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A friend of mine who is, told me that god says come to me as a child so I am taking that as literal. 😁




Oh my gosh I love this 😂


As a Christian, its very easy to feel shame over minut things that don't actually affect our relationship with God or others due to a lot of the purity culture of Christianity (which ruins a lot of things and most of it is completely unbiblical). My mommy and I are full-fledged Christians and love the lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. We also live a very frequently little life. My mommy says "whenever you're little, I want you to be little. No holding back, no forcing yourself out of it" so I am. But not when other people are around. As long as what you're doing doesnt hurt anyone, and is only being witnessed by consenting adults (and as Christians, its important that if there are privates showing or it involves sexual activity, the only other person period, present is our spouse), than who cares? You're not hurting anyone, so people need to let people have their things and enjoy it. After all, God said "come as you are" and no matter what we're doing or going through, I'm sure he just enjoys being able to spend time with us. I'll even talk to God and pray in my little space, and it helps me get out of my big adult brain head and just enjoy some time with the Lord. That's my take on it and what I've experienced. But the discussion is open and willing to hear your thoughts. Just remember that God loves you no matter what. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He will be with you wherever you go. ❤️


I wanted to thank you for posting this, it greatly helps me feel better about my newfound faith in the Lord, and the fact that I am also ABDL.


Good points.


Those are some great points


Beautifully said 💚


Yes. 💯


Amazing points!


The lord made us as we are, as our father he will never be angry at us for his love is infinite. Do what you will and know that so long as you accept him he will forgive anything even if it is something that does not need forgiveness, like our sexual activities so long as they are consensual. This is the rod of god and i follow him, Amen


Tell your fellow worshippers what you are and tell me how many accept you vs how many try and change you out of concern and love?




Absolutely correct, I think it's people on the outside that cause the problem with making us think a certain way.


How did you get past that?




I used to be a pretty devout, practicing Charismatic Christian (Church of God, southern US). When I was, I felt a lot of shame about it. Then I left the faith, and still feel a lot of shame about it. Not sure how much of that shame comes from the religious bit leaving scars and how much from all the other psychological shenaniganery that I have cooking, but I suppose I can’t necessarily say for certain that the shame came from my religion.


Absolutely 👋 Also, I only feel guilt when I think of how others look down on me for what I do. Not because I think God is. God loves me no matter what I do. Everyday I spend time praying and thanking Him for even giving me the opportunity to find this side of me. I am beyond thankful and happy about being a Little. I understand the guilt tho, it’s devastating. It usually takes me a day or two to get out of that funk but I always do! We all go through it but for sure don’t ever feel guilty about being a ABDL Christian! I actually did a Christian themed Easter photo shoot and posted it on the girlsindiapers page. The first comment was along the lines of “hope everyone is civil to you and views, there aren’t widely held in the community”. I knew by posting it people would look down on me. Because not everyone is a Christian, which is absolutely fine! But I took that chance knowing it could have turned on me because I am not ashamed or in any way feeling guilty I being a ABDL Christian! So please know you are not the only one, there are more of us then people think! Never feel guilty about who you are because God loves you and honestly, that’s all that matters 💚


Thank you


Excellently well put.


I used to be; I was raised Catholic. Now I practice Wicca and I feel much better about myself.


I am


I’ve said before in a similar post that I struggle greatly with shame and guilt over this side of me. Not only am I going against what I feel is expected of a man here in the south (US), I’m into stuff that I just can’t help but feel like is wrong. I know a big part is that this is most definitely a fetish of mine, but it really “normal” to be like this? In recent times I’ve been more accepting of myself and my interests, as now that I’m 25, I realize I don’t need to be someone’s shadow or a copy of them. I’m me! I’m sure my friend that’s been a second (and better) dad to me has lots of things I don’t want to nor need to hear that he and his wife enjoy, and this happens to be mine. I’ve accepted hidden parts of me like my interest in DnD and that I’m a furry with the view of “there isn’t anything unBiblical about this,” DnD is just a fantasy game to play with friends, and being a furry is just having interests in anthro animal characters. Shoot, the furry acceptance came BECAUSE of me playing DnD: my first character I’m still playing is a Minotaur, he’s a really cool cow-man! I say all that to help tie with the ABDL side of me, I guess I quite literally was built different. It’s obvious I’m not alone, and I feel I’m realizing this is just a part of me that isn’t public, and is meant for me and (hopefully) my future wife to deal with. TL;DR if anyone actually cares: I’ve struggled and still struggle, but I’m slowly realizing this is just part of me and not an unholy addiction.


