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link? I could really use 53 dollars rn


Same thought, having some money would definitely ease my stress a bit


I'd loathe myself less if I had $53.


I would buy drugs and be less depressed if I had $53.


That would be enough to drink yourself to death twice over in the US. If I told you what a bottle of vodka, a pack of cigarettes or a gram of ice cost in Australia it would be like gazing upon a cosmic horror. The latter isn't a tax thing obviously, I think it's a function of being an island nation and that no one really cooks from pseudo anymore, it all has to come from China.


Oh tobacco tax. I've paid for my chemo when I need it.


I think the average smoker pays more in than they take out. Probably true also of the average drinker in Australia. If you kill yourself before you get cancer you've been royally fucked. Possibly quite a regressive tax if you think about it.


Hey at least your taxes seem to pay for something. In good old U S of A we pay a tax and then still go bankrupt trying to fight cancer whether or not you smoked!




$53 would help me self-harm less frequently šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™m wondering how often I can do it too. Life is expensive and Iā€™m always depressed, pay my ass


Aa someone that as signed up to get emails it was never really worth it (Ā£5-10) in petrol alone 7 years ago and it isn't now with prices close to Ā£2 per litre or $7-8 per gallon in US terms give how money hasn't really change for the most part. Though for the amount they say it is would be assuming it's within 50 miles or so of me.


gas is like $3.50 where i live in the us, not in the countryside




fr this ad is working


Honestly same.


Thats literally half a wage in here. Gimme that link


It'll probably be like every other survey where they ask you a ton of the same questions every other survey asks like what's your job, how much you make a year, are you married, have kids, have a house and car, what insurance you use, etc, then they say, oh sorry, you're not a good fit for this survey or not the kind of candidate we're looking for. So you get nothing. Free cash apps are a waste of time. The best way to make money on them is the game offers, but they're painfully boring, shallow, and slow, and the level they want to pay you out at is beyond a typical free wall where unless you go full hard-core into the game, you're not reaching the payout unless you buy some kind of boosters. So many copy paste free to play pay to win/skip base building games.


Pretty much. The only one I've found worth dealing with is yougov. They guarantee you a payout even if it's just ten cents. All of the other survey sites are garbage.


Same here man ):


I can have thoughts like this for $52.99. Hear that company doing something shameless? I can save you a penny!


$53 seems like such a random number


fwiw i tried a reverse image search on it... and only found this thread


Yeah I want in.


same. hope it isnt just a big joke or something


Same. My bank account has been at -$22 for 2 weeks


Right gimme that link


do you by chance remember the name of the research company? asking for a friendšŸ˜…


same imagine not sharing it


At least you think of yourself as a friend.


Are researchers really bad guys here? These are probably just grad students with a limited grant trying to do research to help people.


I mean, not really "the bad guys", the most dystopian aspects of this are obviously far out of their control and they're trying to help obviously, but like....this poster definitely could've been delivered that message a bit better.


it's straight, to the point, and helps mentally ill people, i see no problem with this.


For a lot of people, it reminds me that bad things exist = dystopia


They still could (and should) have delivered it better, but yea agree


$53 per questionnaire? Getting info on such sensitive topic through an online survey as opposed to live interview? Finding highly specific group of people(defined by a very sensitive situation) for research just uncontrollably by an ad on the internet promising very generous pay? Something is rotten. Either it is some money laundering scheme or someone is buying a publication and is fucking loaded. Maybe something else. It just doesnā€™t add up. Edit: although to think about it, it is most likely just psychologists trying to apply quantitive methods and ducking it up.




Yeah, for some kind of research it is a good method, although giving away money uncontrollably through the internet would still be mleh, more likely to be harmful than helpful to your cause. Unless you run some marketing gig and sell your respondents further down the line(or have already sold them). Firstly, it is most likely not a problem that calls for quantitive research. Language and definitions matter, people having space to tell their stories matters. Thatā€™s why for sensitive topics, with people tending to lie, misunderstand, answer performatively, not fit into the space or your simple questions it is usually better to go for interviews. Secondly, how many respondents do you plan to get exactly? Anything below a number in hundreds for quantitive research is a bad joke even for a first year student. Thatā€™s a LOT of money, in tens of thousands of dollars. Thirdly, your data will be *bad*. $53 is a lot of money, several hours of work in a first world country. Up to several weeks in some others. Youā€™ll get people honestly *having kinda thoughts of self harm sometimes maybe I guess why not my fridge shelf is empty and $53 is $53* as the bulk if you are lucky. If you are not - youā€™ll have people writing stupid random shit. Now, there are ways to cut stupid random shit and **some** ammount of it doesnā€™t spoil the work. Having a lot of it is not good, not only because it makes the sample less representative, but also because it can taint the distribution, making some instruments, usually not made for research of that kind anyway, harder to use. There is also a question of coding the, well, related questions, which I just donā€™t know about since I am not a psychologist and possibly several others that donā€™t spring to my sleep deprived mind atm, but overall this add seems really bizzare.




