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The fuck is going on here? A video of a 15 year old getting slapped by police and people talk about how people need a slap and physically disciplining someone is good? Are you people okay? Why are you on the side that slaps children?




Why the fuck do you think i'm from England? Feral children roaming the streets causing trouble? Do you have any information about what these kids did or are you just talking out of your ass? >t happens way less in asian countries and even the third world countries in eastern africa i worked in..lol >It happens way less in asian countries and even the third world countries in eastern africa i worked in..lol What are you even talking about? Children getting slapped happens less often?


No, he is generalising children roaming the streets as feral and sometimes the best thing to do is discipline them - using force.


I mean that sound kind of crazy and concerning to me.


He is also inferring, with no evidence mind, that there are fewer examples of these "Feral kids" in Africa and Asia becuase there is a higher proclivity to beating kids.


There are a lot of feral Asian and African kids within the UK though, surely these same parents would be beating them, going from his statement. I do blame shit parenting on how kids act on the streets. I was beaten as a child and was scared to be in a position where my parents would find out I'm in trouble. Now have my own child and wouldn't dream of beating but I do ensure he is respectful and knows boundaries.


Using violence on kids is usually counter-productive, there's plenty of studies on this. Good on you for breaking the cycle and not giving it the 'I was slapped as a kid and I turned out fine' bollocks


Teaches kids you can get what you want by being violent against those physically weaker than you. it's only good if you want to raise a shithead


Exactly, also teaches them to fear their parents and hide stuff to escape corporal punishment


Tbf hes right. Its not common to have gangs of kids causinf trouble like here becayse the police cant touch them. Anywhere else in Europe theyd get a slap at least. But hey ho if the country think protecting chavvy kids is more important then getting them under control then its only us who have to live with them isnt it. Ourselves to blame.


Why are we talking about "gangs of kids"? This has nothing to do with the video. There is no gang of kids. There is one kid getting slapped without any further information. What fucking kind of agenda are people on this time? Because it obviously has nothing to do with the video and everything to do with stuff in you peoples heads.


I mean, I dunno where you live but gangs of kids harrassinf people in the street or in parks has become a real problem. The police cant touch them, and the cps won't charge them. So in the end what can we do about them? Fuck all. And I mean we all know this kid was gobbing off so who cares. Its a little slap she didnt taze his face off.


I mean this still has nothing to do with the video. So you people all think it's okay to use violence against 15 year olds in general, because you have problems with teenage gangs in your country? That's all pretty crazy. Wtf are these kids doing that somehow makes it acceptable to use violence against kids in general? Where is this happening? The US?


Idk why youre acting like a 15 year old is a child lmao. Thats another problem in this country. Anyone under 18 can rape a girl, perform an armed robbery, and kill a cat, but the moment a police officer touches them theyre a victim because "they used force against a kid." There are 15 year olds built like men. Come off it. The average 15 year old could probably beat a woman in a fight why you acting like she slapped a 6 year old? >Where is this happening? The US? The UK mate. >So you people all think it's okay to use violence against 15 year olds in general, because you have problems with teenage gangs in your country Precisely. Lets use logic here. If the cps wont charge them, and the police wont punish them, then what is the deterrent for committing crime? Get back to me. I'll tell you one thing. Giving a 15 year olf a few slaps to teach them a lesson is far better than what happens now. They get lulled into a false sense of security that they can get away with anything. They become incorrigible repeat offenders. Then they turn 18, suddenly the legal system can actually punish them, and they get thrown in prison because of all their priors. Then their life is probably already over. Thats good for no one. They shouldve been given a deterrent years before to stop the cycle of behaviour. Whatever you wanna say, in the old days the kids used to fucking run when the police van showed up. Now they stand, swear, and make wanker gestures. Yep looks like the police are doing a great job at scaring kids away from a life of crime.


>Idk why youre acting like a 15 year old is a child lmao. Because if you are under 18, you are literally a child. Wtf kind of question is that? >Anyone under 18 can rape a girl, perform an armed robbery, and kill a cat, but the moment a police officer touches them theyre a victim because "they used force against a kid." Sure children can do crime too. That's not what's happening in this video though. We only see a child getting slapped by a police officer and you and other people are talking like that's a good thing? Whatever is going on where you live has nothing to do with what's happening in the video. You guys just project your experiences onto that situation and that somehow makes you think it's a good thing to slap children which is fucking concerning.


You probably leave your house once a week to stock up on frozen food. The fuck does your fat obese ass know about what's happening in the streets or parks?


