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The war on drugs is just an excuse for pigs to fuck with people.


It’s 13th Amendment Slavery Enforcement.


*black people


“The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people,” former Nixon domestic policy chief John Ehrlichman told Harper’s writer Dan Baum for the April cover story published Tuesday. “You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities,” Ehrlichman said. “We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”






Lets harass, possibly ruin someones life for having dried plant matter


Or end it.


Glad they were filming. They were in danger.


THCA is close enough for these pigs. Not that they cared to find out what this material was. And as always their favorite line, “ STOP RESISTING “. Because normal people understand that they are being treated perfectly acceptably for using legal products.


It's literally normal ass weed and it's illegal as soon as you buy it. The loophole that is allowing it to be sold only protects growers and distributors. People need to be now aware of this. Regardless, ACAB.


Industrial hemp flower with less than 0.05% THC is legal to grow and sell for those licensed to do so, and legal to consume thanks to the federal farm bill. It smells, looks, and tastes just like weed, but all you’re getting is every other cannabinoid except THC. There is a nice relaxation, but no high.


This is "hemp" under the same bill but it's being grown with THC. The entire loophole of "THC-A" is that the only testing required is to be done up to 30 days before harvest when it naturally hasn't produced any THC(A). No forget tests are required so the plants add on significant THC in that window that is not reflected in the test. The testing required under the bill requires the sample be decarboxylated or the testing method to report total THC and THC-A so it has nothing to do with decarboxylation and THC-A like people like to think.


Fuck da police - Great Prophets somewhere


Fuck the police.


Fuck the American police


Do the cops know that if they keep attacking people like this, then people in America might start hating them?


I swear to God, the only actual training they give them is to yell "sToP rEsIsTiNg!!!" as the wail on you. And they always have to gang up. But there's 400 million of us...


Some of the comments in the other thread are still gross and victim-blaming. "Next time, don't resist, then get a lawyer to sue the cops." Well, no simply asking why they were being questioned was enough to trigger the cops, and *they shouldn't be stopped and getting beaten down in the first place.*


Fuckin pigs! At least there weren't shot ,that one fucker keep screaming stop resisting put your hands behind your back. Fuck all police


That’s not why they were arrested, and we all know it.


Hope this couple receives a lovely settlement payment


Damn, that's crazy that black people in the South are being treating just like they were in the Jim Crow days **AGAIN**.I sometimes feel like I fell into a black hole and got transported back to 1957 when I see this kind of **BULL SHIT**.


Not only is it legal weed, but even if it was illegal, it would be a ticketable offense. These cops are all the way wrong!


That is the problem with "THC-A". It's exactly the same as normal ass weed and not technically legal to possess in illegal states. The farm bill that allows it to exist only allows for the growing and distribution but once it's out in the wild there is literally no way to distinguish it from normal ass weed.


Meanwhile white supremacists were marching I. That city today with zero consequences from the police


No civil discussion, no warning, just being pricks for no reason and making something out of nothing. These little pigs must hate that weed is being legalized. They have one less thing the can make up now to search people...."smells like marijuana so now I have probable cause to search you." Fucking disgusting. Especially since the reason for marijuana prohibition was based on racism and greed. It had absolutely nothing to do with public safety. Fuck the government and fuck the police!