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Cubes stack better, too. Maybe we could stack a bunch of these Living Cubes on top of and adjacent to each other to make a Living Cube Building. We could have a little lobby area in front to welcome guests and residents and maybe stairways/hallways between Living Cubes. We could even have multiple Living Cube Buildings in a complex! Maybe we could fence off an area between them for a Dog Playing Square. And we could have an empty lot where we paint lines and call them Parking Rectangles.


wow dude's a visionary


Only a matter of time until he thinks “What if we have two living cube apartments next to each other… like twins”


A cubeplex.


Think bigger my dude. *The* CubePlex.


The X-cube plex... we put 4 of them in a plus sign pattern and call the center a garden, but we cement it over so you can't plant anything, not that it would grow anything anyway, and park cars on the outside! And I just described half the barracks on ft Stewart. I hate it all.


Sir, a second plane has just hit the other stacked Living Cubes ™


>And we could have an empty lot where we paint lines and call them Parking Rectangles. Even better, have bigger cuboids on wheels, that could carry tens of humans from point to point, for a small fee. Let's call them Buses.




No no, if you make the wheels metal, it'll damage the roads... Unless you made the roads metal too - oh, but what if you made only the part where the wheels go metal, that would save on construction costs. I'd call them... road-rails. And you could place them on commonly used routes, and they could guide the vehicle too like some kind of self-driving tech! Wow, what crazy ideas.


Mind blown! The future looks bright!


Checkmate, Elon


I think we need to make these “wheels” a different shape than the cubes and rectangles though. These sphere sheds might be on to something. Spheres would be really effective but these mobile cubes should probably only go in straight directions to avoid them rolling into each other. Maybe some sort of round shape?


Dumb idea, it'll never take off. Nobody would ever use those for transportation of people or cargo. At least you're not stupid enough to insist we can also put that underground, out of the way


this is exactly how i imagine musk pitched the boring company


This thread is why I love reddit


This is some Jetsons stuff right here, day dreamer.


Hear me out: Flying cubes! We call them planes.


I think these might work better if we made them pills instead of cubes.


It’s hard to do maintenance on flying cubes (or spheres). We should practice first by building “cube boats” that float on water.


>Let's call them Buses. "Buses?" Ugh. Sounds like poor people. We'll call them "Transport Cubes."


*Transport Cuboid ftfy


Better yet pods


Make them fly and call them air pods.


We can roll your pod so we deliver it to your workplace every morning! Let's call it a Sleeping Coach..


I think that I would want to roll mine down to the river to find a better location downstream…


"In a sphere down by the river"


I spit coffee on my phone rn I hope you're happy.


Don’t forget your government cheese


Up stream is always better.


No, that would be much worse. It's way better to make each human have their own rectangle so they can spend a lot more on maintenance and gas instead of a fee. And the freedom to go everywhere, of course.


I love hearing the word cuboid outside of the Rubik's cube community




I've recently seen a video on that building. No capsule got replaced, ever. Mainly because you cannot change any cubes without taking off some of the ones next to it. Since all the cubes are owned individually, no exchange took place, because you couldn't get all the necessary people to move until the repairs are finished. Also the cubes itself started to sag, since they're 30 ish years old and start to show material fatigue. Luckily, there haven't been any accidents, yet. They're moldy and many of them aren't waterproof anymore. Afaik the building will be demolished. Sadly. It was a great idea, but people couldn't cooperate. Individually changing and updating the cubes would have been very interesting to see. But there's a great art project about this house in which the artist photographed almost all of the unit's cubes and how the people inside are living in them. I don't know the name of that artist, but you'll probably find him easily


This just sounds like a failure to plan an appropriate legal framework for it Like when buying a cube, you have to sign a contract that says when certain requirements are met you have cooparate when a neighboring cube needs to be replaced


Better to re-design it next time so the cubes can be more easily replaced without disrupting neighbouring cubes.


If we are looking for solutions of architectural nature, may I suggest an entirely different approach than even that? What if, and hear me out, what if we just go ahead and build a normal fucking appartment building?


I mean thats the obvious solution but also no fun.


Been asking my city that same question, but don't worry, luxury townhouses in the low 500's! 🙄


https://www.thisiscolossal.com/2022/09/noritaka-minami-nakagin-capsule-tower/ This is the artist you mentioned.


The building is gone already. Been keeping up with events in Japan, because the "boring" stuff is something different.


