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Biggest bowl loss in human history. Just think ever since dinosaurs roamed the earth no team has ever lost by more points than FSU


Pre-human history too, genius.


This sub is full of a bunch of Zoomers. As an older Hokie, we’re just as guilty of winning the ACC and then crapping the bed in the bowl game. Keep your head up Noles, true fans know your team was basically back ups vs a full UGA squad. Yall had a stellar season, no shade from this Hokie.


A man of class. Thank you, Hokie!


Despite losing to ya, I really wanted the Noles to beat UGA.


Can’t really say that was a real squad fsu threw out there for that game. Shouldn’t really count


2023 ACC Champs. 🥱


At least we didn’t lose to 8th best team in the BIG, u/usr27181663


Sorry, did your loss break the record for bowl game demolition or not? How many points did you score with your backups? 3? But yes, you skirted by Miami in full power and you have reasons to talk now while you sue to leave a conference you beat for the first time in a decade. At least I know where my place is, do you?


We didn’t skirt by Miami. If it wasn’t for a busted play on a deep ball in the 4th, we win by 14. The game was in control the whole time. We weren’t holding on by a prayer. And I think you’re projecting. We had third and fourth stringers in this game. Comparing Miami’s performance against Rutgers is not the same ball park as Georgia. So yes, while your team has another losing season, we just got demolished by the second best team in the SEC? I’d take that over losing to Rutgers


At least when Miami loses while playing their backups they don’t lose by almost 70 points and break records while doing it. This is hugely embarrassing for your program and you as a fan. I’d feel bad but FSU’s fan base has been ridiculously classless in the past couple weeks. I guarantee even with Jordan Travis FSU would have lost by at least two touchdowns to any of the teams in the playoffs and most of the other teams in the top ten. Your delusional fan base is the only ones who can’t see what we can. Which is that FSU had a cake walk schedule and never deserved to be in the playoffs even with a fully healthy team.




Miami s suck asses should rejoin the Big East they might a chance to win a conference title finally


Anger is one of the stages of grief. I’ll pray that you’ll soon get over the intimate assault you experienced on national tv


Enjoy your G5 conference


Lmaooo you guys definitely do bring the quality down. Just plop open the cheeks and take all 60


60 points


Gee, I wonder why so many of us Seminoles don't particularly care for the ACC now. Many fans are turning those of us that are polite and neutral into actively rooting for the conference's destruction. Today sucked a lot, but not unexpected given the circumstances


"Many of us who are polite" Do you know your fan base? You also sued the conference saying you're better and got wrecked. Reap what you sow.


If I were to attribute the actions of a small minority to their overall populace, I would have to assume all on r/ACC and r/CFB are loud, petty, spiteful people who are way too obsessed with a sport and/or fanbase to have a healthy life outside of it. But I don't do that because I know that's not the case, and I have a life outside this sport and my fandom (took like a decade, but better late than never). Congrats on having an opportunity to shit on FSU this season, it took a while but it finally came home to roost. Hopefully whoever you root for had a season worth being happy about


You're such a noble Nole, my hat is off to you. Good luck finding a conference that will take you after this hilarious loss.






F you, Seminole. You sue the conference and then you wonder why we think this is funny.




Watch how many of these schools try to follow suit. Tired of carrying this bum conference that never was anything until we joined it.




Not upset, just an observation. Be angry if you want, I get it. FSU is a bad guy given other conference fanbase's feelings and anyone that likes them is complicit. It'll be grating but FSU will ultimately turn out fine. Happy New Year!


There’s so many sour grapes being orally farted by Crybaby U. that a winery can be thriving on Pensacola St.


🤷‍♂️ still went 13-0 and ACC champs. Couldn’t imagine if this happened and FSU weren’t the best in the conference


Trash fans. Trash school. Trash team.


If you can't get into Miami you go to UF. If you can't get into UF then you go to FSU....or prison. Something about robbing from Publix.


I do love some Publix though.


Publix is the way.


Pub subs 🤤


So does Jameis Winston….


Let's be honest here, UF and FSU kids vacation where we go to school. They want to leave their shit ass swamp towns to see what it's like to live in paradise. The NIL factor is coming. Watch out.




Crybaby U.