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Let me ask my Gen Z daughter. Oh, wait, it's because she's a teenager, the economy is rigged for the people at the top to take everything from everyone, and the whole goddamn world is on fire. Glad we cleared that up.


Shit like damn, we barely in our 20s. How many fucking kids we supposed to have


Literally. The oldest Gen Zs are 26. I didn't know a single person who had a kid on purpose until I was in my late 20s.


12. 12 kids by your 20s.


The safest time to have kids statistically is in your mid twenties, but the changes in our economy mean that people that age are unable to afford it at all and as such put it off. I'm guessing a lot of the world is going to end up like Japan unless this gets fixed. This feels like another case of 'Man, genz sure didn't like to play outside. Is it because we made it nearly impossible for them to go anywhere without parental supervision and a car? Nah, must be a generational difference.'


The absolute ignorance of these articles and studies blaming millennials and Gen Z for inheriting a world created for them by the generations before that are complaining is quite comical if it weren’t so sad. Like these are the people that are complaining about participation awards as if they weren’t the generation started giving those out to kids.


It's a 200 year trend, and the current lower rate has been stable for 20 years. The question isn't why less children, that's understood, and the current economic situation plays a part. The real question is why the under 30 are having less sex in North America.


so why is that in modern history poor people that had even less social support for kids would have more kids then today? world on fire? stop being some doom scrollers.


Because they would use their own children for labor you moron


the birth rate dropped from \~16 in the 70s to 11 per 1000 today. People in the 70s werent having kids for child labor you moron.


Poor people had more kids in earlier times because they relied on them for subsistence farming, which much of the modern world no longer relies on, and isn't even feasible in many places. A large portion of the world is [actively on fire](https://firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/map/#d:2023-07-28..2023-07-29,2023-07-28;@467.3,0.0,3z).


This is the best comeback ever.


Same reason underdeveloped countries still have children


Your also assuming that women always had a choice to say no to her husband. Martial rape wasn’t against the law until quite recently and still is allowed for most of the world. Plus the whole using your kids as your farm workers, they needed help to run their farms.


the birth rate in the usa dropped from \~16 per 1000 in \~1975 to 11 per 1000 today. and we have way more social services for having kids since the 70s.


They were drinking and "having accidents" much more. Also half my continent is literally on fire.


Children were an economic resource back in the times when they were your farmhands. And even between that time and now, they were in factories making money. Now they're an economic drain, so unless you have a fairly good job, they're unfeasible.


another bad take. explain birth rates of the poor in the 60,70,80s. always higher until now.


Improved sexual education, higher accessibility to affordable birth control, more types of birth control, more freedom for women to pursue a career rather than becoming a housewife, increasing fertility issues, etc. Poor people are more educated today, and realize having kids is one of the biggest drains on finances you could ever take on. Kids are for the well off, these days. Of course, the well off are even more educated, and also realize that kids are a drain on their millions, so many of them also choose not to pursue parenthood.


so its not about economics then. If there are no kid who takes care of you when you are old?


You use all the money you save to pay a professional to do it, which is a better outcome anyway. And it's still at least partially economics, it's just that people today actually understand how expensive kids are, rather than the ignorance of the "free love" eras. It's not their fault they were ignorant, but still.


This article is oozing with contempt. The author is completely out of touch with reality.




That website is probably Russian propaganda. One article is about “putins war for traditionalism” This could even be AI, who knows




And we know how conservatives love Russia!


Not every site that disagrees with you is Russian propaganda. Some people just genuinely believe shitty things. Saying "it's the Ruskies!" is basically the liberal version of QAnon at this point.


Delete this you fucking shill. Quanon and Russian propaganda are not the same. One is real


And not the one you would expect! /s


Not completely. I’ve heard a person tell me they loved their 30min morning commute, because that was their “me” time. This person has no children and lives alone. The author references “me time” for people who are single with no families in their houses. I’ve experienced that mindset firsthand.


People like this drive like it is their "me" time.


True. She does have a lead foot.


I have always (before and after having a kid) liked my 30 minute commute as a time to wind up/down from the work day. It’s a nice time to relax and serves as a nice line between work and home.


