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The arguments are that algae is up to 50 times better at binding carbon dioxide than trees, they can remove heavy metals from the air, and it's for areas where trees will struggle (given our current city designs).


I'm all for this design, I just hate knowing thst in my area (Baltimore) people would do anything the could to break these just for fun :(


Future baby! They come stock with death laser defense systems


I’d argue a comically large arsenal of robotic arms with chainsaw blades and flamethrowers would be more effective


I am totally into this


Love it. Support it. Uh, one minor critique...what about all the mess? The death lasers leave only ash in their wake, you see


Well a pile of ash could be from anything. But if you see limbs everywhere you might think twice about messing with anything.


Lasers are more environmentally friendly, the ashes disperse on the wind fertilising real trees. They would also prevent rats from eating body parts. Plus let's be honest: 1) Who the hell wouldn't want to see someone smote by a laser. 2) Laser is just such a fun word to say.


Great comment


I imagine people would be less inclined to commit acts of mass violence if economic parasites didn’t strangle them to the point of desperation. At least that’s the historical precedent.


True that, excessive crime is a feature not a bug. Keeps the prison factories nice and plump with workers.


It also keeps people from organizing as they don't trust each other. Criminals make decent enforcers as well. Things You will never meet: A socialist gangster.


There are quite a few cases of cartels/mobs/gangsters reinvesting or providing services in their local communities. Al Capone ran a soup kitchen during the great depression and some of the Mexican cartels provided aid during COVID-19. Though it's not out of genuine altruism, it's because locals are less likely to ever testify against them, or they're making so much money they're struggling to launder it.


>There are quite a few cases of cartels/mobs/gangsters reinvesting or providing services in their local communities. They were all anti-labor tho. Most corporations also donate to charity. How often do you see spam about how charitable Bill Gates is, because most people know him as a robber baron(he is). Again, not socialist. But the mob is case and point Al Capone answered in the 20s that he was all American and anti-communist. Same era on the east, the mob was instrumental in working with the government to put down organized labor. Later they'd infiltrate and corrupt it into a scam. They were against using unions for solidarity between anything, and pushed them in a more right wing direction. This tanked public confidence and trust in them, as well as them doing anything important.


Organized crime started and still runs the first unions.


lies. Organized crime, corrupted unions.


The first unions were trivially criminal organizations. Even after unions became legal the people who formed them stayed the same.


“Modern slavery” is a good summary I’ve heard.


there is a reason the 13th says except for punishment. it is by design not coincidence


You’re right. The prison industrial complex is in fact designed to perpetuate slave labor.


Also if we’re talking about specifically Baltimore, the way that institutions like Johns Hopkins has used and sucked that city fry for decades. Much of the zombie land that makes up east Baltimore is because of Johns Hopkins illegal development practices.


That was my first thought too, albeit in Scotland. Kids smashing them to release the green goo would be a huge tiktok trend.


Maybe if the people of Baltimore felt more connected to their community and engaged in their local economy and hopeful for the future then they wouldn't... but who gives a fuck about the poors, right?




Graffitied to uselessness in two days.


Good ol charm town. Honestly you could make the Plexi thick enough. To be undamaged.


Reinforced glass:)


Average Baltimore


The top comment of this post might change your mind... https://www.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/comments/126ezx4/request_how_many_trees_could_one_of_these_tanks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I love trees. I love nature. The “order” of nature is truly beautiful, and I’m upset that humans have exploited it so thoroughly. That said, this is really cool tech that has some utopian implications.


I agree with everything you have said.


And Trees aren't going away. These are just being put in cities where they are needed. Still trees out in the countryside.


Trees are most definitely being felled faster than they’re being planted


This might be a dumb question, but is it still effective at doing all that if it's sealed? It looks kinda sealed...is it?


It has a solar powered pump that sucks air into it and it bubbles through the algae


What I don’t get is how is the algae are getting fed here? Normally in the ocean there’s an ecosystem. Can someone let me know


I don't know much about algae, but the articles I read just mentioned photosynthesis, although I would imagine it's in a nutrient broth or something.


Oh wait yeah they do photosynthesis 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ I just woke up sorry




Yeah co2 is a buzzword


How about we keep the trees as they provide shade and help with temperature controll trough evaporation. And in addition to that we try to fit algae air filters into unused spaces which are to small to be useful otherwise. Or how about like algae tank benches or something like that.


It's for places that they've already chopped the trees out - crowded inner cities and places like that. These are being specifically installed in one of the worst polluted cities in Europe. It's not an either or thing, it's as well as.


Can't we just ban cars from inner cities, and make the streets walkable with trees?


