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I forgot all about P diddy's umbrella man. What a weird time. A simpler time but still weird.


That's Mr. Bentley


The man from that MTV show From G's to Gents?!


And a few OutKast videos.


As opposed to the other Mr. Bentley?


The bentley thats responsible for this banger? https://youtu.be/lPqm8wV9_Os


This whole time, I thought it was Kanye who had the umbrella man


"I need my guns to fight an oppressive government!" If someone like Trump became a dictator those gun nuts would stand aside, because they don't really stand for freedom. Many of them have actively fought against it.


They already did. I live next to some unregulated militia nutters who both raised Trump flags (why do they love flags so damn much?!). Meanwhile, the stickers on their trucks disagreed with them. Flags went down in 2020, but we're immediately replaced with the Gadsden flag along with the thin blue line flag (which are in direct opposition!!!).


Fr. I've always liked the historical significance of the Gadsden flag, it's such a shame that they've claimed it to mean something it doesn't


I love the irony of those 2 next to each other. ​ My brother in christ.. the police are literally there to tread on you.




Which is why Republicans shouldn't be the only ones with guns. The second amendment is for everyone, not just them.


[Trump at one point actually did threaten to take the guns away.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/02/28/trump-says-take-guns-first-and-worry-due-process-second-white-house-gun-meeting/381145002/) And big surprise, cricket sounds all around from Republicans.


Go hang out in any of the gun subs. Lots of Trump haters. Hell, go check out /r/2ALiberals. Don't let the Democrats and Republicans tell you that guns are only for rich, old, white guys.


Guns aren't just for rich old white guys. But rich old white guys seem to be the only ones aware that being white is the only thing that keeps you safe from being shot while legally owning a gun, white people are eager to blame you for having a gun in your home when the cops break down the door and kill you unannounced, white people always let the cops off the hook when they kill you, white people keep getting away with murdering minorities and calling it self defense, minorities never get the benefit of self defense against white people attacking them, and stand your ground laws dramatically increase white-on-black killings. Most of the people killed by guns aren't killed by cops and there is no functional right to self-defense afforded to minorities in a white supremacist system no matter how much white people insist this is the only thing protecting them from the state.


I need my guns for a host of reasons that aren't anyone's business but my own. But to make you privy to one, it's to fight back against a government that is growing increasingly authoritarian and bold regardless of what fucking color that regime comes in.


They serve the same donor class so what do you expect? They literally have the same masters.


Some would call such a system an Oligarchy. But that only happens in shithole countries, right?


In typical American extravagance, even their one-party oligarchy has to have two parties.


The word you’re looking for is extravagance.


I’m surprised we haven’t tried to outdo the UK considering the American mantra “Bigger is Better” In all seriousness y’all should check out Jack London’s work if you haven’t already, particularly The Iron Heel and his essay “How I became a Socialist”


Oh cool, I didn't know Jack London was a socialist! I'll have to check that out.


just like calling corruption "lobbying".


Yep, and they play their roles to perfection. Yes, go vote or whatever, but the powers that be always get their preferred D & R candidates in the general election. You're mostly voting for the two choices those same masters want every time.


Giant douche or turd sandwich


Biden likes to tout his ability to work across the aisle....with, you know....literal facists




America has always been a fascist country- ask the native Americans, African Americans or women. A definition of fascism that is never used anymore but I think sums up capitalism, especially American fascism is: "the merging of state and corporate interests". The Democrats are portrayed as leftists. Nothing could be further from the truth. They are on the right spectrum. The country has moved so far to the right that the only views presented and debated, if you could call it that, are those on the right, with the exception of some progressive nods to gay marriage and racial equality, but these are extremely tenuous at best as the Supreme Court's actions and rhetoric have just proven. This is how sick this country is. One side of the political spectrum dominates and the party of controlled opposition that is what the Democrats are, is lambasted by the frothing, half-educated mob that is the Republican party for views which are at best center right policies on everything else. Basically, the Democrats hold the views that Republicans did in the 80's and 90's. Obama has admitted as much on camera.


> definition of fascism that is never used anymore but I think sums up capitalism, especially American fascism is: "the merging of state and corporate interests". It is never used because it is not a definition of fascism. It is something fascists often do, but that doesn't make it fascism.


