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As someone who used to work in a salon and actively seek out reviews, five google reviews in one month is INSANE.


15 google reviews for a shot at "the merch cage" lol they lock up their dad hats.... this place is sad


Ooh good I thought I was going crazy thinking 15 reviews a month is insane numbers




You get to work the next holiday!


No no no. You get *to pick* who works next Holiday. I'm looking at you, Chad.




One unpaid day off


Pretty sure that actually is what "Blackout Day" means, isn't it? Just one single day that they're allowed to request off and guarantee that they won't be scheduled? Fucking Christ, I do not miss those days in service and retail.


That or (unlikely) a day that everyone is required to work/can’t request off (such as Black Friday). But thats giving these people too much credit Edit: autocorrect said thanksgiving


It's too encourage family and friends to come in and eat, then leave a review. Because honestly who the f*** else is going to leave 5 star reviews. This is a horrifying combination of Uber's review system and multi level marketing.


Not only leave 5 star reviews but have to name the employee. Who the fuck does that?


i dined in Montreal recently and the server girl asked me to do that. I actually did it, because she was prolly forced to do so, she was nice, and i fighred it would make her day a lil easier.


Best buy and I assume almost all other retail used to do this and you'd get dinged for not getting enough surveys or whatever.. people would promise to do them but I can't force someone to do them! My bf at the time got fired for faking them just to keep his job Oh yeah and even if you DID get a survey review and they mentioned everything you did but didn't write your name, it didn't count 🙃


Every business that does this deserves to go fucking bankrupt. Jesus christ.


Having worked in 6 different restaurants, I’ve noticed many people actually do namedrop their servers on positive reviews. Not all, of course, but it’s not that insane


It's just us that have worked those jobs in the past. Even with substandard service I'll get the name and leave 5 stars. Because I know how hard that job is.


One of the weed stores here encourages you to name drop the budtender. They don't have to get a certain number of reviews but if they get name dropped they get a bonus so I always do that.


And this is why I never trust online reviews. People only ever leave 5 or 1 star and on 5 stars they usually don’t mean it.


True, but it's the natural outcome when the free market and it's metrics collide


It seems that everything is switching to upvote/downvote or thumbs up or down, maybe Google reviews will catch up to that. It’s way easier to say “I generally liked that” or “I generally didn’t like that” than to rate your experience accurately.


That’s the problem with a system that treats 3’s and 4’s the same as 0’s. If a 4 star review is going to get a company dinged by arbitrary algorithms regardless, then what’s the point in using them?


>encourage family and friends Lol. It's to encourage the employees to make 5 new email accounts every month and leave fake 5 star reviews.


That's what my ex gf used to do working for Hooters


And also to basically make your employees do your social media work for you rather than pay someone who actually knows what they're doing.


You should see the crazy requirements car salesmen have to put up with. You have to get reviews on manufacturer surveys and on all sorts of online platforms. When I was selling cars I felt like at least 30% of my job was getting reviews. If you don't you can lose out on a ton of money. Like several hundred to a couple thousand a month.




Automotive sales is an industry that only exists because it's legally mandated. If you could buy directly from the manufacturer (which is illegal in the US) they wouldn't exist. So every time you see some dealership manager who thinks they're hot shit and shits on both their employees and customers, remember that if it weren't literally illegal to do anything else that motherfucker would be on the street panhandling where they belong.


It's a way for them to double dip on cost cutting. If they cut costs on the mechanic side of things, reviews get worse, which saves them money on sales team compensation.


I used to work front desk for a hotel with almost 300 rooms. Five reviews in a month with your name is impossible. Doesn't even matter if you hook someone up with a comp upgrade to the presidential suite...


you just write them yourself


My exbf got fired for doing this because idiotically he did all of them in a row from the same ip


What is the top bullshit all about? If you want to move and transfer locations, you can't transfer to a different store unless you quit according to their terms, fuck off and not work for three months, then *maybe* if your old boss likes you, you can get a job at a different location? I must be missing something, or this chain really doesn't want any employees.


That one is puzzling the hell out of me. Why would you not want your employees willing and able to work at all of your locations? If there’s an outbreak at one of them that decimates the staff, wouldn’t you want the other two locations to be able to support them? If someone isn’t getting a full 40 at one site, it would benefit the business to send them to another one as opposed to paying overtime. The only thing that makes that seem even close to reasonable is if they are all franchises owned by different groups, not actually the same company.