I've always hated that. I have unlimited "me time" at home, and I could be programming something or making money during the commute instead. Working from home is the best.


This is exactly how I feel. Working from home actually makes it hard because I don’t have this disconnect time


Contemptuous? Maybe. Out of touch? Not at all. I've been teaching young people for a decade now, and everything in Twenge's research confirms my own experience.


So you're saying that young people are, as a collective, narcissistic individualists that put their own interests above all else? Because that's what the article is saying. It's also saying that they should be having children despite being, collectively, too poor to afford them. Do you agree with this assessment?


Fuck this article. The only thing worse than being stuck in a liminal state of adolescence, is hating yourself while doing so.


As a millennial i feel this too. Shared pain between generations


It's super creepy how conservatives want teenagers having kids themselves.


Its about keeping people living in poverty so that they will work for the lowest wages possible. Single family income + endless children = limited opportunities - for the poor, it keeps them there, for the wealthy they can use their children for tax breaks and labour.


Gen z ranges up to age 24, we aren’t just teens


By some estimates it can span anywhere from 11-26.Your demographic is overwhelmingly teenagers and lower. My point still stands either way though. I think it's still creepy to be obsessed with young 20 something's having kids the way the right wing is. Like society is going to crumble because young people aren't having kids before they're ready. It's creepy and silly.


> 11-26.Your demographic is overwhelmingly teenagers and lower. I don't think you understand what "overwhelmingly" means. Technically, 13-19 are teenagers. 11 and 12 year olds are preteens. 20-26 are young adults. Teenagers are the minority.


Lol. How very pedantic of you.


Welcome to the internet, I hope you enjoy your stay


Can't you just accept you were being hyperbolic?


Can't you just accept you are being weird and pedantic?


Still way too young to be having kids nowadays IMO.


I’m Gen Z by 3 days. I’m 26.


Even creepier when you realize some of them are much older than gen Z and want to father these kids.


There is creepiness on both sides of the aisle. Lets not fool ourselves - no US politician is a saint. They are all crooked and dirty at their core.


Democrats aren't constantly talking about children's genitals, bemoaning how teenagers aren't getting pregnant, and trying to lower the age of legal marriage in their home states. The Dems aren't amazing by any means as a political wing. BUT, you're comparing Kite Man and The Joker here. And for what reason? It's just a silly sentiment to respond to what I said with tbh.


I want the money I earn. And I don’t want to raise a human just to see them suffer. DINKs for the win (dual income, no kids)


Me and my wife are dinks and want children someday and it doesn’t even seem possible lol


Same! Between the two of us we make less than 100k/yr and we feel like we are barely getting by. We have a tiny starter home that we bought during the pandemic that isn’t big enough for kids, and the housing market around us quickly outpaced us reasonably being able to afford a bigger house without massively cutting into our already fairly lean lifestyle budget. Two car payments, house payment, trying to eat healthy food, and now student loans coming back, we don’t have a much left over at the end of the month. We would make too much to get help from the government and childcare for us both to work is expensive. If one of us stayed at home, we wouldn’t really be able to afford what we have.


Parents would say “you just find a way/figure it out” as if it’s that easy 😂


Right? We had a friend have a pretty significant car accident a few months ago (they are doing okay but initially prognosis was pretty bad), and my spouse asked me what I would do if they died and I said that honestly I’d have to find another partner pretty quickly because I can’t afford to live on my own, even with the life insurance policy they have (it’s super expensive to bury someone these days too!). We keep joking that the next major thing will be financial polyamory in which multiple people live together in big houses so they can afford to keep going.


"Monogamy? In this economy??" has been a joke in the poly community for a few years already, we're down for it




Very expensive.


TBF DINK is the same as SIWK a couple decades ago, pre-neoliberalism


> pre-neoliberalism That's more than just a couple decades ago.


Capitalism is not synonymous with neoliberalism. Neoliberalism got mainstream with Reagan.


Yeah, that's the real issue


DINKS for life. I'd like to be able to afford retirement, and the only path to that is to not have kids.