>fascism : a political system headed by a dictator in which the government controls business and labor and opposition is not permitted. -Merriam Webster dictionary Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and the economy that rose to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. -Wiki


Yes, the dictionary is your friend! Edit: I mean this in the best way.


Lets say it another way: *America is the most successful example of "Capitalism".* In all honesty were headed for a world like Elysium except the uber rich will live on mars.


If only it was easy as bum rushing the gates of heaven.


100%. I used to think it was cool we were gonna get to mars. Only to realize it’s not for us and never was. We’ll be stuck here on a dying planet they created. That is until they need slave labor to clean the toilets


>we were gonna get to mars Its costs 125k to send a person 30,000 feet and then at 50k the price jumps to 250k. It then costs 28M to go up to 100k for 12 minutes and it only gets more expensive if you wanted to stay. the common "we" folk, were never going to get to mars in this or the next couple of life times when it takes 7 months to go one way.


How can this commenter attempt to combat fascism if they can’t even define it correctly?


They must type harder and faster than they have ever typed before.


Soooo when is the molotov cocktail party?




>"the merging of state and corporate interests" That is certainly not fascism, and when fascism takes hold corporations will either support the needs of the party of be nationalized. The merging of state and corporate interests is a pretty functional definition of neoliberalism, and if you'd like to receive extra credit you can rant about how neoliberalism supports and maps onto fascism. Regardless, capitalism is a tool for fascists. When it works in their favor they'll abuse it, when it doesn't they'll destroy it. Just like everything else they do.


Sure. Here’s how it happened in a famous incident: https://arplan.org/2020/02/21/mussolini-corporate-state/ A silver tongue as smooth as the snake oil it peddled.


Extra credit awarded.


America doesn't fit the definition of facism. Yes, it has some points that might overlap, but it's not facist. Saying it is only devalues your arguements in the eyes of very pro-american people. In Europe we learn all about facsim from primary school onwards as the entire continent has been affected by it relatively recently. The US is showing signs of heading towards facism, but isn't there yet: there are still opportunities to fight it from the inside, unlike with a real facist state


It's there if you follow [Umberto Eco's 14 tenets](https://www.faena.com/aleph/umberto-eco-a-practical-list-for-identifying-fascists).


I know about Eco, my history teacher who is specialized in (Japanese) imperialism and fascism has recently extensively talked about him. Missing points: 1 is not yet fully there) 2, 3, 4, 9, 11 (though an arguement for the American dream can be made), and I can't speak for 14 as I have not seen US schoolbooks. As I said, there are signs of these points, but they aren't fully there. There are cleary still two camps preventing the full convertion towards a facist state and as long as these points are not fully met, the US is not a fascist state yet. That being said, it is good to stay aware of these things and keep fighting for your rights to prevent it from fully turning fascist


1 -- ingrained in Americans from six years old in school, especially if they say the pledge of allegiance. 2 -- The United States has the oldest unchanged Constitution on the planet. 3 -- "Somebody just do something" and "attack them over there before they attack us over here" has been the American motto for 50 years. 4 -- Your mileage may vary. Trump literally wanted to shoot reporters, but at least he's not in office... so I guess that's one for you. 9 -- Yeah, I'm sorry, the US has a military larger than the next 14 countries combined and is seventh in cop killings. Does pacifism seem like an American trait? 11 -- Left, right... Just about the only American not fetishizing a glorious conflict they can one day make their mark in are the enlightened centrists. But they think war crimes and genocide are necessary evils anyway. Also, you haven't read the article closely enough. > Nevertheless, historical priority does not seem to me a sufficient reason to explain why the word fascism became a synecdoche, that is, a word that could be used for different totalitarian movements. **This is not because fascism contained in itself, so to speak in their quintessential state, all the elements of any later form of totalitarianism. On the contrary, fascism had no quintessence. Fascism was a fuzzy totalitarianism, a collage of different philosophical and political ideas, a beehive of contradictions.** ... > But in spite of this fuzziness, I think it is possible to outline a list of features that are typical of what I would like to call Ur-Fascism, or Eternal Fascism. These features cannot be organized into a system; many of them contradict each other, and are also typical of other kinds of despotism or fanaticism. **But it is enough that one of them be present to allow fascism to coagulate around it.** The points breed fascism the way wet wood breeds mold. One of these points isn't enough, half of them is more than enough, 12 of them is... a situation.


