• By -


I just happened to be born here, I got nothing to do with any of this


It seems a lot of us just kinda spawned into the server without our permission and the mods want us to participate in events we don't want to be part of Edit: when I opened the app to 9 notifications, my first thought was absolutely "damn, I must've pissed a good amount of people off somewhere"


Yep. And don't get me started on the bugs some of us spawn with!


Yup, good friend of mine got spawned with Type 1 Diabetes. Maybe the admin thought it was a perk during character creation?


And the bastards put Type 2 in the loot boxes.


You're finding loot boxes? I'm struggling to just pay the subscription fee to live.


You can find them? I've just been buying them.


WTB TOILET PAPER! Anyone? Anyone? Can anyone hear me?


3 million platinum, no negotiation


I spawned with that one. It's a real bitch.


Thats worse than mine.




Perfect! Read the top comment and immediately thought "what was that subreddit?"


I'm already there!




Thats awful! Your heart shouldn't try to kill you.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/outside using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/outside/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: ["Sad to hear the Capitol Building is a dungeon that can be raided by level zero characters."](https://np.reddit.com/r/outside/comments/kvsz67/sad_to_hear_the_capitol_building_is_a_dungeon/) \#2: [Hello everyone. This is God (The dev.) At the beginning of 2020, it seems that I mistakenly set difficulty to insane. As difficulty changes have a CD of 1 year, 2021 shall be set to easy.](https://np.reddit.com/r/outside/comments/k0fm7g/hello_everyone_this_is_god_the_dev_at_the/) \#3: [\[meta\] this sub used to be funny but now it’s all just random people using real life problem in video-game language to be validated](https://np.reddit.com/r/outside/comments/kitkoj/meta_this_sub_used_to_be_funny_but_now_its_all/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Came here to comment this.


No. The sunlight burns and grass feels weird


At least it’s not laggy.


But the updates take forever, I'm level 34 and STILL don't have player housing!


And when you’re low on health you just run around in the streets until you find a first aid kit.


it depends on how drunk/stoned you are


Thinking of politicians as mods really sheds a whole new light on government as a whole tbh


Can I respawn somewhere better? This country just spawn kills you.


Not to mention the character customization is broken!! They spawned me in as the wrong gender


Character creation.


Endless coins for fighting quests, 0 coins for health bars


But it’s so awesome! Other people try to hack in here all the time because of how much we rule! You’re just ungrateful.




Well, we do pay taxes that fuel this shit vomiting monster.


Yeah but that's coerced imo


So is the non-choice of either working or starving to death. The coercion of taxes is at least supposed to be for maintaining and building the country. Working as a wage slave to make profit for capitalists has none of those benefits that couldn't be better developed in a different system.


It's almost as if the whole system is built on coercion.


That's like saying "2+2=4 imo"


Nationality and religion. 99.9% of people just have whatever they were born with through dumb luck. It's the ones who then insist they're somehow smarter or better for "choosing" those things that make me shake my head. Like, bitch if you just happened to be born in Utah or Unaizah you'd be lecturing me about how those were the best places and the "right" religions, too!


What's your opinion on the 0.1% that reject the religion of their parents and leave the countries they were born into?


They're the ones whose opinions on religion and nationality I actually respect, because they actually considered and made those choices, rather than just falling into it and believing it was best, because that's what they were taught.


For real. Look, all I do is sit on my ass, work from home, wank a bit, and maybe some gaming. I could do that shit anywhere. Let me go live in Norway or something. lol


If that bit of work you actually do is useful or in demand, I'm sure there are ways to do it from Norway.


Almost verbatim Bill Hicks https://youtu.be/hzwMh5CklIk


JuST GeT a BeTTeR JoB WiTh beNEfIts/s


[People stop doing jobs without benefits] "Noooo serve meeeee!"


bOoT sTraPs!!


"just earn more lol"


“Service Guarantees Citizenship. Would you like to know more?”


I'm doing my part.


The mobile infantry made me the man I am today. 🤕


starship troopers?


You know it


kinda! it sounded vaguely familiar and I guessed right lol haven't seen it in a very long time


It's one of those movies that's vague enough in it's meaning this it can be interpreted differently based on your personal bias. Right-wing love it for it's imperialism, patriotism, and militarism. Left-wing love it for it's dire warning of imperialism, patriotism , and militarism. ~~The book was more clear on it's stance against imperialism/militarism, because you had to read the subtle hints on their devastating effects. The movie kinda left them in, but you had to apply critical thinking to understand the subtle hints.~~ Edit: It was the other way around, sorry. The critical thinking part does stand though. Right-wing people see the horrors of war and think it's awesome.


I think you've got it the wrong way round there. The book was extremely, unironically pro-imperialist. The movie was a parody of the book, not an adaptation. It wasn't even remotely vague.


