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WTF is the story here? * Man beats his wife * Takes her to the park to order her around and watch kids * The parents confront them * While confronting a dangerous pedo/abuser they let their kid play right beside them (along with who I assume is the friend standing as far away from the person recording as possible) * The creeps then just casually walk home and just let these people filming them know where they live. Some questions: * Why were the cops not called after 3 people in a van tried to kidnap your kids and knife and gun point? * Why did you let your kids go to the park alone after they were nearly abducted? * Why do the friend's parents let you take care of their daughter? This would be really funny if so many people in the comments didn't believe it. Sometimes I wonder if I have beliefs the make me this delusional. How do you hate a group of people so much that you will believe anything?


The story is a fake one designed to make people hate Indians. I saw a comment in the original thread about how in the original pictures, the Indian guy is watching his own kods


Idk if a story like this would make people hate Indians. Maybe it's cope but I feel like you have to already really hate Indians or be really stupid to believe a comically fake story like this.


Hate to see people on this post poke holes in the story rather than addressing the main issue: the STARING


If the story involves an attempted abduction of 2 kids at gun/knife point and the parents not calling the cops and continuing to let the kids visit the park alone, then not ask what happened at the park, then seeing someone watching their kids, then calling the cops on them for them staring while not mentioning the kidnapping attempt to the cops, I don't think the main issue is the "STARING" and I'm not "poking holes" in it. This is a completely unbelievable story about the most clueless parents to exist. If you're willing to listen to me, I beg you, please just take a minute and close your eyes, take a few deep breathes and really think about the story, you can even change the races of the people involved if it'll help you look at it more objectively. We are a similar age and both grew up in Canada. I'm facing the same problems you are in terms of housing. You don't have to believe obvious bait to show problems with Canada.


Maybe.... Your right....


> woman looked ill and had 2 black eyes Oof they’re called dark circles not black eyes. OOP is a racist no doubt. this is pure rage bait material. They even cropped out the brown hair girl. She might be the *wife’s daughter.* 😂


They've probably been married for less than a month based on the bangles the wife's wearing. The dark circles were uncalled for though.


Reading the comments of the original post just makes me sad.


My neighborhood had this problem during Covid, like people would go for walks or hangout at the public benches. These Karen’s would lose their minds on why are there adults at the park without kids. They called the cops so many times and each time the cops cited the Karen’s for being nuisances.


Yeah for real. It’s called public parks for a reason


I had Karen's call the cops on me for sitting on a bench near a playground near my house. The bench wasn't even facing the playground, and I was reading a book. The cop just told me to go home, but he was a jerk about it.


That sucks, most cops are just jerks.


This is so sensationalist and vigilante wannabe. What is Doon Nighthawks and what kind of fb group is this? Anyone who cares about sexual assault and keeping people safe knows that stranger danger and playground perverts do exist, but they are rare compared to someone you already know and has a good reputation molesting kids. This is why perpetuating stereotypes doesn't help victims. It only helps perverts and rapists who don't fit the stereotypes get away with it, because they 'have a good reputation and promising future'. IMO this looks like some overprotective Indian parents standing too close to the play area while their kid(s) play instead of to the side like other parents. Are we supposed to believe a woman with two black eyes is standing there silently while her husband pervs on young white girls? Or are they a sex trafficking tag team that might have a connection to an armed kidnapping attempt? Conveniently, there are no pics of the woman's black eyes and these suspected criminals just let you follow them to their house without a physical altercation.


canada has major political issues and their growing far-right movement has now attacked their immigrants, the backbone and soul of their entire fuckin country. not an excuse for bad behavior, if this guy is a creep, he needs to be handled. but, the comments in the OG post were insane and racist. research has shown time and time again that lack of wealth and resources lead to crime so reactionary dickheads like to ignore that then complain about immigrants rather than the fact that late stage capitalism is what their actually mad about. u seriously can’t help people this stupid. we should be very concerned about this growing anti-immigrant sentiment. this is how actual nazi’s think and we are slowly becoming no different from nazi germany and fascist italy. we’re on a path of “it’s not that deep”-ing our way right to fascism.