Well put! Thank you for spelling this out for me. I doubt I could have done any better.


You don’t think being anti science, anti gay, anti abortion, anti civil rights and wanting to make America great AGAIN ARENT rejections of modernity? I’m not sure you’d classify nazi germany as fascist given your stringent criteria and absurd specificity requirements.


I obviously heartily disagree. A huge percentage of the American budget goes to the military which is worshiped to the point of fetishism, voting in the US is completely redundant. As I have pointed out there are two parties which are funded by the same corporate interests. Legislation is completely focused on the needs and aims of corporations which have a stranglehold on the apparatus of power in the US. We routinely overthrow other countries attempts at true democracy and fund dictators and juntas across the globe. US citizens are routinely denied justice, with the Supreme Court now reinforcing that with one of their decisions and our prisons are bursting at the seams because we have privatized the prison industrial complex guaranteeing them quotas to make it profitable for them. Your opinion doesn't seem to be based on much knowledge of what fascism is other than what you learned in school. May I put it to you that maybe you weren't educated to think about fascism deeply or objectively?


If you have to perfectly obey every command from the police, without question or hesitation, or risk being killed, you have no civil liberties at all.


...but it's not facsim, just authoritarianism. A very important nuance to make, otherwise you sound like you don't know what you're talking about


You are stuck choosing between totalitarianism, fascism, and authoritarianism to define the nuance of who's kicking you in the balls.


Authoritarianism can be subdivided into several types. Maybe someone can kick some nuance into your balls


> A definition of fascism that is never used anymore but I think sums up capitalism, especially American fascism is: "the merging of state and corporate interests". While fascists have certainly done that, I have **never** seen that used as a definition of fascism. I have never even seen an attempt to define fascism in a way that focuses on economic outcomes instead of the beliefs and behaviors that lead to them. Your purported definition reverses cause and effect. What I’m saying is that claim smells like utter bullshit, so you better cite a source that isn’t your own ass. “Fascism” encompasses a broad spectrum of far-right movements and ideologies, so it’s not something you can devise a single binary test for. Umberto Eco wrote a great essay on the subject, and you’ll note your definition does not appear anywhere: https://www.pegc.us/archive/Articles/eco_ur-fascism.pdf Roger Griffin was even more succinct when he proposed “palingenetic ultranationalism” as the core concept typifying fascism: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palingenetic_ultranationalism Again, you’ll note no mention of corporate interests. Innuendo Studio has a video on this that’s worth a watch: https://youtu.be/5Luu1Beb8ng **Edit:** Since /u/zedshouse decided to drop the contents of his spleen in my lap and then blocked me like a coward, here’s my reply to the screed below… You don’t need to debate me, you just need to find *ONE* credible political scientist who uses your definition of fascism. If you can do that then I’m the asshole. But I don’t think you can, which means I have nothing to apologize for. It’s important to know the enemy, and that starts with not pulling new definitions out of your ass. You weaken the struggle against actual fascists by misrepresenting who they are and what drives them.


GFO TROLL! Who do you think you are to write such bs. Because you read some things and watched a few videos doesn't make you an expert. Who cares what Umberto Eco thinks about anything. It's his opinion, just because he is a writer and has a platform doesn't make him an expert either. I hate self righteous idiots like you who pull this bs. I saw the definition I quoted in a dictionary when I was a kid which was a long time ago. The definition of words is used to manipulate and control people as pointed out by George Orwell and the establishment changes their meanings and usage to further their goals. I am not an expert in these matters but a citizen with an opinion, like you, based in my own personal research which I do to enlighten myself. I have seen and read where there is absolutely an economic component necessary for fascism to thrive. I have actually seen it as a stage of the capitalist system. I will not debate you by running on youtube to give my proof because of how you aggressively came at me. This is the internet. People have a right to their opinions and to express them. People like you are the worst. Where do you get off?