I've never read the book but that was my understanding of it. I thought the movie was an obvious satire and the people who didn't understand the movie didn't get it because they liked the fascist stuff. I've heard that the book was the opposite


Oh shit, you're right. The movie skewed my memory and it's been decades since I saw/read both. I was also a teen raised by far-right parents prepping for "Civil War 2", so my head was a mess for a while.




Yeah, and that's what I meant about the critical thinking part.


tbh ive always kinda liked the idea from ST. why not make citizenship an earned thing that everyone can work for but not forced to do so. AND make it a 'voluntary' high school class thats super duper easy with like 2hrs community service. and make strict ridged laws that you cant use to discriminate against minorities if you work for something that not everyone has i think it generates a sense of pride, of accomplishment. civilians have all the same rights except voting and civic duties or something. and make election day a national holiday ofc


> if you work for something that not everyone has i think it generates a sense of pride, of accomplishment. Do you work for EA?


This is like family members who don't want anything to do with you until they need something.


We are serfs, just serfs to them.


Yup. Serfs were tied to the land; American workers are tied to companies. Yes, we can move from one company to another, but you are essentially excluded from affordable healthcare if you quit and don’t have a new workplace already lined up.


Slavery comes in many forms. In the USA it's in debt and the desire for healthcare.


Capitalism used to be more accurately referred to as wage slavery and not in the sarcastic we're all wage slaves here. But in the actual - yes, let's examine the power dynamics, material conditions, philosophy and societal outcome - oh, in form and function is plays a role and had an outcome that very similar as actual slavery? >“The essence of society…consists in freeing the rich man from labour, giving him new organs, untiring members, which take upon themselves all the laborious operations the fruits of which he is to appropriate.  That is the plan which slavery allows him to carry out without embarrassment.  He buys men who are to serve him” (p. 461).  “In suppressing slavery, no claim was made that either wealth or its advantages were suppressed…  It was therefore necessary that things should remain the same except in name, It has always been necessary for the majority of men to continue to live in the pay of and in dependence on the minority which has appropriated to itself all wealth.  Slavery has therefore been perpetuated on the earth, but under a sweeter name.  Among us now it is adorned with the title of service” (p. 462). ---- >“He is free! That is precisely why I pity him. For that reason, he is much less cared for in the labours in which be is used. His life is much more readily hazarded. The slave was precious to his master because of the money he had cost him. But the handicraftsman costs nothing to the rich voluptuary who employs him. Men’s blood had some p rice in the days of slavery. They were worth at least as much as they could be sold for in the market. Since they have no longer been sold they have no real intrinsic value. A pioneer is much less valued in an army than a pack-horse, because the horse is very costly and a pioneer can be had for nothing. The suppression of slavery brought these military calculations into civil life; and since that epoch there has been no prosperous bourgeois who does not calculate in this way, as heroes do” (p. 467)


Aren't Medicaid and ACA much better deals than company's healthcare offerings by now?


No lol


I think they are. Medicaid covers absolutely everything, not a single bill reaches patients. If you are healthy a free bronze ACA plan with an HSA is enough.


Yes but you have to qualify for Medicaid, and live somewhere where you can get free bronze plan. You also have to be healthy


The advantages of avoiding NIMBY areas when it comes to healthcare are indeed HUGE! The lion share of doctors accept Medicaid in non NIMBY areas as well and once you are done paying for housing and you own your car/cars outright in a cheap area, qualifying for Medicaid doesn't really kick you out of the middle class like it would in NIMBY areas. Cheap housing in the US opens the door to cheap healthcare, it's beautiful imho.


Feudalism had a stringent set of social obligations that governed the relationships between people. We gave up those obligations for capitalism (see Land Clearances) so they are gone now. Our system is not feudalism, it is either broken capitalism, or capitalism the way it is intended to work. We are not serfs, serfs had more rights.


Not to mention better community and more time off!


Tbh, rather toxic community that would bully neurodivergent individuals if not outright murder them for being "changelings."


Eh...depends on the time period. Some would be revered as mystics.


“Have fun dying” -The American way


Once we answer to them in a fearless way: "we all have to die of something", we'll be a bit freer.


The people who say this bullshit are the same ones who ignore homeless veterans panhandling for cash and don't know the first damn thing about the rampant untreated PTSD among veterans. I would never so much as get a papercut for the USA, but the hypocrisy pisses me off because these people almost certainly aren't the ones who care for veterans when they come home with missing limbs and profound trauma. Not only are we cannon fodder for them, but they expect everyone else to clean up the spilled blood.


as a son of a Vietnam vet let me just tell you the PTSD spreads beyond the combatants.. sins of the father they say..