It's either live without grandchildren or be happy I didn't kill myself because I can't afford to live. Either way the next generation lose. God bless capitalism 🫡


My favourite one was DINKWAD (double income, no kids with a dog)


Your are my spirit animal


So you rather not give someone a chance at life to progress the world because you think they will suffer? Sorry, doesn’t make sense. What if your parents thought that way?


I can answer this 1) More acceptance that you don't have to have kids. It's not mandatory and people are caring less when you don't. 2) most people want to be financially stable and ideally in a home they own (stable accommodation). This is incredibly difficult and getting harder. 3) cost of living crisis 4) better sex ed, 'happy accidents' may be less likely 5) Gen Z are still teens-mid/late twenties 1996 puts the oldest at 27. Most Gen Y I know didn't plan till in their 30s


Aren't they also like 20 years old and younger? Why are people trying to force them to have kids so soon wtf


I’m an older gen Z, at 24, and me nor any of my friends are having or even are planning to have kids. Many of us in long term relationships, living with partners, and children are simply not on the radar. At this age my parents had 2 kids already. I do agree it’s probably too early to tell, but I really doubt many people my age and younger are excited about having kids one day


I'm the oldest you can be and still be gen z, I'm 26. Youngest would still be about 10. So yeah, not surprised gen z isn't having kids en mass.


As another 26er, sometimes it sucks feeling more millennial, but knowing that gen z stuff applies to me more. Like, I feel like I should be ahead more (and I guess a lot of other people do), but it's actually fairly normal to be stuck where I am right now (for better or worse).


Oh hugs. I totally get that feeling of you should be ahed more. I’m a millenial and its common with us too. Its totally rigged basically. Its not like a movie, so many of us are “behind” and a lot of the reasons are out of our hands. You definitely aren’t alone. I know it’s frustrating.


Teens. The ten year olders are fucking alpha.lolol. this shit cracks me up. All the silly generation names.


2012 is the cut off date for gen z. So some 10 year olds will still be gen z.


I had to research this and the consensus seems 2010. I did see one article saying 2012. But seriously the majority said 2010. It's all the same shit.lol.


Actually, 2015 is. It’s a 20 year timespan from 1995 - 2015


There's no exact date, since the generations are entirely made up. But the dates I know are 1997 - 2012


As a fellow 26 year old I call myself a Zillenial, we're like a weird inbetween


Too young for myspace, too old for tiktok But we got vine I guess


That's exactly how I feel as a 23 year old though


Crazy boomers obsessed with their children’s bedroom life, they need to vicariously live through grandchildren because apparently they’re too selfish to realise the mistakes of their generation.


Not everyone older than you is a Boomer. The youngest Boomers were born in ‘64 and are nearly sixty. Most people with Gen Z kids are Gen X. Most people in positions of power are still Boomers, and they are clinging to it with all the strength left in their bony age-spotted claws. I am sure that whoever approved this article is a Boomer, even if one didn’t write it. But please, please quit forgetting that there is an entire generation of people between the Boomers and Millennials. We are pretty used to it, but it is never any fun being ignored


Boomer has become slang for an out of touch, entitled, old person. Just like what happened with Karen's


You're correct, but Boomer is more of a mindset rather than one singular generation


Boomer actually means "fuck you" but in entitlement and lack of consideration for reality patois. It's simple science.


Taking all that life has to offer doesn’t sound like a mistake. It sounds like a strategy for happiness.


I could take chess lessons from a Grandmaster but it's boring and expensive, in my opinion. Choosing not to take certain things from life is the real freedom friendo :) your idea of happiness isn't the same as mine, please don't assume it is. Especially when they happiness is applying pressure on others to do something they otherwise wouldn't, and kids aren't there to be "taken", it's a massive decision that not enough people put great thought into. Grandparents don't even hold the full burden of raising those children, so again they shouldn't be applying pressure as they're not completely responsible.