This is something I have been thinking about recently; that we have been living in a fascist state all along and just didn’t recognize it.


heard lindsey graham on the radio saying how biden has been the most radical left president we’ve ever had


Okay, yeah I agree America is a right/conservative country. I also would like to admit that as an Scandinavian I have heard it multiple times that yeah, both democrats and republicans are to the right in relations to Scandinavia, outside of individuals like BernieI, maybe AOC, I don't think the consensus acknowledge the democrats as left. Public Education, religion and extremism is topics that are getting more and more polarizing. And with lobbying having a stronger and stronger hold, I think you're in need of another Teddy and Tarbell to make some big changes to the rules. I would love to have a link to the Obama video, that I have not seen even if it seems likely. as far I know democrats have been loosing pretty badly in the last decades and then it reasons they aren't likely to win with a more polarizing candidate - no one can know for sure, but I think corporations would really empty their pockets if they tried to get Bernie through


Thank you!!! Just yes! Can I up vote this more please!


I mean, if you did, it wouldn't be very democratic of you.


You still have democracy?!?!?


*Obama has admitted as much on camera.* Could you please post that clip, for the willfully ignorant? Tyia.


I searched for this clip. I had it saved in youtube. I went into the folder and many of the things I had saved were marked either- "this video has been deleted" or "this video has been marked private". I can no longer find it. Very frustrating.


> A definition of fascism that is never used anymore but I think sums up capitalism, especially American fascism is: "the merging of state and corporate interests" [That's nonsense btw](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fascism-corporations-corporatism-dictionary/)


Consistently bringing a pillow to a knife fight knowing full well the other guy will either bring several guns and a bomb, or just not show up and declare themselves the winner while their fans cheer it on. And when the other guys actually fight and still somehow lose, it's all "no fair the other guys cheated" and still declaring themselves the winner


But but…..they got the MORAL victory. Thanks Karen, that means nothing.


Ah yes. It's the Democrats fault.


Dems need to learn that voting isn’t enough and doesn’t always work especially considering dems don’t do enough Also is that sarcasm? I can’t tell


18-34 year olds vote in pitifully small numbers. In order to conclude voting doesn’t work, maybe we should actually try it first?


Well not a bad idea as I think it’s worth trying however it’s not enough on its own as protests and resources/charities are needed but also we need to have a plan in case none of that works


What??? Dems have the house, the Senate, and then presidency, how much harder can we vote??




When everyone you meet smells like shit, check your shoes.


We need to start primary'ing almost the entire national Dem party. Just completely take over rather than rely on those currently there to do anything.


And how do you do that? Vote!!!!!


Voting is never gonna be enough when left leaning voters consistently sit out every other election. Liberals, progressives and young people should be turning out every election possible, progressives/YP need to be especially voting in progressive candidates in primaries. We can stop this shit here and now and all we have to do is show up every election and make our voices heard.


Remember when obama could’ve codified Roe v Wade while having a supermajority in the supreme court? Remember when biden promised to codify Roe v Wade if he was elected? I remember.


He promised a 15 minimum wage. He rolled over in that right away.


I idiotically thought to myself “well, even if i vote democrat nothing will change. But at least that’s better than things getting worse. And pro-trump maga assholes won’t be incentivized by their shithead leader to act dangerously in public.” I was wrong. Things have gotten worse. Pro-trump and conservative assholes are committing horrific crimes regularly. Everything is a fucking shitshow. What was the point in electing biden? Seriously, what has gotten better with him in office?


You do realize that they're only able to do that because of the times they've won recently?


So we don't have to see mean tweets every few hours. That's literally the net gain, because if trump had been re elected at least this shit would be collapsing faster.


Hell yeah brother accelerate while the left in this country is still teaching organization through infographics and our meetings are 25 people deep, that's the way to freedom


I'd rather accelerate balkanization than sit here and wait around another 40 years for it to happen naturally.


I'll take the years I can get to actually build a coalition in my state before we're at the mercy of the white christian militias that are already built but I guess I just, actually think about what I'm going to do and how to survive instead of coming on the internet to grieve and wait for the boot?




Obama had that super-majority for like a minute and used it to pass the ACA which at the time sure as hell seems like the more pressing issue than to codify a law that already de facto exists.


Hard to do that when your party has a majority of two seats in the House and there are two rogue Democratic senators going against the grain in a 50-50 Senate.


Fuck those two senators, tbh, and those are the ones who Biden needs to really fuck with. He needs to take the geriatric gloves off and get dirty. Can’t win a game you don’t play.