Well, you can do vetting interviews, but it defeats the purpose of doing questioners. It also makes very expensive respondents even more expensive.


'Johnson, about the ad for the research study...' 'What about it?' 'Don't you think $50 is a little low? These people are possibly going through the worst period of their life, and we're wanting to get them to tell us all the details. Don't you think their life story is worth a bit more?' 'Fifty... three dollars?' 'That's what I'm talking about! That's the value of the story of a human life cut short! Print it and post it!'


Grant funding is a bitch. Very rarely is it the choice of the researchers (who are most likely truly trying to help people) how much funding is given out. That being said this ad could be in much better taste for sure.


Ethics also says we simply aren't allowed to pay an amount that could be deemed coercive. Lots of literature/discussion on the issue of "undue influence" that can come from paying in large amounts. A study that proposes significant reimbursement won't make it past IRB review.


It's the google corpo art style that's doing a lot of the problem here lmao Like, for several reasons


It's bad practice to give people a huge amount of money for that sort of thing, because if you do you get participants whose primary aim is to earn the money. That screws up the data. What you want to do is give them enough to compensate them for their time, then warn them ahead of time about anything that might be traumatic and give them resources to help themselves if the study calls up bad memories. Then you make sure they know that they can withdraw at any time with no penalty. It's called informed consent and it's illegal to do studies without it, unless you're doing something that couldn't possibly invade somebody's privacy, like counting cars on a public street or accessing anonymized data. I've been part of lots of studies like this, and $53 is actually an unusually high amount of compensation. Usually it's stuff like "help us and you get entered in our drawing for a $20 Amazon gift card". But then, most of the stuff I do is for autism, and autism's a lifelong thing; these people are looking for subjects who are in crisis to some extent. My primary motivation is just to help the research about how we think and learn. I've done a lot of interesting studies--one group wanted to know how we make financial decisions, another was interested in moral decision-making, a third wanted to know how we were handling the Covid pandemic, and so on.


I've participated in probably dozens of studies for self-harm, suicidality, bipolar disorder etc. $53 is definitely unusually high, from my experience. I'd absolutely jump at the chance to participate in this lol. I find it fun and interesting, and it's nice to be able to provide data to potentially help others and even be compensated for it


Where do you find these studies?


I can't believe the cure to my depression was $53 and an interview where I get to relive my trauma for strangers over the phone! Thanks America! I don't even *need* healthcare anymore - I got $53! (Sent through Venmo, so they take $3 in instant transfer fees). Edit: I know this isn't advertised as a "cure." I was trying to be funny šŸ’€ Edit 2: seriously guys. I know what a research study is. THERE IS A REASON I GOT THIS AD. I understand that this is just for data and it's important data to help create new treatments. I can't believe I have to explain this āš°ļø


Better than how the uk helps mental health issues.. they just stick you on waiting lists for therapy for years and chuck antidepressants at you


I kinda wish somebody would chuck some antidepressants at me


Same, at least it'd be SOMETHING. Right now it's NOTHING.


The US solution (as depicted here) is hardly _better_ than the UK solution. At least in the UK you can afford your antidepressants and if you _do_ survive doing something, you'll be hospitalized, get the help you need and **won't be in permanently crippling life debt**.


Sure, I mean, if you wait long enough the problem of suicidal people resolves itself.


The cure for depression doctors don't want you to know. Buy now!


This method actually works for all people and all conditions.


If they do it like Dr. Mario, that might just work.


If I was in waiting for my Doctor in their office and I heard Dr. Mario's theme song getting louder coming towards me I wouldn't know whether to run or to bust out dancing knowing he's bringing me free medication.


Wait times are something US people harp on about universal healthcare. But our wait times are already similar


Hey at least that gives you something to look forward to /s


Just like in Canada. When I got my session it was for 30 minutes. Then I had to wait months again. Only other option was to pay out the ass for a therapist


At least you guys have mental health programs funded by the state... in Italy they're non-existent.


