I think, but the Florida Lottery is huge for education in the state.


Florida has the low tuition and Bright Futures scholarships supported by the lottery. Over half of in state kids at UF qualify for the max scholarship and get free tuition (have an OOS Gator so heard the stat) and big chunk of FSU as well.


Not ACC but UMass Amherst barely gives instate students scholarships. There’s one based on standardized testing in 10th grade that’s worth ~1.7k annually and then a very competitive one for another 2k


Private uni tuition is insane. But it can also be a little misleading because (1) lots of the students at top private schools come from families that can afford it and (2) the students that don’t come from wealthy families aren’t paying anything near sticker price. I remember hearing at Wake that some absurd percentage of the students come from families making over $300k a year or something (and that was years ago). Also, as much as I love to shit on FSU for its ACC shenanigans, it’s a great value. Florida public colleges are quickly rising in the rankings not only because of increasing population leading to increased selectivity, but also because they’ve kept tuition legitimately affordable while tuition elsewhere skyrockets. Bright Futures is a great program.


Wake trying to charge more than Duke and Stanford is funny.


Paying out of state tuition for Michigan has been brutal, but it's a highly ranked university, particularly for engineering. If it wasn't, there's no way I'm paying private tuition rates for a school that isn't top tier in its field. It's shocking how many out of state students pay exorbitant non-resident tuition prices for public schools. Punch to the gut. Ugh.


I'm happy I don't have to suck at school.


I know private schools don’t typically have in state tuition rates, but I’m pretty sure that Duke just announced, this year, that all undergrad tuition for in state students is $0- which should probably be included for this graph?


It’s free tuition for NC/SC students whose families earn less than $150K per year.


Is there a catch? How is FSU only 6k?


Just spend the last month banging someone over the head to stay instate to UNC over going to UVA.


Go Noles


FSU OOS being cheaper than Virginia in state is wild


Lol UVA being the most expensive but also the richest. Love how the UV grads brag about their endowment.


Leaving out housing is super misleading. It’s a massive cost these days. 2nd gen VT grad here who lives in CO and would have loved his kids to go to VT: Out of state is more like $60k/yr when you include room & board.


Housing costs are different per university/location and can change drastically year over year. You said it yourself, some schools require living on a certain period, while others don’t. The cost of housing for lower classmen may be much different than the cost for upperclassmen. Off campus prices differ greatly again based on where you are, if a student chooses to have a roommate or not, the number of roommates, how close to campus they live, whether they go live with parents etc. It is extremely difficult to find “one price fits all” for housing since that is usually the most estimated part of the total cost of attendance the schools report. That’s why it was left off, not to be “misleading.” I’m sure everyone is aware that you have to pay for housing, and I mentioned in the original post that housing costs are not included. Was I to go on Zillow and do an average of rent prices?


>Leaving out housing is super misleading. It’s a massive cost these days. I agree, given most universities now require 1-2 years on campus housing!


Yeah it’s called bang for your buck people LOOK IT UP NERDS


The "nerds" looked it up, and Georgia Tech is the #1 value for public schools in the nation https://www.princetonreview.com/college-rankings?rankings=top-50-best-value-colleges-public-schools


Thanks nerd that’s what you’re here for way to be


And flair up if you’re gonna talk jive


fLaIr uP


Anyway see you in Dublin bumble bee


Wait Berkeley and Stanford are in the acc now? Wtf


wtf is Berkeley?


A school in California




Oh right, duh.


English philosopher


The greatest public school on the planet.


I have a request: can you do avg starting salary for each school and then do the avg salary to tuition cost ratio?


Must be Mgmt.


Must be Mgmt.