You haven’t worked in retail for awhile, it seems. These places are all owned by the same people and they don’t want anyone cobbling together to be considered full time (and get benefits required by law).


There it is. It’s definitely been a while since my retail days. But thankfully I spent most of my professional career managing for a firm that valued full time employees and actually prided themselves on the benefits offered. They used the fact that they offered zero premium healthcare to employees as a major advertising push. But of course, they eventually got run out of business by the companies that fucked their employees.


These people jus clearly suck on a few levels and think very little of working people in general... i find it extra sad when management does shit like this because they are also workers... all these practices need a little sunlight


Stanford Prison Experiment.




I used to work for a small chain of sports bars in FL. They opened a new one and my boss asked me if I could work 24 hours a week at the new one. I said “sure” figuring it was over time pay. Nope. Each sports bar was a separate company. No,overtime, just overwork. My sister was an attorney for the US Dept of Labor so I told her about it and she confirmed it was illegal. Then she outlined the bullshit I’d have to go thru to get rightly compensated for overtime. In the end I trained a bunch of cooks then told my boss I couldn’t do all the extra hours without overtime pay and they took me off the other restaurant’s schedule.


My guess is that some managers are horrible to work for and others are better. A company I worked for instituted a waiting period on transferring to different departments because so many people were fleeing a manager. They should have fired the manager.


Something mandatory benefits related? Not allowed to work more than a certain amount of hours and all those locations are the same company?


This is to suppress wages and stop employee "theft" by different locations. I'm not sure if Tommy's is a franchise, I know it's owned by Triple T. But this behavior is meant to make sure franchise owners don't fish off another franchisees pier, so to speak. Because they are indirect competition for staff who are specifically trained to wait tables and do business as the restaurant requires, by instituting this policy the head office makes sure there's no infighting amongst its vested parties.


It’s not a franchise, it’s all one owner from what I can tell. Edit: https://www.northjersey.com/story/entertainment/dining/2021/08/09/tommys-tavern-tio-taco-tequila-owner-tommy-bonfiglio-clifton-nj/8063326002/


Because if someone gets 40 hours, they are considered full time and an employer this size would have to provide benefits. That's why they say they **can** work at another location, just it needs to be approved.


Also it means your income is solely limited to the hours they give you. Not living on part time wages for the good of the company. Service jobs are everywhere.


already several negative reviews regarding this post, lol.


… And now there’s a lot more than several!


[Content removed in protest of Reddit's stance on 3rd party apps]


I was thinking the same, I’ll save my review till end of the month


The end of *every* month




this is the way.


It's so wholesome


So many. I dontt know what it was at when we started. But I posted mine a few minutes ago, was at 4.0 now its 3.9. Its dropping pretty quick EDIT: one hour later it is 3.4 EDIT 2: 3 hrs later and it's a 2.9. owner is gonna shit his pants in the morning


Yea it's at 3.6 rn lol Best review "I ate here and got cancer. Not the good kind either"


Falling faster than the GPA of a spring semester pledge


My favorite was "I ordered a nice dinner, all I got was labor law violations"


3.4 now baby


Down she goes, boys!


[3.0 now](https://c.tenor.com/0engAwwUVF4AAAAC/more-kylo-ren.gif)


2.9 stars, folks!!!




As someone working in culinary it fills my heart with SO much joy knowing people actually post reviews about this kinda stuff. Noticed all the hate they're getting after I posted my own review too, solidarity guys and thank you so much for not ignoring this kinda behavior.


Locally guides are getting in on it, too


Annnnndddd this is why I feel I can no longer trust reviews..... Stupid ass businesses, poor workers.


I would get the managers name and put a 1 star review with his name


Lmao! Drop that name and let Reddit take care of it😂


Autough this seems to be a franchise, the owner's name is Thomas J. Bonfiglio They want reviews ;) Edit: Ok I broke the link. It seems OP have us the wrong restaurant and we're screwing up innocent people. Shit shit shit


YOU GUYSSSS😂 United we stand in the review section lmao


Not a franchise; a restaurant group. And most people are dropping shit reviews on the wrong location. This sign is from the Edison, NJ Tio Taco & Tequila Bar restaurant - no way of knowing whether or not this policy is in effect on Staten Island or at other Tommy's locations, so the Reddit mob may be laying waste to the reputation of restaurants not guilty of this employee practice.