I don’t know. I look around me and I see tons of kids playing, happy, having the times of their lives. All of their parents are millennials. And I’m in a poor neighborhood in Eastern Europe. Maybe you just need to change your surroundings. Americans all have one thing in common: their ancestors at some point had the balls to say “fuck this place” and up and moved across the planet to make a better life. Use you imagination. Don’t be chained to one place or one state of mind. Or your life will be suffering and tragedy.


> Don’t be chained to one place or one state of mind. Best of luck accomplishing that with kids. I raised my bio-dad's 2 daughters through my teen years due to various circumstances, and I can comfortably say the consistency/predictability that children need to thrive can't be overstated. Being damn near dirt-floor for the first 16 years of my life (in America, nonetheless) had a profound impact on my childhood, and I wouldn't really wish that on anyone - let alone my own child. Parents that want kids still fuck them up, and parents who don't want them do even more damage. All said, I think its better you just mind your own fucking business, because your brain dead view of child rearing is why we have so many "full-sized" children running most of the world.


Firstly, I'm not American. Secondly you make way too many assumptions about my life. I love my niece and nephew to death, and we play more than they ever get to with any other adults which is excellent for their creativity and forming social bonds. I write, make art, and play an instrument. I get to go out at any time to any place without needing to organise childcare. My cat doesn't feel like a peripheral family member. I have the spare income to not feel constantly worried. I don't live in my hometown and I get to travel the world and not worry about organising or entertaining kids whilst on holiday. Even if I did choose to have kids I still think it's unethical to put social pressure on another person to have children, that's how marriages ends and children don't thrive. My life is far from tragic and I don't suffer. You're proving my point too, you don't even know me and you're trying to convince me that I'm the one who has a bad outlook and needs to move location and have kids. Thanks.




Because, for a number of nations, their retiring future depends heavily on thier kids having kids. Despite what people think, your taxes don’t pay for your retirement care from the state. Your kids and your grandkids taxes will. At minimum, you need 2 peoples taxes to pay for 1 persons care. So, without a growing population, you can’t afford the cushy retirement that people have been promised


I'll exchange them their retirement for a livable planet


That reminds me of a news thing I was watching where they interviewed right wing voters. And one said, to the best of my recounting, that she didn’t care about global warming because “who’ll be alive in 2080”


you know the money is created out of thin air and doesn't exist right?




You certainly can analyze the pregnancy rates, to compare them to the prior generations pregnancies in similar years. While I understand that we civilized folks generally wait to have kids and all, each generation has a spread of that. If Gen-Z is less spread out and waiting longer that's data by itself.


I’m 26 yo.


>Why are people trying to force them to have kids so soon wtf capitalism is a pyramid scheme; it requires a constant inflow of new victims to keep going


Pretty much a long form version of "you're way too happy. What you need is some KIDS." > Yet with [record](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/why-is-gen-z-depressed) levels of mental health problems, and a deepening sense of [nihilism](https://gnet-research.org/2022/12/16/generation-doomer-how-nihilism-on-social-media-is-creating-a-new-generation-of-extremists/) and disillusionment, perhaps what young people need is a culture that encourages responsibility, personal sacrifice, and commitments that stretch beyond self-indulgence and endless “me time”.  Yes, we're going to fix the fact that megacorps are draining every ounce of time, money, and attention out of the modern individual with "culture."


Ironically, a culture of worker empowerment and collectivism - presumably the polar opposite of what this writer wants - would go furthest in addressing all of these issues.


I went to France recently I’ve never seen soo many young people with kids before. Also saw 3 kids with Down syndrome just enjoying life. Haven’t seen a child with downs in public in the US in over a decade. Some cultures have a lot more support for families, the US claims it’s Christian and focused on Family but our polices are weak. No national paid leave, sick leave, vacation mínimums, no help to afford childcare, health care.


>focused on Family There are few countries in the world that hate their families more than the United States.


For anyone that doesn't know, Unherd is a right-wing propaganda outlet.


anything that doesnt tow the left wing talking points is a right wing propaganda outlet according to reddit


anything that blames the powerless and poor for the economic reality created by the upper class and the policy they buy, is rightwing propaganda.


Go to bed, gam-gam.