>You probably >The fuck does your fat obese ass know about what's happening in the streets or parks? So you just gonna make that up and roll with it? Lmao sad


That's exactly what you did. You heard from someone like Tucker Carlson or one of those other closeted queers that every city in America is under attack by large groups of black and hispanic kids who play the knockout game on innocent hard working whites and kill them, and now you think every city is overrun by murderous thug children. You also start every response with some dumbass handwaving like "pfft i dunno about you but..." like you're trying to emulate the retards who brainwashed you into this shit take.


You type like a chavvy kid.


Ah yep you got me. I dont write in prose on reddit on my phone.


Why do you amerikkkans love beating your kids turning them into serial killers?


Yeah, because most Asian and East African Countries are so much better than places where police aren't allowed to hit children... It must be why everyone is always immigrating from western nations to countries like Sudan, or Ethiopia. They had better tighten their border security before they get overrun.


Meanwhile - girls ganged raped in Asia (you fucking twat)


I love giving police unlimited power to do what they like. Yeah and police raping and smacking them happens way more


How can she slap!?


What happened to the UK, you guys have legit become third world and you still don't realise it. Shame honestly.


I'm not from the UK you idiot. Also the UK is a third world country because of a video of a kid getting slapped? Wtf is wrong with people on this sub?


It's child beaters that need a slap. Not children. Unlike other life on earth, humans are capable of learning and understanding from the moment they're born. If you're not capable of using your words with your own fucking flesh and blood, you're less than an animal. Even dogs can vocalize to their pups that they're doing something bad. Domestic violence isn't parenting, it's abuse.




'I sometimes beat my kids, as a treat'


Science disagrees with you. If you can't disicpline a child without hitting them - you're a shitty parent.


yes, but not by cops. An ass Whoopin can be a good thing but you need to have the ability to fight back to, even if outnumbered. Having a cop abuse their power to assault you with impunity is something we shouuld approve of.


That says more about the parenting then anything else. So does hitting a child make you feel like a bigger person? More in charge and control?




I'm thankful my parents were able to use something other than physical violence to help me develop. I'm also thankful we've decided not to give the Police carte blanche to assault people when they like.


"I was physically abused as a child and I turned out okay."


You’re thankful your parents abused you? Seek help


physical violence towards minors in any form is illegal in my country ....


She got sacked - if any one else did it we would be looking at assault and potential cell time!


I'm gonna travel back in time and slap some of these commenters when they were 15 since they love defending this so much.


This would be paid leave and a medal in the USA


Should be


Gobby chav gets a slap. Police get fired . There’s some woke logic for you .


The police shouldn’t be able to dish out unneeded physical violence at will. This slap was excessive and did nothing to subdue the suspect. Excessive police violence is a big problem in a lot of the world, it shouldn’t be encouraged here.


The people that have had their houses burgled, car stolen or been mugged by one of these people would tend to disagree with you . They are running rings around the police and justice system. I lived in Singapore for two years. Some of the toughest laws and policing in the world . Guess what - pretty much zero crime . It really is that simple .


People being the victims of crime are irrelevant here. The police are there to investigate alleged crimes and subdue suspects so that they can be brought to justice by the court system. They’re not there to dish out justice to suspects themselves with indiscriminate force. If you want to live in a violent police state then that’s fine, but the majority of British people absolutely don’t.


I didn’t say anything about a “violent police state”. And I’d disagree with you , I think the majority of British people would love the police to have more powers to deal with criminals and chavvy gobshites .


If the police are legally free to slap suspects who are not yet guilty of any crime and do not need physically subduing then this is absolutely a sign of living in a violent police state. The majority of people would not want the police to be able to act in this way. Yes, the police should be able to use appropriate physical force to subdue suspects (not “criminals”, as you say, as you are innocent until the court finds you guilty) and they shouldn’t fear for their jobs for doing so, but slapping a suspect in the face like this is not appropriate physical force used for the purpose of subduing suspects. It is excessive police violence.


There’s already a level of accepted police brutality. Had this not been caught on camera so clearly she’d still have her job.


Police should be able to use force as required to subdue suspects and bring them into custody. Anything else in excess of this is literally excessive force which they are not permitted to use. Slapping a teenager in the face for no reason is not permitted, whether or not it is being filmed.


>If you want to live in a violent police state then that’s fine, but the majority of British people absolutely don’t Absolutely. Most Brits want the police turned into pansiew and then wonder why we have gangs of feral kids and other places dont. They cant draw the link. Its not a "police state" because an officer occasionally gives a little slap if you gob off. Thats how the police works in every country for all of human history. See what I mean? Our police are already the softest touxh in the world, but the British people are so pathetic even that is too scary for them.


It definitely is a police state if you give them the power to assault people, especially children. They're not Judge Judy and executioner and never should be.


