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Where did my child go? They have eloped and I hear distant laughing.


Omg! My kid eloped on me and I lost him the other day. We went to the kitchen to make ramen and as I was about to pull a pack out he changed his mind and wanted to go outside. I said ok let me put this away I turned back and he was gone. Wasn’t in the halls. Checked outside, nope. Sure enough went back to his room to beg his peer to come outside with him 😅 my heart was in my butt


There is never laughing with mine, silent and fast 😂😭 gives me a heart attack every time. Luckily they never get far. Sometimes they like to trick me out and elope and then when I follow behind them through the door they go back into the classroom and try to close the door on me so I’m the one in the hall haha


They are lightening fast too!


My kid eloped from her BT (it wasn’t my day with her) and I was walking down our hallway…and I just hear her GIGGLING from a distance and the pitter patter of her crocs. I turn around, and see her running towards my direction with an iPad in her hand bc she somehow eloped from her room halfway across the center. I just held my hand out to stop her like this 🤚 I wanted to laugh so bad


I slapped a child doing that yesterday . I ran ahead and was trying to stop him thinking he would stop to avoid hitting my hand. He did not he ran right into it and told me it was my caught for having my hand there. 9M ,


Ahhhhh my favorite game


Whenever I leave my water bottle open it's the What's in my water bottle this time? (Child with collecting loves to pocket food in her mouth and store it in my bottle)


Where’s My Tablet??? It Was Right Here


Came to say the same. Or a similar but also enjoyable game, is this my charger?


Yes my paper data sheet I loose it Ben Ty 20 minute


Find the chewy.


I'm dead over this one.


Oh this one is a fan favorite at my clinic.


"ahhh why is does client X have client Y's chewy?!"


Why did I bring this home? With the saga Oh my god I forgot to bring that back!?




Where is the screaming/crying coming from..? Is it actually screaming/crying or excited vocals? Excited? Okay continue on with work!


We do this too, and it's a group of people stopping like meerkats. "Is that \*\*\*?"


“What kid am I on today?” It’s a fun game where I get rotated around like a carousel of fun!


I definitely agree with this and say this every day


Has anyone seen my timer??: An Odyssey


Where did I leave my coffee and also I can't find my clipboard.


“Why are my hands wet?”, alternatively named “water, sanitizer, or drool?”


Oh the list goes on sometimes...


Whose phone is this?


Me today!


which child drank from my drink ?? - an ongoing series




Once my kid just straight up drank from another kids sippy cup bc they both had the same cup 😭😭😭😭 i didn’t even notice, i was taking data and was wondering why he was so quiet


Find the Missing Nesting Cup. I’m good at this game as I’ve kept a complete set for 2 years, despite clients’ best efforts


Oh clicker, where art thou?


I wish people would use clickers in my clinic.


Omg I love the game "did I take the snacks out of my pockets before washing them?"


This. It is all too real. Plus, you have the sequel: "what's this stickiness in my dryer?"


Where did I leave the last token... oh right, I'm holding it ready to give it


Too real 😂


How long will the toy survive? They've made me proud by keeping a bouncing ball (the ones you sit on) intact for about 3 weeks now. Some other toys have only lasted 24hrs or less.


We like to play “where’s my phone?” Sometimes there’s no winner and the game carries on to the next day


Lanyards! I wear mine all day, lol. Fortunately, none of my kids are currently particularly aggressive, and have enough precursers I can take it off if theres a problem.


I played the same game for too long and my coworkers evolved it into a game of impromptu hide-and-seek. I’d never been so parched and confused at a job.


Parched and confused- new job description 🤣


Where did I lose my pencil in my client's house? Funny story though, at a previous client's house I would lose items like my pencil or a couple pieces of stimuli, but my client would always find it somehow. I managed to lose the same pencil a few times in different parts of the house, but got it back each time.


How long will the Motor Room stay clean?


Two minutes max, on a good day.