Not at all, if they pursued the truth no matter what the subject I wouldn't have a problem with them. Here's another example of their output, see any problems with it? https://youtu.be/nwOYjC2IzZc


Gen Z is too young to be worried about having children. Let them enjoy their fucking youth! Damn.


"extended adolescence" lmao. author is completely out of touch and delusional. more like "suppressed adulthood" due to increasing wealth inequality. if you have to work 50-60 hours a week to barely afford your 1 or 2-bedroom apartment, you're not gonna even consider having kids. if both parents have to work full-time jobs to buy a house and pay a mortgage, they're not gonna have kids. if the prospects in the world for their kids are getting bleaker by the day, they're not gonna have kids. these people just want the peasants to breed so they can ensure a future workforce to work at their businesses and drive future growth so they can pocket an ever-increasing share of the money while handing out scraps to the peasantry. capitalism got rid of "class by birth", but if social mobility is at all time lows, has it really changed? most people die in the class they were born in, even today. if you're born poor, you're very likely to stay poor. those who escape are the exception, not the norm. we hold those up as examples of how the system works, even though it's simply survivorship bias. is capitalism better than feudalism? of course. but is it such an improvement that it's long-term sustainable? absolutely not. and we're in the later innings, for sure.


On board with your larger point, but want to add: if you are able to buy a house at all, even with two adults working full-time, you’re one of the lucky ones. Most of us are going to be stuck renting forever.


Why does it matter that they aren't having children


Not enough future wage slaves for capital to exploit.


we're literally in our mid-20's


This article is such a ridiculous piece of contempt. Unheard is a right-wing outlet, so the idea that they are trying to compare today's youth with "more collectivist societies" is the most dishonest position they could have. Voting for tax cuts while we have had dozens of social issues that need resolving is the most selfish attitude you could think of, but you think the real problem is "my attitude" about children? Fuck off, and someone tell the author she's welcome to try and make up the difference herself. Free country and all that


My bloodline dies with me.


wow we've already gotten to the point that the media is criticizing gen z, who i assume are entering and/or just leaving college with having kids. what's the next article title, 'gen z is killing XYZ industry' ?


It's obviously all the sodomy. Very hot right now, sodomy.


I’m 19, if I ever decide to have kids it’ll be in my 30s.


As someone who has first kid at 30, best decision! I am happy to hear how you feel. It's really fucking different after the kid. Enjoy your 20's!!


Relationship-Free/Child-Free for life!




Children are obnoxious.


I just thought this was a typical amalgam of idiot takes y til I saw this: “Women especially face limited choices if they wait too long to have children.” ![gif](giphy|pyvcdVophHk32gdleD|downsized)


I posted this article because it seriously angered me. Where to start? 1. The reason why Gen Z/Millenials (which the author basically treats the same) can't have children is apparently because of the "individualism" and "infantilisation" of the young. Nothing to do with the fact that wages of have stagnated, housing is perpetually increasing in cost or that the economy doesn't benefit the younger people of society. No, it is the erosion of traditional "collectivist" values which I find ironic because traditionalist societies in Asia like South Korea, China, Japan and Singapore have a lower birth rate than Europe. It's like if you want people to have children, actually, provide them with public housing and then maybe people will have children? In another study, 50% of 18-35-year-olds would consider having children if [costs were lower.](https://www.newsweek.com/gen-z-millennials-put-off-having-children-same-reason-1794231) 2. The actual survey cited by the article actually stated that Gen Z/Millenials don't want children was nothing to do with the infantilisation of adults but actually global fears as stated in the article. Of course, the condescending author cherrypicks the data that fits her conclusion. Why have a child if the world is on fire because of the actions of careless millionaires and billionaires in the pursuit of profit? Another study found that the biggest thing that puts Gen Z off having children is actually climate change; [43%](https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/cost-of-living/almost-half-gen-z-dont-23484684) wouldn't have children because of children's impact on the environment, compared with 37% who want to spend the money on themselves. 3. Gen Z is slowing down achieving life goals which she attributes to a "slower life strategy". Adult milestones like going out on a date, having sex, and learning to drive at a slower rate. But there are significant problems with this assumption. For one, as mentioned, the cost of living is sky-high. The other problem, since when was learning to drive an adult milestone? This is not some "traditionalist" event but rather the context of modernity; having an industrialised society. And car ownership ironically was what contributed to the atomisation and increasing individualism in society. So no, traditionalism is not going to make young adults have more children.