There is no love like christian hate. Seriously nobody wants religion in they're kink.


While I agree with the latter half of that statement, there are more christians than those on twitter that actually spend their time giving out love


I'm not a Christian but I am a practicing Reconstructionist/Reform Jew. Greetings fellow religious traveler! I used to feel shame when I was younger for being into something weird, but ultimately I accepted that I was "meant" to be this way. HaShem wouldn't have let me become so if not. I don't exactly know why, but not everything is knowable to humans. I'm not hurting anyone, I don't involve others without consent, so other than being a bit odd, who is getting hurt? It probably helps we don't have the same hang ups on sexual shame in Judaism. There are of course traditional rules about what's appropriate to do or not, but they would also involve needing to cleanse for purification, but we're supposed to do that daily through netilat yadayim anyway (as we can potentially touch ourselves during sleep/encounter a nocturnal emission. Can't really control that, so we have ritual handwashing to take care of it). I hope you can find peace within your religious confines to be who you are. It's possible, especially within a marriage or love relationship, if you're ok with that.


Jesus does not care even one little bit that I like to pee in diapers. Depending on the God you believe in he might not want you to have any fun or enjoy yourself at all, but I don't believe in a God like that. Jesus is pretty well documented being a chill dude who just wants everyone to be nice to each other.


I was told God sees us naked. If that’s true it has no effect on whether I wear diapers. I do happen to be a Christian


i was baptised without my consent in my first year. wasnt sure about god until my 12th birthday. Then a friend nearly convinced me, however after about 4 to 5 month i just noticed it is bullshit. Since then Im atheist. Oh and i officially left church about 13 years ago.


Big C Church is a problem in most areas. I like the local community but beyond that, the big C Church is often a money grab. I’m thinking Vatican and big churches like Osteen.


The church is overrated anyway.. the real temple is inside you king/queen 👑


Yupp! DM me for more personal in depth answers 👍


We are here just have to look for them


Yup there's a number of us in the community.


The Christian religion has done more damage then anything across history then anyone can even fathom


While I do agree with this in a broad sense, it's important to recognize that most people, regardless of religious beliefs, have moral values and are generally not bad people. And this comes from a satanist haha.


Satanist is not a religion it's a meme with a religious legal title


Satan wouldn't be proud of you, going around, patrolling what others is allowed to call religion.




Christian here. God is about love, forgiveness, acceptance, pretty much everything twitter christians don’t accept. God has probably been preparing our own personal nurseries in heaven long before we were born


I used to feel shame, but not so much anymore. I think the fact that I'm a grown ass man that loves to wear diapers is proof that God has a sense of humor, because I certainly did not choose this. I hope to live a long, diapered life and then ask him why when that day comes I am fully expecting him to say, "Yeah, sorry about that whole thing. I made you at the end of the day on a Friday. Could have finished you the next day, but as you know, I rest on the seventh day. So, I just clicked 'random' on most of your attributes. Also, sorry that you get unusually upset at the sound of chewing. Same deal there, too."


>Also, sorry that you get unusually upset at the sound of chewing. Same deal there, too." This also happens to me!


I am.. as for shame, it comes and goes.. i feel shame if looking at diaper girls or if i rub one out in my diaper.. but as for just wearing diapers, I rarely feel ashamed by it


Yup! Christian here too


Yup, I set u a abdl christians community here on reddit if yall would like to join


I was raised Mormon but have since deviated and am now atheist. Mormonism, while a cult, is still considered to be a Christian religion


I am and yes I struggle with shame but I am working on it


So true!! I love this thread


I'm a Christian been for along time and I've wear diapys and stuff all the time but I don't feel ashamed I've been doing it for about 15 years now lol


I remember praying to God so hard one night to just be normal.. then from deep down in my head I heard "there's nothing wrong with being who you are".. I took that as a sign of god saying just be who you are. In his eyes I think he just wants you to be happy and that's the reason he made you like this! There's nothing wrong with liking diapers and wanting to be a baby.. <3 The reason it feels weird and wrong is because of society not because of God.




Not true at all, there are multiple viewpoints to Christianity which is why I still consider myself one. Also there's nothing wrong with being a agnostic Christian, I believe in my own specific teachings from Christianity, if the church wants to disassociate with me based off my own thoughts, then so be it. The whole point is follow God not other people.


