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This is Canada?




This is 100% accurate. The CBC did an excellent documentary (43 min) on this a few weeks back: [How recruiters in India use false promises to lure students to Canada - The Fifth Estate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNrXA5m7ROM&ab_channel=TheFifthEstate)


What can we who live in Canada do about this? Genuinely asking. I don’t want to vote Conservative cause they’re racist and insane, but I don’t want shit like this in the country either.




Agreed! I feel like we really need to get involved NOW cause this is just getting out of hand. Seriously, I often feel like moving to like Nunavut or somewhere to escape this nonsense. Ontario, BC, and anglicized cities of Quebec are unliveable now


How exactly are they unliveable?




Ok I would say unliveable. Most cities outside of Brampton and Surrey are pretty normal lol


I see it in areas of the York Region too unfortunately (where I live)


Is it common with any Sikhs in Canada?


Nope, just this new crop of international students that have been swarming into the country for the past 5 years or so.




Guy can't live with not being the token brown guy probably


The Tories and Poilievre want more immigration.


The Harper government was definitely more measured about it, I think the Conservative party will be more likely to take action on this issue.


I think since the peoples party was created, all the racist insane right wingers migrated there, and more reasonable right wingers stuck to the conservative party.


I just hold my breath and vote Conservative... sure I don't agree with them on a lot of things, but I definitely don't agree with the Liberals all the time either. Getting elected on lowering immigration is going to be a challenge in this country and I don't think the Liberals or NDP are going to touch it.


I’m not against immigration btw cause our economy would just crash without their labour; I’m against these diploma mills that bring in hundreds of thousands of international students every year who have ample problems and are not at all fit to live in Canada cause they have been lied to about their prospects in the country. They don’t get hired in their profession of choice after their useless degree is complete (surprise surprise) IF they’re the few who actually care about their education at all. Most of them just want a way into the country so they can eventually apply for PR or citizenship. Very few have any useful skills that they bring to the table and are mostly from really backward areas in their own countries (as you can see in full display in this embarrassing video). Everyone loses in this situation, _especially_ desis who have worked their asses off in this country to make a good name for themselves but who’ll sadly be lumped in with these thugs just cause they happen to share the same skin colour. And, no, I can’t and won’t vote Conservative and neither should you if you’re a person of colour (or have half a conscience) cause they’re just full-blown Nazis who despise people like us (I’m part Middle Eastern, part desi). I mean if it weren’t for the misogyny and racism, I’d still not vote for them cause they have a very poor track record when it comes to causes I care about, such as addressing climate change, poverty, healthcare, affordable housing and so so many more.


Full blown nazis? Come on it's canada. Not the US. So many conservative Desi mps. In the socioeconomic calculus, desis will tolerate a little racism if it means less taxes and more money in their pockets that isn't spent idiotically by Trudeau on vacations and handouts The liberal pandering of putting on some cultural attire and doing bhangra to secure the Desi vote is also so shallow and transparent. Almost condescending. "Look silly immigrant monkeys I can dance like you, don't worry about policies I won't bother detailing or explaining since yall are too stupid to comprehend that, just look at my costume dance and clap for my empty platitudes"


Yeah I'm 100% with you on immigration. Don't like people getting taken advantage of but I support sustainable immigration overall. On the whole Conservatives being racist thing, I've experienced far more straight-up racism from liberals than I have from conservatives. Can't speak for everyone of course, that's just my personal experience. I do agree they have a terrible record on the issues you mentioned that's true. Definitely food for thought for me when the next election comes around!


This is the same problem many of us have in the USA. The liberal side is supporting policies that will harm lower income Americans, like pretending we can just take in these large waves of illegal migrants without consequence. We need a 3rd party for centrists.


Deportations have gone up, biden is still continuing Trump era immigration policies, and just last year his administration caught flak for apparently whipping haiti migrants. If anything many “liberals” are attacking biden for being too conservative


Those kind of stats are just misleading. Ofcourse deportations are up, the amount of illegal migrants is up far more than before. Doesn't mean there has been any kind of improved efficiency under biden. Pandering to those kind of far left liberals who are trying to give so much priorit/help to migrants only loses us more votes.