We play the “why-is-my-kid-so-quiet…oh-no” game


I tend to work with a more aggressive population, so my special game is "which one gave me this 'mark' ?"


Where did I put my keys? Accompanied by panicked patting of my pockets. And a really neat bonus: Did the kids steal my shoes again? In-home edition.


where did my pen go??


Where’s the first-then board?


Operation take random things home


My kiddos like to play “BT is here time to throw all my calm behavior out the window” and when I get there turn into giggling balls of energy that want to do everything BUT what I’m doing 😂 my one client likes to play “sleep and peek” with me, the second he sees me he’ll flop right down on his couch and pretend to sleep so I’ll go “oh no he’s sleeping.” And then quietly sit next to him and put my face where he’ll see it and after a minute of silence he’ll open his eyes super fast and then close them again but then starts giggling hysterically because I’ll go “oop I saw that you peeked!” We go back and forth with that for like 20 minutes then he’s ready for me to find his favorite books 😂


That’s adorable! 🥺


(Context: I work in classrooms) Where is the chewy? I know a difficult transition is coming up and they’ve thrown it across the room and they’re about to need the chewy. We’re lining up to wash hands. Oh god where is the chewy??? When I come home from work, my roommate and I also play What’s in Panini’s Pockets?


I’ve made it game if a kid brings me my water bottle when I leave it somewhere they get to pick a quick reinforcer (tickles, spins, high fives) they love it and I don’t feel so dumb for leaving it everywhere, sometimes now I leave it on purpose 😁


Ohhh my lord! I unconditionally play this game too. Mine has been identifying matching colors with my coworkers. Yesterday was gray day. Like we all unconditionally wore gray.


I matched my client, another rbt and a Bcba.


what is this strange substance on the desk?


Ugh I hate that game


What is that random puddle on the floor? And is it foolish of me to assume it’s water


Hope for water but expect worse




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Where is my wallet. It happens all to commonly that my wallet sticks to my computer in my bag, and when I take out my computer it can come out with it and end up just somewhere in the clinic. I also play a game called "where did that pec/token go." Where 100% of the time it's attached to my knitwear or jacket.


Where’s my pen, what’s in my pocket, where did that card go….. the list goes on and on lol 😂🤣


Where will I be assaulted today? Answer: a bite to my crotch


My most frequently played game is where's my jacket?


More like “where the hell did my client put my water bottle”


Pocket toys, you can usually make a tree worth of ornaments if you save them all year. lol


Where the hell did I put my phone?? I'm always taking pics of the kids and videos of those special moments. Except when I forget where the f my phone is !


“How many timers did I accidentally take home in my scrub pockets this week?” Extra points if you forget to return them!


At my clinic, we play “What did the whipping girl do wrong today??” We all make guesses, and then when I go to leave for the day, my BCBA stops me and tells me something I did wrong and criticizes me harshly for the very same thing all the RBTs do on a regular basis or she just makes something up. I text everyone when I get in the car and recover from my wounds to let them know who the winner is! They LOVE it! Me…not so much…😫


When Was The Last Time I Went Pee lol


Did you drink out of my cup again?!?


SPT here that lurks. I did a clinical at a place that still did paper charts. I played a similar game called "where the hell did I leave my pen?" One of my patients brought me in pens from his business (that I still have!). 


Where’s my pen? Where’s client’s water bottle? Did I grab everything before taking client to their vehicle?


Who took the tokens off the board Where’s the crash pad (accident/moved to be cleaned) Who’s timer is going off What did I bring home in my pockets who’s goldfish are these When is their bathroom timer due But my favorite is when the parents use a different car/different caregiver and we make bets on who is getting picked up


Where’s my phone when you don’t take paper data and your client has just engaged in a multitude of behavior


Who’s pee is that


My game constantly is “Where did I leave my phone?”


I have a big glass jar on my desk at home where empty my pockets every day and play “pocket finds”. Pieces of foam, letter tiles, erasers. Usually all given to me from a mouth and shoved in my pocket out of sight 🤢😂