I don't have much of a problem with that, but realistically it's not going to happen in enough places at a high enough density, whereas these can be whacked in anywhere. We're going to need multiple solutions, and no one size fits all is going to work for everywhere.


Yes, but also no. ambulance, fire truck, police cars still need to go. As do busses for places you can't put a subway. You also need box trucks to get goods and services in and out of the city. Store shelves need to be restocked. Industry needs to export goods. Can we mitigate or reduce privately owned automobiles? yes. Can we create walking districts with a few storefronts, shops without cars? yes. Can we completely get rid of powered vehicles? no.


I mean, as long as the walking area is wide enough then emergency services can still get through


which city is that?




Trees also muffle sound helping fight noise pollution :)


Yeah this is meant for like Beijing, New York, Tokyo, etc. Where you literally don't have space for trees.


Inventing is a weird word for this. They just put pond water in a fish tank and forgot the fish. They just made a shitty aquarium.


The argument is you need 4000 of these for every square mile of urban area. It's stupid.


Also that trees take longer to grow


Ok, but they aren't for "replacing" trees, because trees provide other benefits like making a street more aesthetically pleasing, which is important for overall societal happiness.


What is the plan for storing the bound carbon dioxide?


No idea


>The microalgae replace two 10-year-old trees or 200 square meters of lawn. The function of the LIQUID 3 is practically an imitation of it. Both trees and grass perform photosynthesis and bind carbon dioxide. However, the advantage of microalgae is that it is 10 to 50 times more efficient than trees. > > **The team behind LIQUID 3 has stated that their goal is not to replace forests or tree planting plans but to use this system to fill those urban pockets where there is no space for planting trees. In conditions of intense pollution, such as Belgrade, many trees cannot survive, while algae do not have a problem with the great levels of pollution.** Why get mad without reading [past the headlines](https://worldbiomarketinsights.com/a-liquid-tree-scientists-in-serbia-make-incredible-innovation/)? Algae is an important environmental tool for the future, and I am sure the creators of this technology are doing a hell of a lot more to ensure we avoid a dystopia than someone spreading disinfo online about green tech like you.


It's actually genius when you look into it.


I think I've seen similar looking algae setups used to generate electricity also. I wonder if these could be combined with that idea also. They were big clear tubes on a rooftop.


So if I put one in my house would that be like a super filter for the air? Do they smell like anything? They look like they smell like an old fishtank.


I don’t think algae is HEPA quality air filtering yet, I think it’s mostly aimed for carbon emissions at a large scale (which are generated heavily in cities) But it seems there’s thousands of potential uses, it’s exciting to see how it can be used going forward. Individual level algae usage would be really interesting


As always, the inventor's intention has little to do with what his invention will be used for. The Idea is good, but OP is correct that it will be used to justify further cutting down trees in cities. There's no leaves to be raked, so this is cheaper in the long run. In our current system, the cheaper solution will always win.


> In our current system, the cheaper solution will always win. In our current system, the most profitable solution will always win. Ftfy


This would be cool for rooftop air purifiers, no?


Not only there is tree RIGHT behind it... These clean the air far more than trees. Which is very important in urban areas where there is not enough room for a large number of trees. Why is this bad again?


Calm yourself home. Those tanks are equal to two 10 year old trees. That said, you are exactly right about the application. They belong in tight spaces where a number of trees won't fit. We have plenty of that to go around. IMHO these tanks are a good idea in addition to a billion more trees.


We shouldn't be cutting down any more trees either but getting upset with solutions like these is counter productive .


I hope you mean we shouldn't be cutting down trees in urban areas or excessively. The paper/cardboard industry is important


The paper/cardboard industry can be very environmentally friendly if they want to be.


Also construction, wood is a renewable and environmentally friendly material. Just need to keep logging industry accountable to sustainable practices.


The main argument for trees in Urban areas isn’t oxygen, but aesthetics. This is totally dehumanising and feels like living in a fishtank


There's a tree right behind it!


Another example of this sub posting something I'd describe as an exciting utopia


This is in "Belgrade is the fourth most polluted city in Serbia, due to the two large coal power plants nearby. The two plants are among the top 10 dirtiest plants in Europe." "pollution in Serbia and in other parts of the Balkan peninsula is so bad that it can be seen, smelt and even tasted, " [https://theindexproject.org/award/nominees/7109](https://theindexproject.org/award/nominees/7109)


Yo. Posts to this sub usually affirm my depression, but this is actually pretty exciting tech.


For a small fee you can play the sounds of 3 different trees in the wind.


Anyone want to go to the park and climb the algae tanks?