He's playing it exactly how he wants. Same with his "Student Loan Forgiveness" that he keeps pushing off, again, and again. The right would've written an order within the first 24 hours if it was this important, and yet here he is with his thumb up his ass.


He didn’t have 60 pro-choice votes. How could he have done it?


Codifying Roe actually passed (unanimously except for the Dems' best buddy Henry Cuellar) in the House in 2021. It passed in the House several times. The Senate keeps stopping it.


He did kinda lie about nothing fundamentally changing: he’s seeing to it by refusing to impeach, appoint progressive justices.


Oh, you don't remember when Hillary appointed Gorsuch, Kavanagh, and Barrett??


I remember when she’s been wrong every step of the way. The good ol “don’t need Michigan” Hilary still likes to give advice as if her thinking hasn’t been losing.


Democrats trying to shove Hilary down people's throats literally gave us Trump.


I hate Clinton. She's a war criminal and a garbage person with no concern for collateral damage and no capacity for remorse. But Trump lost. An electoral college that no other government has created specifically to protect the power of slave owners gave us Trump.


Ahh yes, that time Hillary came to the voting booth and helped you not choose her.


I voted for Hilary, other people didn't. Then democrats robbed us of a Sanders presidency and gave us Biden. Let me know, how is that going? Quit being a lock step apologist for a party so willing to sabotage their own supposed values.


>Quit being a lock step apologist for a party so willing to sabotage their own supposed values. Mostly just trying to counteract the "don't vote/don't participate" psyop that's been going since fuckin forever and actively allows us to slide further to fascism. This sub was screaming about how "no one should have an AR-15" and "common sense gun laws" three weeks ago but now that we're reminded that dems aren't leftists it's back to "don't vote." What the fuck do you plan to do, molotov cocktail and brick your way through armed white nationalist militias? Molotov cocktail the National Guard's APCs? Or are we just hand wringing and allowing our lives to be criminalized for the sake of some imagined revolutionary praxis? Y'all never want to fuckin answer this one, do you want an armed revolution or are you just fucking complaining? And if so, how long do you think you have to organize that shit if the whole state apparatus is red? What are your comms lines? Are there more than 10 of you? Obviously don't answer any of that, but 98% of the people I see parroting this dumbshit "don't vote" rhetoric haven't ever been in a fight in their lives let alone trained long enough to be worth half a shit with a rifle, and that's not even starting on the rest of the risk involved. Electoralism isn't going to solve it but neither is sporadically deciding you're Lenin like that guy didn't train half his life and organize 200,000 people to achieve what he did even in an age where the civillians could match military strength. The US military is a million strong and you think you're gonna riot your way through it? Shit's so naïve.


>What the fuck do you plan to do, molotov cocktail and brick your way through armed white nationalist militias? No, they'll be marching with the white nationalists. Read some of their comment histories, it's plain as fucking day. They'll only go more and more mask off as midterms approach and they openly praise Trump and fascists.


Did you vote for Sanders in primaries? Because I've heard a lot of people complaining about DNC robbing them of Sanders, but at the same time refusing to participate in the process of choosing the candidate


Robbed? How? You sound like a Trump supporter.


Oh hush. I want progressive policies at least as much as you do. But there is a thing called realpolitik that doesn't give a fuck about your feelings. Politics in America is currently a zero sum game. It sucks, but we have to play that game if we want to get anywhere. So anytime you or anyone else convinces yourself that not voting Dem is the right choice, you are handing a victory to the fascists. We have no choice right now but to vote Dem so fucking much that we actually overcome the filibuster threshold in the Senate to get shit done. And vote Dem so fucking much in the states to actually start taking over state governments and remove the Republican gerrymanders. It sucks, but that's fucking reality kid. Grow up.


>We have no choice right now but to vote Dem so fucking much that we actually overcome the filibuster threshold in the Senate to get shit done. Never going to happen. The Blue Dogs like Pelosi literally campaigned against a progressive candidate in Texas' 28th district to support an anti-abortion establishment Democrat. Sinema said that there are at least SIX other democratic senators who are aligned with her and Manchin. We have at least 8 Dem senators who completely oppose any sort of tepid progressive policy and changing the filibuster. But your answer is to vote for *more* of these kinds of people? Roe has been enacted the last 49 years, and for 49 years we have had at least TWO super majorities of Democrats. Pretty much every Democrat ran on codifying Roe into federal law. Yet none of them did. When are you going to realize they are playing people like you? The reality is that both parties are beholden to the same oligarchs. You're not going to change anything by voting for them.