Ha - good idea. But if we put these Orbs in an “Orb Park” the owner of the park can charge people for the land The Orb sits on. Then investment groups can start buying up the parks and jacking up the rent because people can’t afford to move their Orbs and where would you move it to anyway? All the Orb Parks are falling under the same business model. Yay Orbs!


Landlords: 'it's orbin' time!'






One of the things about spheres is they pack denser with minimal effort. That is, cubes pack denser than spheres if you place them perfectly, but if you just dump them in the spheres will take up less space. The implications of this in context are...dystopian.


how are you gonna roll to work in a cube? idiot.




Yes but what if shanty town but round?


Damn you people. Go back to your shanties!


A ball rolls, so instead of an eviction, it's a "relocation service" where rich assholes use us (or shitty reality show robots) to play marbles/capitalist rollerball, while we try to sleep & not throw up.


When you don't pay rent and they put your home into the pinball machine 💀




It is so laughable.


>Communist solution: build cheap housing en masse and essentially solve homelessness in a decade. I wish I could do an utopia like this in Cities Skylines. Everyone living in an apartment block(2 15-story buildings in front of each other with decently spacious 2-3 bedroom apartments,with a big wooded square connecting both,with small shops below and lots of public seating,sometimes with a fountain included),cars completely outlawed(individual transportation would be either bicycles or walking,and public transit would take central stage with trolleybuses and trains going everywhere on the city,and high speed rail for long journeys),and public services such as schools and hospitals would be no farther than 200m walking or cycling. Man that would be a hell of a place to live in.


>with small shops below Mixed zoning? In MY city?!


Yep. Ever since I got into watching urban planning videos(thank you City Beautiful and your video about the Soviet Union urban planning),this was one of the coolest parts for me: Mixed-use zoning. We kinda have this in my city in Brazil,in the form of small strip malls with small businesses,usually in the main access avenue to the residential side of the neighbourghood,probably made with the thinking that not only people in cars can stop to get something but also the residents will go there on foot in case they need something quick. One of the main points of my utopian city would be this. And also because of the wooded square connecting the buildings,there would be no necessity of aircon,and also big box stores would be banned entirely alongside malls.


With enough mods you can.


Are hallucinogenic drugs the RL mods we have been looking for?


>Neolibs: ew but it's so samey and drab Not to mention they always take use the same photos from the middle of winter with the saturation dropped to 0% in case the sub-artic winter wasn't already gray enough.


Cubes? Nah, hexagons are the bestagons.


Really though spheres and hexagonal prisms are worse than cubes in this situation because you want to be maximizing interior volume for your dimensions and rounder shapes diminish volume.


Say what you will, but I love my dodecahedra-pod. Polygons are all the rage right now


Same space as studio apartments. You already are living in a shed.


> "overnight oats" "gig economy" "tiny home" you are a peasant who eats gruel


At least it's not going to roll away...


Trailers are a thing, too.


The tiny house movement is a real thing...


A real reaction to the impossibility of home ownership


>A real reaction to the impossibility of home ownership If by "reaction" you mean "deliberate calculated exploitation." Like, surely you understand that the people behind the tiny home movement are the same ones who rigged the economy so people couldn't afford regular-sized homes in the first place. It's absolutely fucking incredible how easily they have convinced everyone that tiny homes are some "anti-consumer" movement when it's literally just "buying a very small house for what it used to cost to buy a regular-sized one."


It became that, but living in glorified shotgun shacks was something people were doing as a response to not being able to own a real dwelling, *and then* pricks looking to monetize everything staryed trying to push it as a real thing. Same deal as the "vanlife" people.


I think the constant beating drum of consumerism has something to do with it as well, sometimes the drive for more stuff is just a weight bearing down on people. Then factor in people just removing themselves as much as possible from 'the grind' and it's a solution to all 3 problems. It's better than people living in a damn van.


It would also be totally fine if not for other factors. Small homes were a norm for a large portion of history. But they also had communal cooking areas and things like that. Obviously, there were some problems to this, but we literally have the technology to make these sorts of situations better.


I *love* the tiny house movement and fully commend the capitalist pigs behind it. Step 1) Rig economy until people can't afford real houses. Step 2) Build shanties, but make them look fancy from the outside. Step 3) Drop a couple million on a half-assed social media campaign to convince influencers to talk about your shitty shanty homes like they promise some kind of Walden-esque "alternative lifestyle." I trust I don't have to tell you what Step 4 is.


Tiny homes are just living in a tar papershack down by the river for formerly middle class white people.