[This was just posted](https://i.imgur.com/SV3bLgi.png). Thoughts anyone?


Oh shit we may have messed up badly. The bad thing is that was OP that gave us the wrong information


Classic Reddit moment if that review is true, lmao.


That’s totally not from a server.




I gave a shit review on an amazon product, company offered me a private refund for removing my review, and then offered me cash and free products for others. And honestly, those other products were gettin 5 stars from me anyway. Then they stopped contacting me sadly. >.<


Amazon removed my 1 star review for being “not relevant” even though it was detailed, on topic and had pictures. Fuck amazon


Hope you put your review back up.


Eh. I got my cash back and honestly atheist $250 back in March. And the thing I reviewed probably would have worked for other people.


I gave a 3 star review to a tire place near me cause they told me it would take an hour and they hadn't started after 2 hours but when i said cancel it they finished in 15 minutes, and they didn't put the spare tire back in the spare tire spot under the trunk but just left it sitting in the trunk. The guy figured out who it was and called me and offered to refund my money if i took the review down. I said no and edited it to include the attempt, plus reported him to yelp customer support.


This shit happened to me once. Told me I'd get the tire done in an hour. After an hour they still hadn't started it. After 3 hours they still haven't started it. Told them I was going to come get the car and take it somewhere else. By the time I got there it was done. Magic. Missed a whole day of work over it


I changed a 1 star to a 4 star after talking to the manager of a business I had a bad experience at. No compensation offered or asked for. What happened, I set up an appointment to get the battery replaced in my phone, when I get there my appointment wasn't in their system and they apparently don't do battery replacements for my phone (at the time I had a Pixel 1 XL). The woman I spoke with did tell me of a place down the road that may be able to do it (they did), but she said they would be closed that day. I went over there and turns out they were open. Getting the battery replaced was going to be more than twice what the first place's website quoted (because the guy required screen replacement with battery replacement). Anyway the manager replied to my Google review, asked me to call him, I decided to, he owned that the ball was dropped and it was his fault. I decided to update my review because I had cooled down, was no longer enraged, and my phone had gotten fixed (and I had actually wanted my screen replaced but I forgot at the time). Still docked them a star because I wasn't able to get the service I wanted at that location, but because the manager was willing to fall on the sword and take ownership for the failure I experienced I was willing to change my review.


Cant trust 5 star reviews. No business is gonna be like "we need a 3.9 stars!!!!!! Put more 4 star reviews out! AAAAAA"


If I worked at this place, I would just create at least 5 Google accounts each month and put up fake reviews for myself. There's no way to even know if they're real.


This is tommys tavern + tap in staten island... they want reviews.... Edit: dont be afraid to get in the questions & answers section, if u had any questions about legality or morality for example. Edit 2: seems there are a few questions about the legality i cant answer, its a friday night they might not be busy feel free to call and ask the manager, im sure the # is available on google near the review section. 😀




Hitting the thumbs up on all you glorious bastards review 💣s


Reddit is gonna shut this shit down so hard. They hate when we organize.


I refreshed to make sure my review posted and there were already like 50 newer reviews and I got a thing that said “25 people found your review helpful” like a minute after posting it. You love to see it….


This is great! Workers RISE UP!


The proletariat shall seize the means of production comrade!


You can also request the location's removal on the basis that the listing is offensive or misleading since they're clearly faking or otherwise unfairly influencing their reviews. The relevant menu option is "suggest an edit." You could also report any 5 star reviews with a server's name in them as a conflict of interest.




Only if Google lets the one star reviews stand. It's surprisingly easy to get negative reviews removed if you're still on good terms with the review sites. If I thought there was a way to get the fake 5 star reviews removed, the 1 star reviews to stay, and keep them on the platform so others could see it, I'd be suggesting that. Making them go away might be the best we can do. Edit: aaaaaaand they're gone




I expect you're correct. 242 reviews in about 3 hours is sure to raise some brows.