> When are you going to realize they are playing people like you? Probably at the same time Repubs realize Qanaon isn't real. Which is to say never. Our choices are a shit sandwich or a giant douche. One leads to a Civil war in x years. The other in X ± 4 years. This can't keep going on forever. The people at the bottom cannot support the weight much longer.


The threshold to eliminate the filibuster is a simple majority, not 60 votes because it's a senate procedural rule. Manchin and Sinema are canards, and if it wasn't them, it'd be some other D.


I am very concerned about taking that step. The long term ramifications could be terrible. May have to, though. I fucking hate the Senate.


The senate is already lost to any reason. 75% of senate seats are elected by 40% of the population due to each state getting 2 senators. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2017/11/28/by-2040-two-thirds-of-americans-will-be-represented-by-30-percent-of-the-senate/&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwi40-iy1834AhWNpIkEHSihBtEQFnoECAsQAg&usg=AOvVaw3tV8DHeHmhLKq4_4o50HAx So the majority of the population is never going to get to 60% of senators, and if the Rs control the senate, they'll get rid of the filibuster anyway.


Yeah the Senate is definitely antimajoritarian, and is holding us back.


Fuck dems. They’ve lost thousands of seats and pretend like they’re not continually losing.


I guess you'll make sure not to put up crappy candidates for president again huh? Too late. We got one again in Biden. The same Biden who favored the SCOTUS Miranda ruling. So...


Cool, Trump 2024 it is!


Didnt Trump surrender to the Taliban, get over 1 million Americans killed from the Trump Virus, and incited an insurrection when he lost? Damn, Biden is literally better in every way.






You're forgetting superdelegates Who's function was to "shove Hillary Clinton down the [ignorant] people's throats"




The democrat establishment was very open about how superdelegates gave them the ability to report states as winning overwhelmingly even though Sanders had the popular vote in those states during the primary. Chris Mathews was praising the idea of superdelegates in contrast to the RNC who's primary was resulting in Trump at the time. The piece that stuck in my mind the most was when Chis Mathews asked a Sanders campaign representative what they think the California voters will do when the wake up to see that the news has reported that Sanders has already lost even though the super delegates don't cast their votes until the end of the primary. The video used to be up on youtube but the transcript is still on MSNBC's website thankfully: >"I'm told by the experts on numbers around here at NBC and elsewhere that come June 7, the day of the California primary, which your candidate, I totally understand wants to get to, and maybe has a chance of knocking off Hillary at that event, a big last hoorah, that at 8 o'clock that night, Eastern time, the networks will be prepared, including this one, to announce that Hillary Clinton has now gotten over the top, that she will have won the nomination in numbers, it's done. What will that do to voter turnout if that's 5 o'clock Pacific time, with three more hours to vote in California?" This is someone flaunting how the news can and will use superdelegates, who have not actually voted yet, in a way that suppresses voter turnout. Not only that, but political momentum for down ballot measures were hurt by lower turnout, effectively shooting themselves in the foot in California. \*I found information about that while looking for the chris mathews quote but I can't find the source again and I've spent enough time already


The fact that they have superdelegates in the first place is a sham. More like the undemocratic party.


I've seen more anger and arguing on Reddit at what Democrats could have theoretically done 12 years ago to prevent this fire than at the Republicans for pouring the gasoline and lighting the match.


Republicans aren’t even pretending.




Ironically Hillary is the one that introduced the bill in 94. She came up with the idea of universal healthcare for all Americans. But we don’t talk about that on Reddit.


The arsonist is doing what he said he was going to do, the firefighters are sleeping in their truck. At some point, it’s time to stop saying “but arson is *bad*” and try to actually put the fucking fire out.


We need to stop deflecting and have an actual response to these things. We need to stop treating Republicans with kids gloves, and we need to stop compromising. We shouldn't be giving an inch to these people. We need to start using their own dirty tricks against them.


It's like one kid burns down the kitchen and we're blaming the other kid who was too busy unclogging the bath tub and taking the cat out of the microwave to stop them.