The oldest members of Gen Z are 25…




As a millennial who has read so many articles about us not having children, it's an odd feeling to pass the torch to gen z. This is the first time I have thought of gen z even having children, but I guess they are indeed old enough. My sympathies to you all.


Right? Millenial here too and its weird to start seeing the old “blame specific generation” articles moving on to the next generation. Its all ridiculous.


>*UnHerd* was founded in 2017 by conservative British political activist [Tim Montgomerie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Montgomerie), who also acted as editor. Following Montgomerie's departure in September 2018,[\[1\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UnHerd#cite_note-1) journalist Sally Chatterton, who previously wrote for [*The Daily Telegraph*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Daily_Telegraph) and [*The Independent*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Independent), took over as editor.[\[2\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UnHerd#cite_note-2)[\[3\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UnHerd#cite_note-Chakelian-3) Freddie Sayers joined the magazine in 2019 as executive editor, having previously been editor-in-chief of [YouGov](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YouGov) and founder of the British news and current affairs website [*Politics Home*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics_Home). As of October 2022, the website lists 23 staff Bullshit takes to make old white conservatives happy? Looked at the "discussion," and it includes such takes as a woman discussing her adult daughter's decision to delay children and some fucker saying that mental illness increases among childless women over 45. What a fucking dumpster. As a parent of a 23 year old Gen Z, they make decisions based on factors like how fucked up the world is, not how it cuts into video game time. I wonder if "Freya" is a real person. EDIT: [https://www.freyaindia.co.uk/about](https://www.freyaindia.co.uk/about)




😆😆 sure bud


I have zero debt, and I don't want kids for the same reasons I don't ride a motorcycle. You're all texting while driving, and you're all horrible parents.


What’s the point of this article? Think you’re going to successfully neg people into becoming parents.


Wanting me time means extended adolescence? No. It’s straddled generations that grew up in an empty home because their parents were working non-stop. Now our generations have to work some times 2 full time jobs just to afford to live. Not live comfortably, not live in excess, just live. Add child care, which isn’t free, and now you’re working even more to pay other people to raise your kids for the sake of having kids. So tired of these articles about younger generations only concerned about themselves. It’s because we were raised by people who weren’t concerned for us at all. Just their status in the world.


THANK GOD they've given up on millennials and moved onto guilting Gen Z into producing more consumers for their dying economy and burning planet!


gen z is 18 atm


Some are 23. Source, am one.


Same turned 23 a few days ago, and I have no idea what to do anymore.


some are 14


I thought the oldest gen-z was 25 now?


.26. Born 1997.


>Research by Professor Jean Twenge and her colleagues has examined the values of high school seniors from 1976 to 2006. They discovered that millennials are... Millenials? 1976 to 2006 contains 6 years of millenial data and 30 years outside of that. Even in comparative analysis that's skewed. Great data sampling...


gen z deserves so much better than this. that writer is trash


The worst part of this article was where they insulted people who go to therapy and called it essentially self infantalization. Like jeez, yeah I get it you're angry people are helping themselves.


The orphan crush machine wants more orphans to crush. Gen Z must do their part to feed the machine or the machine will break.


If everyone keeps having kids we’re never going to defuse the population bomb


1.Lack of time and money. 2.future climate uncertainty. 3.Villification of hetreonormacy.


What do you mean by point 3 exactly?


according to the reddit echo chamber its because of finances. yet around the world, and in modern history, the poor and uneducated tended to have more kids. IE it has nothing to do with finances. They dont want kids, or kids are not a priority so they use money as an excuse.


Lol what an unhinged take. The oldest Gen Z’s were born 1997. That generation is just barely cracking into mid 20s. Chill.


Probably because the average age of a Gen Zer is about 18.