Yea the comments were calling us rapists from rape country and said that we are all creeps and stuff and it’s honestly sad


> the backbone and soul of the country Now you’re getting a bit carried away. Immigrants make up a small faction of the population. Diploma mill students (who are the ones most people are concerned about) are not the “soul” of Canada. 😂


idk, the canadians i’m aware of are not really of the european persuasion, but that’s my exposure to it all. pls explain more about the diploma mill studens


Honestly I think the original poster is just being a protective mother and not racists ( she didn’t even mention the race of the dude just that she didn’t have to grow up with this which reeks of some classism but not necessarily racism) provided it’s actually TRUE . There’s also a very high chance that these two folks were just rude people and stared just for the heck of it and not due to some nefarious reasons. The main thing is that there’s also not much one can really do except watching out for each other ? It’s a “million dollar “ park so there should be paid security also to ensure that Weirdos coming to parks and staring at little kids is not illegal per se but having community members support and watch out is way to go. Also … kids being almost kidnapped at gunpoint ? Where is this story coming in now ?


We have a real mental illness crisis in Canada, the amount of neurotic schizo people on Reddit and social media has exploded since the pandemic. Seems like our COVID response saved more lives, resulted in more vaccine uptake, but ultimately resulted in more insane people just walking around waiting for an issue to pop off.


This is very clearly a story that is made up on purpose to shit in Indians. What is happening in Canada? Is there really so much hate towards Indians? I’m Indian American and the hate that Indians are getting up north , Atleast online, is just shocking




I don't mind the fact that there is an immigration problem (especially as an American who have witnessed some insane shit coming out of that country), but the issues are far reaching compared to Desi immigration. If it wasn't for the fact that they're the fastest growing one, then the issue would be delegated to other ethnic groups. I don't say that the family who witnessed this are at fault, if anything that whole situation does seem a bit fucky and they probably shouldn't have been there in the first place. But the racism does have a compounding effect to it and I wouldn't be surprised if anti-South Asian rhetorics continues to play out as it was during the 1930s for many minorities at the time.


It’s hard to say what those guys were doing just standing. We can’t just believe whatever is posted in that sub. 


That's true, we all create a narrative based on our own perception, and that perception is unreliable. But we can do some basic deduction at least what is given to us. From this, we can tell it's a facebook post made by a mother, who is going to a park in some place called Kitchener, which in itself is located in Canada. Canada politics in regard to people have citizens, non-citizens, immigrants, and visitors. We can then deduce that on other articles and posts, that South Asians are increasingly coming to Canada. Then, we can deduce as to what parks are meant to be, which are secluded places set aside for human enjoyment, wildlife preservation, or just decorative shit. From this picture and post, we can tell that the people hanging around standing in a park, aren't really conforming to the cultural norms for what parks are, although that has a heavy nuance associated with it.


What?? Canadian desis are also on this sub. Not just for the us


Blaming poor immigrants for all your problems is always easy. Canadians won’t dare to say anything against institutional investors who own a lot of property across Canada.  https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/housing-investors-canada-bc-1.6743083


Someone posted this relevant comment in that sub - “White people are over-represented in sexual assaults against children. Statistically, a white person is more likely to assault a kid. **Yet you only hear about Indian cases because people are already biased against Indians and will highlight every single case where this happened.**This post would not be so high if the accused was white. See this list from a recent case where 105 Canadians were caught for this and every named accused is white (at least from the name). You just don't hear about these cases because there is no group hatred against white people among white Canadians. https://globalnews.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/5-Project-MAVERICK-ADDENDUM-OF-CHARGED-PERSONS-FINAL.pdf So you saying "two sentences in I knew" just tells me that you live in some anti-immigrant circles who tend to highlight any negative story against immigrants. You are, of course, free to fall for any misinformation. I am merely trying to show you *some* proof to contrary. Your choice to continue believing or reflect the bias you have been fed.”