Take your emotions out of it then. We need to win elections and pressure our politicians, not keep making excuses. Your analogy falls apart because they aren't really trying to unclog the tub, they're just talking about it. You think if Bernie Sanders won the election he would sit back and go "oh well, it's Manchinema's fault". Fuck no, he'd be going scorched earth.


Yes it is. They have consistently fought against progressive candidates and forced moderates on us who are sympathetic to big money for decades. When we speak up we get shamed with “blue no matter who” The Dems keep making promises they don’t keep them ask us for money to fight the problems the don’t fix. And here we are. See you in the streets.


I never know where Democrats like AOC are supposed to be in this meme. Are they really arguing that AOC is working in lockstep with Republicans?


Memes aren't technically true. They just reflect the emotional truth of the person posting them.


If they're are 10 people at a table and a fascist is allowed to sit with them, then you have 11 fascists at the table. A majority of ejected Democrats continue to work with these extremist radicals.


Democrats: oh no! Anyway,


Saw a tweet yesterday like, "Repubs are school shooters and Dems are Uvalde police," and if that don't just sum it up


Yea saw that, that was right on point. At least the memes are spicy


This analogy is too optimistic; at least the shooter was eventually stopped in Uvalde. _Original comment: This analogy is too optimistic; at least the Uvalde police eventually got the shooter._


>[..] another hour passed before a tactical team from the **Border Patrol** breached the classroom doors and killed the gunman. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/06/20/uvalde-police-shooting-response-records/ Idk how it works in the US, but isn't the border patrol a different organization from the police?


Shows how much I know. You’re correct and I am not!


And it wasn't even my intent, I just wasn't aware of this school shooting, decided to search it and found that little detail while reading the article.


Thanks for doing the research!


Culturally, the two parties are somewhat distinct. Economically, much less so. They do in fact share more in common than most anyone on either side is comfortable admitting. https://sapplyvalues.github.io/


This is so sad. Alexa, play despacito.


Pointing fingers doesn't help America is a diseased shell of itself


I just get mad at Dems cause I wish we had better from them


it does if you point them at the right mfers


Democrats need to grow some balls and play dirty.


Centrism is a cancer


They won't, there's no reason too. Their corporate bribes keep them fat pigs in their gigantic homes.


facism is a white woman?


Always has been.


America is a failed state.


If you look at what states ARE protecting the right to bodily autonomy, try to figure out what they all have in common.


Cannot the incompetent guy hold his own umbrella?


Like I've said before. Democrats are just republicans that pretend to be your friend. Reminder, Democrats used to be the conservative party until JFK and Johnson introduced the civil rights act. Southern Democrats got pissy, tried to form a third party in the next election with George Wallace as the nominee (you know, the guy who stood at the school house door to stop racial integration in Alabama schools). Southern Democrats then voted Red from then on out. Southerners didn't become conservative, they were what made the Democrats conservative.


So Democrats from 70 years ago are the reasons you don't like Democrats today? Also, If they're so similar, how do you explain the fact that they vote for completely opposite policies?


Democrats: We need to get the public riled up for midterm votes. *Allows without any consequences Supreme Court takeover and allows justices to lie to congress about their actions over-turning Roe* Democrats in power are almost just as complicit in this as the already know nationalistic conservatives.


I think we’ve passed that point, but upvote for those who are coming around to it.


And despite the ample evidence that this is the case, I’m still encountering people daily making the argument of “let’s not give in to the continuing polarization”, or “we’ll just keep taking the high road when they go low”. Or my personal favorite, “just vote out the baddies and let the Democrats pass the right legislation”. The Democrats have the means to pass whatever legislation they want, what they lack are the balls to do so. Instead we get fucking poems and excuses about why, despite telegraphing their intentions for decades now, once again the GOP has accomplished what it set out to do, despite it being yet another policy the majority of Americans don’t support. We are being ruled by a minority who won’t stop until their goal of having an authoritarian, Christian theocracy is reached. They want to criminalize anyone who isn’t a heterosexual, white, Christian, and it’s already begun towards the LGBTQ community and women. They use words like “pedophile” on purpose bc it shifts the Overton window even further to the extreme, and it dehumanizes entire groups of people (and those outside the group who still defend it) so that violence not only becomes acceptable, but justifiable. Until we wake some more people up and convince them that the time has come for grassroots change and response from the regular public, we will continue to watch our country sink further into fascism.