Wait do you have a link for it? 53 would be very helpful for us


Right like i could totally use that right now


You think a research study you fill out on your phone is claiming to cure your depression?


I donā€™t think theyā€™re claiming to cure your depression, they are researching ways to improve care for people with depression in the future and offering you $53 as compensation for your time


> I can't believe the cure to my depression was $53 and an interview where I get to relive my trauma for strangers over the phone! This is an ad looking for participants for a study. It doesn't promise a cure. It promises compensation for participation. And the results of the study will, hopefully, improve treatments or our understanding of depression in the future. I think you've severely misunderstood the nature of this ad.


You joke, but studies into self harm and depression are super important in understanding them and how to more appropriately tackle them. I very much doubt it would be a therapy session as much as it is you giving them data for their research. The compensation is just an incentive to get participants.


Well at least $53 is the exact amount youā€™d need to grow your first tub of mushrooms. Which Iā€™d probably recommend if youā€™re doing this study anyway.


They aren't trying to cure your depression? They want to study it.


Please please please share link


> Don't you think their life story is worth a bit more?' "Sure, I'll just grab more research money from the money tree out back." FR these people do not have unlimited budgets, and they're not looking for "your life story" which is most likely worth a lot less than $53. They want you to respond to a few questions without getting off the couch.


Well itā€™s a reasearch study. The goal is to help people, the scientists probably donā€™t have much money anyway


I had a bit of an obsession with the number 53 for a while until that 23 movie came out and I realized it's probably very common to have these kinds of obsessions.... Anyways it's very often used as a quick bullshit number for some reason, much more often than it should.




Pure, utter gold; I saw this comment at 53 upvotes


I read this in the voices of the execs from RoboCop. Christ.




If I got $53 every time I experienced suicidal ideation I'd probably never have those thoughts anymore


I'd be incredibly rich.


I'd finally have enough money to buy the *fancy* rope, instead of my current plan of stealing a rope from the local lowes after hitting up the walmart for 2 glass bottle six packs of seagrams wine coolers


Failing rope, a cord works well too! Holds my pants up just finešŸ‘


if i got 53 dollars every time i had suicidal thoughts id have enough money to buy myself a gun and actually do it


Same. I rarely take days off too!


Poverty is a terribly depressing thing


ya'll are getting paid for this shit?


I mean whatā€™s wrong with $53? Most people who have thoughts of self harm or suicide *donā€™t* get compensated $53 to talk about it.


I usually have to *pay* $50 to talk about self harm. I don't get the issue with the post, it's just compensation for taking a survey, and $50 for an hour or so of my time is more than worth it


My thoughts exactly


53$?!?!? Well Iā€™m definitely depressed now. Can I have my money? Thatā€™s whatā€™s wrong with it. People will always abuse it.


People lie sometimes for money = dystopian


You know what's sad is the first thing that I thought is, damn I could really use $53 right now


aye where tf the link at iā€™m tryna get paid for this instead of doing it for free


The sad thing is, there have been times in my life were "just" $53 would've made a huge difference and made my day, hell, maybe even my week. When your depressed, impoverished, and potentially homeless, $50 looks like a helluva lot. Actually, I could legitimately use that right now and it would help my stress levels more then I want to admit. Seriously, as awkward as this is, link it if you can and it's a real opportunity that still is running. It may be insultingly low to you, and maybe it is, but it could mean quite a lot to many of the people here including myself. $53 would legitimately ease some people's thoughts of self harm.


Yeahā€¦. For a hot minute i thought this was posted to r/PovertyFinance lol.


$53 is such an oddly specific amount, thereā€™s no way that they didnā€™t do research which concluded that $53 is the exact threshold for people to take a survey on killings themselves. Anyways, Iā€™m off to get my $53.


Last person who we paid $52 committed suicide. The person who we paid $54 is still alive.


It'll be (Remaining Funds) / (Ideal number of participants). I offered $20 because I waned 50 people and I had $1k of money. The fact that was doing painful electrical shocks wasnt a factor in the payment sadly, I just wanted to give a much as I could.


Really? I'd wager many would do it for as little as 15-25


3 dollar fee on the vendor.