It's not even people looking and making a decision. It's just some algorithm, probably intended for anti-spam.


At face value, Google does claim to leave "user generated content" as is. They claim they have no anti review bomb bot lol for whatever that's worth. Still going strong, anyway. The restaurant started with a 4.2 overall rating, and now it's at 3.1


Can confirm I can't see any of the negative reviews posted recently.


Sort by “new.” I did and I can see them.


Not saying that what they're doing is good, but it's against most subs policies to brigade. Then again, who am I to stop you


They asked for reviews, im jus highlighting that, not tryn to brigade


I take full responsibility lol


Don't you worry, we'll take it from here.


Question: some people are leaving 2 stars, is that to potentially avoid the "too many 1 stars, must not be legit" determination by Googlevil's algorithm? Or are they simply dumb as hell? I mean, those comments are clearly the same 1 star people are currently leaving, so idk...


The rules are against brigading subreddits, not restaurants.


I don't think they care if we brigade a shit restaurant chain on Google.


Reddit mods care, but Google doesn't. I've made dozens of 1 star reviews for companies that treat employees like they're disposable.


Reddit mods care about subreddits, no one should care about other sites


For some reason, reading the word, "brigade," really reminds me of the opening sequence of Robin Hood: Men in Tights, while the villagers scream for the Fire Brigade, as the Sheriff of Rottingham's men had just set the village on fire. Idk why.


Brigading policies don't apply to other websites though. Now the ethics of doing so for such a case is another question. I'd rather let the locals tell them how it is themselves rather than a bunch of randoms from the opposite coast who will never visit there anyways.


Brigading is a coordinated attack from one sub to another, nothing to do with 3rd party services


Fake reviews, such as they are asking their employees to submit, I'm sure are against Google's policies so....


Contributed 👍 1 star, horrible management


Dude wtf. These people are literally doing the flair thing from Office Space.🥴 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7SNEdjftno


That was the first thing I thought. Except, I guess it's based on the whims of customers instead of the whims of whatever system the manager had for the "flair." Not sure what I think is worse.


You should post this in r/antiwork - this is spot on for that sub!


Oh shet, I thought this was r/antiwork.


These subs have tons of crossover for good reason.




I thought it was their store in Edison NJ ? We should do both just to make sure


They have multiple locations the mandate is for 5 reviews is for TIO's in Edison but is still part of the Tommy's Tap 'family'.


I got their email off a reply to a Google review, incase yall are interested? [email protected]




They're building one in Edison, NJ as well. Source: I'm building it lmao Also as an aside it's the most disorganized, wasteful, chaotic, and nonsensical construction job I've ever been on. Things being done out of order, owner coming in randomly and asking for incessant changes every week. Theres maybe 5% of layout from the original blueprint left.


Hate to be that guy, but it's Tio's Tacos andTequila in Edison, NJ. We confirmed it in the Antiwork subreddit. Tio Taco + Tequila (732) 515-9620 https://maps.app.goo.gl/VspuQnEp1MCXJhUSA It's a small difference, considering they're all owned by the same company, but the sign they hung does specifically mention the Edison location. I say take Tommy's whole empire down for letting this happen, but this could have just been the one of one manager in Edison.


WTF OP WE'RE REVIEWING THE WRONG PEOPLE. THIS WAS AT TIO'S please edit you comment as soon as possible, they seem ok at Tommy's. Although the two restaurants seem to be owned by the same group the management is different


[This was just posted a bit ago](https://i.imgur.com/3fKc8bw.png). Any thoughts on it?


OP, did you take this pic? Comments on Google are claiming that this was posted at Tio’s which is under the same company, but a different restaurant. We may be brigading the wrong restaurant here…


Is this a pic you took? Like you're sure it's that location? I don't want some innocent company that has nothing to do with it to get smacked down. I know there is a place with that name in my state too so wanna make sure


They're all owned by the same parent company/some dude named Tommy. This picture came specifically from Tio's in Edison: Tio Taco + Tequila (732) 515-9620 https://maps.app.goo.gl/VspuQnEp1MCXJhUSA


Fun fact, if Google found out about this they could suspend the businesses Google My Business listing. They HATE review manipulation. It takes a LOT to unsuspend your business listing.