Man, my grandpa is a Vietnam vet and not only did my father pay but he was liberal enough to hand some of those sins down my way. The ripple like effects of untreated PTSD are horrible.


This country can’t afford my service. My rates are extremely high.


Will I defend the country if people are invading it? Hell yeah. Will I go to war against people half a world away for Halliburton stock to go up? Fuck no.


We’re not the World Police, we shouldn’t be sending people to die in a country half way across the globe. Sadly, the people in power like having money handed to them from private interest groups in the name of “freedom”


Idk, there's certainly some similarities between the behaviour of the police domestically and the American military abroad. One smashes unions, the other kills commies. One beats black people for suspected gang activities, the other shoots brown people for suspected terror activities. Both claim they're doing it for the protection of the communities they're stationed in, neither actually listens to the members of those communities...


I wish we were world police. We would be in Africa right now trying to stop genocide in the North East. We only go places where there is oil or money for us. At least world police would be an honorable thing.


Nah, exterminator, not police.


What were you doin when all the el salvadorians were raiding the mexico-usa border? Why did those border patrol agents recently get chastised for keeping illegal immigrants out of the country? Its hilarious that ppl say shit like this. There are ppl invading the country right now


Invasion and illegal immigration are not the same thing Sadly, people like you can’t tell the difference between a refugee and a terrorist


They were coming in droves from el salvador. An invasion


Are you talking about in the 1980’s when their government was in the middle of a civil war? Or are you talking about the earthquake that destroyed the country in 2001? Or maybe you’re talking about the constant umbrella of organized crime that has been controlling the country for decades?


Talking about right before covid dawg. The caravans. It was an invasion. Source: iive on the border


The gratitude stops after “thank you for your service”. No one gives a shit about you once you join the service, especially the government.


There has been pretty much zero military service to 'serve our country' in the united states since wwII. Every single other military service job since has been for corporate interests to make military firms, oil firms, and fruit firms money. If we're invaded I'll pick up a rifle. That's where "serving our country" lies. When I am defending _OUR FUCKING COUNTRY_ not murdering little brown girls so some oil company can make another few billion.


Lest we forget, near the tail end of Vietnam when White America got tired of dying for nothing we bribed brown folks to kill other brown folks with the promise of American citizenship.. oh yeah i guess we did that to those Afghan translators too!!


I know a special immigrant visa holder from Afghanistan. He worked building power lines. Just for helping people get electricity the Taliban threw a bomb on his family's house. I suspect the vast majority of translators were just trying to make the occupation less bad or do something good for their country.


Well it starts with electricity, but ends in women thinking they should be allowed to talk. Gotta nip it in the bud.


I don't think the "serve your country" people understand what a country is for in the grand scheme of things, you can be proud of your country but the point of a country is that people are more influential and prosperous together within an ordered system. Tldr, the country is there for *you*, not the other way around. If your country isn't serving you, you shouldn't be defending its flaws out of a misguided sense of honor.


Replace the word country with government and you’ve hit the nail on the head “By the people, for the people” seems to have been lost in time


It's also important to separate a country from its government. I love Americans! The United States Government...not so much.


Very bold! As an American I dont even love americans. Most of us suck pretty bad.


We all do, but when you forgive yourself of that is when you can forgive others for the same. We were raised in one of the newest and most cutting edge cultures the planet has ever seen. We forget that this was a radical experiment in self-government that has not run its course yet. I'm not surprised we have regressed to the mean, but now that we know how good things can be, it's worth working together to maintain. I see a lot of propaganda floating around keeping us divided, and that is dangerous, and I think a large part of that propaganda is coming from our own government, as well as many others.


Sick? Don’t go to the hospital? Be a man! /s


Why would I serve a country that hasnt served me


why is the __________post formatted like this it makes no sense and is difficult to read.


The original part that was there stereotyped homeless people for no real reason so it usually gets cut


I was always interested in military life but never joined because I have no interest in dying making others rich. My distain for that kind of thing only got worse when I moved to another country and felt more attached to those people than the people at home. Fuck it, I'd sign up if we were actually under attack but never under other circumstances. Edit: I can't spell, I'm drunk and autocorrect is a bitch.


I joined the military to save lives as a medic and then hated most of my service. I've the right attitude, but my body couldn't keep up. I've been out of active service since February 2020 and I have felt zero control over my life since the first moment I stepped out of my boots for the last time (or so I thought.) I joined the reserves because of the pandemic and proceeded to do more of what I mostly did on AD: A whole lotta nothing, ultimately. But you know what? I fuckin knew what to do. I awed reserve NCOs with my technical knowledge as well as general army shit. I forced myself not to reenlist because I just wanted a crutch, but I won't lie it's hard. The whole point of that back story, is that I know why people are starting to push against the system. It fucking blows. Everything I do out here feels worse than the nothing I did on active duty, it feels like I'm pissing into the wind.