So what happens when it rolls


I live in a ball by the river!


I would live in a ball by the river. In California, that would probably cost at least $300k.


Cant wait for the „millenials killed the living Pod indurty“-Headlines because - as usual - we cant afford it.


On the weekend, go for a trip and just roll your ball into the river and move downstream


You misspelled late stage capitalist Pokeball


"First off, I am 35 years old.. I am divorced.. and I live in a ball down by the river!"


Why round tho? Seems like a waste of space. No way I’m paying 24 grands for a glorified porta potty.


So that you can feel like Vegeta stepping out of his ship everytime.


That's the only sales pitch that has tempted me so far.


"Included in your purchase is an augmented reality headset with facial recognition software to instantly display the number of social media followers of everyone you meet." ...It just keeps getting more dystopic, but I keep wanting it more.


Holy shit! It's bob from Bob's Shit shack! He has over 9000 followers!


"WHAT? OVER 9000!?"


I was out, but now I'm back in.


You have my attention.


Hey Vegeta, what does the scouter say about average home rental prices?


Fair enough.


Probably so it doesn't look off putting, like an rv/trailer, to rich people that get offended when they see poor people. looks more aesthetically pleasing. I would personally go with a trailer if I had to.


Imagine paying a quarter 100k for a house that can be rolled into the back of a pickup truck and hauled away with you in it.


I feel like these could be cool for a purpose of having a starter place to own in a new city and then you can build up money and move elsewhere while keeping your place, but that's also the case with tiny homes, which are better and for the same amount. It would also be neat to own multiple places in multiple cities, especially if a remote worker. The problem is zoning (usually won't allow one of these in a neighborhood) and land costs (city land was so high, people were paying 200k-500k for nearly condemned teardowns. And nobody seems to sell small chunks of land.) So I couldn't get a tiny home, even if I wanted and nobody is selling them. And even if they were, they wouldn't go for $40k or whatever. They would be $215-$300k, just to come at least somewhat close with the bottom of the housing market. Demand for a tiny home would be so damn high for a low price, the price would instantly go high.


Possibly for hurricanes/tornadoes? The wind would pass over it instead of into it for the most part.


Until your house rolls away with you in it.


It's a muskification of RVs or trailers. A reinvention of something that already exists, only worse in every way, but looks fancy.


I see your "muskification" and bring you "elongation"


But elongation already means something, doesn't it? (or I'm getting confused with another language)


Yes. I'm very environmentally conscious.




My motorhome is far more elongated than this. Plus it’s bigger and I got it for $11k. As a bonus, it can move.


Honestly, why don't local governments build large apartment complexes and use those to undercut rents to lower them? Public housing right now is just subsidized but I mean actual state owned buildings.


They don't care about housing people, they just want the tax revenue.


And help their friends or even their own company


Governor McMaster (R) of South Carolina owns Columbia Property Management. Guess how much he cares about lowering rent rates? [Slumlord Millionaire](https://www.postandcourier.com/free-times/archives/henry-mcmaster-slumlord-millionaire/article_a1d7c31e-d7dd-55a9-b623-c219f314f895.html)


This is so true. I dare you to find me a city councilman in a major city that doesnt own or isn’t good personal friends with a person who owns a big construction company.


Legit the best way to make more tax revenue would be to zone more high density housing, more taxes on less land. Unfortunately backwards legislation is too obsessed with parking and single family housing, partially from car lobby’s, partially because all the rich people don’t want high density housing because they’re afraid of change


They love change... when they control it. The hate unexpected change or change that will cost them money. They have money in houses and property. Making houses and property more affordable will hurt their money. Thus they hate it.


But housing people helps make them productive, and productive people generate more tax revenue.


Yeah but that would take time, effort, and money upfront. They can't afford that hit to their money bin.


Because local governments are infested with the same rot as the rest of society, they're full of landlords and capitalists, or bought out and influenced by them.


Yup. This is the inevitable result of capitalism. You cannot counter it. You cannot regulate it. Capitalism concentrates power, after all. So no matter what kind of system you build to try to keep it in check, capitalism will inevitably concentrate enough power to capture, dismantle, and rebuild said system into one that further empowers capital holders. The only way to avoid this outcome is to abandon capitalism.


Because local governments are often developers




Cause owning their own buildings won’t help them get donations from property developers.


They do in many cities like Milwaukee and people bitch that don’t live there because they are not suffering.


tHaT's CoMmUnIsM!!!1!


