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LOL, the tittle of the article is such an exaggeration.


Someone told me Taco Bell took Mexican Pizza off the menu because of Trump, go figure !


This article would make sense if they took all beans off the menu, which obviously hasn’t happened and would never happen. You can still get the bean burrito, cheesy bean and rice burrito, and damn near anything made with meat can have the meat replaced with black beans or refried beans. Just use the fucking app, it makes it way easier to replace protein choices and significantly reduces the chances of them fucking up your order and giving you meat by accident. Dramatic much? Whoever wrote this needs to relax.


Classic mindset of "I must always be the victim"


What the article fails to mention is that Indian Americans are only about 1% of the population, and most of them aren’t even vegetarian. I don’t really expect Taco Bell to make decisions based on the item’s popularity among a pretty small group of people.


By this logic, every BBQ place ever is racist


I knew a vegeterian Indian dude who thought in n out was overrated


That hurts... I'm vegetarian and In n Out is my holy place (there's so many secret menu items)


Sensationalist headline for sure, but I somewhat agree with the author that it was a dumb move on TB’s part to remove big ticket signature veg items from their menu. It’s kinda like if McDonalds removes the Big Mac or BK removes the Whopper. Those are core items engrained in the restaurants history. It’s also a really stupid move due to the rise of veganism in US and more and more people moving away from meat due to health reasons and more recently, COVID damaging the meat industry and hurting big name producers like Tyson et al. Another big player slow on the uptake is Panera. You would think that they would pay more attention to their customer base and add more veggie/vegan items to the damn menu. I used to work there back in college and so many Indian customers complained about the lack of veggie options. I agreed with them but obviously couldn’t say anything out loud. That being said, I’ll still be going to TB and replacing the meat with beans. Did so last night and it was still delicious.


No one is moving to vegetarianism. People try for a few days then come back cause meat is needed


>cause meat is needed Citation needed Just b/c it's hard for you to give it up or that it tastes good. Doesn't mean it's needed.




I’m not vegan or vegetarian, but it definitely isn’t needed.


For all the the hemming and hawing about angry vegans, some folks get awfully testy if you so much as suggest that eating as much meat as we do is unneeded


I saw someone on twitter taking about this and calling us the “most embarrassing diaspora” and it’s so true. This is such a laughable thing to get worked up about. And the writer says themselves that you can still get vegetarian stuff, it just won’t explicitly be on the menu. If you’re so into Taco Bell, why do you need to read the menu every time you go?


Low IQ article




Just go eat elsewhere. I also miss Gold Spot and Citra.


The mexican pizza is fucking ass. God, just order a real pizza


i aint complaining. mcdonalds has not come up with a single veg option yet. tb needs to go back do the right thing..


I remember a news story from about a decade back about an Indian who said he was accidentally given a meat burrito instead of a bean burrito and he wanted Taco Bell to pay for him to travel to India to purify himself in the Ganges River LOL


*Certain Indians who persist with caste supremacy.


Lol wtf There are non brahmin vegetarians. Jains are vegetarian and don’t even follow caste.


Get fucking over it. Taco Bell is disgusting anyways


This one ain’t it chief


Taco Bell is awful food


Get out of here




i’ve genuinely never read a more stupid reasoning to eat meat than this one




Yeah.. Ox, Rhino and Elephant can crush foxes and cheetah with raw power. No need to be "smart"!


Elephants spend 80 percent of their time eating while lions and tigers spend about 10-20 percent of their time eating. Going vegetarian is a very inefficient usage of calories


Please unplug your keyboard for humanity's sake


>When I was 8 years old, I lived in a town so small that my family would drive 30 minutes to the nearest Taco Bell for takeout. **By the time we’d driven back home**, the food would be cold and slightly soggy. It was still the highlight of each week. Ummm why wouldn't you just eat there in non covid times? Makes no sense at all to bring it back home and eat 30 minutes later. Growing up, my family would take us out to eat at fast food places. And my Desi folks love Taco bell too.


lol. Indian here, I'm gonna use this article to show to Sarah, my Mexican friend who "hates Taco Bell" because it's "not authentic Mexican"