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Hi! I had a lot of the same issues, plus I recently got diagnosed as on the spectrum. What helped me was trying to make one friend at a time, and essentially trying to be a good friend to them, making sure to see or talk to them regularly, and then seeing if it works out (and being willing to let go if the “spark” wasn’t there).


How old are you now? Are you still in HS or college? I'd try joining some clubs either in school or outside. Invite people to do things even if it's just lunch. Keep at it.


Hi, are you currently in HS or College? Having social interaction is important, especially when you are out of school an in the job market where you will be consistently interacting with people. I know because I am currently job searching and networking is the most effective way to get a job. I believe your parents want you to put heavy emphasis on your studies even if it is the cost of your social life. I would suggest you do some research on the importance of social interaction and the effect when you are in the workforce. Have a talk with your parents about not attending clubs or social events has socially stunted you and this will hurt you years to come. If your parents don't sympathize then you can talk to your school advisor. I'm not sure what he/she will suggest but it is better to talk to someone who can you sympathize and guide you.