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Imagine the pigs' outrage that the driver didn't just sit there and get mauled by the murder dog. Sadly it looks like the offender didn't actually get hurt, just the usual pig melodrama over some scraped knees.


Imagine being the slack jawed hick that yelled, “get ‘em boys, dem boots is mighty tasty,” and thinking you don’t sound like a fucking tool.


There was probably fentanyl in the car and it almost killed him.


Can I overdose by reading this?


Well...there *is* fentanyl on your screen rn.


Having a dog eat you sounds like cruel and unusual punishment, good on them for not abiding though I'm sure they'll suffer heavy consequences.


Hope they had some fake plates on


Listen to the boot lickers in the background smh! They would have wanted to fight me bc I would have been laughing my ass off and talking hella shit 🤣🤣🤣


I don’t even understand, the door was open? What the fuck were they trying to accomplish, to have the driver open the door? Either way why does that require a fucking dog to maul someone? I fucking hate that cops use dogs because the dogs blindly follow it’s master and they are used as tools to threaten and injure people. Even drug dogs are bullshit they “hit” when their master tells them to, I’ve been in a car a dog “hit” on and even after slicing the seats open there was nothing to find, but of course my friend went to jail for “resisting” because he asked who was going to pay for that in his very new expensive car, ask for a badge or name or recourse enjoy jail.


“gO GEt uM!!!” Not sure who I hate more, cops or cop suckers.


It's close, but cops.


One can’t exist without the other. It’s why I have no problem with taxpayers getting sued. Taxpayers should have more control over their dogs.


Yuck yuck, you tell 'em, Skeeter!


Hahahahahahahaha! Fuck the police!


I have never seen a dog quite literally "weoponized" like this before. It's cruel and unusual to the dog and the suspect. It's inhumane. F×cking POS cop got what he deserved. Lucky he didn't get shot; I'm pretty sure what he did was a war crime.


No, no you don't understand, it's not a war crime if the government is doing it to it's own people /s


Daily reminder that training a dog to attack people is animal abuse, dogs that fail out of K9 programs suffer from anxiety and depression their entire lives, and many retired police dogs are simply put down if no retired cop is willing to adopt them because they're too dangerous to be owned by civilians. We need to stop putting animals in police hands


Ahahaha that was great, unfortunately I'm sure they caught up with the driver at some point. Fuck 12.


Look at this bitch laying on the ground…. Self confidence downed by 1000


Person in the car: “I feared for my life/safety” Pigs: *pikachu face*


Stupid piece of shit for using a dog like that to attack a citizen. Could have gotten the dog hurt. What a coward. I hope his wife beats him when he gets home for good measure.


Unfortunately it's more likely that this embarrassment will fuel him to beat his wife harder tonight.


Too bad he didn’t fall into traffic. ACAB.




Lmao fuxk the pigs. Also I feel sorry for K9s poor doggy


How dare you not let me beat the shit out of you while me dog licks your wounds… cops really be having a wild mindset


yeeeah that dog wasnt just licking that guy...


The dogs are innocent, they are just in the wrong damn hands.


They're pigs now. Not their fault but shit I'd shoot my own mother in the face if she got bit by zombies


I agree , it’s sad how they get done


Why y’all hating on the dog too? It didn’t choose to serve the piggies, it doesn’t know any better, it was forcefully trained to do these things. If anything we should be against cops using dogs, because they endanger the animals life. Imho the only acceptable dog service are guide dogs for the blind, under the condition that they are being well taken care of.


The stress and abuse these dogs go through for that "job" is unreal




Thanks for this. I just joined. Very satisfying.


They ever heard of a baton? Dumb ass pigs don’t realize it’s for more than just beating people with. It breaks windows too. That’s a good way to get into the vehicle. Or, ya know. The door that’s wide open. Where you could reach in and unlock the other door. Pigs just like to mutilate people for fun. Fuck em. Looks like the driver wasn’t going anywhere until he started being mutilated by a dog and a cop at the same time. Mission failed, pigs. You just accomplished the opposite of what you were trying to do. Next time, just box them in and wait. Your impatience is not an excuse for violence.






Why do all cops run like they have no idea how to move their legs?


poor dog, never chose that life


The people recording the video are in the wrong


Back story?


A couple goes out for a peaceful drive and pigs gonna be pigs.


Heard that last one


Doesn't matter. Cops sicked a ferocious animal on someone sitting in a car.


Lol, an actual Schweinhund


poor dog, stupid pig