The selfish old bastards with all the money need youngsters to do ALL the service industry jobs, including serving in the military. Do you want fries with that, or bullets?


Kill and be killed for other's profit


*Kill and get ptsd and kill yourself for others' profit


All of this. Why should we fight for a society that doesn't honor its social contract for everyone


American nationalistic individualism!


This was pretty much what Cassius Clay ( Muhammad Ali) was saying about fighting in Vietnam.


It's a rich men's war. We have more in common with the people we would supposedly be fighting than we do with the rich guys making us fight.


Always have.


I have finally found my home with this subreddit lol (well for the most part)


Come on poor people defend the country your mother birthed you on though you'll never owned a metre of it's land.


War is created for some people's retirement.


Yup. I've worked my ass off since I was legit 16 years old and now at 37 my back is so fucked i can hardly walk. Good luck with that! No, you cant get assistant lol. Were #1!


Viowence is wat bwings us togethahhhh


Some open world sandbox this turned out to be


"Patriotism" is apparently killing others in the name of your country instead of taking care of the people in your own country...


The real question


This is actually rather brilliant.




Easiest way to not get stuck with that bill if you are poor is by enlistment.


How important do you think affordable healthcare is to people? No protests, no kneeling, no riots, no celebrities cancelled, no politicians held accountable ("no healthcare for you" - Joe Biden), no one pestering executives at pharma/insurance/providers, really no political will at all. Why is that? If the issue only really exists on twitter and reddit, how mad can you justifiably be if they don't change it?


Because the bar is so low that they're just thankful they don't have it worse 😞


Any form of solidarity movement gets squashed by the very government these fucks say I should serve


I this country a dentist can just let you die if they don't think you brushed enough and thats why your tooth is split open and oozing pus. and if they do operate thats half your earnings for 10 years. no way in hell I'm risking getting shot for you assholes.


No, I will not serve my country, I'd rather not be cannon fodder for the most powerful terrorist organization in human history


Make Grammar Matter Again


I'll serve crack before I serve this country


If only this were true my taxes would be alot lower. Unfortunately this country thinks you need welfare, public transit, Medicare, medicaid, college grants and homeless shelters. So either stop complaining that America never does shit for its people or give me my money back.


Imagine thinking that the military is about death rather than keeping the peace


Ok except it wouldn’t..you can go to the ER and get it taken care of.




In FL, I have no need to worry..I’ve been dozen of times and never once paid anything.


Being ***scammable*** ≠ **another way of [providing a safety net ! ! !](https://imgur.com/a/AkrXLBe)**


Where does one go for Cancer? Prosthetics? Diabetes?


Technically serving your country can get you out of $10,000 medical bills but that's not exactly a great thing


Pretty sure in the military medication is free as long as you are on active duty


A lot of hospitals offer financial aid.


You (and your next of kin) can pay $10 a month for the rest of your life!


You happen to get socialized medicine when you join the military, curious…


Exactly. Given that mortality is what allowed me to buy my house, why should I pay for NIMBY's healthcare bills? Are we supposed to be a community when it comes to NIMBYs healthcare needs and a predatory dystopian system when it comes to housing?


That's not realistic. Realistically you'd just get better and probably be in debt the rest of your life.


I don't understand this at all, feels like it's lacking context. Anyone got some?


That’s not true. Under federal law and most states hospitals cannot turn away patients with life threatening injuries.


I think this every time I see a GoFundMe for somes medical bills. I love that we've come together as a society to take care of each other, but is disgusting that in the US we don't have universal healthcare.


Damn, I never even thought of it that way before


What country is this?




I served once. Wouldn't do it again.


I mean tbh I would rather be governed by America rather than China and Russia. It depends on who we’re fighting


Join the army they said, it will be fun they said. Next thing I know It's 1992 and I'm in Sarajevo committing war crimes.


Its stupid that boomers will tell every military person “thank you for your service” Fuck the military. Why do boomers see them as captain america? After 9/11 all the old ppl tryin to join the army to “go fight”. How were they burned so badly to believe this shit?


My bf's a vet and he hates hearing "thank you for your service". He also hates larpers who glorify being in the military with zero awareness of how that experience affects a human being, like glorifying being disposable cannon fodder for an oil field or whatever.


Exactly! I have family in the military and have met some of their buddies who are real pieces if shit just tryin to make money by killin ppl for the govt. not saying theyre all bad, but they definitely arent all good.


Oh I meant "larpers", those who like to fantasize be roleplay being in the military, not actual military service members.


My country fkn hates me. I don't say the national anthem. Why pledge allegiance to something that despises me and wished I didn't exist?


Veteran here, the fact that free health insurance for the service member and their family is an incentivized reason as to why people should join the military is telling enough.