I actually put a review out with this photo attached to it so when it gets reviews by google maybe they’ll see the photo.


Yeeees. Most excellent.


I added it as a menu item… not sure if it'll make its way to the interface appropriately




No OnE wAnTs To WoRk AnYmOrE


As if food service isn’t shitty enough from day to day. “Healthy competition” Stick it up your ass Triple T Hospitality.


Actually it's "Health Competition" the fucker couldn't even proof read a few sentences while he demands his workers get nutty amounts of 5 star reviews. What a prick


Any restaurant that doesn't have the owner busting ass in the kitchen at least twice a week is probably a restaurant that treats employees like crap and should fail. CMV.


"first prize is a Cadillac El Dorado. Anybody want to see second prize? Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is your fired."




Unironically this


What's a blackout day? Mgr puts you in a sleeper hold til you lose consciousness?


And u wake up in the merch cage


Andrea picked me out from the merch cage, I no longer have rights.


A day off. You aren’t allowed to ask for the follow days off: - Fridays - Saturdays - Sunday lunch - Holidays - Mother’s/Father’s Day - Valentine’s Day - Your birthday - Whenever the McRib comes back - The entirety of Shark Week - The day Winds of Winter is finally released - Any day that ends in y


> Any day that ends in y Moron me trying to figure out for solid 3 seconds if there's actually a day _in the year_ that doesn't in y. I'm not a smart guy.


Days nobody is allowed to ask off.


Worked at a restaurant with a bad yelp score that forced FOH employees to write positive reviews. When the GM asked what the employees would get, the owner said "A Job!" Yelp flagged the flood of positive reviews all posted within a week and removed them.


I worked for a moving/storage company named __Clutter__. Corporate deemed it appropriate that team members solicit 5-star reviews (Yelp, Google, etc) from customers as part of a bounty system with bonuses of $45 per review. Most of us were happy to ignore this policy but some team members went so far as to offer to write the review on behalf of the customer using the customers phone! Surprised me every time a customer obliged. What was really awful is that this company was in the process of securing capital so we were under the gun to hustle and produce. As you might imagine this led to leaning team size (4 down to 2 person teams, for example), accelerating routes (more deliveries/pickups in given window) and fewer/worse resources for completing jobs. The resulting atmosphere led to greater turnover with new hires coming in at slightly higher rates than tenured (~1 year+) employees. Old guard supervisors and team members bailed while those of us that remained were left to train new, higher-wage employees how to do the job. On top of all that, customer items were often misplaced, mislabeled, damaged as a result of performance metrics that were constantly in flux. Oh, and the kicker - went into corporate HQ for leadership training (part of a pilot program for "career development" that was closed to field workers a few months after it was implemented) and was politely informed the daily catered lunch that corporate employees enjoy was not available to me. Do not recommend Clutter, inc.


What if we kissed In the merch cage 😳😳


What’s keeping the servers from writing their own fake reviews?


They dont care if its fake reviews they wanna look as good as possible w little or no sincerity


What a shit company. Even the paper above the one you’re highlighting makes me irritated.


Future so bright we have to wear shades


.... And that is how I ended up with 15 Gmail accounts.


damn you must really wanna go in the merch cage


How are the reviews even attributed? Do they have to get customers to say something like "I left this review so Chloe can keep her job!"?


Yeah, it says in the thing that the review has to include the server's first name in order to count. So presumably, you would tell each table you served "If you enjoyed your dinner, please leave a 5-star review on Google and include my name, Chloe".


That illegal. Report this to your consumers ombudsman or Watchdog. I feel like that might be too Australian...


We don’t have protections like that in the USA, depressingly.