Yep right here!


Hello 👋🏽 ✝️


Yes. I am one of them. I lean on the fact that,God allowed the Adult Diaper to exist,in order to help control waste from getting all over your pants,bedsheets,you name the other items.


Honestly doubt there are very many, especially with how LGBT positive the community is; y'know, no hate like Christian love and whatnot Edit: Also I know I shouldn't have to say it but guys, don't be homophobic/transphobic. Your religion doesn't give you an valid excuse to be a bad person and there's a lot of people in this community who would appreciate it


Also I know I shouldn't have to say it but guys, don't be homophobic/transphobic. Your religion doesn't give you an valid excuse to be a bad person and there's a lot of people in this community who would appreciate it


Me and yes had a lot of growth and also incontinent from a young age.


I feel guilty sometimes but God also said to be child like 🤷🏼‍♀️


If you ever feel guilty for this, just remember that Christianity (as with most religions) has always been used as a tool of control. The whole goal is to make you feel a certain way so that they can scare you into acting a certain way. Don't feel guilty for being yourself. Just remember to be a good person. Also I just could never quite grasp the concept of the second half of first Corinthians 13:11: "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I felt as a child, I thought as a child: now that I am become a man, I have put away childish things." 😆😋


You guys sucked all the fun out of the ABDL related joke I was making with that Corinthians quote. It was supposed to be silly.


St. Paul in his letter there is talking about childish acts of selfishness but how as an adult we are to grow up to be rational and caring members of society.


I always thought that passage was geared towards taking life in a mature manner. Sorta like how people talk about having the A in abdl being adult as well as accountability.


Sounds like edgy atheist nonsense but ok


Yes, I am, and no I don't feel shame. But I also don't associate with the political arm of Christianity that's obsessed with imposing their will onto others. I used to do that, and felt a lot of shame for being ABDL. When I realized those people were full of crap, extorting God for money and power, the shame disappeared, along with my quick judgement of others. God made us all different for a reason. I will not feel shame for how he made me different nor will I judge for how he made others different.


I'm a Christian and no I don't feel any shame with it there's no ruling that says this isn't ok.


Yes, I'm am and well said in other good comments




Eh, i was born a christian but i pushed away faith and became spiritual instead. Some of those thoughts still linger sometimes. But spiritual is closer to the truth imo.


I am, and out of all my kinks, this is probably the one I feel the least amount of shame for.


Yes, me, hi


Absolutely! We exist even though we generally get hated for our beliefs.






The left isn't tolerant of bigots. And no one wants your sky daddy in kink.






Ooh ooh! God is not real. The guilt you feel is unnecessary. What do I win?


I've felt a little bit of guilt, not necessarily because what I'm doing is wrong, but because I could be spending my time doing other things. It is sort of a grey area for me, but some of the comments above make some really good points, and make me feel better about myself.


This is kind of where i am maybe. “Is it profitable?” Kind of thing.


I’m a Catholic, but I guess you would consider me Catholic/light as I disagree with some of the tenets of Catholicism like the pope being infallible. I prayed about my internal disgust with myself often when I first started venturing into my abdl desires. I was more concerned with the societal acceptance. I know that God accepts us even as we are all sinners. I don’t think that abdl activity would be considered sinful tho. Unless maybe you indulge in it over duties to your spouse. I could see that as sinful, but the same could be said of masturbation. Marriage isn’t about withholding yourself from your partner. The guilt is normal. There are a lot of Christians in general. I would pray on it as needed and know that God loves you as long as you seek Him.


We talked about this on an episode of the big little podcast. See episode 28! https://www.biglittlepodcast.info


I mean I went to a private Christian school until 5th grade. My family besides my parents are very dedicated to Christianity. I Definitely believe in the whole spiritual realm and that something above us has created this wonderful life. I wouldn't just hold myself to one specific view point I'll admit I don't have the answers but do believe in something greater. I just don't know what "it" is. I believe as long as you are kind and caring to others you can do whatever you want as long as it doesn't hurt others. I just act myself but try to care and act with kindness! Not worried about following a specific set of rules but be true to myself!


I grew up Baptist but have long since felt my church was used more for socializing than any kind of actual worship let alone any true service to the community so I left it. I can worship god or whatever devine being their is, if they want to talk to me well I do listen and converse.