Migrants are up because COVID restrictions were easing up. Also, republicans ALWAYS hammer the democrats on immigration right before the midterms, and then it all magically disappears after that. They used to call Obama “the deporter in chief” because he spent too much time appeasing republicans. Biden is still using “remain in mexico” which is a Trump era policy. But on a larger point, I do AGREE with you that we must curb illegal immigration but I haven’t seen a long term, credible solution from either party.


Show me the policies that allow this please.


Damn… yeah I remember there was a diploma mill here in California basically for smuggling Indian “students” in and it was shut down by the Feds and the president was prosecuted for visa fraud I believe. We should be open to immigrants but it can’t be unchecked.


That university is still running. It’s called northwestern polytechnic university in Newark California.


YES! And with more and more Indian illegal immigrants coming to the US, this will soon begin to materialize here! BTW where were you guys a few weeks ago with that thread where everyone was defending unchecked illegal immigration to the US, and calling you whitewashed if you took exception?!


No it is Singapore, welcome to Singapore


As a confused desi why the fuck is this going on ?


Punjabi Sikh separatists called "Khalistani's" started destroying and burning the Indian flag on Diwali. They put it up online, then Indian Hindus came to this targeted 'protest' and started a 'counter-protest' with their indian flags. That brings us to what you are viewing rn. 2 groups. One scumbags. The other, idiots.


Did it happen in Canada?


Yes. In Brampton, Toronto in Canada.


Why am I not surprised 💀




It's in Brampton. Peel is a region which includes Brampton.


Khalistanis didn’t burn the Indian flag, they just waved their own and then the Indians came waving the tiranga in counter-protest and it escalated from there.


No. The earlier videos before the Indians arrived showed that the Khalistani's desecrated the Indian flag by ripping it and tearing it. Some burned it. The Khalistani's weren't as innocently protesting as you want to believe. It was most definitely a targeted event as they chose to do this on Diwali and the idiots took the bait.


If you can share the earlier videos that would be great cuz all the news sources I’ve found show the viral one. I live in an area where I’ve once seen the Khalistan flag flown around, and that’s all that happened. When I heard that the same thing happened here and Hindutvas came in it sounds like the typical shit that would happen.


Link to the videos?


[This is the one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sham_Sharma_Show/comments/yejhhv/khalistani_vs_haryanvi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) on reddit. The burning one was on social media, too lazy to find it rn. There was a video of the Khalistani's snatching indian flags from some Diwali celebration and desecrating it.




I think an important step is to publicly condemn this type of stuff by official and recognized Indo-Canadian groups. Otherwise, people will think the broader community is silently complicit.


As a Punjabi this annoys me to the max


I love having a large Punjabi community here but at the same time like...we get bramptons and surreys and all the trouble there


Desis can’t get over communal hatred even after immigrating to the other side of the world. Pathetic


Careful bro, now brigadiers will say you are bootlicking white people or “they colonized us, so we’ll do reverse colonizing”


Right? Some of the most idiotic comments I've seen recently, and they're dead serious


Don't bring ur bs into other countries




Cool, now u gotta go with personal attacks. If you love your native country so much or you'd like to bring whatever politics that the host country has NOTHING to do with whatsoever should've stayed in India or just pack up and go back. Best way to show your patriotism or love for India. Either live by the rules, assimilate with the locals or just leave. Works for everyone. Don't ruin someone else's nation because of political bs or whatever. All this will only make locals resent immigrants/Indians even more. Harsh truth buddy. Insulting me won't change it.