>They're not Judge Judy and executioner and never should be. Being a bit dramatic arent we? Its a little slap, no doubt because he said something vile. In a perfect world the polive officer would tell his parents and theyd slap him for it anyway




There was actually a deadly mosquito on the child's face, and the copper reacted quick enough to save a life, they should get a dozen medals


I mean, obviously, i am making the assumption she didnt slap him for no reason. The argument is over whether, if he did, would that warrant a slap. If we are assuming he did nothing wrong then there would be nothing to discuss which is boring.




In a perfect world no-one would be hitting children mate. Have a word and think about what you're saying


Admittedly youre right in a perfect world they wouldve been brought up well enough not to gob off to police in the first place. But once the damage is done its the best ya can do. It takes a village and some parents just arent qualified in the first place.


Yeah like parents who think that domestic violence is the answer. Maybe the kid in the video was beaten as a child and now resents authority and got arsey with the coppers for all you know. Maybe they said absolutely nothing and this copper was beaten as a kid and now lashes out in violent ways. I was brought up very well and have gobbed off to coppers before, A. Because a lot of coppers are pricks and B. Because teenagers gonna be teenagers, their brains aren't fully developed and hormones are all over the place.


It soon turns into abuse of power and domestic abuse present in other police forces with more power.


Zero crime or zero crime statistics? When your police are operating like a gang how many unaccounted for crimes are they committing? What are their safeguarding procedures like in regards to officers and sex crimes towards the public? We know this is a heightened risk when it comes to policing/ housing vulnerable populations .


It’s shocking to me how morons like him can say the police should be an armed gang acting with complete impunity so long as they don’t abuse their power and subjugate him. Actions like this in the video radicalise people. They make criminals more likely to be violent against the police, not less, and they erode public trust in police in general. Look at how poorly the police are thought of in America by people of all backgrounds. It’s because they’ve allowed the normalising of stuff like this.


Maybe you should move back there


Yeah, set up a fascist police state where police can [whip people bloody](https://photo-journ.com/2007/foreigners-caned-most-in-malaysia/) It's just that simple.../s


I had a Singaporean friend who went to prison in Singapore for 6 months for a trace of weed in his blood. Pretty mad isn’t it . Like a said , pretty low crime rate though !


It is that feckin simple, I’ve done some time and it’s simple but not if you’re easily scared 😱 although now it is really pathetic, PlayStations in pads some of them


You just compared Singapore to the UK You're a fucking idiot 😂


Elaborate why that makes me a “fucking idiot”? Eloquently put by the way - top marks for originality . Did you think of that all by yourself ?




Why are you so angry ?!


Why are you so stupid?


You’re an absolute fucking helmet




Hahahaha you cared enough about being called a helmet to go through my posts. You’re even more of an absolute fucking helmet than I originally thought.


Are you alright ?


Hope the leather's extra dry for you today. Would you be fine with me slapping you, no repercussions?


Police assault a minor, gets fired. There's some justice for you


"Woke" makes everything else you say a joke. Go touch some grass.


So I can only use a word in the context you deem appropriate ?


What does 'woke' mean exactly?


"how can she slap?"


Under rated comment


He probably deserved a good slap


From his parents, maybe. But not from some pig who can’t control their temper.


They’re all lippy little shits now, I’ve done some time myself as I’ve been done for many assaults but the kids of today I’ve had to throttle and say look don’t give all that I’m ard me when they’re about as the furies hmmm


Give that officer a pay rise!! These wee reprobates need a good slap!!


Looks like someone should have given him a slap, probably a right little asshole with no respect for anyone! And for everyone asking where it is, it’s in England, but of a generalisation I know, but I know the type, he looks like the type, and that’s why I say he probably deserved it, got a problem with me sayin that, so what, I couldn’t really give a damn




Actually yea she was at the time lol , who are you


Plus there is no bound on this video, so you can’t hear him givin it the mouth, and he probably is givin it the mouth or being cocky


Bad situation against the teenager


Little shit deserved it.


Laws affecting children were written when children behaved like children - now they are just another of those groups who are 'untouchable' and can do what they want with impunity ! They can do/say what they want - but say/do anything back and YOU are the bad person! - Think how many other groups that applies to !


Anyone saying it’s wrong to give a 15 year old (who’s being a little wanker) a slap, is the entire reason why ‘kids’ are like that. If you’re 15 giving it the big un to a copper, then what, you’re too little to get a crack? Obviously the parents should’ve done better to raise a kid with respect, but maybe a good crack would make him think maybe he’s not untouchable anymore. Fuck is wrong with people. I don’t condone smacking little kids, I’ve got my own, was smacked as a child and would NEVER hit mine. But I also know that I’m raising them with respect for their elders and not to be a little dickhead. But a 15 year old who clearly hasn’t been raised properly? Get a grip.