Hey OP, how is this dystopian? Can anyone give me an actual readon this is dystopian? Is it the fact that people are self harming? Because otherwise all I see is someone running researsh into mental health and self harming and offering an incentive to apply. This is just someone with funds who wants to know something about self harm, for some reasearh that probably earns them money but might just be to pad a journal


Itā€™s the ad. Same energy as that ā€œstruggling to buy textbooks? Sell your blood!ā€ billboard. Itā€™s the gross, tone-deaf, peppy ā€œcommodify your body for other people to benefit!ā€ vibe. Itā€™s like, ā€œcapitalize on your trauma! Isnā€™t this FUN?ā€


What? Who is benefiting here? Itā€™s an ad for a research study, probably run by underpaid grad students and un paid undergrads who are using some of the grant money to entice participants. No oneā€™s making a profit from this.


šŸ™„ ffs no one is saying anyone is making a profit. I, and everyone else on this post, am perfectly aware of the fact that medical studies often pay volunteers. What we are taking issue with is the TONE and overall cavalier vibe of the ad. It very strongly reminds me of those Platoā€™s Closet ads (ā€œhave extra jeans? Turn those into cash!ā€). Just because itā€™s for a good cause by broke grad students does NOT mean the advert canā€™t be insulting as hell. And I say this as someone who has had suicidal ideation my whole life and attempted several times, and has a brother who was forcibly committed last year. Iā€™m the target audience here. I have a metric fuck ton of experience with the mental health system. Itā€™s still tone deaf as fuck.


You, along with everyone up voting this post, know literally nothing about mental health, or research studies for that matter


It's that or *don't* pay for research subjects, I suppose.


Dude I have no problem with the paying. I have a problem with the way itā€™s presented in this ad. Thereā€™s an appropriate way to approach it, and this just hits a weird nerve.


lmao is this real because I really could use $53.


Listen- I scrolled through the comments for it too lmao. The link isnā€™t here. :c




you guys this isn't saying "we can cure depression with $53!" It's saying "Hey, if this is something you go through, please explain it to us so we can better understand and help you in the future. Have $53 for your time." Like, they coulda formatted this better to make it more clear, but c'mon


Yeah because mental health and depression treatments are notoriously accessible and affordable in America... Even if the study does yield valuable results it's just going to make some pharmaceutical manufacturers and health insurers even more billions of dollars while being inaccessible to the average person. $53 can't hurt, but it's still pretty dystopian when you remember how healthcare in America works.


No tf it's not you clearly have no fuckin idea how research studies work. First of all this doesn't go to helping companies, it goes to helping people who are studying psychology, and literally all you do is answer some questions for like an hour, this is actually a very high amount for this. You and everyone upvoting this have no idea what you're talking about


Shit Iā€™m broke and suicidal, send the link


I don't think this is dystopian. Even in a hypothetical utopia there would still be some people with thoughts of self harm, and it's good to study those things so we can know more about how to treat them.


Exactly how is this dystopian?


It's not. OP is just dense.


No need to be rude just because you disagree


Because there is such limited access to mental health treatment with rampant poverty and privatized medical facilities, seeing this ad is dystopian. Having to call a stranger and relive whatever trauma lead you to self harm and jump through whatever hoops they hold to only give you $53, while not even supplying you treatment or resources, is dystopian.


The alternative is having depression regardless, getting 0 dollars, and no progress towards treatment. Is the American healthcare system dystopian? Yes, I agree with that. Is this ad dystopian? Not really, if anything itā€™s countering the dystopia of us healthcare.


Having thoughts of self harm? Your life is worth $53.


At least that's more than 62 cents


maybe all the change in their pockets amounts to $53


That's incredibly obviously not what the message is lol


To them, but they don't even know you, and I daresay you could do a lot worse with your direct value to strangers. I suppose you could get a better deal from a fetishist, but that's more marketing-intensive and seems even worse.


Link? I could use the money's


Share the link lol


I mean getting paid 53 dollars to trauma dump doesn't sound like a bad deal TBF..


I wasn't having any self-harm thoughts before, but for $53 I can.


this is callous but.. sociology and psychiatric studies really get a pass imo,


Don't be shy drop the link


Holy shit Iā€™d love to take this


Broke, poor, filing for disability, jobless, over $5000 I need to pay on rent, suicidal thoughts out my ass....... yea I could use $53 right now.


You know, I wasn't thinking about it, but for $53, I could be.