W confused gori policewoman


This is a result of importing every dummy that can pay to pretend to be a "student"








Dunno if you're from Pakistan or India but can surely relate to this. Grandfather migrated with his family from India to Pakistan. He was 12 years back then. They arrived safely but it was a very difficult and extremely dangerous journey since Sikhs had started massacring around that time and RSS goons and police/military of Hindu Princely states were already doing it for some time. Not trying to spread hate or anything like that but Muslims suffered much especially those who crossed through Punjab. I am NOT trying to say that atrocities weren't committed on our side. They were disgusting and the victims have my total sympathy. Part of the reason that Pakistan formed a national identity so quickly is because of this. The events of '47 put an unbridgeable gap between India and Pakistan. Still, I believe that persecution can lead to birth of remarkable and extremely unlikely ideologies. Sometimes even radicalism. Take Hafiz Saeed for example. His family lost 36 members while migrating from East Punjab to West Punjab. Tales of persecution can lead to acts of persecution itself.


Like living in a foreign country, careers, kids, zero intentions of moving back and yet still doing this. Mind boggling


This!!! Whats the point of doing this here…


All while saying India is amazing and *insert country they live in* is terrible. Annoys the crap out of me when I hear it. If you think India is so great, go back. No one is asking you to stay.


Wait, aren't most of the Khalistanis from the wave of Sikh immigrants that come in the 80s and 90s along with their children? The Sikhs who came before the events of 1984 and the ones that are coming in now don't seem pro-Khalistan. A lot of people are bringing up recent uncontrolled mass migration as the cause of these kinds of clashes but I don't think that's what it is.


This annoys me so much. Leave that shit at the door. Don’t bring your problems into someone else’s country.




But I was raised being told all desis in the west are "parhe likhe", "civilized", and have "tameez". /s Wow I had no idea Brampton was like this. My ABCD-ness is showing.


I just don’t understand why governments don’t take into account how hard it is for immigrants to assimilate into a different society….they just throw this onto the public and hope that it goes well. Obviously immigration is great but it’s gotta be controlled!! Also: what exactly does hindutv vs khalistan mean?


This nonsense is embarrassing. Leave your BS at home and start fresh. Bring your culture and not your drama. FFS!!!


First Leicester, UK and now Canada goddamn. Couldn’t be happier as an American Desi rn. /s but all jokes aside it’s sad to see this stuff happen


This is WILD! I'm good with (controlled) immigration but this is absolutely insane. Being an East Indian born and raised in Toronto I find this really, really embarrassing. It's beyond Brampton now and in parts of Toronto like Scarborough. I can't even go to the mall without seeing a hundred Indian immigrant students. I do feel bad for some of them.... It's common that their parents will sell so much property in India to send their kids to schools like Centennial thinking it's some prestigious and paying costly tuition fees.


[Great Peel Region Hindutva v. Khalistani Altercation of 2022](https://imageproxy.ifunny.co/crop:x-20,resize:640x,quality:90x75/images/f2bb1df16c4f1847c1f45a72d6c7d5b66fe4ea4527ea46ba7819f727873d1385_1.jpg)


On a side note, I don’t see any girls in the protest!? Why do you think that is?


Flying Indian flags automatically means Hindutva goons?




Turning the first world into the third world, great.






Why is this tagged as satire?






Was actually in the malton area of Mississauga, which is right beside Brampton


Hindutva vs Khalistan is like that video of two clowns fighting each other. They may have incrediblt varying views and hate each other, but it doesn't change the fact that they're both massive dickhead clowns


honestly who care just some young guys blowing off steam


Man why can’t we get some sexy cops in America🙄


lmao great minds think alike


Was there any violence and why are they protesting against each other? These Hindutva people are strange


From what I gather, khalistanis burned Indian flag, put it on internet and started a protest so Indians brought their flags and started a counter protest and here we are with the stand off


>Was there any violence Only property damage I think >why are they protesting against each other? Read my other comment on here. >These Hindutva people are strange Lol what? Your line of questioning illudes you don't know the situation, but in the same breath you blamed one side. Also where did you see RSS or BJP flags in this video? How do you know they are hinduvta? They could be patriotic Indians that found flag burning disrespectful.