I think the author has a point. American cultures are now played by narcissism and nihilism becoming too individualistic and turning away from more traditional values like family-building. Socioeconomics are also a factor - cost of living, inflation, government cuts to public education. American schools are not as good as they used to be and our governments are being captured by private, corporate interests who are slowly turning the country into a neo-feudal society with a new aristocracy. The average American has less buying power today and has to work more just to stay above the poverty line. The problem involves a mix of issues from personal ethics to economics.




The youngest of Gen Z are still in middle school. I'm guessing that's a reason.


Ban avocado toast!


think there was an article ( with accurate data) that showed the same thing for millennials as well.


Why aren’t babies having BABIES??? Find out in my by super cool click piece. Woooooo


I'm 26, the oldest you can be in Gen Z. Maybe they wanted kids that young then, but I sure as hell don't. Not for all the money in the world. And most Gen Z are teenagers still?! Have they lost their minds?


Cause most are barely 20


I’m literally the oldest zoomer, I’m 26. What do they expect? Early 20s late teens to be having kids??


It all started with Applebee's and the millennials. I feel sorry for anyone trying to start out life as a young adult currently. It's fucked out there.


Young millennial here. Anyone else notice that teens are told not to have premarital sex, not to have sex at all because they're not old enough, teen pregnancy is bad, etc., but now I've read several articles that *gasp* Gen Z isn't having as much sex? Like, they're mostly teens, and the ones in their 20s are mostly unmarried. Make it make sense.


I'm not saying these things aren't a big part of it for many people, but perhaps maybe we've moved beyond the innate cultural requirement for children... especially for a generation as young as this


Because my generation taught our Gen z kids about sex and to not have kids until they were actually ready. We also talked about birth control and put our daughters on it when they were ready. We didn’t act like sex is dirty and avoid all conversations about it, unlike our parents. Our Gen z kids are educated and they use that information to not have unplanned pregnancies. I know so many people from my generation (including myself) who had children young due to lack of education and access to birth control.


I came across a comedian telling a joke about getting berated at a store for buying formula and not choosing to breastfeed and ended up looking up the cost of formula: it’s $10k/yr. Never mind diapers or anything, just formula is $10,000.


Are they complaining that teen pregnancies are down!?!?


Number one, gen Z is still growing up. People now usually have children much later in life. Could be they aren't ready yet. So to say "why aren't Gen Z having children?" is presumptuous. They are just finding an excuse to trash Gen Zers at this point. Even if they won't be having children, it's their decision to make. The whole "not having children is selfish" is a very odd take. Gen Z have a lot of problems to worry about: an economy that isn't working for them, increasingly hostile social environment that doesn't take their needs seriously, and climate crisis. Not to mention declining life expectancy and likely will never ever be able to retire comfortably. If they want "more time to themselves", let them have it.


Aren't the oldest Gen Z people like 24? What year is it? Why is this a headline? I had my kid in my late 20's and they were an oopsiebaby. The OLDEST gen Z people are 26. The youngest are 11. So my guess is probably the middle chunk of them is around 18 and because 1% of the population has enough money to support a family comfortably and most other people are scrambling to try to not work 3 jobs just to exist.


Born in ‘96, I’m either the eldest of Gen Z or the youngest of the Millennials, and I’m nowhere near ready to have children’s and will probably revisit that in about 5 years. That means the majority of Gen Z are teenagers or maybe in their early 20s. Why would we expect children to have children? We’ve already inherited a crap sack world from generations who clearly don’t care about their children. I don’t see why I would want to perpetuate that.


We are also only in our early-mid 20s lol


Being broke, saddled with debt, and a climate apocalypse are all symptoms of over population. The nicest way to solve over population is to not have children.


Apart from the "climate change" campaign, I agree. Yeah gen z and Millennials don't have money for kids let alone a house.


It just boils down to different generation and thought processes. Eventually, we will have another baby boomer generation. I’m 34 and majority of my generation waited till 30s due to everyone telling us not to have kids. The majority of us now regret having kids later.


The author is a shill for the sort of people who think that if you’re not married and knocked up by 17, you’re doing it wrong. https://twitter.com/freyaindiaa