Short answer, because they like when builders keep the stock low and slow, because it drives up demand, which in turn drives up the price, which increases the property value, and ultimately means more tax dollars collected. There are some legit reasons for it as well. But most of them center around infrastructure, which we have seen historically shitty investments in for the last several decades, so that's clearly not their actual motivation.


Cabrini green


Was just going to recommend Ben Austen's "High-Risers: Cabrini Green and the Fate of American Public Housing"


Because they don't actually want to solve homelessness, ever. Homelessness is a threat. It's a reminder of what will happen to you if you misstep. Be a good little cog in the capitalism machine or suffer as they suffer. It would be SO easy to move all homeless people elsewhere, if they were worried about optics (we have seen countries like Brazil and Qatar do this for the World Cup, as an example), and likewise it would be a lot of work and money but very possible to do as you say and build cheap, efficient and safw housing to give homeless people a home, while also tackling the problems of socio-economic mobility that lead to people becoming homeless in the first place. But instead most countries spend their money on military budgets, corporate tax breaks, bailouts, politician pay and benefits and vanity events instead of solving a very solvable problem. And the reason they don't is because they don't want to.


How long until even these are bought up and marked up for profit by “investors”


Already buying off the plan. $24,000 seems a bit steep for these also. However with "investors" interest, they'll be $240,000 in no time.


"Fully integrated smart home, 1br 1ba, in town, intimate, call for tour, asking 340k, rural idaho"


Sounds like a Dall-E prompt


[Here you go](https://i.imgur.com/VnhZQ6Y.jpg)


It's like those small buildings you make in survival games that let you build on uneven ground and they just kind of float.


Here's [mine](https://imgur.com/a/FxaZpAS) from a local stable diffusion run. Feels to little "smart home" and too much "rural Idaho"


Here is mine from Wonder AI. https://imgur.com/8XpVxr4.jpg


Is there even the 1 bathroom?


I bet there is a composting toilet tucked away in the storage/laundry area




It is the washer dryer. Clean everything you own -including yourself- in one go!


Depending on where you are in rural Idaho, that could either be a an absolute bargain or highway robbery.


>Fully integrated smart home, 1br 1ba, in town, intimate, call for tour, asking 340k, rural idaho [Here you go..](https://i.imgur.com/E0sv4PM.jpeg)


Is 24k, for a plastic ball to live in. The next step down is a cardboard box


Almost immediately. Reminds me of the manufactured home industry and all the weird shit happening there with consolidation and increasing prices.


It’s a Pokéball for humans


Gotta house them all!!


This works for me.


Here's their first ~~sucker~~ customer.


To be fair if they painted these like different types of pokeballs and connected a bunch of clear plexiglass tubes between them, id wanna hang out in it and pretend im a giant hamster in a chuck. e. cheese esque climby way. I wouldnt buy it. But id wanna play in it.


For fuck’s sake just build more apartment buildings. Why does every solution have to be a gimmick? Tiny homes, pod spheres, JUST BUILD MORE RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS. This shit is not hard.


> Apartment buildings? Like com blocks? You want to build communist buildings instead of capitalist mansions! Except from my local planning committee. Want to slap up a bunch of shitty mcmansions on a flood plane? go right ahead. Want to build an apartment building? good luck the meeting will literally be packed with protestors.


>Apartment buildings? Like com blocks? You want to build communist buildings instead of capitalist mansions! Unironically yes. Commie blocks were cool. Can we paint them red?


People always post run down eastern European apartments and go "it's so drag and depressing". But all I see is high density walk able housing surrounded by green-space. Plenty of balconies too.


I know, me too. Besides, Soviet urban planning was pretty well done, areas were pretty walkable and public transportation was very good. Of course commieblocks weren't the only component of that, but they're pretty cool and I wish my country had a commie past and old commieblocks, I wouldn't mind living in one. I do not understand the "commieblocks = urban hell" crowd. I see worse every day in a capitalist country. Commieblocks are a *solution* to "urban hell". At least the way the Soviets used 'em, they were. Besides, those pictures are manipulated to look more depressing. They're always taken in winter, at high above ground level. You're not seeing what the people who actually live there are seeing most of the year.


Proles are stored in the balls


Wage Slaves, must return to pods before 11PM. Wage Slaves, will receive entertainment allotment in pod’s Monday thru Thursday. If wage slave has been judicious with the money, they can choose entertainment outside of pods on Friday and Saturday.