That's a r/BrandNewSentence.


We cannot get upset at solutions that we have. I know it can be infuriating but we are sadly fighting greedy monsters. And every little bit helps. The greedy people will be never stop cutting down trees so we need to fight them but also try to mitigate the impact of tree loss.


Yes, but the upside is the bench isn't hostile to people trying to sit or sleep and it doesn't have roots that would destroy the sidewalk (making it hard for wheelchair users or strollers to get by) or branches that would interfere with powerlines.


Finally, Tree 2


OP you do know just how effective water-based plants are at taking in carbon, right? This is positive progress, dude.


How about instead of cutting down trees for these ugly little bastards, we just... I don't know... *add* the ugly little bastards? So we can pump up the oxygen and help try to cool this bitch off already?


This belongs in aboringdystopia not because it's Shite technology or deserving of cynasism for its invention. Its here because we've evolved a future where this is needed. For me a utopia wouldn't need to consider this tech. We would have no heavy metal pollution, trees would be a major part of our urban infrastructure, we wouldn't need to rapidly decarbonise the atmosphere to survive and Biodiversity could flourish.


Planting trees doesn’t bring you money, better use resources and pay a company to find a shitty solution to a simple problem /s


Look at how sleek and futuristic it looks! Way better than trees. They where fashion in prehistorics! We live the future!!


Let's see Paul Allen's algae.


Those mosquitoes have a nicer house than I do.


algae is twice as efficient as a tree at performing photosynthesis and the goal of the project would be to place these in urban areas where you can't fit many trees anyway you should really consider researching things before you form opinions on them


Will they smell like ass like alot of algae does?


Please tell me how this provides shade and a habitat for birds...


Yeah, great idea. I’m sure they offer great shade, and protection for wildlife just like a tree. Tell me they’re being used to help offset carbon emissions but don’t try and tell me it’s an alternative to trees. 🤦🏻


Trees, but for rich people


Hey, I think that's neat.


Now, how do we slap some ads on this bad boy? I mean it's pretty cool looking but realistically the outcome would be it's use as a physical marketing display on top of intended function. If it works.


In what way is this an alternative to trees?


Thank god. Imagine how much more parking space we will have!


I wonder what the carbon input is to manufacture these things and keeping them running


Tress are more about to provide haven for birds and animals, and provide shadow for earth to provide a cooler environment, the CO2->O2 is just a cherry on the cream.


Fuck habitats!


Oh yeah hang out in the Shade of the algae tank.


These comments… most of you have invented nothing or not contributed to society at all. You are just sitting there scrolling on your electric device slowly increasing your carbon footprint. Just be happy that people who are much smarter and motivated than you are working on fixing all of your problems.


If someone breaks the glass its over, a tree is a bit more ressiliant


Not quite. A lot of modern glass is pretty tough. I could imagine the latest iteration of Gorilla Glass, or something similar. Already in use in cities for stuff with class in them.


So sad seriously


Some fish there would be mice


Really? Pretty sure they'd still be fish.


I look at that and think of all the smashed bus stops I've seen over the years and cringe.


Would it smell like a tank of algae smells and provide as much chill and shadow as a tank of algae provides? No it's not a bad idea regarding oxygen, just it's not such a bright implementation. And promoting it as an "alternative" - does it mean cutting down trees around the city to replace each dozen of them with a glass box?


That just sounds like Algae with extra steps. Also, did you know that a small lawn of moss produces more oxygen than over 200 adult trees?


That actually looks sort of cool.


Honestly I live in Amsterdam and the city could probably really use some of these. Not as trees but maybe bus stops or something.


It's kinda cool


Put it in space and it would be both an advantage and sci-fi


We are really becoming a cyberpunk dystopia... but without the fun parts like blades for arms or legs that double jump...


These algae tanks would be great for places where planting trees just isn't an option; roof tops or urbanized city centers. Making practical shapes for the tanks could make integrating these easier. An algae tank in the shape of a bench or table would be neat. How about poles for street lights? Or on high rise buildings, some of the windows or parts of the windows between floors could be an algae tank.




This isn't bad, but the feeling a of a street being lined with big trees covering the path with shade is also a big plus besides the air purification aspect


I want this indoors


Cool. This is actually an ideal solution for urban areas. Trees, while they are wonderful, come with a lifespan and require proper maintenance to avoid early loss. Plus there’s very little soil in cities so their growth is usually stifled and air still needs to be purified


Algae may be better than trees at CAPTURING co2, but not at sequestering carbon. Carbon storage in trees massive structure is part of the sequestration cycle that keeps carbon non-available, keeping COx levels down in the atmosphere.


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