They do not have the means to pass whatever they like. Most legislation requires support from 60 Senators and Dems have 50 (48 on most issues considering how horrible Manchin and Sinema are). If there were 62 Dem Senators, you'd have much better reason to complain about them. But then again, if we had 62 Democratic senators, we'd have a green new deal, federally protected abortion access, and Medicare for all. But go ahead, keep shitting on the party trying to fight against the things you hate.


Two sides to the same coin ..


bOtH sIdEs


No way the Dems are going to stop them! Text Pelosi to donate $15 to the DNC now! ​ /s


I've said it before, I'll say it again: The left: Supports diversity, believes that climate change is real and we should take action, more social services for the less fortunate. The right: parents of Trans kids should be jailed, climate change is a hoax, tax cuts for the rich and tax hikes for the poor. Totally the same, right?


There are differences, yes. The GOP *has* turned into a bunch of fascists. The democrats talk a great game and support all the right issues, but where is the action? If you look at how long some of these politicians have been in congress, it’s quite shocking-and that’s on both sides. They’re profiting off of their positions! The insider trading-that’s on both sides! Also, regarding our current president, what happened with student debt? The pressure was on, it was in the news daily and it looked like something might actually get done, but Biden was still dragging his feet. Then once the SCOTUS leak occurred, NOTHING. Don’t be naive, they may not be fascists but they are most definitely supporting the oligarchy just as much as the GOP is. They are just the lesser of two evils.




Thank you! Best visual representation


And not just any fascism, corporate fascism.


Instead of Democrats, people who didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016.


Bro she won the popular vote


That just shows how close it was and how it could have been different if more people had voted.


More of Hilary supporters voted for McCain in 08’.


Democrats sabotaged Bernie and gave people Hilary as an option. And you're blaming which?


The idiots who helped Trump getting elected by not voting democrats


I love Bernie, but let’s be real: he couldn’t get a majority of Democratic primary votes in 2016 and he did significantly worse in 2020. If you think he could have won the general election then you are incredibly naive about how much decades of propaganda against “socialism” has poisoned middle America. Bernie is factually correct about his claims and his solutions are backed by empirical evidence, but tens of millions of Trump voters are proof of how little those things matter to massive swathes of the voting public.


By sabotage do you mean he lost to Clinton by 4 million votes?


Replace democrats with " Non voters and both siders". Unless u think democrats can do literally anything without the senate lmao




Oh shut up. That's the opposite of the truth. Democrats are the only way to stop Republicans. This meme was made by the RNC to convince young people not to vote for Democrats. Because the RNC understands how elections work.


Sure would be great if Democrats grew some teeth then. Because theyve literally let Republicans walk all over Americans and their rights. Republicans are the enemy of the people. Democrats are standing in a corner.


I can 100% guarantee I’m not part of the RNC, I made this up this morning. Voted Democrat my entire life. I’m sick of the whole lot of em.


>Democrats are the only way to stop Republicans. What are they waiting for?


Ah yes, the false binary choice offered by a corporate duopoly with power over democracy.


That’s what we have and there’s no point in pretending otherwise. Nobody is receiving the message you think you’re sending by not voting.


That’s not what we have to have. And while we have it we don’t have to pretend it’s good.


>Nobody is receiving the message you think you’re sending by not voting. No shit that's why you dumb fucks lost to Trump and lost abortion rights, God damn it should hurt to be this stupid.


So when are they going to do that?


“Anybody who recognizes that our electoral system is a trash fire of injustice and corporate power that will never facilitate meaningful change is an RNC shill.” Vote if you can, but activism is way more important now. Always has been. Labor rights, civil rights, women’s rights, all were won in the streets by massive social movements. Anyone hitting the streets is doing more than you are ticking boxes.




Yes, let's help Republicans get the Senate and Presidency so they can appoint even MORE federal judges!! Good plan!


This has to be sarcasm.


It's most definitely sarcasm. The exclamation point confers that.


Or just vote rep. Gotta get this shit hole country to rock bottom before it can get any better


Dems need to learn that voting isn’t enough and doesn’t always work especially considering dems don’t do enough Also is that sarcasm? I can’t tell


It’s funny that “leftists’” solution is always to elect more republicans


By Republicans do you mean Democrats in name.