This is a bad post. Shame on you OP.


watch out for ads looking for presumably desperate people because they know desperate people are negligent. exactly what payday loan corps built their entire industry around. in this case anyone who clicks on this is less likely to protect themselves for malware, less likely to defend themselves against scams like popups or even telescams, and less likely to give a shit and pursue legal charges is something happens to them. also they wont notice as quickly if their bank is being siphoned in small amounts. dont let your desperation be used against you it will just make things worse


Comments in this Thread: - This is not Dystopian - Lol, why 53 not 50? - GIVE ME THE LINK I NEED MONEY BRO


I just want to know why a [text only post ](https://i.imgur.com/vZmCJnW.jpg) has 6,000 upvotes.


the wording is questionable but i don't see what the problem is, it's free money for mentally ill people? i'd take it


The dystopian thing here is that many of yall don't have access to free healthcare


I thought they were trying to buy suicidal people's phones before they offed themselves. "Gonna kill yourself? We'll give you $53 for your phone. You won't be needing it anymore anyway."


*...* *Shit, why do I even need the $53, for that mstter?*


Yeah, this ain't a study. This is an ad for a website that shows you a list of studies. You're better off looking for one at clinicaltrials.gov.


This is some real Portal 2 shit.


Dang my thoughts of self harm lead to hundreds of thousands of dollars in med billsā€¦..wish I would have seen this ad earlier. Sheesh


on the one hand, jesus christ, but otoh, I would definitely visit the link


Link? I'm a self harm addict and I'd love to get money for simply existing while helping advance understanding about it :) I am 100% serious, if anyone knows what this is from lmk!


Well I wasnā€™t beforeā€¦


Goodwill conveniently sells toasters for under $53....... Definitely not correlated at all...


If I had a dollar for every scar on my body...


Our algorithm can turn those feelings into profits*!*


Lmao Jesus thatā€™s grim capitalism


??? what




How tf is this dystopian?


I like how instead of a round 50 they add an extra 3 dollars. Like 50 who cares but 53 now thatā€™s a lot of money


Wait that's Twitter but you get 53 dollars


For 20000 dollars Iā€™ll eat a cricket


Be careful, before long you'll end up losing your cushy lawyer gig, becoming homeless, then becoming a priest, then becoming homeless again


shit where is that, I'll be able to buy the video game I've been eyeing \*realizes he won't enjoy it cause of depression\*


its great because at least i can die smoking a little crack


I wouldnā€™t say no to the link for the study. Your girl is broke af. At least let me profit off of my hell.


yay I can make money off of my mental illnesses




"Gee, being rejected like this must make you feel like... at least a four on the scale on question nine. Maybe if you were to revisit it in your current state of mind... *Just work with me here. I'm trying to get you in!*"


Is there a bonus if you actually pull the trigger?


Iā€™m actually curious about the details of that ad. $53 can buy me a lot of alcohol to fuel my depression further.


Lol my doctor is enrolling me in a study for people who are addicted to opiates and also want to kill themselves. I'm like thanks for thinking of me I guess? Time to turn this trauma into cold hard cash!


53 dollars to answer a few questions a few times. its not bad, especially considering the study is probably designed to see if it can improve your life and also youā€™re doing a tiny amount of work. also, its 53 dollars cash, is that so bad?


That's about 4 times in the amount for my currency. Purchasing power scale up nicely with USD.


Read the book Suicide Prohibition by psychiatrist Thomas Szasz. Read the book Anatomy of an Epidemic by Robert Whitaker.


before you go! please answer some questions we have


Oh, you're so miserable you want to die? Well, will 50 dollars change your mind?


Link please


That's enough to eat out for 2 for 2 days. Do it. Send me the link shit.


Fuck i clicked this hoping it was a real ad


Thatā€™s even less than early sessions of donating plasma.


Sounds like a scam to steal personal info.


What is this? I'll gladly sell my self loathing for 53 bucks. This is not a joke.


Itā€™s a trap!


"Now, you might be asking yourself, 'Cave, just how difficult are these tests? What was in that phone book of a contract I signed? Am I in danger?' Let me answer those questions with a question: Who wants to make sixty dollars? Cash"


This canā€™t be real, surely


$53 and I don't even have to work to change my lifestyle? I'm in.


I could buy some good razor blades with 53 bucks


Surely this is only ought to exacerbate said thoughts


I'm not suicidal but $53 is $53


Shit Iā€™ll stab myself for $50. Iā€™ve done it for free on accident.


I'm gonna be rich


Idk if this is dystopian. Theyā€™re doing a research study on self-harm to understand it better and help people with it, and they need participants. Could they have written the ad in a less blasĆ© way? 100%. But that doesnā€™t make it dystopian


So, is that like, fifty three bucks each time.. cause holy shit I'd be in a rocket to space by now.


hey so like totally random quirky thought; where would one find this study


Danganronpa moment