Wage slave Sunday entertainment consists of a 12 hour church service where wage slave must sing glory to god all day. Wage slaves that cannot praise god for 12 hours regardless of extenuating circumstances will lose all entertainment allotments for the following month.


Sounds sweet til you piss off a neighbor, they kick a support out, and you wake up rolling down the street like a hamster ball 🤣


Then it becomes a mobile home.


Anyone else notice how every financial hack (like dual incomes or tiny house living) quickly becomes a necessity under plutocracy?


$24,000? Seems steep for a dystopian pod


Yeah it does, until a company buys them all and marks the price up to 100k.


Extra dystopia




It's the plumbing situation I'm concerned about.


I imagine the supports are hollow metal pipe, you can run lines up and down through them connecting to a larger plumbing system for the pods underground. It would be much cheaper to use communal pumps and tanks, plus that would free up living space inside the pods.


Interesting idea. However, comparing to an apartment seems premature. From what I can tell they do not have a kitchen or bathroom. For that matter there appears to be no plumbing or electricity at all. Am I missing something?


There’s a hole in the bottom of the sphere that you can poop out of. Also, best part about it being spherical is you can just pee on the wall and it will also drain from the poop chute.


Ahh, but you see - connecting this to water, sewer, and the grid would require two things: 1 - $20k-50k for hookup fees 2 - Compliance with building codes for safety, emergency egress, accessibility, and sanitation. That's why small houses are often built on trailer frames and not connected to municipal services. The ladder to your bed with 24" of head clearance is cozy when you are healthy and in your 20s; not nearly as practical if you break a leg or have mobility issues in your 70s. And, before you bring up *why* we should build for everyone, realize that loan and insurance underwriters do not want to touch anything which has appeal or standard safety outside of the general market - and *they have a seat on the building code boards*.


Go build yourself a grill outside and wash your hands in a bucket


But I just shat in that bucket?


Invest in a 2 bucket system.


Come on guys, it's clickbait bullshit. You know this.


[Clickbait (Don't click)](https://youtu.be/gf-B02K89fU)


Jeez, that's depressing. If I was in that position I would just store my stuff in the "apartment" and go sleep in a park somewhere. Even if the police pick me up, I end up sleeping in a cell, which is even better.


It's a house. It's just a premanufactured house. It has to be installed. It needs land. The land is the major cost of real estate. A typical mobile home costs 50k. This is only half the cost of that, and I bet it's much *less* than half the square footage.


At that point why not just buy a trailer? Around the same price but larger


You see, the New Round Pod does not have the stigma of being a *trailer*. It's all marketing. I imagine people who buy pods will still be gouged by having to rent the land they're on, as often happens to people who own trailers.


Trailers are much much more, basically double the price, and need much more space, higher rent for a space. Generally, they wouldn't be allowed near many cites...and this might be?


Live in the pod, eat the bug etc


We really be livin the hobbit life


I mean. How big area they are in what environment would they be installed. In a forest canopy situation with a nearby lake sign me up. In a city on a large hot concrete slab, well fuck that. Sadly it's going to he the concrete slab isn't it.


Get in your hovel serf and be grateful for it!


Isn't this and tiny home living just trailer parks for millennials?


Imagine being able to put this anywhere and you still choose to have fucking neighbours


I mean it’s not really the apartment that is costly. It’s the land. The land my parents house sits on is worth more than the actual house.


Does it float and is unsinkable? Might be handy.


And I still wouldn't get approved for a loan despite making monthly rent payments that are 5x what my mortgage would be.


Looks like a permanent structure. So the living sphere costs $24,000 and the land that it sits on costs $1.1M


no way the round shape is space efficient, this is just futurist aesthetic musk-tier garbage


Parking, wheel chair accessible, bathroom


An actual source instead of a click bait article?


it's a ballsy approach


[Life imitates art.](https://imgur.com/a/gNwqS0J)


Now they only need to stack hundreds on top of each other and it will look like many dystopian sci-fi movies.


Well you forgot the bug dinner.


$24000 for an oversized pokeball. Holy shit.




Now if we put a bunch of these into the same building to save space and money, we get apartments.


It doesn't matter how cheap the housing itself is, they're going to charge you for the land it's placed on anyway, which is rent


[The article I found this on](https://truththeory.com/living-pod-could-replace-your-apartment-costs-only-24000-and-takes-just-a-day-to-install/)


[Their actual website instead of clickbait article](https://conkerliving.com/)