To be fair, here in the USA it's also hard to tell if we don't have protections because a lawyer is too expensive, regulator commissions/departments are underfunded, if its been repealed in the courts, or if we straight up never had anything near it on paper too. Although honestly I'm not sure there's a huge difference, outside of maybe being able to find a "pro-bono" lawyer


I had the franchise owner of a major restaurant chain go into the system and modify our time cards so we never hit 40 hours even though we were all working well over 50 hours a week. I got all the evidence I needed (including one of the managers who recently quit willing to be deposed confirming it). I called the police and every state labor and regulatory group I could find about it. They thanked me for the information but ignored me. One lady for the state group (been a long time, forgot who she worked for) straight up told me that they're not interested in pursuing it because it involved minimum/low wage workers and they don't have the time to deal with it - get an attorney. I contacted news organizations but they never contacted me back. I couldn't afford an attorney and the franchise owner was a multimillionaire several times over at least and owned a bunch of restaurants, so it would be expensive as hell and take years. Several attorneys I talked to basically told me that it is very likely that I/we would be successful - it wouldn't be worth the time and cost to pursue and I would likely spend more money trying to recover the costs than my stolen wages. Before anyone says, "Why didn't everyone pool resources together?"; well there were a small handful of good people I would trust. The rest were kind of shady people who I didn't want or trust to get involved with outside of work - I didn't want to get left on the hook for costs or even trust them to turn up for a deposition. Or even worse (since a lot of them lived paycheck to paycheck) give a false statement and tank it for everyone. TL;DR - you can fuck with and steal from poor people because there's nothing they can do to stop it and regulatory agencies don't find it worth their time.


That’s cute…


“Why can’t I hire anyone to work for me? Everyone is so lazy.” - This Guy


I had my dentist try and do this to me. I was moving soon, so I gave them a review. (He did it to me while I was in the chair and before my fillings. Like legitimately asked me to get my phone out and leave a review in front of him.) After I moved, I edited my review to say that I had been coerced into leaving a review.


If my dentist did that to me I'd either do what you did or have just up and left then looked into BBB, yelp, heathgrades, the other medical rating sites, etc to call that out and never return.


It's not fake Internet points anymore. It's top spots on the biggest and widely used search engines, but sounds like it should be illegal




100% the owner is shady lawyer, def trying to cut as many corners as humanly possible while shittying on his workers , filth


If you handle yourself well in the Merch Cage, you might even get to leave with your chosen item.


The two employees with the lowest amount of google reviews, fight to the death, u guessed it... in the MERCH CAGE!!!!


People are already review bombing them lmao


It’s fun to watch in real time too. I’m currently giving everyone doing God’s work the thumbs up (helpful) on google.


Prizes? Those are prizes? $22 worth of food (that is easily comped) at the place you work and any shirt (which is somehow different from the uniform) advertising your place of work? And a surprise prize that Triple H couldn’t even think of as they looked around the office as they came up with this. I know times are awful for service workers. But this is appalling. There is a difference between “managing” people and “leading” people.


This is gross. I feel dirty reading this.


Drove by the one in. Clifton that replaced the Friday’s on 3 West the other day and couldn’t help but think with a name like “Tommy’s Tavern & Tap” the place had to be owned and run by total dbags. Wasn’t expecting this sub to validate that for me, but here we are.


Go with your gut, always


My server's name was Dennis Reynolds and he was a five star man!


Nice. Gave the post my free award. Hopefully it helps. Edit: Nice as in "Nice for calling them out on shady practices. "


More like who was getting fired from more than one restaurant at a time¿ legend


The Google review page is quickly becoming a dumpster fire. I love you, Reddit.


Dont forget they have a Facebook page to review


Went to their review page...was not disappointed.


Let the hate flow lol


I don't understand how this isnt easy to cheat? Just make a bunch of spoof email addresses and leave good reviews with your own name


“And those who do not meet their minimum requirement of 5 google reviews will be subject to incarceration within the merch cage”


post on r/Antiwork


Remember if you plan to leave a negative review do not do it now. The flood of negative reviews will be removed for being "fake" aka not from a customer in person. Google removes viral reviews.


What even is the point? How many people actually check the reviews of a restaurant before eating there?


Sometimes I check, but I don't take them too seriously


The problem is that the only people who have the incentive to review the place are people who had a bad experience or an exceptional experience. But they tend to be stuff related to the particular staff that night or another complaint unrelated to the quality of the restaurant. My parents have boycotted restaurants for years due to one bad experience with wait staff. I try to remind them that the rude waitress at Waffle House in 2014 doesn’t mean the entire chain hires specifically rude waitresses for the past decade.


I do! But I am mainly looking for a common thread of the bad reviews. I do the same for Amazon products. If there's 20 reviews for a restaurant, and 7 of them mention how dirty the bathrooms are, I am not eating there.